Can I just say: thank GOD for emulation!

Can I just say: thank GOD for emulation!

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yuzu? MORE LIKE MariOdysseymulator!

this video is ancient

Pretty nostalgic, really.
Back in the earliest N64 emulator days, the only game that could really run worth a damn was Mario 64 and many emulators like Korn pretty much dedicated themselves to perfecting that one game. Pretty amazing, the sorts of potatoes they got M64 running on, shit that could barely run Dungeon Keeper and the like.

just like how the switch is a Mario odyssey machine.

(ARMs works really well too. that games ok to mess around with for a bit.)

I heard they got mario maker 2 working on it. Big if true, I will download it once its confirmed

Yeah I played it yesterday. the new build fixed a black box around mario in the 3D world mode. so it looks pretty good now.

You'll find the latest system fonts and game keys needed at /r/YuzuPiracy/

>thank GOD
>pirating is a sin
what did he mean by this?

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Pirating is ethical against corrupt evil companies like Nintendo.

I already played that game 2 years ago. Why didn't you? Are you poor?

Can I just say: FUCK trannies and FUCK niggers.

>not playing it in 8k 60fps
Thanks for beta testing faggot

It's a sin to pirate games because it breaks the law.

Jesus pirated bread and fish

>playing it 2 years later
>missing out on handheld mode
>missing out on online luigi's balloon world
Yeah Switch version is still better. It's also 60fps on the Switch

Don't throw pearls before swine. These people have no respect for what you're saying. You'll just tempt them to dig themselves deeper.

Pirates are going to heaven and there's nothing you can do about it

>playing it 2 years later
>missing out on handheld mode
>missing out on online luigi's balloon world
Bing bing
>Yeah Switch version is still better. It's also 60fps on the Switch
So is PC

Stealing is a sin. Pirating is not stealing.

>Pirating is not stealing.
What did he mean by this

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Eve was literally pirated from Adam

thank god that you can play 2 year old games in slow motion?

You aren't taking anything from anyone.

>don't mind me, I'm just pirating this car.

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By definition, it can't be stolen if it's still there.

It's a surprise discount.


Pirating is a saint thing, it's not stealing.
Jesus comfirms it.

>create amazing invention
>write blueprints
>some guy sees it and steals my idea and sells it before I can
>"Hey bro I didn't steal it, you still have your blueprints bro"

Good point. Think of the poor grain merchants and fishermen who he financially ruined!

Are the new Ryzen good for emulation?

Based. that story is the perfect analogy for piracy.

that's not how it works dumbass but don't mind me just pirating this restaurant

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>I don't want to fully enjoy the game

Ah yes, who could forget the eleventh commandment

>Switch 250$-350$
>PC that is able to run the game at 60fps 1500$-2500$
I love that yuzu might open up switch game mods and let me play switch games at 4k, but we are FAR from a point where the 4k and higher framerate might be a selling point for it. It can barely run at 60fps on some of the fastest hardware on the market and there is still a lot of glitches that breaks a lot of games or games that run so poorly that it's not even worth trying to run them. Stop shitposting.

hey buddy, you just blew in from "stupid town?"

No, did you?

Now that you mentioned it, I saw you on the same exit as well...


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>submit to authorities
have we not mentioned the FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK NIGGERS part already?

These threads are so fucking stupid. The OP is clearly baiting moralfags yet the thread consists of piratefags larping as moralfags to bait piratefags and the result is gay sex

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Jesus pirated water into wine, denying the wine industry of the precious sales they needed to keep their business afloat.

He made his own wine. You can make your own games too

I can't make my own Mario games because nintendo will C&D me and then sue me for damages.

>HAHAHA enjoy your kiddie shit, nintenfags!
a year later
>Can I just say: thank GOD for emulation!

If you sell them or post it online like a retard. Im pretty sure its legal to make one for personal use as long as you dont distribute it. In fact it should be legal to mod a mario game you own as well

Does this shit run Xenoblade already?

>Making a game for only yourself to play.
what the fuck.

You can play it with others, just dont distribute it.

or Nintendo could not be kikes.

Midnight animal

Copying ideas and claiming them as your own is not analogous to copying a product and not claiming it as your own nor profiting off of it.

Hopefully they'll get some of the weirder games running as well. I discovered a lot of games as a kid who couldn't afford games through emulating them like the Secret of Mana series. Now that I've got a lot of disposable income I just buy games, but that more people are getting to experience the hard work the developers put into these games is good stuff.

But in both cases the creator is losing profit for their idea.

Sure, but that doesn't change the definition of copyright infringement being separate to theft.

No they're not because I wasn't going to buy that shit anyway.

>he actually watches movies in theaters

lol i just steal them out of the bargain bin at walmart five years later

i am such a master racer

Agreed. I would love if we had old school public domain laws. Imagine zelda being public domain and having Nintendo and 3rd party games of the franchise. Fucking Disney ruined everything

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stealing implies the original cannot be used by the victim of the crime.

pirating is literally just making a new copy.

>stealing implies the original cannot be used by the victim of the crime.
Nah, stealing still covers that, like you can steal ideas for example

>The authorities that exist have been established by God.
>we have a God-directed responsibility to obey the laws that our government has established (unless the laws contradict God's Word).
But why would God establish authorities that implement laws that oppose his word?

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God likes law and order which is why the bible condemns lawlessness. God wants their to be police, government, laws, ETC, because of this God established the government, but some governments rebel against him and make laws that defy him. God's law is of course above any man made law though.

>but some governments rebel against him and make laws that defy him.
But they're supposed to be established by God. God established governments that rebel against God? Sounds like he's doing a pretty shit job.

>Bible says...
Chapter and verse please.

Hows the performance on this emulator never looked into it. Have Ryzen 1800x, 16 gb and 970. Zelda on Cemu works pretty perfectly except for some drops in populated areas.

i'd be curious to see how one of those people who say the bible is the word of god would react to the demonstrable translation errors in the bibles they quote compared to the original text

It only strengthens their belief, religion is based on blind faith, you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into

God didn't make the laws, so it's not a sin

reddit pls go

Ancient rulers created the concept of God to lend legitimacy to their claims of rulership and to make people more likely to obey. "Oh, it's not just ME saying this... it's GOD! And you don't want to be on God's bad side, do you?!"

A truly devout christian treats studying the bible as a lifelong journey and looks at many translations of the bible to interpret it for themselves.

t. son of a pastor (not religious myself)

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How is this an argument? Are tou retarded ? Switch has 5 games , there are million games on pc that you can play in any given time for free. Every game made ever except very few “exlusives” that are not even worth buying their consoles for

>nd looks at many translations of the bible to interpret it for themselves.
why would you need to look at anything other than the original text?

You are a retard. Religion was most likely created as a way to explain the world around us. Its basically caveman science. Theos has existed for longer than emperors have

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But how long until the sound isn't shit?

Doesnt exist anymore. All we have are translations of translations of translations. Its all bs anyway, most of it was written several centuries aftee it supposedly happened

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The original argument was that you could play Odyssey on a PC so why even bother to buy a switch? And it was answered in kind. I swear to god, 90% of shitposters today don't even bother reading the thread before they shit all over it.

>the world just exists without a creator

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Didnt say that, just that religion was created as a precursor to science. We are all ignorant on this matter Mr. Brainlet Wojak

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God has nothing to do with science.


but who created the creator?

Nothing. A God that need's a creator is not a god.

hey this isn't r/religion

>god just exists without a creator

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You can't impose logic based on the puny testimony of your limited biology onto reality itself. The truth is life on earth evolved to perceive a very limited set of stimuli and attempting to rationalize the nature of existence with only your incomplete and finite human understanding is impossible. This is evidenced by the fact that neither of the two predominant theories on the origin of the universe, the big bang and the existence of a god, are immune to the question "What came before them?" The plain Baryonic matter that humans can see and observe comprises just 5% of the known universe; we can't even see or interact with the rest because it is for all intents and purposes beyond our plain of existence. The true nature of reality is frightfully exotic and quite literally incomprehensible.

God is by definition anything who created the universe, basically the reason behind the bigbang is by definition God

>the first step in a series of events needs to be preceeded by another step
okay buddy

>Doesn't even know what god means
What did brainlet mean by this

why a running animation when practically standing still?

To be fair wine during that time was pretty shite so if anything Jesus probably advanced the industry forward from drinking solely retsina and greco.

Emulation is for actual plebs. The name itself spells it out to you, its an imitation of the real thing.

>the first step in a series of events needs to be preceeded by another step
This is what logic derived from human perception would indicate but since it demonstrably cannot be true, or we wouldn't exist in the first place, one must conclude that human perception cannot fully discern the mechanisms behind reality.

Pathethic piratefags unironically say this

either something doesn't necessarily need a creator, in which case god doesn't need to exist for the universe to exist, or everything needs a creator, in which case god needs a creator to exist, and in that case he's not really god

>muh mario
>muh pokemon
smt 5 lmao and rf5 better be working on this or else

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Actual plebs would pretentiously prefer the real thing even if the imitation is better in every single ways.

I really wish Yuzu didn't run slower than an autistic kid on sleeping pills.

I know you're just shitposting but Balloon World is actually cool as shit and I hope at the very least Yuzu can host it for other Yuzu players.

You can't steal ideas, you can only copy them. The only time the expression "stole my idea" makes sense is when what someone really did was stole your CREDIT for an idea by claiming it as their own or using it first.

You need something that is non-contingent (i.e. necessary) for contingent things to exist. That non-contingent thing is, by definition, God.

The universe itself is contingent, and so are natural laws. Hence why it is not enough. The universe cannot explain itself.