A man who doesn't get this reference has not been here the day before yesterday!
ITT: Vidya Foods
god i want dumplings bros
Eastern Dumplings=Western Dumplings
Change my mind.
>he can't even identify a nice steamed bun
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.
your father failed in his duty to raise a son who can talk to girls
That's not true, my brother gets laid all the time and he's 19.
god i wish i were eating dumplings
Does your Dad frequently bully you?
Seeing that picture makes me want to have real steamed buns but they're impossible to find near me since the only Chinese places serve that Americanized MSG ridden stuff.
then your brother chad should've helped you out
Are those dumplings? They look like ravioli. I haven't had ravioli in quite some times. The cheese ones were probably the best.
Too late. We /vck/ now.
This thread again?
>tfw a wing bar in my city has Dr Pepper wings
Food is the only good thing about FFXV
actually, Soda and meat goes together very well
>1/2 chicken wings, 1/2 chicken leg. 1 kilo total
>1 can of Sprite or Mountain Dew
>1/2 cup of BBQ Marinate Mix
>1/2 cup of BBQ Sauce
>in the pan, mix chicken and BBQ Marinade mix
>let it rest for 30 mins
>put the pan in a Medium Heat and pour Soda. Sprite or Mtn. Dew
>cover and boil off the soda
>after the soda is evaporated, add BBQ Mix
>stir until the sauce starts to boil.
Thank me Later.
>took the coke out of the can, put it into a bowl, then poured it into pot
Excuse me?
I don't have a meat bun the day before yesterday, but now, at this very moment, I have two.
Imma making some coffee.
But they have to be oppressed regularly or they quickly turn to shit. We have a symbiotic relationship with the mods.
to measure it. the bowl was roughly one can
What an absolute twat.
Nailed it.
i've never had steamed buns
i'd ask if i could make them in a rice cooker but my rice cooker is dogshit and keeps spewing boiling broth from the vent cap thing no matter how careful i am about making sure it's clean and airtight
I wouldn't dismiss this. A lot of shit works well with wings. I'd probably make a sweeter, less asian version though.
>good morning, juicero.
>good morning, batman.
You know what else is 1 can? 1 can.
Baozi is the only good food I've learned about through video games
>bagged juice
you fucking leafniggers
I'll admit, even in my near comatose sleep deprived state, I had a chuckle.