Why aren't you playing Paragon, Yea Forums? It has actual graphics

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Yea Forums? It has actual graphics.

Attached: dekkerbooty.jpg (3456x1944, 967K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why aren’t you playing Paragon/type/op/page/1/

Fortnite literally killed it

I know I've seen this same thread with the same pic before. Give me a bit to check the archive.

Wow. Classic post up in here. Does Paragon even still exist?

>Playing games for graphics

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Here we go. 676 threads with this same OP.
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why aren’t you playing Paragon/type/op/page/1/
Doesn't this count as spamming or advertising?

It's not spamming. It's devotion. And nobody could pay me to advertise a game that no longer is operating.

>actual graphics
>still looks like ass

Nah the servers were taken down.

Yeah I realize that now. It's just classic post. Kinda like Sakura Fish before the mods banned it.

How do I get it running OP?

How can he advertise a dead product?

Again I realized this after I posted that. I've seen this post for years and years and I've only now decided to look into it.

i miss her so much

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Fuck fortnite and fuck epic

It was just a shitty moba.

It was actually the best MOBA though.

Fuck you user.

And it was still shit.

fuck you, galyonkin

but even before that they literally don't know what to do with the game and constantly changed it for the worse every time
even without fortnite it'll just die soon enough eventually anyway

the butt is nice, but that texture/shader work is fucking amazing

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Me too user...me too

Maybe she shouldn't have lived in a society

you play games for their graphics, you just dont realize it.

Woo, this took me back. When was this a thing again? I know it's not that old but somehow it feels like ages ago

It's literally spamming. It being "devotion" doesn't mean it can't also be spamming.

What about Japanese bird cooking spaghetti?

Paragon is dead. Most of its players migrated to SMITE.

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Is this a case where an inferior but more popular game took over development of a better yet less popular game?
Why couldn't they keep both games running? Doesn't epic have megadosh now?

>Enabling boomers, while also tricking them into throwing money at you for less work on graphics.

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We could have saved it..

I may not understand you, Paragonanon, but I respect your dedication to high-quality shitposting.

Pretty sure they dropped it because it wasn't all that popular. I bet the PS4 version flopped.

>Boomers actually buy games like Dusk and AMID EVIL because it looks like old vidya.
>They secretly aren't paying for the old style gameplay, but instead they're paying for the old style graphics.
It all makes sens now!

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paragonposter btfo

You're being sarcastic but there's a shitton of these faux-retro games out there and they always get the onion brigade lactating because it reminds them of their childhood before their lives went to shit

Paragon had a tiny playerbase. Hardly anyone played it. I doubt the issue is money.

Being ironic, but at the same time I get that some might actually care about that, graphics do matter to at least some extent, personally a modern looking game with old style run and shoot gameplay sounds interesting, normally when they make more old school shooters they seem to go for the "ye old graphics" as well. Which does seem a bit like a call to nostalgia.

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>game has graphics but no art style

I feel like there's a place for both. I mean, I like graphics, but not being an extreme goy I seldom have the hardware to really appreciate. I much prefer good design, artistic flourishes, and general performance. Dragons Dogma at 60fps on the PC felt incredible to play despite it having dogshit 360 visuals

paragon assets had been released to the public for free
doubt they'll be able to remake paragon even if they wanted to, if anything it'll use completely new assets

also it's a lot less that paragon was failing than it was that they have to mobilize everyone including those from ut4 and stw to fortnite br now-or-never-esque to capitalize on the boom and secure it

Epic uses that megadosh to buy exclusives for their store. Dont you like modern game companies?

It had the same problem Lawbreakers had. It was just team-based hero-shooter in a sea of them, and it was late to the party.

SMITE isn't actually 3D though

But it is, its just that really high jumps are separate abilities. The game also does have a "jump" button which is completely useless gameplay wise but they made the animations and the function anyway.

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>But it is, its just that really high jumps are separate abilities.
No it isn't, everything is locked onto a 2D plane. The jump abilities are just cosmetic just like they are in LoL or Dota, I can't aim up at someone in the air. The game is functionally 2D.

With that logic most online FPS shooters are 2d because they dont have high enough jumps to make the fighting truly vertical.


>With that logic most online FPS shooters are 2d because they dont have high enough jumps to make the fighting truly vertical.
What the fuck do you mean "with that logic," are you retarded? I can aim up in down in an FPS and I can go above or under people, so it's 3D.
Nobody can be this stupid

You can aim up and down in SMITE and you can go above or under people.

>aim up
>projectile goes parallel to the ground
>aim down
>projectile goes parallel to the ground
hmm it's almost like you're full of shit or something

Yet you can still aim downwards in the game. And with Aoe-based projectiles it determines where they land.