He’s in and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Other urls found in this thread:
lagiacrus sucks
Lagi is cute but I want him to be in just for Agnaktor.
He's in, and nothing you say can make me believe he's not
Let me start early by saying:
I'm waiting to be disappointed by the OST of all the best returning themes being butchered into blended trash.
Congalala confirmation trailer when?
I'd like him to be but I'll believe it when I see it.
Think Lagiacrus will get its own theme if returning?
Tigrex, Narga, Glav and Brachy all have their own themes as have every flagship since, and all four are coming to World.
Are you telling me we're getting FOUR khezus in Iceborne?
Okay, does that mean we get Mizu too?
Glavenus's theme sounds good at least.
>red khezu
>orange khezu
>rainbow khezu
>polka dots khezu
>left too long in the sun khezu
Khezu for everybody.
Hi fellow comfy MonHun Anons. Today was a pretty fruitful night, I got an Attack deco, I am at 5 now, I will be at 6 with the free event one while having 0 (zero) Guard decos. Oh well. How are you all doing? I was going to do some more AT Nergi but I ended up chickening out and practicing Longsword or regular Tempered Elders instead.
You forgot Apex Khezu and Legend Eater Khezu
Welfare attack decos don't count.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
Didn't they try to put Lagi in vanilla but it wouldn't work?
Rathalos still doesn't actually have the Forest & Hills theme as its permanent battle music despite it being bootstrapped to it, and even in the FF crossover it has the Ancient Forest theme instead. If Lagi gets in it'll probably be in the same position (which would suck because the Deserted Island theme is one of the best in the series).
Got my first guard yesterday but I savescummed so that could be either based or cringe depending on your stance.
I never tried doing the savescum, I need to look into it. I am pretty sure Guard is the only deco I do not have, since I got the Normal Shots one the other day, and I am a Lance/CB main...
Yes, but people are trying to convince themselves that the issues got fixed. The main problem is there's nowhere to put it in the game.
>want to play world
>ps4 heats up room too much
>iceborne comes out in "winter" for PC
>will actually be my summer and too hot for videogames
when are we gonna get layered armor instead of premade sets???
Iceborne footage leaked the Layered Armored tab under Crafting menu at the blacksmith. So there's a chance you can craft any layered piece in IB. Also, IB is directed by the same person who did XX, which is the only other game with transmog.
Lagi can be ground based but he was really fucking easy to fight out of water. If he's in a game without underwater areas they need to beef up his ground moveset.
picked up hunting horn lately and holy shit its fun, I thought it was pretty much hammer with buffs but it feels different enough
hope zinogre gets in so I can play a guitar
>I thought it was pretty much hammer with buffs but it feels different enough
Yeah, it feels slower.
To be fair the issues with Lagiacrus were back in like 2015/16 so they probably have been fixed in the meantime, but there being no fitting map for him in the game does throw a spammer in the world.
>tfw Canberra summer
I’m not gonna make it guys.
its slower but self buff makes it faster at repositioning
>tfw Kushala Daora is in but Daora's Baphophone isn't for some reason (along with all of its other weapons that didn't debut until later)
I just want to beat monsters up with a metal goat head
It just gives you a slightly faster walking speed, which isn't really noticeable in a fight. It doesn't help to alleviate the slow attack animation speed. And the HH attacks don't even have particularly high MVs or anything. They're just slow.
the move speed does help me quite a lot though, especially when trying to punish a monster that does a charging type of attack
I do agree some moves could use some better MVs, superpound and backslam are pretty low for something requiring high commitment especially compared to hammer.
hope we hit 44 again this summer fellow canbro
Apparently the MVs of literally every move HH has is getting buffed in Iceborne alongside the other HH changes. Hopefully HH will be more competitive with other weapons in terms of DPS.
No, Capcom doesn't want to add many new skeletons, it's too much work for them.
only elder dragons which already are a threat get hard quests, all other monsters stay 1-minute kills
>menus have ungodly amount of delay
>Charge Blade and especially Bow are easy yet overpowered
>SOS system siphons from the lobby system and there's only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests while hundreds are hidden (at times can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live)
>Capcom doesn't want to add more skeletons because it's too much work for them
>challenging quests are time-gated
>yinstantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies all difficulty
>crammed and visually busy while monsters clip and can even shoot through all the trees in the forest
>can't skip cutscenes because Capcom wants you to watch their "beautiful work"
>quests still randomly select zones for you to spawn in
>some of the worst monsters in the franchise, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset
>Palicos instantly heal/revive
>bad hitboxes
>paid DLC
>Nargacuga and others got neutered (more openings)
>neck-snapping camera
>Capcom is too greedy to bring more skeletons and monsters are too rehashed
>NPCs are all scattered across the hub and you have to run to the lift after every abandoned quest
>mantles are a thing
>can't see previews in the crafting menu
>likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in some menus and the way decos are sorted is random
>invasions are more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung and that can track you
>so much walking
>access to your box any time
>most of the weapons are reskins
>95% of armors are useless
>automatic animations such as sliding or taking off mantles after sheathing can himper your gameplay
>can't pause
>can't see other quests when you're already a host, even though you could do it in past games
>random cards after quest
>roars and tremors even more pervasive
You get your generic flying wyverns and you will love it.
Fuck off listfag, I’ve seen your GameFAQs account. We all know you’re a tranny and XV-kun.
I sure hope so, echo waves looks to be strong but I don't want it to be the only move spammed for horns like ultras for CB
>The main problem is there's nowhere to put it in the game.
Yeah, except the whole beach site in Ancient Forest which is wide, open and huge as fuck, lol
Retarded company, retarded fans.
I'm still a bit salty over the fact that this game has timed events cos that feels like a western type of scummy thing to do, but at least we get all the events continuously soon and I can get every layered armour.
XV was a good game.
on the bright side at least there's always people doing them when they come around
>most of the weapons are reskins
>95% of armors are useless
Genuinely agree with these two. The amour one is emphasized with how jewish this game is with layered armour.
Yeah they suck dick. Fortunately besides Kulve (whose a gimmick fight anyway) there aren’t any time gated monsters, just collab and joke gear. Literally no one likes the current event model though so hopefully they change it up for the next game.
It wasn’t bad. XV-kun himself on the other hand...
to be fair that's the case for all games until XX/GU and even then you have to wait until G rank
It's a callback to MH Tri events.
>It wasn’t bad.
forgot to say that I was talking about transmog since that wasnt in any other monster hunter before GU
Except content and challenge wise it was only Jhen which was cool and integrated in the world well enough, in MHW it's literally every quest that's not piss easy.
Remarkable how people either don't agree with the lists at all or only with the most shallow cosmetic points.
Maybe the list is 100% correct and you people are just casuals who can't see it.
So it'd only feel "like a western type of scummy thing to do" to someone unfamiliar with the previous entries in the series. A Japanese video game series.
I sure hope so
For one thing, Tri was the only game to handle event quests like that. All other games that had them before and after just had them downloadable and playable at any time.
I should also remind you that Tri was Capcom's initial attempt to have Monster Hunter take off in the west, with World being the second. I don't think it's a coincidence that these are the only two games to handle event quests this way.
New subspecies idea, Blue Lavasioth, what do you think?
So? Both are Japanese games, made by a Japanese company. Neither World nor Tri are the first MH games to be released in the west too. So you can't say either of those is trying to appeal to the western audience. And more importantly, do limited time events appeal to you? This whole rhetoric of games being "westernized", when you don't like something while being a westerner yourself, is very silly to say the least.
I don't know why Capcom insists on forcing Plesioth subspecies on people.
No Barioth? No Buyioth
The ancient forest theme is great do I don't mind
>in my country world+iceborne steelbook edition with one layered armor is 79.95aud
>meanwhile digital deluxe of just icebourne is $75.95aud but with another layered armor and many more cosmetics
>base dlc is $59.95aud
I think they want me to go all digital boys
>putting ugly-ass cosmetics over physical goods
Thanks user
There’s already a Lavasioth subspecies in Frontier. It’s like the Rath subspecies in that it’s just the original but more cancerous instead of anything creative.
but I already own the base game and literally no one is gonna see the (second) steelbook I'd own
I wouldn't be here if the dlc was $40aud or less but they're charging full game price here, all I know is people will see the cosmetics are I mix and match the shit I gotten from 500 hours of play
Also in my country we ain't getting the cool ass edition with the statue because australia is shit
Barioth was confirmed weeks, maybe months ago.
This. Female Agnaktor set is god tier.
I hope this happy revelation made your day.
>The community is too artistically retarded to do anything but the same cookie cutter techniques against monsters, so we'll never get water/swimming and all the fun strategies and DPS windows when you are able to bait a monster onto land
What? No. Are you an idiot? Monster Hunter 1, G, Dos, and Tri all handled online the same way. Portable games were the ones that did it differently, and they didn't even get proper online until the fourth generation. Only the portable games had event quests be downloadable.
Hell, trophies and online systems were part of the reason Capcom took Monster Hunter to Nintendo in the first place. It's the reason why Capcom never made a Vita MonHun. They caved during 4th gen, but only because of market inevitability.
Go ahead though, try to load up Monster Hunter 1 and run Fatalis without hacking the game to allow online only event quests to be playable.
I just want a Handicraft deco man.
god I hate deviljho
the fat faggot won't keep his head still so I can hit it to break it
>monster that eats everything refuses to eat the one thing that matters
Don't mind me just posting the best armor in the series
I don’t think it’s a perfect solution but it at least ensures that the quests requiring multiplayer are always active.
G-guys.... Valstrax is still in right...?
Don't really fancy his chances, at least not for the base game. Maybe a title update along with Gore.
His chances are good imo.
>shares a skeleton with Gore Magala (also a flagship) and Shagaru Magala so they won’t be adding a skeleton for a single monster
>this skeleton is already very similar to Nergigante’s skeleton, one already in the game
>has a new model/render as evidenced by the anniversary poster
>Glavenus got in and even got a subspecies which proves they aren’t opposed to putting Generations/Generations Ultimate content
>if Seregios also gets in then then World + Iceborne will have at least one monster from every game, something they’d wanna push for the anniversary
I really do hope bros just imagine how fucking dope would It be having him
>Monster Hunter
Raths, Diablos and Kirin
>Monster Hunter G
Tropical and Metal Raths, Black Diablos
>Monster Hunter Freedom
>Monster Hunter 2
Kushala Daora, Teostra, Lunastra
>Monster Hunter Freedom 2
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
>Monster Hunter 3
Barroth, Uragaan
>Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
>Monster Hunter 4
Gore Magala**, Shagaru Magala**
>Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
*lets face it, he’s in
**assuming these guys are in based on your speculation
If Yian Garuga makes the cut then indeed World + Iceborne will feature a monster from every prior game in the series.
>isn't really noticeable in a fight
>Lost my save when we had a power cut and my PS4 went weird
>Want Iceborne but have to replay all of World again
It's all so tiresome.
>face vaal hazak first time
>kill him in 11 minutes no faints
>nerg and kush way more difficult
Why is he such a pussy?
Do you not have a backup save on the cloud? You should check, it's a PS+ feature and you might have uploaded one yourself or gotten it uploaded automatically.
Devs put all their efforts into making him look fucking radical instead of the fight itself
He stinks and lives in a neet cave, what did you expect.
i think it's ok at the moment, because you always have some AT's to fight
I'll have a check.
I was terrified when he was revealed to be a meat dragon, some zombie thing, but all you have to do is stay underneath him and run away when he begins charging. It was pathetic for an Elder Dragon.
Besides the unskippable cutscenes, the campaign isn’t too long. You don’t even need to beat double TBagels or TKirin to unlock your HR, just Xeno’jiiva is enough to unlock Master Rank.
>normal nergigante
You basically poke it and it flops over
He was a really cool design and his fight was refreshingly different, but yeah he was way too fucking easy.
Yeah, It's been a awhile since i've played it but I should have a lot of memory to make it faster.
It's just a pain losing all my gems and armor, etc that I had at endgame.
Vaal is literally a giant weak zone. You have to consider this though. With the effluvium effect that builds both as a passive and through every hit he lands on you, if Vaal were even Teo or Kushala tier, the difficulty would've spiked incredibly. If he was closer to Nerg then he'd basically be the monster everyone bitches about all the time. His gimmick makes him a balancing act in difficulty that could've easily become bullshit.
>more difficult
Learn to read before trying to tell everyone how big your dick is
No, I actually meant that Nergigante was one of the easier monsters in MHW. I had more trouble with Vaal in my first few attempts.
I hope his Master Rank version is bullshit.
His design is great, but I hate these unavoidable damage over time debuff fights. I'd rather fight something with very dangerous attacks that are difficult to avoid like AT Nergigante. I have yet to fight AT Vaal, how annoying is him? AT Nergi and AT Kulve are my favorites out of the Arch Tempered fights, but I really, really wish you could just skip to the Kulve fight without wasting all those minutes in early Pursuit levels which makes the whole event very boring (and frustrating if the randoms cart and you don't get good rewards and have to redo the entire process again). They should have just made the actual siege some sort of special assignment you do once and then the quest is just the proper fight. Or maybe they should have just made the whole first part with picking up tracks and dropping boulders less tedious and lengthy.
Saying Vaal gave you trouble at all invalidates anything you post. If Vaal gave you any difficulty then you're essentially admitting your previous post is a lie.
How are even supposed to deal with his poison gas?
Vaal's turns, tail swipes and (some) charges are less telegraphed than Nergigante's and some other monsters' and I got hit a bit more than I usually did.
Ignored it. 3 miasma jewels if you can be bothered to.
Unless you mean the breath, in which case just walk away.
>thinking that beach area amounts to anything.
It's a small shore and Lagraicus would never venture into Ancient Forest proper because that's not its habitat. Notice how Lagi's live where they have easy access to large amounts of water, even in games where you can't fight it underwater like Misty Peaks and Deserted Island despite hunters not being able to swim in GU. Which means Lagiacrus would only have two areas to fight in, the are outside the initial camp sight and the beach, nowhere else. It's not like it can jump in the water and escape to somewhere else either because there's nowhere else for it to go on the island. So it'd basically just go back and forth constantly because two locations not that far apart which would defeat the purpose of fighting these big monsters on these large seamless maps because every monster covers a considerable amount of territory. Lagiacrus wouldn't and couldn't with any map in World's current state.
Hey they may as well bring only Ivory back since it's actually meant to be fought on land and uses water as a last resort.
He's a little scarier for a bowgunner, but it's easily circumvented with the right strategy.
He does have a pretty nasty charge move though. It's hardly got any tell, it's very fast, very damaging, covers huge distance, and can be combo'd into. Have to be pretty careful about standing in front of him.
AT Vaal is dangerous only because of his health drain aura. You need a health regen build to even stand next to him for an extended period of time to damage him decently. Other than that he does his leap attack more often I’ve found.
there are 2 types of gasses. One is naturally present from the environment the other is the one produced by Vaal. To protect from vaal's you need Effluvium (miasma gems). At level 3 you'll be completely immune to it.
To avoid the environmental one instead you'll need to shoot a fire pod on the ground to dissipate it
Now I know you're lying. Vaal telegraphs everything. He doesn't even have any animation cancels until the AT version. And he breathes in loudly before every single attack. Plus he has all the same little shuffles that Kushala does.
He attacks a bit more aggressively and has faster animations. The DoT is basically horseshit, the resist skill for it is almost mandatory. It feels a bit like a Gen 2 fight though, because the DoT cloud is like the chip damage, which puts you at risk of being killed in one shot. Wide Range alleviates much of the risk.
At least you got a weapon. Kushala's HBG is nowhere to be found in World, which pissed me off immensely on top of the stupid elderseal mechanic it has instead of using poison.
daily reminder that underwater battles were good and should had been expanded upon.
Oh shit I never knew how to deal with the environmental gas
I liked the weapon balance for underwater. Some weapons truly shined at it, like the hammer.
They should have kept movesets identical to land combat imo. I do hope they revisit it and improve on it.
Maybe if they overhauled uw weapon move sets,
But on the other hand if you're a greatsword user or something, fuck you, whiff your charge attack.
The thing I think I like most about Hunting Horn over something like the Hammer is that HH's momentum with their attacks just feels and looks better to me. Plus when you use a performance to deal damage and evade an attack, then use an encore to do the same thing feels pretty fuckin' nice.
They were bad, but had potential.
>Play a version of the game with a ton of transmog options
>Even unlock a whole bunch of rare ones
>Stick solely to just using Stygian's set with that same design
Also I'm not sure what the deal was with Ping's Dex for Gen and GU showing off a half-helm version instead of the ordinary full-face one, of which the latter is still used in-game anyway.
So you’re saying you have no problems hunting an AT Vaal? I can solo AT Nerg/Kush no problem but I dread AT vaal because of his mustard gas which can’t be negated.
me neither for the longest time until a friend who played every single mh game pointed it out. There are small piles of rock inside the two camps in rotten vale for example, conveniently put there so you can pick the fire pods up as you go out
I feel you neighbor
Physical shits costs more than the actual digital equivalent for anything other than the base edition
t. island dweller up north
It deserved better than to be discarded like a five dollar whore.
It’s not a game, it’s an expansion
sorry listkun but you need to go
Unless you're running around doing nothing.
Usually you spent most of the time in your attack animations or rolling. Not jogging around the monster.
Because he relies on his one shot breath and passive lower your HP to half lmao to do anything to kill new players
Why you should play XX
>vastly better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>insane replayability due to sheer endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities
>catlolis which are very cute
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium-sized weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.
Is there a point to Drugged/Poisoned/Tinged meat? I'm at 600 hours in and have never used any of them or even seen anyone use them.
>no mizutsune theme
AT Vaal is middle of the pack in terms of difficulty. With the easiest AT being Kirin. They both become trivial when you adjust your set to protect from specific gimmicks. In case of AT Vaal all you have to do is put on Miasma 3 and hug him to avoid the oneshot spit. And nullberries can do the rest if you ever fuck up. You can also rocksteady mantle and sit on top of the vitality booster jacking off.
Personally AT Lunastra and Xeno were the longest to solo, even Nergigante goes down in 10 minutes if you rotate the spikes
Tired carnivore monsters will eat them
>Mizutsune theme doesn't have a YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in it
I use it on Greatest Jagras to it fatten up faster so I can farm decos.
I just did AT Nergi again and I got a party with some HR 700+ players that were insane and we won pretty easily. One of them was using a Greatsword and I have absolutely no idea how he didn't cart. Anyways, I digress. I main Lance, and since I saw them use Greatsword and CB I decided to go for mounts when my Crutch Mantle was up, doing the jumping charge, so they could get more openings for massive damage. I stopped once I got the second mount. Is this even worth it or is it a bad strategy? Would it be more helpful for my group to stay glued to Nergi and just hit him normally with Temporal on?
>No, Capcom doesn't want to add many new skeletons, it's too much work for them.
And yet 100% of skeletons in World are brand new.
They've also added (read: remade from scratch) Zinogre's skeleton just for Behemoth, and made a unique one just for Leshen.
MonHun's team workflow and output in World is equal to the entirety of 3rd and 4th gen put together. Even though more than half the roster are returning monsters, it's still far from easy/quick to do them again.
Won't bother to read your greentext BING copy/pasta though.
Gore/trax skeleton is already in via Nergigante
>In case of AT Vaal all you have to do is put on Miasma 3
That's only enough for normal Vaal. For AT you want Health Recovery Up, because it affects the healing from health aug on your weapon. Otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the aura ticks.
With a GS in a group, it's probably worth it. Especially on AT Nerg. Otherwise your GS wouldn't be doing shit.
Vaal does have more HP but it's infinitely easier to hit
I do think Xeno and Nerg AT makes you forget the time sometimes, they keep you absolutely on your toes to perform
Meanwhile shit like AT Kushala should be deleted from existence
I'm a shitter at AT Lunastra and opt for very defensive play against her just so i don't cart
When will people get the game for review? Last time one guy leaked here every monster in de game, weeks from launch.
I don't get the hate for AT Kush. It's the same exact fight (unless that's what you're complaining about - it'd didn't get enough changes compared to normal), but the monster doesn't drop to the ground immediately when you decide to cheese bomb it.
Ah yes, the first non-white frog i can unironically say based
>get banned multiple times on twitch and other platforms by capcom police
>still stream it on an obscure site
>banhammer'd again
>more streams
>meanwhile the guy plays like absolute shit AND with IG
3U really was great with how varied the fights were, even between monster with shared skeletons.
>For AT you want Health Recovery Up
good call i forgot that, i fought Vaal for the tickets in his last rotation weeks ago and then forgot about it. Also a health augm on your weapon helps massively
>shit like AT Kushala should be deleted from existence
i didn't like her either, the fight was easy but at the same time cumbersome. There are some situations in which you need to sit there like an idiot because there's no way to bring her down. At the end i switched to a sticky/spreadshot HBG and ended up killing the bitch in under 7. With sticky ammo you can drop the whore down if she ever dedices to fly
>I'm a shitter at AT Lunastra and opt for very defensive play
as you should do for every hard fight at first: go solo, go tank. You'll get accustomed to it and then you can switch later when you feel more confortable. i'm also a cluster spammer faggot but it honestly helped me clear ATs before switching to more entertaining weapons
I remember that he leaked bazel, some anons called it fake and a "painting"
That wasn't a review copy. Some small retail shop just broke the street date or sold a copy under the counter. Likely the sandfrog and the owner knew each other.
>meanwhile the guy plays like absolute shit AND with IG
To be fair it's the first time blur was added to any MH ever and the Bazel was in the middle of diving in the pic
Cheers user. Yes, to be fair I was fairly focused on Nergi himself so I didn't get to see exactly what he was doing all the time but he never carted which was nice. I'd cart in seconds with a Greatsword, it's already tough enough not to overextend with the Lance (whose attacks are extremely safe) since he can do that floating slam at any moment and it's absurdly fast.
Is the Lance the most safe weapon in the game? I'm currently a Dual Blades scrub wanting to actually complete hard content without being molested because you can't tank hits like you could in High Rank. Tempered monsters don't mess around.
Anyway, hope the leakers get the game soon
Eh, the slam is not too too bad, you can survive it. The bigger issue for GS would be actually getting any hits in between him getting slammed and Nerg just jumping around the entire area from hunter to hunter.
I would argue that LBG is safer.
Feels like unless you nuke the shit out of AT Nerg in the first 10 minutes then he'll start the ruthless offense and it turns into a 25 min fight
Not really. CB is really safe in sword mode since you can GP out of everything and sns has the mobility of DB while also having an emergency block
safe bust slow unless you dodge like a maniac instead of blocking. If you want safe, fast and massively cheesy you need to build a tanky cluster spam and sit under your mantles. You'll face tank any AT and kill them fast enough.
Also for legacy purpose consider that Clusters are going to be neutered in Iceborne, so this is your last chance to have fun with a meme, barely legit, strategy
How do I tell if my Kulve weapon is any good?
Yeah, to push Nerg's shit in.
>Valfalk takes to the sky
>Nerg stands there looking disinterested like he's Sasuke
>Gets divebombed so hard Nerg limps back to his nest like a bitch
Ammo management scares me, and I'm not great at dodging to begin with.
CB is what I started with, but I never really got into the intricacies of the weapon like guard points.
Lads I havent played since before the Kulve update I think and I'm getting back in to it before Iceborne.
How hard are the Arch Tempered EDs solo? I'm scared.
God I hate the Shakalakas. Them and Moga village being a primitive shit hole ruined 3U for me.
Look at the stats
>best companions
>comfy fishing village with a great theme
Fuck off.
Lance is pretty safe but if you're not decent at maintaining the offensive the fights can take significantly longer than they would with a different weapon. You need to become familiar with the fights, what Lance does is letting you keep your DPS uptime at its maximum. You attack, block or counter when needed, then keep attacking. Use the charge to reposition. The blocking hops help too in some situations. Also keep in mind that if you don't have Guard Up some fights won't be safe, for example Teostra can be tricky as the Lance takes a significant amount of time to sheathe, if you get caught in the middle of the nova you might have issues getting away.
Are you using Health Boost? That helps immensely with your survivability.
Easier solo.
I was intimidated by the guard points for the longest time. Turns out they are extremely easy. You just need to press R2 + Triangle when the attack is about to hit. There's other guard points but you'll never use them unless it's by mistake, that's the only one you need and it's easy. You can SAED out of it too.
Much easier solo. Online you have to fight not only the elder dragon but also your suicidal teammates will try and throw the fight constantly.
The fight wasn't fun to begin with and not being able to flash out it out the sky means that the fight is now at least 50% dead time. The only ones who can have any kind of engagement at all with this setup are gunners, but even then everyone has to deal with the absolute faggotry that is tornado camping. In general, wind pressure is a shitty mechanic.
What does Yea Forums think of the confirmed roster? Is it too much?
I do not see Valstrax and Gore Magala, so can someone tell me this is a fake? My dreams can't be crushed.
Give me the quick rundown on Light Bowgun in World, please.
I'd do anything for Lagi being in but i don't want to set expectations too high so i'll call that bullshit
Yea Forums leaks are always fake so I think it's a nice wishlist
>no khezu
Obviously fake.
>Lagiacrus the only Leviathan
>Rajang the only Fanged Beast
It ain’t happening chief. They’ve said already that new skeletons won’t be added for single monsters.
Still the best for status gunning but on steroids because aiming is even more gucci now
Dream on little user, it's bollocks. But don't dream too hard or you'll be disappointed.
guardpoints are hella easy, they are just iframes but even easier to time.
>flashing zinogre
Take out rage gaming's OC and people might believe you. Otherwise you're a faggot that needs to go back to your youtube channel.
Ammo management is piss easy, guns usually focus on 1 ammo for damage and it case of something like normal 2 you just need gunpowder level 2 in your bag to craft it.
There was a Light Gunner support hunter besides the Greatsword and the CB hunter in the AT Nergi fight I mentioned in a post above (don't bother looking up to find my post, it was nothing interesting or relevant to this conversation). He saved us a bunch of times with his healing and put the monster to sleep and such, it was great.
>No Fatalis
>No Khezu/Gigginox
What would a zinogre rare sub be then?
The original version of the Ancient Forest in early development was much swampier
Ah yes, I remember these.
Not some shit made up by a faggot youtuber.
Is it any good solo though? I want to be useful when I'm alone too, my personal way to play is to beat a monster solo then use outside help.
I missed you user
Damn Acidic Glavenus may become my favorite monster. His moves while in Sharpened form are so well animated.
Zinogre but stronger, like with other Rare Subspecies. What the fuck else would he be?
New monsters continue to be fodder for fan favorites.
Lance is plenty fast enough now that the charge is almost totally safe, and the lunge after a guard dash. Finally two safe ways to gain forward momentum that aren't "lol backhop towards the monster"
There are several cuteposters, I'm probably not the one you mean.
Every weapon can complete everything solo except Extremeoth
Extreme behe has been soloed by every weapon. Some under TA rules even
*jumps behind Tigrex*
Do not.
What other ones do you have?
I like to read these despite knowing what weapons I already like and don't like.
That's the only one I have.
What's the stigma against Bow for?
It's only a pretend stigma
It's absurdly OP
There's a stigma against every single weapon, Bow is all about easy-cheese spam, but you shouldn't be a faggot and let that deter you.
Nah, it's way too good. Like almost double the strength of the next strongest. Literally a crutch. Wait til IB and the rebalance if you wanna play or defend bow
IB is just going to make GS or Hammer twice as good as the next best weapon.
I have a prejudice against bows and it's that some bow users have apparently never played melee, can't tell one move from the other and they get one shot when they get too carried away and the monster jumps on them.
If you faggots want leaks then come get em. You’ll get confirmation within a week I’d wager given info that’s starting to crop up amongst the media.
リオレイア希少種 Gold Rathian
リオレウス希少種 Silver Rathalos
フルフル Khezu
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
ティガレックス Tigrex
ナルガクルガ Nargacuga
ベリオロス Barioth
ジンオウガ Zinogre
ブラキディオス Brachydios
猛り爆ぜるブラキディオス Raging Brachydios
ゴア・マガラ Gore Magala
セルレギオス Seregios
ディノバルド Glavenus
ディノバルド亜種 Acidic Glavenus
バルファルク Valstrax
プケプケ亜種 Alabaster Pukei-Pukei
パオウルムー亜種 Vagrant Paolumu
凍て刺すレイギエナ Shrieking Legiana
トビカガチ亜種 Vermilion Tobi-Kadachi
オドガロン亜種 Ebony Odogaron
アンジャナフ亜種 Fulgur Anjanath
バフバロ Banbaro
ブラントドス Beotodus
錆びたクシャルダオラ Rusted Kushala Daora
イヴェルカーナ Velkhana
マロラック Malorrakh
コルトス Cortos
ウルグ Wulg
ポポ Popo
ガウシカ Anteka
エムプロボア Emproba
シャガルマガラ Shagaru Magala
怒り喰らうイビルジョー Savage Deviljho
ミラボレアス Fatalis
夢中になるバゼルギウス Livid Bazelgeuse
ミラボレアス(紅龍) Crimson Fatalis
アルバトリオン Alatreon
渾沌に呻くゴア・マガラ Chaotic Gore Magala
ミラボレアス(祖龍) White Fatalis
>Hammer twice as good
Thanks Ryozo I knew you loved me.
I must be out of the loop then, I thought HBG cluster was the meme meta.
They better not "realism" this shit like they did with Nargacuga's eye trails.
Then when IB drops we can stigmatize the fuck outta those instead. Right now Bow is 3gud5u
>Crazy Bazelgeuse
what is it pizza-coloured?
Seems like it'll still be as busted, have they announced numerical changes when I wasn't looking?
Lower elemental damage and nerfed as fuck KO
Cluster isn't nearly as fuckoff stupid as Bow. Bow has innate evasion +3 in addition to maximum DPS. Cluster fucks people over way more than Bows do. That's a drawback Bow doesn't have.
nice LARP
he literally changes it whenever someone makes fun of one of the names he's picked, he's had like 3 different phrasings of "angry Bazel"
Yea Forums should really have a "no low effort leaks" rule, honestly.
>Barioth getting a rare species before Glavenus
I have a hard time believing this. After Los and Ian rare species are typically given to flagship monsters
That's just because Bazel has become so angry user can't keep up.
Here's a (You) for remembering small monsters at least
>that "beep beep beep" when he land
>all those jet engine sounds
they really went all out with the theme
>Narga's eye trail
the fuck, they removed them or what?
If I had any talent in creating animations I'd make a Bazel that moves the same as this crystal lizard with explosions around him. We could speed it up and have fun like we do with the running Dodogama.
>Doomslayer Bazel
Uses a shotgun
They just glow red now instead of making a trail of light.
Ah, bringing it more in line with other weapons, I guess? I suck dick at using it so never really felt it was super OP.
Oh nice, last I heard no one had recorded doing it with a few weapons still
they still do the trail, its just much more subdued
It still has the trail
>no water combat
>more meme wyvern skeletons
>worst maps in years because the constant climbing meme
Just like every Monster Hunter, its one step forward and two steps back.
It looks like an entirely different monster biting lagiacrus' neck
I might be blind cause I don't see any trail
wouldn't that mean the first monster hunter is the best one?
>he keeps damage numbers on
thanks god they still keep it
a bit too thin and dark, but yeah
it probably looks a bit clearer when fighting at night
New hairstyles are being added right?
Yes. Also new beards.
There's a post on reddit with all the links, just Google "mhw extreme behemoth solo every weapon". And pic are the timers. It's almost 1 year old though so they probably improved
How's IG that high?
>hunting horn not at the absolute bottom
holy shit its a miracle
How bad have microtransactions raped this game?
Well it can actually reach Behemoth's head unlike poor DB and SnS so that helps
I haven't checked the video but my bet is a Paralysis proc from their kinsect coukd shave off a couple minutes
Those can just rape his left arm, no biggie.
That does mean you need to deal with tornado/thundaga spam for at least some of the fight though
It's not optimal, but you can slinger his face for enmity.
people don't flash him out of charibdys?
Flashes are limited on Extreme
>flashing extremoth charybdis
Have you ever fought extremoth?
>Gore Magala
Quick, the five from the Old World, bring them here!
You can keep the Rajang though.
uhhhh how does kirin perform the elder crossing? it hasn’t got wings or fins to cross the open seas
Jump good
Kirins spawn from lightning strikes all across the world. As long as there are thunderstorms there will be Kirins.
Bitch, did you ever even reach endgame?
Electric shocks the ocean then hops across the bodies of all the fish
They hop on the backs of Zorah Magdaros or other giant Elder Dragons and go to sleep until they arrive. Jokes aside, they don’t appear in the Elder’s Recess so they’re probably native to the New World, same as Vaal Hazak.
Too many times. That's exactly the reason why I don't want to see this lemon key face any time soon.
it’s lemon key face in hd though, you’ve never seen that before
You have a point there. All the monsters in World are new, since they remake the returning old ones. But that's small comfort considering he'd still be an endgame monster you have to fight over and over again.
I call bullshit, World only had 3 canon monsters as dlc
if you really want us to believe you, why you dont try to prove it?
Shagaru has like 2 more moves than normal enraged Gore, and Chaotic just mixes their patterns up so that much I could believe. Still a bullshit list though.
Tri lagi moved up to 2 zones away from large bodies of water. I could see it also going to the far left part of the map with the big slope, there is some water there.
Hope the Gore crew is in
Me too. Versatile as well, you could fight him in any map.
What's Capcom's beef with based Peco?
What's your reaction when Shagaru destroys Nerg in a turf war?
based, fuck Nerg sue
I'm currently extra salty due to always losing to AT nerg
Holy shit /mhg/ is better than you retards.
That damn floating slam, user. The fight would be relatively cake without it, but that move is extremely overpowered.
I don't care, listfag.
How so? I haven't gone there yet. Should I?
It's rides the lightning
No it's a shit show right now, they're arguing about how based listposter is and some cheater
> be aggressive
> attacks pass through his heads/limbs
> his full body is filling screen
> hold up lemme reposition mysel-
> gets carted by his spinning tail oneshot
fucking everytime
I can't bare to go to /mhg/ anymore. Maybe when Iceborne comes out.
Considering it'll never happen, I imagine it's the one you think I'll have only you'll be the one wearing it when listfag posting gets deleted again.
What the hell are you talking about?
It really isn't.
I'm not sure why I'm still going there but there was this at least.
based Gruntilda poster
The weird part is that catfag didn't claim that PC started it, only that they do it.
Also I while I respect the rhyme, gruntilda really dropped the ball by not rhyming with the urls.
>LIVID bazel
I've counted three Bazel subspecies by leakers
>crazy Bazel
>livid Bazel
>unstable Bazel
Anyone got more?
absolute madman bazel
New subspecies idea for Bazelgeuse. He's called Fucking Bazelgeuse and he's twice as fast and never shuts up.
Now that's sounds legit, that leak must be true.
don't worry in a couple of threads you'll start seeing the "i need more (you)s Bazel". Archtempered
If he were smart he'd start doing shit like
Lancer Bazel
Spirit Bazel
Peacemaker Bazel
Vigilante Bazel
Backfire Bazel
Bear Bazel
I'm so horny and Bazel
Valstraxgeuse would be a very good idea too. Even more of a gunship.
>Ballistic Bazelgeuse
>Can outright shoot his scales instead of just dropping them
>Scales all explode instantly instead of after some time
How long until Buttblasted Bazel is leaked?
Image the braps haha...
Bazel with a Mario hat?
Water element, drops tears.
close enough?
New leaks guys!
Bazel with a Sony beanie?
Water element, drops onions
light bowgun chads still have the based icesteel hornet.
>Ace Combat Bazelgeuse
>warcrimes in Seliana
Xeno'jivas rightful clay
Fresh leaks guys
リボンの死神 バゼルギウス
ラーズグリズの亡霊 バゼルギウス
円卓の鬼神 バゼルギウス
片翼の妖精 バゼルギウス
鳥神の紋 バゼルギウス
スリーストライクス バゼルギウス
カウント バゼルギウス
>glavenus is in
I don't even care about anything else, I'm going to love fighting him.
Found more guys
Have you seen the gameplay of the Acidic Glavenus? I thought it'd be just some recolor + debuff mechanics, but his new moves look incredible. it's here
>The Idolmaster
What does any of that shit not written in English even mean?
Alright, let's play a game.
>Pick a flagship
>Make a subspecies for it
>Subspecies can't share the same element as the original
Death of the Ribbon
Lager Grizz's Ghost
Devil of the Round Table
One winged fairy
Bird of the gods
Three Strikes
Count Basergius
oh my
>Already deleted
Why aren't they this fast at deleting /pol/ and Twitter screencap threads
the copypasta is under auto-delete. Same reason why the spammed list isn't posted anymore
Magnetized Seregios
If you get hit by his metalic scales instead of bleed he gains the ability to pull or push you with certain moves
>Violet Brachydios
>Uses waterblight instead of slime
>When it goes into rage mode the water becomes FUCKING BUBBLES
>Constantly slips around when in rage mode, but it's still just as much of a threat to you as a regular Brachy, if not more
I somehow knew what it said before I ran it through google, you faggot
Tar Brachydios
I know these kanjis at least
>Gold Rathian
>Silver Rathalos
>Savage Deviljho
Any other "not outright confirmed but almost guaranteed to be in" monsters?
Zenith Espinas is pretty much guaranteed.
I just hit HR 300 around a week ago, and shortly after that I got my first HCraft jewel.
I did I'm also extremely excited for a new variant.
If Khezu gets in I'll main LBG
lol I just love gore/shagaru, you're paranoid
>If Khezu gets in
Sauce on pic? Google doesn't return anything other than the word fun.
>Capcom changes the lighting model in the deep caves
>you're as blind as khezu in the deepest reaches
>scoutflies and torch pods are the only sources of light
>we want the tomb of giants audience.mp4
Brachydios who doesn't have the slime organism with him, whatever environmental object he approaches to punch sticks to his fist and he uses it as a weapon until it breaks or you break it
>Sporepuff: instant stun
>Vitalily: he licks his hands to heal
>Puddle Pod: water element
>Crystalburst: Boosted damage
>Toadstool: Poison
And so on, so forth
Khezu would be a neat fight visually in pitch blackness but it'll never happen.
Picked up World a couple weeks ago after conquering 4U and GU. Unlocked my HR last night and have been using Bow, but thinking of swapping to Hammer. Anybody like it in World?
it's very monotonous
That could be cool. Maybe it could incorporate steam from the water somehow and do explosions like Bloodbath.
they tried that with Tri but abandoned super dark lighting because portables
they kept torches in supply boxes for some reason though
Entering dark areas should've automatically lowered the brightness, it would encourage al players to either use Brightmoss to light up the walls or tag the monster with it, which is something I do sometimes to see the monster glow in multiplayer
Torches still repelled small monsters I think
Dark areas would give a secondary use for torch pods besides miasma clearing
The original E3 footage had that. Then they cranked up the brightness for the beta and launch.
100% true and why World is shit. The worst is how only at monsters pose a challenge while all other quests are done in 2 min
I feel they'd be more willing to do that with Gigginox with the fact that it already has some glowing parts.
>And yet 100% of skeletons in World are brand new.
Are you a retard? Just because there was some rerigging done for the new engine doesn't mean the World roster is any more diverse. Rathian still looks and behaves like a Rathian and Lavasioth is still a generic piece of shit, same as Tigrex.
No snakes, no insects, no spiders, no frogs, no crabs, no monkeys, no leviathans, no actually new interesting stuff.
guys I need a new trailer
Yes, Kushala and his 10 clones including the fucking new flagship sure feel new
Next week for sure my dude
Purple Ludroth is... in.
My dick is in a cute monstie
Nerg uses Magala's skeleton dumbass
Which one? I like Narga and Mizu.
Pretty sure none of the skeletons are new. The models are new, obviously, and a lot of work most likely went into making sure the monsters function properly with the new terrain, but they didn't remake any skeletons.
Correction, it is
Ribbon Reaper Bazel
Ghost of Razgriz Bazel
Demonlord Bazel of the Round Table
Solo Wing Pixy Bazel
Garuda Bazel
Three Strikes Bazel
Count Bazel
He's talking about Velkhana.
People are getting nitpicky about this but they entirely redid most animations and behavior for returning monsters, still not a small task. And that includes a lot of shit shared by monsters with the same skeleton like turning and flying animations.
Then he's still retarded unless he's calling Alatreon a Kush clone too.
I actually think that little head peek Raths do before turning and charge looks awkward and actually worse compared to older games
That actually sounds really cool and fun.
It's listfag. He complains about one skeleton, then praises another. Fag loves Gammoth, a monster that's nothing more than a bloated Popo that needed a fucking Deviant to even give him a moveset. He's praised crabs even though Capcom has only ever made 1 skeleton and 3 monsters, with ever crab after that being a recolor of those two. Not even new crabs, just a recolor with one or two new moves.
I want to hug a Nargacuga!
But what about _hug?
Is there a list of Kjarr weapons that are BiS/must haves?
They're all going to be outclassed in a little over a month, doesn't seem worth the effort
Yes, that too.
>This thread
We get a calm MH thread for the first time in like 2 years and THIS is what you do with it? This insanely rampant faggotry is why I welcome the console wars. Please, for the love of god, someone talk about gameplay and put these fags out of their misery.
A smooth turn looks worse than the MH Shuffle?
They already gave Tigrex basically the same thing in 4th gen
The only reason why runs take longer in older games is loading and animation speed.
This is outdated and lacks the Kjarr series weapons, of which you'll probably end up keeping anyway. Of the lot, KT Glutton is probably the most remarkable but there are a fair few Wide Lv4 GLs exclusive to Kulve if you're into that. But as user said, they're not going to have much purpose into Iceborne unless something happens to make them continue to hold relevance.
its a phone "game" what do you think big brain?
>yfw Platinum Kulve Taroth
I wish we could get Taikun Zamuza
>not Cold Taroth
>Frozen Nargacuga
>When enraged it gains icy armor like Zamtrios due to specialized glands in its body expelling cold liquid
>Its ice armor slows it down a bit but causes more parts to bounce and more attacks can inflict bleeding
>tail is permaspiked with said spikes being larger and linger upon being launched
Did you just read the latest posts and that's it? also, that's normal in all MH threads since 2010. We've been having great MH threads for weeks because the console wars was done by one person and he got banned constantly
that's an outright lie, hunters do universally more dps in World and monsters have universally less hp compared to previous HR games, and on consoles loading takes much longer than all the combined loading screens on previous games during a hunt
I farmed all Kulve weapons because there wasn't a checklist back then. Kjarr is the one that I haven't done yet so I'm looking for a check list. I want them cause I'd be nice to have.
>frozen barioth exists
lets just pretend I named it polar or something
Damn I want to fondle her horns. I blame these threads and a couple Anons in particular for opening the door to these feelings towards monsties.
don't reply to listfag. He just revamped his shitpost to avoid the spam detection. Just report him for evasion
Oh right, I misread your post. Generally just anything that benefits from Critical Element will suffice, given their rarity it's not worth throwing them out. The biggest benefactor is Bow.
Do you remember - when iceborne will come
Meta was changing the minds of the hunters
While chasing High Rank away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our palicos were singing
As we hunted in the night
Remember how the stars stole the night away
Hey hey hey
Ba de ya, say do you remember
Ba de ya, Iceborne in September
Ba de ya, its just 42 days away
>What if we gave Barioth a subspecies with the same element but harder?
Frontier is so retarded
Brisant Bazel
Braveheart Bazel
So what should I do with my time in MHW now before Iceborne hits considering the last thing I did was build a couple Jho weapons after he was first released? Is there anything worth farming if it's all gonna be worth precisely dick?
That's not Frontier. That's Explore.
What's a good way to get HR? I need to reach fiddy to grind some gems from big Jagras.
Catie, 80
Glean, 15
World, hurled
I'm still very happy that Brachy made it to Iceborne.
only things that would make it better are Zinogre and Gore/Shagaru, maybe Seregios too
In urls each digit is read as an individual numeral user. That's how computers work. It's supposed to be zero and five.
Trust me, I have austism, like trains, and am a coder.
There are plenty of subspecies like that even in the mainline games.
fuck @lunastra supernova is so broken
I agree, but I'm just pointing out that they did attempt to rhyme with urls
My guess is that if you're a NigNogChingHao without a VPN and you load any part of that text you get tracked by some gov program and pur into a list and/or questioned later on.
So just something to fuck with them.
The Kjarr charge blades are also absurd, especially the Ice one.
I think some of the bowguns are upgrades for certain ammo types too
A lot of the AT armor has good skills that will probably carry you halfway through Iceborne without having to slow down and upgrade.
Lunastra weapons are good in most cases as well.
Is the AT Kulve weapon pool atleast easier to grind or is it as bloated as Kulve?
It doesn't actually do anything, except look extremely cringeworthy.
Just kill shit. There's event quests that give bonus HR so check those or just do Sapphire Star like 20 times
Come on, everyone knows he'll be the next teased monster.
The drop rates aren't as horrible for older Rarity 7/8 weapons.
Without the numbers it looks like you just keep hitting a rock user. I can't do it.
But HOW will they do the tease?
I'll turn them off if they bring back blood.
Also, I have another issue.
It presumes that you have to associate the name Katie, or Katey, with the nickname kat in order to arrive at the joke. They lazily worked around it, or are invoking mumble rap ebonics, in order to make it work because kitty and cat can't fit.
The only person that's ever gotten away with rhymes that slurred is the ghostface killah and ol dirty.
i wish they had kept the dyanamic hit effects at least, without them you can't even tell if you're getting good hits in other than the hitstop which is pretty inaccurate
They already sound good.
Blood can't come back because of Cero ratings being far stricter than they were a decade ago. That's why Japanese games with even a little bit of dribble can get the equivalent of an M rating.
I can't believe 4th gen was an entire decade ago
i hope we get to see crabs, insects and yians
Bing bing wahoo aside, this game is superior to world and iceborne in all ways except graphical.
>wanting blood
I am 100% sure anyone that likes this is a complete poser who only played the old MH games for 2 hours. It was shit, absolute shit, especially GU when it covered half the fucking screen.
And this is also an absolute lie considering the gore from cutting tails. You can see the muscle, bone, and cartilage whenever a tail was cut. That shit would get CERO pissed off according to you
I am glad the blood is gone.
Blood effects were neutered compared to 2nd Gen and eventually replaced with flash effects.
The last time I checked Iceborne wasn't even out.
Gen/XX went overboard on particle effects in general
I thought it was fine in the previous games but I don't exactly miss it. The rocks/scales flying off aren't a good indicator for weakpoints though.
Blood covering the entire fucking screen is only a Gen/GU problem, in the other games it was alright, i prefer the blood to the damage numbers honestly.
No blood effects. The textures don't move. They're cartoon-like.
Monster cuts and gashes in World are brown and pink. They bleed white jizz, dust, and rocks.
>Hunter fighting a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku in Coral Highlands
>Kills it and begins to celebrate completing the quest, victory music playing
>Suddenly the music stops and youtube.com
So far it's just monsters already in this game but slower and weaker + an elder dragon. So that's kind of a weak argument already to be made for iceborne.
Because there wasn't an option to reduce it before, right? As far as a visual indicator for damage goes without needing numbers, it did the job fine. You sure you're not getting mixed up with GU's crit effects, the game with the most fucking superfluous particle effects and a meta about painting a giant pink X on the killscreen?
Worked fine in every past G-Rank game where the raw was high, I even know a guy who prefered MHP2G over FU with the increased blood effects being one of his motivators.
I didn't like em before but was able to live with it until XX/GU. Thank fuck its gone, and damage numbers is alright in my book
You're a fucking weirdo mate
The damage numbers were a lot less terrible in practice, but I'd still like the option for blood over the rock-like VFX on hit or better yet, something that suits what you're hitting. Just like how I'd like an option for synchronized item bar + pouch ordering, I don't get why they made them separate to begin with.
Who the fuck plays a game about bashing animals’ heads in and doesn’t like blood?
To be fair, most of the monsters in MH are dinosaurs/dragons which are reptiles and unlike mammals they don't really profusely bleed when we're injured!
The bleed status has blood splash effects already
he's too big
Taroth and this entire rng weaponfest can fuck off.
how can he even eat with that chin?
Is Kulve and AT Kulve separate or is it just updated? I cant imagine a room that needs both regular and AT
imagine getting itchy on that hard chin, what would it use to scratch it?
You trigger AT Kulve if you break 15 pieces of her coat before it comes off. She only has a couple new attacks.
Oh so its basically an enraged phase if you git gud hard enough? I have a feeling this is done because 6 players can down kulve easily rather than 16
No, that user is wrong. Regular Kulve doesn't exist anymore, now it's just AT Kulve. You can still get Kjarr weapons without triggering that enrage. That enrage just adds 2 extra boxes of the higher tier of reward (higher than regular Kulve's). I think it's 2 of those per clear, 2 for "single siege run" (I forgot the requirements for this) and 2 for triggering the Fury phase.
That's even better. I can't imagine 2 versions of Kulve floating around. Would cause a schism
My only worry is that Kjarr mixes with the regular kulve weapons so the pool is even more bloated when I only need a few
Single seige is no triple carts and no manual "return to base" before you get her horns off
Monster Hunter noob here
I just started playing and have a few questions.
Am I wasting time trying to efficiently complete Story Quests with the optimal armors and weapons, or should I just blaze through the story since I'll end up unlocking better armor sets and materials later on anyways? I'm 13 hours in just having fun and trying to make builds for each fight I just beat the Anjanath with fully upgraded Pukei set and Aqua Slasher I. I just want to know, is it worth grinding during early game or not. Like, am I wasting time - I'm having fun doing it regardless.
I just learned that capturing the monsters net you more rewards at the end. Is there any tips to know when a monster is capturable? I've caught Barroth a lot because I figured out that when he goes to sleep in the mud, he's weak enough to be captured at that point.
I know the signs monsters give off like the drool or limping or panting. But do monsters go to a designated area when they are reaaaaaaaally weak too? I tried catching the Anjanath with a Shock and Pitfall trap in the area where he slept, but didn't work out. Am I missing something?
Otherwise I'm having fun with this game and will take any advice actually. I feel like I'm missing out on stuff.
That's where I am at. I have literally every weapon in her drop pool except for the Taroth Hammer Sleep, Taroth Strongarm Horn and the Kjarr Strongarm Ice & Water. I really want that Horn and Ice but the chance to get them in between all the other crap I already have is far too small. Luckily Iceborne is upon us to liberate me from Kulve hell.
Imagine if Master Rank Kulve works with a similar system adding even more weapons to the pool
assignments are just a big long tutorial
Stop lying
Most of that gear will be pretty much useless when you hit High Rank, also you can find out if a monster is capturable if it runs to it's nest to sleep, they also drop slinger ammo when they are on capture HP.
Uograde your current gear with whatever you have on hand, early Armor Spheres are worthless later since the upgrade costs and the strength of later spheres both go up exponentially. If you hit a wall then definitely take a second and see if you can improve your armor and weapons at all on top of practicing against the monster.
The armors and most weapons you grind will soon be invalidated. But if getting the sets and playing this way is what's most fun for you, then do it.
You're wasting time in the sense that you don't really need to make every set and weapon to get through low rank. You can make it through with very little. But if you're having fun then you aren't wasting anything. I'd recommend hurrying to high rank by the way, low rank is like an extended tutorial, high rank is when it gets truly fun. You fight harder versions of the monsters and new fights. For the traps just lay them underneath the monster, actually guiding them to the trap is a last resource if they happen to move away when you're dropping them underneath their feet. They'll usually run to a designated area to sleep when they're low, yes, when they're asleep the first damage they take is boosted so that's why people drop barrel bombs on them and hit them with a big hit to wake them up.
weapon grind is never invalidated because you'll have to farm for the low rank versions anyway in most cases, but low rank armor sets are a complete waste of time
> I'm having fun doing it regardless.
That's what matters the most. In the end everything you're doing is a waste once Iceborne comes out in less than 2 months since Master Rank equipment is better than any end-game stuff currently in MHW. Continue doing whatever you're doing until you get bored of it.
Usually returning players rush through content by making two or three general armor sets for each rank and only up to a handful of weapons in Low Rank, and maybe a bit more in HR before "beating" the game and moving on with end-game stuff.
>I just learned that capturing the monsters net you more rewards at the end.
Don't know if that applies to World. Anyway if you see a monster limping or if he goes to sleep, then it's usually time to capture. You can also see his heartbeat next to the mini-map, but this indicator is deceiving sometimes.
>I tried catching the Anjanath with a Shock and Pitfall trap in the area where he slept, but didn't work out. Am I missing something?
You needed to deal more damage. It's just a "get used to judging it" kind of deal.
Easily my most wanted but I don't see it happening unless we get a map with beaches or at least lakes or something. Tho if they do add a map like that they can easily bring it Plesioth, Ludroth, Gobul and Tamamitsune
I think he's referring to not being able to place a trap at Anja's sleeping place. If he was weak enough to go for a nap then he's weak enough for a capture. Just need to place it as close as you can and then lure him to it, couple of monsters have nests like that.
>I tried catching the Anjanath with a Shock and Pitfall trap in the area where he slept, but didn't work out
You need the trap + 2 tranq bombs for you to capture a monster. You need to judge the right time like says.
And on the topic of that user, yes capturing monsters yields better drop rates for things like plates and gems and whatnot, and you get some extra materials to make up for the carvings you lose, so it's always the same or better as killing.
Forest has a beach. Desert has pools of water. Hoarfrost may too (we haven't seen the whole map yet)
I say most weapons because not all weapons are good. Like, there's a single best GS. There's no point grinding for and upgrading multiple unless you just like how it looks. But I assume in that case you wouldn't care about what is or isn't going to be invalidated.
IIRC capturing in pre-World actually got you more mats, but I think in World it gets you the same amount, with 3 "extra" from the carve you didn't get.
Yes sometimes capturing has better quality items, but not more (in World specifically, again IIRC). It's not always "equal or better" sometimes you may want mats that have better %'s when killed. Always situational.
Most weapons are good, there's just always one that's statistically better.
Worth noting that Lagiacrus in the Ancient Forest demo had a swimming under the surface attack kinda like Zamtrios. That'd work well in an ice floe area, something Frozen Seaway-ish
If you're having fun keep doing what you're doing user, but yes all of that gear will become irrelevant quickly, if you want to be "efficient" you're better off blazing through.
>Is there any tips to know when a monster is capturable?
If you see the monster disengage and start limping away to it's nest, you can capture, if you have level 3 from the tracks a skull will blink on the minimap to let you know as well.
I'm just gonna throw some others tips here, other anons will probably mention more
>If a monster is flying around, flash pod it's ass and they'll be stunned for a good while
>Shoot screamer pods when a monster digs and it'll pop out again, giving you time to deal damage
>Sleeping monsters take a damage multiplier from whatever wakes them, great sword charged hits and barrel bombs are generally the best options
>Always eat before a hunt for stat boosts
Have fun user!
Blazing through can be annoying because then you'll have to backtrack and hunt low rank monsters to make weapons though.
>git gud
>only used GS for underwater
>smacking Lagi with a full charge to flinch him when he comes right at you was so satisfying
True, but you can often kill them in about 2 minutes which can be fun in it's own right
I believe its from that amateur wrestling match where that girl gets isolation rubbed all over her.
Festivals start up today right?
What are some must-do events?
Whatever you want, since just about everything will be obsolete in G rank anyways.
big jagras for deco farming
AT Elders
Rocket GS
Devil May Cry event
AssCreed event
I know, i just want an excuse to play World and get shit i havent gotten yet.
Is it just shit-tier decos or can it drop good decos too?
for PC or console?
HOW do you dodge Arch-Tempered Nergigante's slam attack? The new one that's really fast, not the big wind up punch or his extremely telegraphed dive. The attack that does 70+% damage and comes out in an instant. If he does it from far away from me, I have some luck dodging toward where he was because he seems to spin around in the air, but if he does it while I'm right underneath him it is impossible to tell which way to dodge.
Very nice.
He can drop anything. Although personally I think AT Lavasioth is a lot simpler for roughly the same amount of rewards, it is a lot more boring
The hitbox isn't actually very big, if you go towards his wings it seems to generally be safe
Is he one of the best new monsters out there?
But I have no idea where his wings are going to be because he completely changes his direction in the air. Does he always turn 180 degrees when he does it, regardless or where you are relative to him?
Odo and Nerg are the only standouts to me, Bazel is alright, not a fan of his moveset. Overall I think vanilla Gen 5 has a pretty weak original lineup, we'll see if that changes with Iceborne.
Anything with layered armor, since that will still be relevant in IB
Yo guys I appreciate the tips! Truly and duly noted
Maybe if he didn't show up in EVERY FUCKING HUNT
Hopefully that'll be less frequent with more monsters being added to every map
Hope you keep having fun user.
>not just using transmog
Still valid if they're on console, although if IB lets you actually make layered armor then maybe a little bit less so
So I finally got a PS4 after wanting to try out World (my first MonHun was Generations Ultimate), and I wanted to see what changed in the most recent Monster Hunter. I used to solo G-Rank Valstrax cause he was my favorite elder dragon.
Well, I finally started Monster Hunter World, and once I was tasked with hunting Great Jagras, I carted twice on the first attempt. I finally beat him, and decided to grind him for my low rank armor set, and on the second mission, I carted another two times!
What am I doing wrong? When I played MHGenU, the game didn’t seem this hard, but now that I’m playing MHWorld, it’s like a whole much more difficult game.
New bread
No problem user, go kill some beasties!
>tiny yellow khezu
>regular white khezu
>large and in charge black khezu
Yep, they all in
Is the super lava fish available? I don't see him in the event quest page