Totally stuck on this fucker. I barely beat him once but my Xbox froze during the wedding cutscene lol
Totally stuck on this fucker. I barely beat him once but my Xbox froze during the wedding cutscene lol
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Attack him and heal when your HP gets low.
this to be honest family.
throw all of your gil at him
jesus christ level your characters and get khimari the fuck out of your party
Did you blast through this game? Those health points look really low.
why not heal when hp is full to be safer
I just moved the airship away, hasted Wakka, and threw Grenades with Rikku.
because too much medicine is bad for you
Level grind below the airship....eventually you will get past him.
It's just a random picture I pulled off google not my party. Ive been using Wakka, Auron power break, Tidus and Rikku mostly
I remember being stuck on this guy when I was a kid eventually I just had riku steal shit from him and throw it back. And then I immediately got stuck at the wedding part with those fucking flamethrower cunts and I gave up.
>problems with ffx
It's been too long. iirc Al Bhed potions were really great for fights like his.
Reminder to use phoenix down on zombies for later. It's not necessary but it's pretty satisfying to do
I just remember I spammed al bhed potions with Rikku to beat this
The glorious rikku/wakka/tidus trio, cast haste(ga), do a few cheers, use al bhed potions, tidus slice n dice for easy overkill
Kimahri isn't even out on the field in that picture
>Bro just level up instead of getting better
Jarpigs everyone
Hastega is the way to make it bearable. Haste takes too long.
You have more than enough HP to kill him
>Dodge his breath attack
>Switch Tidus in to Haste Lulu/Wakka when afar, Wakka/Auron when close
>Use slow on him, it works
while lulu is THE best waifu in the game she is worthless next to yuna, everything lulu can do so can yuna but she can also summon
I still always have lulu on my team
There is usually a threshold where you will need to be to not die in a hit or two. Turn based rpgs don't function the same way as action rpgs or mmos where skill is more of a factor.
Anyone can do anything in ffx. That's how the sphere grid works. You could make a single person able to do everything.
I grinded up a bit more than what you are. I don't know if enemies level scale in 10 or not. I remember blasting his ass with lightning worked well.
I beat every boss in X the exact same way, with the exception of the post game mega bosses/challenges.
haste - shell - melee spam - occasional aeon summoning - occasional healing / revive
use your items, you have them for a reason
that is only somewhat true.
Rikku have her mix which is really good, khimari his blue magic and so on.
But lulus multi magic cast is trash so it can easily be ignored
Use haste on everyone.
Don't their special abilities come from the grid though? I always had Yuna doubled as a black and white mage.
their overdrives are unique to them
You can't make Lulu summon.
Overdrives (which are called Turbo bars for the patrician versions of the game) are unique. And since, as you know, you can make everyone do anything thanks to the grid, the endgame revolves around using characters with the best unique Overdrives. Those being Rikku Wakka and Tidus. And on second line Yuna (to Tank with aeons) and Auron (to refill the mainline bars). Lulu and khimari are completely useless
>Lulu and khimari are completely useless
that's not entirely true, if you get the right blue magics with khimari he's an insane buffer only beat by Rikku and Lulu I want to have a passionate relationship with her so bad fuck wakka I want wakka to fucking die
Thanks guys, beat him and just got Bahamut. Haste + Slow + Al Bhed Potions made it so much easier. Sounds like I'm way underleveled though, I'll have to start grinding
>I'll have to start grinding
Don't, you'll spoil the fun. Your HP is perfectly fine and you'll rack up levels on the following areas easily without even trying.
Xbox has FF7,9,X,12,all of 13, 15, and WoF.
>Sister asks me to beat evrae for her
>"Yare yare, shiitake ganai..."
>Try to beat it while she watches
>Fail multiple times
>Give up
>Go back to fapping to chinese cartoons
Enjoy the mt gagazet fight
Everyone can buff once you complete the grid. No one in the right state of mind uses a subpar furry in endgame because if you need to switch losing a turn means losing the fight. Anything useful khimari and Lulu can do the others can do as well and then some.
I don't like it either, especially after i legit obtained Lulus weapon by dodging 200 lightning bolts only to find out she's useless in endgame. It happened 15 years ago and i'm still upset. But such are jrpgs so whatever
Obviously you can kill Penance (Der Richter) with shitty benchers like Yuna Lulu and kimarhi but you'll take a billion years more for no reason since Rikku Tidus and Wakka can waltz the fight with their hands up their asses
Is that the Seymour Flux fight? I beat this game back in like 2005 on PS2 but first time playing since
How do people get stuck on Final Fantasy bosses? Especially FFX. Every enemy has a specific party member built to beat the shit out of them.
>switch losing a turn
switching doesnt take turn
Also have to signal the ship to move away in that fight, nignog, otherwise you get smoked.
terrible aniki/otouto
Poison is so good in this game
Mighty guard(Protect, shell, NulAll) is still one of the best single cast defensive buffs in the game, I refuse to use Khimari personally but he does have his uses I only use Lulu, Auron and Tidus
Can't have Lulu use attack reels
Every status ailment and stat buff/debuff is good in FFX. It's one of the good things about the combat system. It only turns to shit when you get Quick Hit and can just bypass everything.
it does indirectly when an inefficient character is on the field gaining Overdrive instead of someone else. You'll have to adjust the distribution by changing strats and it becomes cumbersome for no reason
>I only use Lulu, Auron and Tidus
as you should if you're having fun. That's all that matters
Almost every ability is useful in some way throughout the main story. Full Break/Banishing Blade is useful in all content. The thing about the combat is that it's basically Rock, Paper, Scissors in the sense that you get a specific tool to deal with every kind of enemy. Simplistic, but fun to completely shut down the enemy.
The main flaw with the gameplay is that you have to swap in everyone and act/guard to get AP evenly. Everyone aside from Tidus, Wakka and Auron/Rikku become useless after Zanarkand as well when you start min-maxing. Yuna's only useful for absorbing one-shit attacks with her summons and using Oblivion with Anima, or Zanmato with Yojimbo if you want to cheese a boss in one hit.
When it’s about to use the breath attack, tell Cid to move airship away. This will make your close range fighters unable to attack for a little bit, but at least you’ll avoid damage and waste Evrae’s turn.
i think he's talking about the fight where you're forced to use kimahri against the Ronso. Most people reach that point without levelling the furry in the slightest and get buttfucked by the encounter
Also, Gagazet is a medium pleb filter in general because there's a tiny increase in difficulty. You just don't notice until your party gets wiped and then you reaload at the plains 2 hours earlier, remembering you didn't save for a while. Fun times.
>kills agile enemies in one hit, has strength and haste buffs, blitz ace is the second best overdrive in the game
heals the party and has magic nullification spells, can solo bosses with summons
>kills flying enemies with high evasion in one hit and disables strong enemies with status ailments, his attack reels is the best overdrive in the game
>kills flans and elementals in one hit and also strong enemies with poison, shit overdrive
>kills enemies with high defenses in one hit and breaks strength and defenses, has banishing blade which is a super version of full break and is one of the most useful in the game
>worthless damage dealer but can steal and has the most overall useful overdrive in the game
>complete and total shit with no redeeming values and will always be a poor version of any of the above or a worthless all arounder, terrible overdrives and should self destruct permanently
Why is this allowed?
>beat the annoying as fuck opera event in FFVI
>get off the airship and take one step in the desert
>party gets wiped in 2 turns by some bone worm or some shit
>have to redo the opera event
>play ff2
>take 1 step in the wrong direction on the world map
>level 99 enemy kills the party in 1 hit
>happens everywhere
>taking a step without saving
I actually meant Flux and the unskippable cutscene. The ronso brothers actually scale to Kimahri's level.
you can clearly see them creating them game design with the usual pattern:
>we need the blond twink as main. Done!
>we need three waifus: big tiddies, cute and barely legal. Done!
>boss we only have two good Overdrives for the ladies, stop jacking off to Lulus titties or we wont update hers... Boss??
>ok now what's left? Big one armed daddy. Cool
>good now we can ship it
>nooooo wait!!!!
>the furry boss we fucking forgot the furry!
>oh fuck, but we're out of plot lines and useful attacks
>fuck it make it blue mage, those faggots only care about muscles design anyway
>just hanging around collecting animals
>suddenly attacked by all 3 dark magus sisters
>get beat so hard the save file deserved to be deleted
>The ronso brothers actually scale to Kimahri's leve
>borrow friend's cheat disc from a playstation magazine
>max out the sphere grid with every character as they join the party
>forget to get break damage limit for every character
>get to gagazet fight
>brothers have several million hp each
>deal 9999 damage
>just start a new game instead of spending hours fighting them
wew lad
>I actually meant Flux and the unskippable cutscene
you just reminded me of Yunalesca and her unskippable scene. Fucking hell
just a little heads up for all you final fantasy fans, FFVIII is on ESA right now 1hr15min in out of almost 8 hours
Fuck I hit I one too many times, it's FFVII
>get to the point the dark aeons come
>need to go back to besaid to get anima and a jecht spear
>have to go bitch mode and zanmato him
I've been watching 10 hour speedruns of ffx regularly for about two years now
100% runs of FF games are the best shit, FFX is special because there's just no fucking sequence breaks so you basically just play through the regular game as fast as you can
This shit needs to happen more often. The first time you get through Gizmaluke's Grotto in FFIX and get absolutely skullfucked by a Dragon was hilarious. This shit brings like a huge sense of adventure like, "Okay mother fucker I will come back and destroy you and see what's past you".
Man, Imagine if Pokemon did that...just walking around exploring and BOOM level 81 Wild Machoke comes out and suplex's your Pidgey.
FF8 also had an island with level 100 enemies, and you could meet giant ass dinosaurs that kill you in one hit in certain areas. They stopped doing that after 9.
>i think he's talking about the fight where you're forced to use kimahri against the Ronso. Most people reach that point without levelling the furry in the slightest and get buttfucked by the encounter
Doesnt matter. Encounter is scaled.
>spend every gil I had
>sends the dog
When I was young I just assumed it was spend more=more powerful attacks. No idea why they chose that weirdly complex system.
>speedruns of longs games are made by the runner and couch
>good runner with metako on commentary
Well I'll be backlogging this run for tomm
>No idea why they chose that weirdly complex system
because then they could sell you the guide with a full walkthrough and explaination. can't do this shit anymore
The game was a passion project. I keep saying this in every thread, but the amount of generic NPC dialogue is insane and changes based on the story. Even when you get to Guadosalam and Seymour proposes to Yuna, you can backtrack across the Moonflow, through the Mi'ihen wreckage, and over both ferries all the way back to Besaid where the NPCs will have unique dialogue congratulating Yuna. There was also the complex affection system which only influenced like three scenes. They just didn't know when to stop. Maybe it was intentional because it was the marquee game for the PS2 and they really wanted to sell how complex and powerful next-gen games could be.
>introduce friend to FFX
>he gets Auron as his partner for the sled ride to Macalania temple
>I've played it yearly since release and never even fucking knew you could get guys for that event
I definitely see that. It's one of my personal favorites games because of how much the world feels alive.
man i remember when i was a kid the scene where Wakka teaches Tidus the prayer i actually stood up to do it. But it's not because the game is a passion project. It's because i was autistically involved. It's just nostalgia
I did it too
The lore and story of Spira was amazing. Everything had an explanation, it wasn't just "this is just here because it looks cool." I had a similar feeling when I first played Dark Souls, a feeling I hadn't felt in a really long time.
The remake is fucking shit though.
if i remember right early suikoden did that
I never understood people who claim this game's story is garbage. Not bad, but garbage, as in irredeemable. Is it just pseudoboomers parroting Spoony and acting pretentious?
what a hideous UI. so glad I quit FF after 9
it's because gaming websites and the internet in general forced them to think in absolutes. Scoring sistems where anything under a 9 in a scale from 1 to 10 is considered shit, for example.
It's just a lack of vocabulary: "i don't like this therefore this is garbage". Apes never articulate more than yes or no sentences
>Mom told me she had cancer
>Stayed with her at the hospital until I was told I had to leave
>Came home, opened youtube out of instinct
>Youtube recommends me
>Put it in a loop
>Start crying for the first time since I was a kid
She got better, thankfully, but this song really made me reconsider my entire life.
At least the actual cutscene wasn't touched.
the more i look back the more i realize that every piece of vidya/cartoon/movie i hold dearest has an outstanding soundtrack that somehow latched onto specific memories. I'm glad your mom got better
I remember I got stuck on that guy when I was 12 when the game first came out and I never beat it. Is it worth going back as an adult and replaying it? How far into the game is that?
I guess I never considered that but it's true. Every game I truly praise has a soundtrack that I can listen to by itself. I'd say it's because of two things, a memorable melody that carries the entire tune and that the music tries to capture an emotion, not just trying to fit the particular scene it plays in during the game. It's one of the things I hated in the new God of War. It's all technically fine but in no way did it manage to capture that intensity in the soundtrack that the original had.
*blocks your path*
The original god of war game sucks donkey dick and it makes me sad that the kids of nu-Yea Forums have decided that it was some kind of classic.
Not the same guy, but GoW is so inoffensive and bland I'm amazed people would be this passionate about hating it.
Oh shut the fuck up. I played through the series as they were being released and while I don't hate the new one, all it accomplishes it does because of the past games, not in spite of it.
On Yea Forums everything is “garbage” or some kind of flawless masterpiece. People here love to just make extreme statements. Look at fallout 3 and new Vegas. NV is considered one of the best games of all time by Yea Forums and FO3 is widely hated, but they’re essentially the same game. In fact when NV came out it got worse reviews than FO3 because reviewers all felt like it was just a rehash. NV was certainly better in a handful of areas, but really the games are extremely similar.
Oh don't worry, Seymour Flux and Lady Unalesca will utterly destroy the OP's anus if they are having trouble with Evrae.
That’s why it’s so fucking hateable. One of the blandest games of all time (basically just dynasty warriors but with a single playable character) got held up as some kind of masterpiece based solely on muh graphics and successfull marketing. It also was basically THE game that popularised QTEs and started the trend of Triple A games that were more focused on spectical than actual, mechanically deep gameplay.
Anything that the new GoW game accomplishes is indeed in spite of the originals considering that Kratos is basically an entirely different character and everything from the tone to the gameplay has been rebuilt from the ground up.
You're a fucking retard if you believe that. People like to meme that Kratos was nothing but a big angry guy but the original was full of moments showing how much Kratos cared for his family. That hellish horde boss fight near the end, where you have to hug your family to give them your health is a perfect blend of storytelling and gameplay. All of the games had moments like this where they showed Kratos used his anger with a purpose, not just "I'm mad, mad about GODS."
Everything the new one does is because of how well known Kratos' past is. All that subdued anger is because we have seen him in peak anger in previous games. Him having a kid is only meaningful because we've seen how much Kratos tried to protect those he loved or cared about without success in the past.
So go fuck yourself. You're like those retarded journalists that like to claim they're big fans of a series then immediately say the series was always shit until the new one.
>Oh Legend of Zelda Link to the Past is my favorite game of all time but it's kinda shit. Breath of the Wild is the TRUE EXPERIENCE
>Oh God of War 4 is my favorite game but it's also kinda shit. The new God of War 5 is the TRUE MATURE EXPERIENCE
>Oh God of War 5 is my favorite game but it's also kinda shit. The new God of War 6 is the TRUE MATURE EXPERIENCE
Fuck off.
The original Kratos was a cartoon character and you can see that if you go back and rewatch any cutscene from the original game. The new one is a complete tonal overhaul.
When did I claim to be a fan of the original GoW? I said it was shit. I didn’t like it in 2005 and I don’t like it now.
shut up and talk about the best minigame that ever existed
Cause they don't spend 50 hours in the same area to grind only to make posts like yours, wondering why JRPGs are "easy"
>The original Kratos was a cartoon character
Wrong in the very first second of the game.
I'm not telling you that you can't enjoy 4, I do too. I'm not telling you that you need to like the original games, they had their own issues. But it's a matter of respect for the character. Kratos never was just an angry guy, he was always more than that, and all the emotional strength in 4 only works because of the character's past.
Had they simply gone with a new protagonist, some equivalent to Kratos in Nordic mythology, none of the highlights in 4 would've worked. Those moments where Kratos calms himself, tries to be peaceful, only work because you know how much anger he's pushing back, how much regret he has, how much he's trying to change his ways and not fall back on his former self. That scene where he gets the Blades of Chaos is a great example.
Playing with Brother felt like using a cheat engine.
Lol try watching one where he actually speaks.
So the very first second of the game then.
he was the one true original "h-he's fast" madlad. At one point i made a whole team of bikini women just because. Of the 450 hours i had on my ps2 save 200 were about Blitzball. I'm not proud of it but shit was so fun
>Using Brother against the Ronsos
I'd just score a few goals in the first minute then spend the rest of the time kiting the entire Ronso team after me.
>Playing soulless remakes
I played that mandatory match so many fucking times till I finally beat it(kept getting leads then losing them the second Tidus left the game with his overpowered Jecht Shot) until I finally won on a last second venom shot, was so fucking satisfying seeing Wakka holding the trophy in the cut scene, fuck I loved Blitzball
i like to pull the /biz/
continue to heal till it looks like he's gonna give up then rally and attack nonstop.
this is how far i got when i was a kid and then stopped playing forever
Which one smells best?
That has to be on the top 3 of butchering remastered games, including some songs.
If you're saying this you have no idea how badly games can be butchered in the remaster process. Just off of the top of my head I can name Return to Arkham (see pic), Silent Hill HD Collection (possibly the single worst example with more things wrong with it than I could name in a dozen posts), and Ezio Collection (see
>Replayed FFX when it got remastered
>Dreading Evrae, flux and Yunalesca
>Completely body them
Maybe I'm better at games than when I was younger, or maybe it's because I didn't flee from almost every battle like I used to.
>all these comments saying how bad the remaster is
My first experience with FFX was with the Vita remastered version. I feel like I've missed out on something.
I remember playing and finishing it the first time I thought the story was just kinda weird. Like fairy tale weird. It did have a good emotional payoff at the end though.
FFX-3 when? I really, really want it. As long as they make that stupid novel and stupid audio drama track non-canon. Spira is honestly one of my favourite Final Fantasy worlds ever.
The biggest deal is the soundtrack, which I believe is mandatory on Vita (you can switch between original and remastered in PS4/PC versions).
Compare with
best thing to do is use level 5 death and reap a fuckton of exp, gil and ap.
>Yoshitaka Amano will die in your lifetime
>eventually there'll be an FF game without Yoshitaka Amano doing the title art
Hold me bros.
>GameSharked the game as a shit kid who couldn't RPG well and Khimari was maxed out
>turned this fight into a fucking mess, their HP values were completely borked and it took like 3 hours to beat them
Good times.
Wandering Flame got messed up so bad
Yeah, there's a lot of NPC dialog inn the game based on changes in the story.
just mix the maps u got to do 9999 every turn.
There were some bits in FFX that were absolute peak comfy. Besaid Village, the Plains, etc. The right combination of music + visuals + story context. God I love Spira.
Eh you still got the real experience. The face models are just trash (but can be retextured on PC thanks to based modders) and the OST is fucked up in a lot of places. To its credit it does have moments where the remake OST is good, Summoned Beast Battle comes to mind.
Challenge is the biggest fucking tragedy.
Arriving at Luca harbor was top notch comfy
Wasn't FFX ranked at #1 for many, many years at the Famitsu Fan Polls before they redid the polls in 2015?
Was it just a kiss or did Yuna and Tidus performed underwater sex?
It's still considered one of the best FF despite its numerous flaws. It came out in a fortunate time, with a fortunate console and no fatigue from previous games. It was overall lucky, you rarely see it ranked outside top 5. Not to mention there's a massive amount of players that to this day enjoy pure turn based combat so FFX will always be a reference. Plus the Music was outstanding on itself, good enough to make it memorabile
probably Lulu, smelling like lilac and gooseberries
>Okay mother fucker I will come back and destroy you and see what's past you
>not killing it the first time you find him
>sunburnt skin, solar cream and sand
Does this Yuna cunt ever learn to AoE heal or am I seriously just stuck with this shitty prayer spell?
I think you learn aoe heal later. Go explore that sphere grid.
The fact that the palm leaves in the background don't look far enough makes this pic's Rikku look like a giantess.
>this Yuna cunt
more like get better rng and guess correctly.
Git gud fag
>he doesn't use Yuna as an healer
>he dosen't use summons
>skill being a factor
Prayer scales with magic I think. I always used Rikku eith alchemy equipment for double healing effect anyway.
My summons only acted as damage sponges
Just use Al Bhed potions with Rikku. I also suggest going Rikku route with Kimhari for that sweet Steal/Use utility.
cast haste with tidus
cast slow
easy fight
>actually struggling in an ff game
yikes bro, do you not know how to grind?
You can beat FFX without using the sphere grid so its entirely down to strategy.
Same, Spira was such a cool world. I no lifed the fuck out of that game when it came out and even printed out gamefaqs from the internet cafe for all the post-game stuff.
Completely irrelevant, NSG runs are entirely reliant on closely following a guide for mix recipes/Steal tables/Bribe thresholds and sometimes savescumming to ensure you hit Overkill. For ordinary play, raw stat totals are still king, like in most JRPGs.
>printed out gamefaqs
>he didn't used the autistically superior guide
i still have the handwritten notes inside with the Blitzball abilities i was chasing and the monsters i needed to farm to craft break limits, ribbons etc
>buying guides when you could just print them out
I bet you even pay for all your video games.
Grind yuna to learn holy and blast his ass