Game's sequels become more and more awful until it just shallow name

>game's sequels become more and more awful until it just shallow name
What game is it?

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Elder Scrolls

What in the hell is this shit?


>Game's sequel is as shitty and boring as you'd expect from the original but fans only catch up to that too late because of the dumbest details

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Crash and Spyro games
Every EA game

>until it just shallow name


Wtf new episodes? I fucking love the arab chick. She's literally just an excuse to show darker deaths.

Home wrecking thot, don't even care she's gay. Rude bitch

Ugh. I wanted so much for new Young Justice but who knew that was a wish on a monkey's paw

So this ends in a foursome with their tfs or what?

how has part 2 been so far? was pretty annoyed about them splitting up the season into two parts so dc could make more money

half-lip kisses is the peak display of affection and love to a partner

Why Muslim girl is sad in the end? She was definitely into it couple of seconds ago.

Also Persona series

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Call of Duty
The Sims

Sae please old men for government pension.

Hot opinion but Persona.

Assassin's creed
Far cry

I loved new Far Cry, 4 and 5 especially
The only shitty thing is that you can't help Pagan in 4

InFamous and Zelda

>Infamous 2
Mighty fine shit opinion you have there.

>no black lightning
That's enough for me

infamous 2 wasnt bad, think he means second shit

>sequels are progressively worse
Second son was shit but I'm following the OPs logic.

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Valve games

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Persona after 3

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Infamous 2 traumatized me from playing as bad guys when given the choice. Now I'm in good goy mode only.

>persona 3
yikes imagine being this much of a zoomer retard

But the image I posted is the good route?

Fuck you buddy.

I need someone to post absolutely haram since I lost all my reactions recently.

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It's not NTR if it's just women

Don't have to be a zoomer to know that Persona was a trash series that was saved by 3.

I feel like a better question is what game DOESN'T fall prey to this. Can you legitimately name a series that didn't become worse over time?

The only one I can think of is Warcraft, and that's only because they started working on WoW instead of making more after 3

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who ever heard of an ntr where the women cuck each that a thing? asking for a friend

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The Longest Journey
Elder Scrolls
Half-Life (episode 2 wasn't even a Half-Life game anymore)
Mortal Kombat
Saint's Row

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Makoto is cute

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Holy crap Yea Forumsbros this is such a cute boy
Shit... i might actually be turning gay...

Please be in London

Yeah, there's a doujin that's exactly that but it's futa on female


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Well it's not like Violet and Brion's relationship would've survived (actual spoilers) him finding out she killed his parents

never mind

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For both of this 3rd was the best one.

I meant for post Insomniac and ND games

Killzone really didn't get worse in my opinion, just kind of fizzled out in popularity.

I just me, or i just can't get into the "new" Runescape, i've played OldSchool for a while and i really like it around 50 hours, not much
But the new one, feels so off and retarded or is just me ?
Fucking xp lamps n' shit, the fucking premium shit keeps appearing into my face, fucking chest keys and characters looking like they are going to a LGBT faggot march
Weapons looks autistic, and can be found way easier, and aren't that useful like in oldschool

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Post it.

The Young Justice Season appearing online.

Those two are both underaged. Let it all sink in.

>I might actually be turning gay...
Maybe a little bit

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Why do westerners always make dykes so ugly?

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>Underaged girls cheating on their boyfriends with other underaged girls.
What message were they sending kids here?

It should be a bannable offense to post western garbage. Imagine enjoying that trite.

>The look of utter sadness in that mans face.
Is he the dad,or something?


why is it always buff guys turning into trannies? why woud you get ripped and then turn into a woman? how unaware can you be?

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Actually one of them is an immortal genderless alien entity inhabiting a body of a dead underage girl

World of Warcraft


Metal Gear Solid

So they can smash women's sports records.

Anyone ever noticed that all gays in media are lesbians? Its like they want the good "press" of having open gayness but dont have the balls to go for the full homo of 2 guys. Oh well I havent watched cartoons in well over a decade so dont matter much ta me.

I knew better than to pick up Young Justice again after they brought it back. Anybody who trusted these shit writers after the original finale deserves this degeneracy

Persona 3 the only every in the series that can be considered art. 1 and 2 are generic smt spinoffs while 4 is simplified rehash of 3's mechanics with none of the context that made them important. 5 is at least a good game, but still a streamlined/"gameified" version of 3/4.

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That Voltron cartoon was destroyed by homo fandom

because women push for it.Straight men dont actively seek it out gay male content.

truly a mystery for the ages.......

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Think it's young justice. Holy shit the SJdubya somehow got to it during the hiatis.

The chick on the right looks like Terra from the Judas Contract, but with blue hair. What's up with that?

How can a cartoon be destroyed by fandom, just don't participate

>Why Muslim girl is sad in the end? She was definitely into it couple of seconds ago.

doing something because you wanted in for a moment, then instantly regretting if for its wider ramifications is a concept that is alien to you?
you are either a bit dense, or exceptionally blessed when it comes to the consequences of your every-day actions.

So ... does that count as necrophilia ?

Only out of context, it actually makes fun of social justice

Phil Bourassa sameface syndrome

Terra is in the show but she mostly stands in the background not say anything because her VA is expensive. kek.

>Scientific evidence needed
I mean I don't wanna see that stuff, but I'm pretty sure I don't feel like retching. Granted just seeing maggots probably wouldn't make me retch either but still. I find it unlikely that it's the same. Or even close, you'd probably have to be all kinds of sheltered and intolerant for something like that to happen.

By "sheltered and intolerant" you mean "not successfully brainwashed"

Tomb Raider Reboot

Oh, I see.


Can I have a name?



There are kids on this board too young to remember a time before the election when people didn't sperg out like it was the end of the world at the slightest hint of social themes in media

One-off lesbian kisses used to be celebrated as pandering to straight men

The leaked male homo kiss might deserve the outrage though

>presented with 2 choices at the end
>locked out of either choice if your karma isn't fully aligned with good or evil

then whats the point?

>being a monkey who lets their primal instincts dictate their behaviour and personality

One man's "not brain washed" is another man's "brainwashed by the other side". Screaming brainwashed isn't scientific proof by the way.

The silence actually worked out in her favor, Terra has never been more compelling, I say that as someone who didn't care about any of her portrayals until now

I guess if you see it enough you get desensitized to it. You want to share something user?

Morality systems in general are pretty shit. Although in InFamous' case at least it offered two routes to choose from, that's not to say InFamous also suffered from the issues of morality systems though.
>Gives the players a morally grey choice but the devs get to decide which is the 'good' option

The best part of InFamous' morality system is how it affects gameplay though, playing more carefully in combat to avoid civilian casualties is the kind of behaviour a super hero has.

Lmaooooo those dumb SJW trannies am I rite? Not like us chiseled, masculine /pol/-tards

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>The Longest Journey

It wasn't a decline, it was a rapid descent. The only way they could top it is if the next one is just a low rez fmv of their cultural sensitivity advisor giving a two hour tedX talk anout white fragility.

Share what? As stated I don't want to see it, but I also doubt the validity of the claim.

Truly reputable source by the way.

I don't need scientific proof when being gay is a sin

What's the memeri TV of vidya?

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>literal /u/ board
>people get mad about lesbian
Outrage to outrage
Worse than soccer moms t b h

>But I don't wanna be gay.
>But I love my boyfriend.
>But I wanna have a kid with the person I marry.
>But I don't actually like her that much anyway.
>Oh this was a mistake, why did I allow it, I really need to have more self control. I've probably messed everything up now.
Life has consequences user, some people normally care about more than just sex in real life.

Illhan Omar and Alyssa Milano swap barf with each other.webm

>you're a monkey if you brainwash away your natural instincts
Next you'll tell me you're enlightened for eating your own shit.