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Other urls found in this thread:übcke

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>Wolfantifa : Punch Notsee XD


Fuck yeah this is /ourgame/ guys BLACK LIVES MATTER FUCK NAZIS AND FUCK DRUMPF



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>Buying literal propaganda

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Unironically excited. Not gonna play co-op though, gonna play it through single-player.
NuWolfenstein has the most satisfying gunplay out of all recent shooters

Yay, more divisive, hateful propaganda from corporations.

it's gonna be yet another looter-shooter shit

It's hard to remember a game, where you don't actually kill white people to be honest

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you need to play more shooter then
wolfs shooting is garbage

>Posting literal propaganda

Oh how the tables 180°.

The shooting is too fucking slow and the game may as well be a collectathon for health and armour pickups. Worth a pirate once Denuvo leaves.

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Literally forgot this even existed

Feel free to give me some examples.
I've played shit loads of shooters but nuWolf is still close to the top for the most satisfying gunplay.

>muh denuvo
give it a rest already

>buying games that have received almost zero promotion over the last few weeks

This game will turn into such a shitfest haha

>hasnt played DUSK/Amid Evil

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it's only devisive if you are some sort of american far right in which case nobody gives a fuck lmao

I think you posted the wrong image, user. I know for a fact nobody is looking forward to that awful new “woke” Wolfenstein game

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Not playing this but I'll fap to the sfm porn if someone makes some, maybe.

>no couch co-op

Those are nothing special

why? both are ugly as sin


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zoomer confirmed

it's not fair bros...

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Maybe if there was no sequel the game could get its chance.
But nope, you wont fool me again.

Feels strange, living in a timeline where every single franchise I knew and loved has become... This.

I want to sniff the dark haired ones butthole and thats as far as my interest goes

>u-ur a zoomer!!
Dusk released in 2018 and Amid Evil released a month ago you dumb wanna-be boomer

you're missing the point

Cant wait to kill nazis!

No thanks, get this trash back to your cuckSweden.

Wolfenstein 2009 is the best wolf
fite me

>"they like totally FEEL like old school shooters bro!"
Your point is dull

I played it through a few times when it came out. It's a solid game, there's nothing that's really bad about it. My problem is it just didn't feel like a Wolfenstein game. The gunplay was slow and clunky, and if you grew up playing Wolfenstein 3d and RTCW like I did, you'll see what I mean.

they sure as hell do more than nuwolf

literally no one cares about this shit honestly, and I was one to defend the new colossus, but looking back it was shit too, but not for the reasons that most people disliked it. it was bad from a level design, story and replayability perspective. The level design was truly awful now that I look back, especially the new york and new orleans sections, both were god fucking awful.

Also, the new orleans sections in general pissed me off, because I live here and it was a fucking parody. The entire city is apparently the french quarter, Lake Pontchartrain, despite being like average 10 feet deep, and 60 at its deepest is somehow capable of havint a 200 foot tall submarine move through it, crash onto land and then back up into the 10 feet of water of the lake. Oh, and for some reason, the lakeshore of New Orleans is also the french quarter, despite it being on a complete opposite side of the city.

It was shit, this will be shit too.

>They do more
Yeah, maybe more dick sucking. You punk ass bitch


Well, compared to the old Wolfenstein games, '09 is quite weak.
But. Compared to the mess like The New Collossus and Youngblood, '09 is breddy gud.

Can you imagine how hyped people would be for a remaster of RTCW with a full-fledged objective and class-based WW2 multiplayer bundled in. Why don't they do multiplayer anymore?

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If I want to watch women cry about fascism, I'll visit resetera for a few hours.

Not only was everything new bad, everything old was made worse
Every character from 1 is Flanderized so hard i can't believe it was the same team
also Moon from 1 was disappointing but Venus was simply shit

if you grew up playing Wolfenstein 3d and RTCW
I did.

>That fucking headbobbing

is mafia 3 at least decent?

>Confirmed low-test fag who gets motion sickness from almost nothing
Very, very embarrassing

call down buddy, take your pills

TNO and TOB were better, for sure


I never played it, but from what I saw it wasn't really supposed to be new orleans, but a mix of multiple southern cities I think, with influences from many of them. That said, if it was supposed to be new orleans, they got it wrong because there's no hills, it's completely flat here, and I remember seeing a lot of hills and stuff in trailers I watched.

The only game that sort of did New Orleans alright was RDR2.

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I still think that The Old Blood is the best one.
It kinda sucks that it was so short though.

I've actually already taken my daily redpill

very repetitive but the shooting feels good


Probably would've bought if they had a few B-side/unreleased Carpenter Brut tracks in the game.

final boss was shit and the magic just being zombies was disappointing, but mostly agree

it shows

>it shows
yeah I know my big schlong is showing, it's hard to keep that lad pent up

Current day bethesda would shove more sjw shit into it. Just let it rest.

>posting a game where the main goal is to kill nazis on a board populated by nazis
What did you expect to happen, OP? Besides,
More like today.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Youngblood. It marks the first time where swastikas remain uncensored. We're finally shooting at nazis instead of some weird cult or "the regime". Certain events like political assassinations and bombings refueled my hatred for nazis. This will have to do until I find an actual way of ruining the day for those cunts.

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Scared already?


Fuck off.

no i'd just rather you discuss the games rather than poorly false-flag
he's question to get you started, did you prefer New Order or New Colossus? Why?

of what?

>muh dick size
you're either 12, a nigger or most likely both

>you're either 12
Yeah you got me, I am indeed 12 inches

I haven't played New Colossuss, so the answer is obvious. If you were asking TNO vs. TOB: I enjoyed the pacing of TOB much more. It lets you go ham on more occasions and the weapons feel nice (laser weapons in TNO are kinda lame), but the level design in TNO is far more varied.

I wasn't false-flagging, by the way. I'm seriously thinking about aiding the local antifa by providing lists of names, addresses, maybe more.

>I wasn't false-flagging, by the way. I'm seriously thinking about aiding the local antifa by providing lists of names, addresses, maybe more.
Not even him, but lay down whatever you rot your brain with.Only a total kiddo on daddy's money would want them to chimp out in local area.

If you weren't false-flagging I still doubt that, but you are spacing you should play TNC, it goes whole-hog on the thinly veiled modern politics. Level-design and secondary mechanics are pretty bad, and the plot feels like it didn't have a third act

Unironically kill yourself my man.

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Go fuck yourself commie

All these sperging frail white kids. Thanks for the laugh.

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You're mistaking our local antifa for the limp wristed American one. Unlike them, ours gets shit done. They have roughed up far-right politicians, bombed their offices and regularly visit members of nazi gangs in dark alleys. Neo-nazi terror is at an all time high in both frequency and quality and people are finally beginning to mobilize, me being only one of them.

See you on the streets, Facebook Ronnie.

Sounds like a cool town. Keep up the work, if you participate.

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Peak neo Yea Forums cringe.

You have articles on that?

>killing Nazis isn't politically correct in 2019

>posting a game where the main goal is to kill nazis on a board populated by nazis
epic bait you worthless brain damaged retard

Google "Frank Magnitz".

lol your pathetic

nice, you punched an old man
really got me on your side there
domestic terrorism and vigilante justice are for short-sighted faggots looking for catharsis

You haven't done much to prove me wrong. Until you and all the other fags openly oppose the shit that is promoted on this board, you have to wear that badge. And I'm not talking about shit like casually saying nigger.

Openly oppose what exactly?


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Better than neo-nazis who shot an old man in broad daylight. Police is making no effort to catch the murderer because they have proven to be infiltrated by nazi groups.

People sat there and took it in the past and you know where it got us. It's fair to try a different approach this time.

cant wait to go and MANUALLY pick up every health and that armor bits after every firefight, thats good game design, right?

is there even going to be Brut in the game itself? it's bad enough they used fucking Turbo Killer of all things for their shitty trailer

>Police is making no effort to catch the murderer
Then how you know it was a nazi?

Again, articles? I'm not familiar with German politics oddly enough, and not about to take the word of a LARPer on a Korean fly-fishing fan page

Basically /pol/ shit. You don't seem too bothered by talks about dem niggers and da joos and all the other demented bullshit, so it's safe to assume you tolerate it, maybe even wish for it.

because it's edge shitposting and I can't do that anywhere else. I don't go on /pol/ because some of them take it seriously

>German Antifa
Thank God here in Poland wanabe-commies are still punched to near death.
That local LGBT parade (with participants imported from German border) had more police escorts than recent Presidential visit

>outspoken pro-immigrant politician
>received countless death threats by neo-nazi thugs
>the same groups celebrated his death openly
Pure coincidence.

Google "Walter Lübcke".

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>"Stephan Ernst was arrested on 15 June 2019, and confessed to the crime on 25 June 2019"
Glad they caught the fucker, but why did you lie about " Police [...] making no effort to catch the murderer"?
Also I'd need something on that the second part of that sentence

>opposing nazis makes you a commie
I mean, antifa is riddled with those types, but still.

Since you're Polish, I can't help but think of selective memory. The only country the nazis fucked harder was Soviet Russia, and yet you are picking up their talking points so willingly. You of all people should know better.

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Shouldn't you be servicing the local muslim bulls kraut?

So when /pol/acks talk about "coincidences" about white depopulation and shit its all conspiracy theory.
But when one outspoken lefty gets hit, its open season for unrelated old men?
Remember Weimar Republic kid.

It's cute you assume he was acting alone.


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Check yours too, Poland got fucked by Nazis and USSR raw
that's why the nationalist sentiment is so strong now

>So when /pol/acks talk about "coincidences" about white depopulation and shit its all conspiracy theory.
Unironically. Your paranoia is not nearly comparable to direct threats aimed at the victim.
Be a little less obvious next time.

>game LITERALLY forces goyim to kill their race ambassadors / guardians and saviours

>goyim has to pay $60 for this priviledge

Apart from that Wolfenstein turned to shit. I literally WILL NOT EVEN PIRATE this. The last wolf game was weak compared to previous one; they tried too hard and flopped....and now we wont even be playing as the ultimate Jewish tool named Blow Job Blazkowicz.


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True, both sides had their go at Poland, and Russia's session is more recent and lasted much longer than Germany's, but that's just rationalizing.

They are currently going through an economic boom as well.

Since they have a higher job demand than there is population they are paying employees more competitive/better wages. Everyone wins except the 1% and business owners

Western Europe avoided this by importing hordes of migrants and devaluating labor causing wages to plummet rather than give fair and competitive wages to their native population.

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Jesus, you didn't even read the wiki article you pointed me too
>An investigation by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz/Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) found that a doomsday prepper network Nordkreuz (German: Northern Cross) had ammunition, firearms, and body bags, as well as "kill lists" for politicians after acquisition of a database of 25,000 names, which they shared on the messaging app Telegram.[10]übcke
The article is way more fleshed out in your language too
And they still caught the murder so your first statement was incorrect, now do you have a source on that second statement or just more smug condescension?
fuck man, i'm solving Captchas for this

what about that is rationalizing, rationalizing what? That Nazis and commies are both bad? that just rational, not rationalizing

If you are calling anti-fascist action as anything but commies then you are the one with short memory.
Also the ones that fucked up Poland the most were the Soviets, while Poland before WWII turned into a dictatorship, that was actually warming up to Hitler since Soviet attacked them already and were reading up for another round (as they did in WWII).
Read a book other than Communist Manifesto and Holocaust Memorial.

people who are excited for this probably thought multiplayer Fallout was a good idea too

Verfassungsschutz is not police. The latter is the one in charge of criminal investigation and compromised. There was an incident where a man tried to prevent film crews from filming a neo-nazi party rally. Within minutes police showed up and pinned the film crews to the ground. Turned out the man belonged to the State Criminal Police Office and abused his authority to prevent negative coverage.

If that's true, Hitler should have gone through with the ethnic cleansing.

does anybody know how the coop will work? I don't see the option to add friends. What if the other person bought in on steam? Nobody really seems to know.

I think it's supposed to work between launchers since you need a Bethesda account one way or another. But yeah, they have been quiet about the hows.

Congratulations, you're the only person that cared/remembered.

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>release day
>half the price of most major titles
>selling worse than a game more than 8 years old

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She probably doesn't shave, none of them do probably

I can't wait until you people are rounded up and shot

And? That makes it better

These are your protagonists.

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Can't wait. Wolfenstein TNC is my favorite fps ever despite the hate it gets here.

They literally look like someone's first serious attempt at modeling a human face. Especially the hair model on the one to the right.

This. Nothing beats the crunchiness of the Wolf shotguns or the satisfying sound and feedback of the silenced pistol. Doom weapons feel like paper toys or some shit in comparison.

Second best behind TNC. But definitely better than TNO.

All this fucking liberal agenda in my vidya...
Remember the pro-Nazi Wolfenstein? I want it back bros...

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>Remember the pro-Nazi Wolfenstein
What the fuck am I reading

kys subhuman your human rights are hereby revoked you have no laws to protect you


No, but I remember when Wolfenstein was just a goofy shooter with wacky nazis with fun gameplay that didn't try to make a political statement.

>OG Wolf: hotblooded anti-totalitarian Pole fights Nazis
>nu-Wolf: weak jewish pro-communist loses again and again to nazis, QTE to finish boss, replaced by two ugly daughters to do his job

It used to be apolitical, for fun. The objective wasn't to kill Nazis because they're extra despicable, it was just set dressing.
Now they're making it political...
I mean, come on... Nazis aren't all evil... why are we encouraged to enjoy mercilessly slaughtering them? Just because we have a different opinion than you?


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One of these discord trannies wanted to genuinly sell me that Return To Castle Wolfenstein makes political statements. hahaha

Yeah dude, don't mess around with ancient daggers and cyborg monsters and shit.
It's fucked up.

This is as stupid as the doom movie not having doom guy

Assuming the game is still as fun as before, why does the political statement annoy you so?
Since fascism has been on the rise for a few years, I can understand why they're tapping into the setting to make a political statement now that may encourage you to enjoy killing nazis even more. Not like anyone had any moral reservations about killing them beforehand, but it's still more fun!

>Assuming the game is still as fun as before
>QTE final boss
You have no eyes to read, no brain to think, and no words to say

Yes of course that's inferior to the previous games. Still has nothing to do with the political shit. kek

>Assuming the game is still as fun as before
That's the other problem. It isn't.
It's way fucking slower, the stealth isn't any better than it was in the original, the story takes itself way too fucking seriously, and I really don't enjoy the lengthy cutscenes about characters I have been given no reason to like.

>Yes of course that's inferior
Ok, you accept nuWolf is dogshit

just remake wolf et with id tech 7 and im buying 4 copies

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The political shit is just another nugget in the shit sandwich.
If I were willing to put up with all of the awful modern gaming trends shoved into the new games for the sake of the (admittedly pretty cool artstyle), I'm really not now.

>political statement now that may encourage you to enjoy killing nazis even more
you are playing a game where you fight cyborg dogs and giant robots against comically evil villains.
No one is going to take your political statement seriously when it's surrounded by all of this ridiculous shit.

And again, that's a problem the narrative has too. They try to tell a serious story with such a fundamentally ridiculous premise.
It's tremendously offputting.

It sucks that watching a trailer for an almost 20 year old game gives me more hype than a brand new Wolfenstein game.

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Give me a game where I can kill Americans and Jews as a Nazi.

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so is incest confirmed yet?

Yeah that's cool and all but when are we going to get a doom game without doom guy?

>They have roughed up far-right politicians, bombed their offices and regularly visit members of nazi gangs in dark alleys.
So in other words, Antifa are terrorists. Yet the state tolerates and even supports you, and the mass media promotes you.
Because you're the ones who do the dirty work for the capitalists. When the CEO's of the biggest corporations complain that wages are getting too high and we need more immigration in order to flood the labor market with cheap workers, you're the first ones to go out on the street to attack the working class people who speak out against it.

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What's the best way to play RTCW these days? I never finished it when I was a kid.

What happens tomorrow?

What's with the unrelated image or irrelevance?

I don't think you need to do anything special to play it. I saw some reviews on Steam saying the game won't start for them, but I didn't have that problem. There's a widescreen patch available, too. I'd play it vanilla, and if you enjoyed that, there's the RealRTCW that adds more weapons, balances existing ones, and increases the difficulty. Venom Mod is good too.

>remaster of RTCW
Old Blood was remake of the first part of the rtcw.

I'm definitely going to get TNO and TOB at some point. TOB in particular I've heard good things about on here.

old blood was based

>You're mistaking our local antifa for the limp wristed American one.
So you are just admiting that there is no ''legit'' ANTIFA and all of you are terrorist scum that would rather destroy what was once built rather than build something on your own or even just add on to what is there? I hope that more politicians wakes up from this leftist nightmare and finally understand that helping terrorists, no matter how far right or left they are, is always a bad idea.

Anyone getting it for the Switch?

bottom left are missing kike noses

and it was shit.

Don't think so, think his music was promos only. I do agree though, Turbo Killer and Roller Mobster are like pleb filters imo.

Imagine if the leak was real and one of them has a black boyfriend
I'd love to see Yea Forums's reaction


Haven't seen this gag in forever.

Thanks user

Why do I feel like they're going to kill off BJ's character

>lose war to burgerlords
>burgerlords make countless video games showing what happens to losers

You’re gonna have to cope mein nigga.

>nazis are committing political assassinations, bomb the houses of politicians and do drive-bys on brown people
>but the REAL threat are those damn lefties for giving these fuckers a bit of their own medicine
>all of this accompanied by a Stonetoss comic
You're a walking stereotype. It's obvious where your loyalties are and I can't wait to cave your head in.

Because Bethesda as a publisher are naturals at peaking and subsequently ruining franchises.

Certainly not by you, fat boy.


>I can’t wait to cave your head in


It's whites favourite sport after all. Sometimes they get together and commit mass murder on each other, think they call it "world wars" or something.

how? nu-wolfenstein has just been nothing but shooting at bullet sponge enemies and trying to find ammo and health, it gets so tedious man.

>implying nazis are the whites' keepers

>I can't wait to cave your head in.
You just have to work up to being able to look at a weapon without crying first.

More interested in seeing how this turns out, because I'm a fucking sucker for mechs.

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>implying I ever leave the house unarmed
The memes have gone to your head, faggot. The images constantly reposted in your echo chamber do not reflect the real world.

Does anyone take this game seriously? I'm getting a vibe bethesda shoved it out the door without any fanfare or advertising because they know it's gonna bomb.

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>the thread continued passed this for some reason


Well good luck. Maybe getting ur ass kicked will teach you something.

good grief
there are so many shitskins/trannies/jews ITT that love attacking whites but consume media, use electronics and video games, and literally live in a modern world created entirely by whites

It's almost like the world is getting so shitty because of YOUR influence on everything WHITE MEN created.

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>It's whites favourite sport after all. Sometimes they get together and commit mass murder on each other, think they call it "world wars" or something.

Japs also love said sport. Speaking of the japs does it ever mention what they did in the wolfenstein story or is it just "Germans bad" the game

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Fuck all you insufferable faggots who shit up every wolfenstein thread with political shit. There is no functional point to be made on either side and you're all faggots for trying.

Anyways, I hope it's fun and wortg the price. TNC was meh so this could go either way. I'll wait to see after launch.

*created by anglos
Don't you niggers and continental cucks dare pretend you're our equal, gobinvent your own shit. You're below even an Irishman in terms of relevancy to white superiority.

They took over Asia I believe but you never really fight them. It was only mentioned.

>don’t you dare call urself white
Comedy gold

>asking why the other major enemy america fought in world war 2 isn't featured at all is whataboutism


>it's another /pol/ waggle thier small white penis in a Wolfenstien thread

>*created by anglos
That's just we wuz tier, user.

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>France and shitaly
>northern Europe
Kek, frogs are barely white and greaseballs are brown scum.

“We wuz whites and stuff”

more americans/mutts/kikes here to tell us what is and isnt white

Haven't played

It's literally true. From computers to cars to airplanes to space rockets, all invented by the higher whites, the glorious anglosaxons. Other lesser whites did good stuff too, but can't compare to us, so it's insulting when the blood and sweat of my ancestors get stolen by some snail eating cuck or a fjordnigger because they barely did anything themselves.

And now you've an undercooked Trump as your leader who will drive what's left of your empire into the ground. Funny thing is: even after your country gets fucked at the negotiation table because you have nothing to offer, you will find a way to blame your poverty on immigrants and the EU. I hope the asshole goes through with his threat and doesn't pay back the 44 billions the UK owes the EU. It will be hilarious.

New Order Old Blood were always shit. Too many talky, obstacles platforming, and stealthy sections to detract from actual gunplay

Shame, they could have capitalized on the horrible unit 731 stuff and giant mechs if you fought japan

Literally the definition of whataboutism.

I don't like shitting on europeans but fuck anglos to hell.
>literally white kikes
>massive bitches to authority
>laws against spoons
>arrest white people for "illegal opinions" but release thousands of muslim child molesters

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Do u have single genetic proof of your ancestors? Or r u just lying on the internet?

There it is, that jealous bitterness of the continentals when forced to accept that UK is the greatest country of Europe due it's people, and did more for the world than all of EU ever did.

>it's insulting when the blood and sweat of my ancestors get stolen by some snail eating cuck or a fjordnigger because they barely did anything themselves
It's insulting to think you're doing your ancestors a favor by wasting your time defending muh heritage on a Korean basket-weaving imageboard instead of creating something of actual value like your great ancestors once did.

It's good for a laugh, I give you that.

The UK's success was entirely due to geography and luck, and its downfall was also directly linked to geography. The people living there never really had a say one way or another. The US is now in a similar position partly due to its own geography and will probably fail once that advantage is circumvented.

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That's a lot of words for next to zero payoff

Is this what passes off as humor on /pol/? Not even an Anglo.

>geography helps!
You don't say. But it's how we utilized it that matters, something no other euro would manage. There's a reason we fought off Spain, the French, Italians, and the entire German war industry all by ourselves while continentals signed cuck application so hans could pork his girlfriend.

buttblasted limeys

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Maybe if you skip all the cringe cutscenes. If you do though you're only going to have a 3 hour game. I seriously hope you pirate that shit instead of paying full price.

At least 40% of America is considered far-right according to you retards though and they're the ones that voted for Trump so clearly they do matter.

Another commercial failure brought to you by Bethesda.

Never knew this game existed amazing marketing effort.

I bet you have hygiene problems. How often do you shower? like once a month?

It was pretty plain and in parts pretty annoying

>"That man is a spy!" getting spammed over and over alongside other spam lines

how the hell did that white guilt single mother nigress did become the director of FBI? holy fuck

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>The US is now in a similar position partly due to its own geography and will probably fail once that advantage is circumvented.

Probably not so easilly. The European empires only had a tiny home region in europe the size of a single US state so when they lost their colonies they became irrelevant and weak compared to countries with huge populations and resources like china, the US, and Russia. I don't see the geographic advantage being countered either as they have an isolating border of huge oceans and the spics to the south (the only potential rival to the US in the americas, as Canada is basically a client state of the US) are so incompetent they can barely even stop their own countries from collapsing

those are just bad games made by people who mistakenly thought quake was the apex of anything besides being shit

>t.Quack 2 faggot

It's funny how the Germans are always far ahead in tech when portrayed as the victors in these alternate history scenarios.

But quake was the apex of first person shooters though

It's the only way the eternal loser of Europe could in any perceivable way win a war against literally anyone. That's why it's fiction.

Huh sounds like that politician deserved it. Tbh I hope Antifa fags like you escalate, you retards chimping out is what feeds the far-right.

the germans were unironically farther ahead in tech in ww2
>created modern medicine as we know it, massive advancements
>created rocket technology
>created jets
>created guns and weapon system designs still in use today with minor changes
only a few examples

TNO showed that they relied on stolen ancient jewish tech to get their edge in technology

the right isn't funny

You need to realize you're the minority and shit like this radicalizes the masses against you. They realize you're a threat to their way of life.

With that being said, I'm looking forward to burning you alive.

No, the game literally revolves around doing the same 3 side quests again and again. Kill an important story npc and then repeat. At least in Mafia 1+2 the story was told through both gameplay and cutscenes. Mafia 3 tried to tackle the problem of nothing to do in the endgame of Mafia 2 by creating quests linked with rackets. Sadly these three quests became the whole fucking game.

>why does the political statement annoy you so?
Didn't fags like you complain about Kingdom Come deliverance devs refusing to bow down to your political agenda? What's with the hypocrisy bud?

Those things are long in the past, though. The modern German is dull and can't think beyond working and drinking.

>failed to ramp up industry
>"our soldiers need to be driving around armoured luxury vehicles that cost as much to build as several luxury sports cars despite the fact we have material shortages"
>enemies outproduce you by large margins despite you controlling all of continential Europe
>army used horses to haul large amounts of equiptment
>americans and brits used wartime computers to great effect before you did
>americans built nuclear weapons first

They weren't technology advanced where it mattered

has there been any sign that the gameplay was improved from the new colossus? because i can't stand playing another game with boring weapons and subpar level design and enemies

>class-based WW2 multiplayer bundled
class-based cancer for the retards

Big mouth for a limp wristed tranny. Unfortunately for you historically and even recently antifa is a fucking clown organization that serves no other purpose than to make Nazis look good. How else do you think Hitler came to power?



>improved from the new colossus?
They somehow made it even worse, adding fucking lifebars.

>insults and retarded lies

Through public passiveness and turning empoverished, frustrated men into their personal thugs. You can spout hollow /pol/ shit all you want. You know in reality you nazi fucks lose teeth at each of your rallies.

>game devs and marketing insert politics
>people subsequently discuss said politics
>>dude why are people discussing politics REEEEEEEEE


Nazis don't hold rallies though. Theres plenty of footage of antifa getting BTFO by lolberts though.

How sad is that?

Jessie is so CUTE

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They are both hideous. Wtf are you talking about.

>insults and retarded lies

They aren't though. They also failed to develop proper air defence so they got bombed to oblivion.

Attached: jessie.jpg (549x600, 33K)

You couldn't tell what a real Nazi is even if Hitler himself rose from the grave to skullfuck your crackwhore of a mother right in front of your face.
Don't kid yourself.

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>Nazis don't hold rallies though
PEGIDA, AfD and NPD are nazis in anything but name. And they get their shit pushed in regularly when they can't attack a single Turk with 10 "men".

>How sad is that
Sad is only the alternative reality you seem to live in. Maybe a massage with a bat will wake up a few braincells.

That's the leftist mind cope reflex with a spice of propaganda.

I think that subconsciously at least they've conceded the tech advancement to the Germans in the alt history scenario.

I cannot explain my tastes

You seem upset. Have you been reminded of your virginity again?

ME:Andromeda rejects.

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Will there be a time in the future when this SJW shit will have blown over, and developers stop overcorrecting and go out of their way to make every female character a lot uglier than they need to be just to make a point?

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>PEGIDA and AFD are nazis
If nationalism and anti-immigration alone is Nazism in your mind then you really are retarded. Btw aren't AFD pro-Israel? Very strange "Nazis" to say the least.

Will we ever get a good modern Commie slaughtering game? Fuck these shitters and their gnatsee oppression fantasies.

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Commies like to play down how powerful the Germans in WW2 were in order to COPE but at the same time they need a boogeyman that wasn't weak.

>implying nationalism isn't a nazi's entry-level drug
>implying AfD and PEGIDA stop there
>implying plenty of members haven't been caught red handed supporting known nazi groups or downplaying their crimes
What is it with you people being fucking weasels.

>franchise built around killing nazis from its inception
>right wing culture warriors are mad about this suddenly
Care to explain?

Implying I'll just let you casually deflect the attention from this question:
>Btw aren't AFD pro-Israel? Very strange "Nazis" to say the least.
Now go ahead and address it.

It's fake outrage fabricated by the alt-left.

>wanting borders and laws and shit is Nazism
>btw Kurds should have their own nation state because they are based commies
>my beliefs aren't inconsistent at all.
Sounds like you get all your info from fringe far-left sources. You need to step back and reevaluate your life.

You seem rustled, did you ran out of passive-aggressiveness again, reddit antifa sissy?

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I played this game and finished this game already for a review. AMA if you want.

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Isn't full price already 30 dollars? Is this just half a game already?

>Wolfenstein prior to TNC: fun shooter franchise where you just shoot Nazis
>TNC: less fun shooter in the franchise with agenda pushing story
I'll let you guess why people dislike TNC now.

Did you like it?

That's even more reason to expect it to suck dick. No chance in hell i'm paying anything for a game like that.

>8 hours long
Holly fucking shit, I wonder how much of that is cutscenes. Fucking Battlefield campaigns have more value than this.

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Both of them are pretty ugly, considering that BJ and Anya are both handsome looking

Is the political pandering as hamfisted as in TNC?

Any "'Come get me you white ass Nazi pig" tier lines?

>Haha we're not the real threat retard
>I'm going to enjoy fucking killing you later though
Come on man

Not quite. At least the game is better than TNC in terms of its gameplay. It saddens me because the game became literally ubisoft tier. You have a semi open world now, with enemy having levels and tiers. Plus you have levels as well. The main levels are like 5, but there are a lot of subquests to fool around a little bit in Paris. There are even weekly and daily quests for fuck sake, kek. If you want also spoiler stories.

Blazko is alive and well in Paris, when he killed Hitler apparently by killing Hitler he doomed the world. (So this means that Hitler dies offscreen.) Because Hitler had some kinda of doomsday device that would be activated upon his death. But the nazi are desperately trying to have a 4th Reich. So the next game will have again the sisters most likely, finishing off whats left of the nazis in Europe. And most likely you are going to fight a mecha Hitler or something. Plus they imply multiverse theory in this game.

There aren't many cutscenes, there are like 3-4 in total. I think they are almost 1 hour total of cutscene or something?

Nope, the cringe comes from the girls acting in the cringest way possible.

People like ACG has already stated that it has more content than prior games. If you critical path it then it will have average length.

Just commie tactics 101. Demonize your enemy while making veiled threats. They don't even bother veiling them anymore.

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That's dumb though, why weren't the Jews in a world spaning empire then?

No, the world will have ended first.

>59.99 for a 6 hour singleplayer game

A dumb explanation in the form of "creating tech as a way to venerate God"

Because it was a secret societ of jews who were inventing stuff for the hell of it, not for anyone to actually use it.

Yes, it's dumb as fuck. At the same time, you also get a lot of TNO fans praise TNO for the "great" writing. Go figure.

It's actually 29.99 though.

Will Wolfenstein threads ever be clean of /pol/'s shitflinging?

>8 hour singleplayer
>1 hour is cinematics

Good lord. And what is cringey?

Well I won't deny it's smart of them to charge half as much for such a pittance of content

When the swedecucks stop at pushing agenda in their games and betshit switches devs who wanna actually make a wolf game like rtcw.

It's not that length, but it's clear you're actively looking as things to fling shit at so why bother trying to be reasonable and informed?

They act in a dumb way. There are elevator scenes that you can skip luckily, where they start dancing or where they start to fight or give the middle finger to each other for no reason. They call each other sometimes Arthur and Kenneth because those 2 are from a comic book where both sister are huge fan of that.

I can add that during the final boss they start saying to each other how they are the best pair of sister in the world etc... I dunno there are way too many examples. You can sum it up that they act like this because they are young and feel like super hereos since they have the powersuits from TNO and TNC on them.

>Why don't they do multiplayer anymore?
RTCW multiplayer is too fast by today's standards

What's the best Wolfenstein game to start with for someone who's never played one?

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I don't think it's /pol/.
People in general are starting to get real tired of developers pushing leftist crap in games, and by that I don't mean the nazi killing part, but ugly female characters that are ugly for the sake of appealing to feminists, cringy self white hate dialogue and whatnot.
And if you dare to voice concerns about these things, or you betray you have opinions that fall a tiny bit to the right of Stalin, you are instantly branded az a nazi incel alt-right Trump supporter.

That's what you have to expect when a dev forces a their political agenda. Used to be that shooting Nazis was unironically apolitical that offended nobody. Now the left has gone out of their way to make it their thing and Bethesda has played into this narrative by pushing modern day politics into their marketing and making political statements about relevant modern day issues.

Don't blame the people talking about the things the devs forced in, blame the devs for putting it there in the first place.


None of them are impressive and the modern ones are kill the white male oppressor simulators. Just play Doom. It was always better in every way.

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Entirely depends on what you want. They're pretty different.

The original, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and New Order are probably the most relevant ones to check out.

>there are murderers on the loose
>we "know" they are nazis
>should we do something about it?
>No just attack random people on streets because history is on our side
Real intelligentsia right here

>It's not that length

>You've played: 8 hours
>I played this game and finished this game already for a review.

Shut the fuck up you shilling faggot. It quite literally is that length, the exact same way the other nu-wolfensteins were.

Sounds like they are going further on the xploitation/pulpy theme and this time it's superhero/marvel movies.

TNO and TNB are alright. RTCW is great but dated. Avoid TNC like the plague.

Old Doom and Zoomer Doom are straight up better though.

Not sure what you mean.

Who are you quoting? Also, having your own state doesn't equal a ban on Immigration, you fucking imbecile.

>wants hard-hitting insults
>can only think of canned responses
>smug reaction image to top it off
Pray you never start thinking for yourself. The cognitive dissonance would kill you.

>Not sure what you mean.
With an IQ that low, I'm not the least bit surprised.

Please stop being ignorant any time you feel like people should start to take you more seriously.
Just like in prior games they allow you to critical path it or play more content.

Using the critical path playtime as some flat value of "game X is Y hours long" for games that are more open has never been intelligent. But you're not making a strong case that you're ingelligent right now.

I bet you would also accuse games like Fallout for being 1-2 hours long as well, right? No of course not, because you're not dead set on hating those games like some mentally immature child.

For reference, I have no plans on getting this game after ACG confirmed some of my suspicions. But unlike you I am a reasonable person that don't have juvenile biases and isn't massively ignorant.

>eliminating the threat that dangers everybody's lives makes you the bad guy

thread should have ended here

>random people
Not him, but we take pictures at every rally. The internet makes it relatively easy identifying them.

>No borders, no wall, no usa at all
Remember when your American counterparts chanted this? Tell me why it's okay for the Kurds to have a state with borders and shit but not Americans? You seem to have no fucking clue what the concept of a nation is or why it exists in the first place so who the fuck are you to call anyone an imbecile lmao.

Then continue being vague on purpose and chalking it up as a victory when challenged.

Again, who are you quoting? Are you hearing voices? You should get that checked, bro.

I'm quoting American Antifa chants idiot. Read the rest of my comment for context. i realize leftists aren't exactly good with context but give it a try.

Yeah, super hero most likely. The ending of Youngblood implies that the next game a doomsday will happen. Because when Hitler died, it activated some doomsday shit and wanted to bring the entire world to an end with him.

Dude, if you do all the subquest, from 8 hours it becomes at max 10-12 hours. There isn't much content.

>threat that dangers everybody's lives
the (((left))) and their pets?

You were only challenged to answer a direct question but you can't even do that.

Here's your ending, bros:
Also did they recruit some Borderlands devs because the girls have some of the cringiest lines I ever heard

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>Also did they recruit some Borderlands devs because the girls have some of the cringiest lines I ever heard
Probably not. People just have massive difficulties in writing non-terrible female characters.

You're an absolute fucking dumb faggot You were asked to answer how a pro-Israel political party are literal Nazis.

Was that too challenging for you?

Quite literally rent free

>I'm quoting American Antifa chants idiot.
And what does that have to do with me? I'm not one of them. You realize local groups usually have little in common beyond a certain baseline, right? And that baseline being anti-fascist.

That's what happens when you're a brainlet: your tiny mind can only think in groups. Everything slightly nuanced would give you nosebleed.

God damn you're fucking retarded. Is this the absolute state of the modern day german antifa sympathizer?

>That's what happens when you're a brainlet: your tiny mind can only think in groups. Everything slightly nuanced would give you nosebleed.
This statement from you cannot possibly be any more ironic.

Call me when the left goes on killing sprees and assassinates politicians not in line with their way of thinking. Until then, the far-right is objectively the greater threat.

since when is killing literal world war 2 Nazis so controversial?


That what you get marring a jew.

You got it wrong, I experienced the incoherent ramblings of a challenged person. Still waiting for anything substantial.

>finished this game already for a review.
gggman is that you?

>Call me when the left goes on killing sprees and assassinates politicians not in line with their way of thinking
Literally all of eastern europe and china.

Stop pretending like the dysfunctional faggots that join antifa aren't all basically commies and edgy anarchists with the same beliefs. You all congregate in the same echo chambers and you don't tolerate wrongthink.

You must think everyone is as stupid as you are.

Except key members were caught making antisemitic remarks. Where does this nonsense come from?

To a low IQ idiot like you, I'm not surprised a simple question equals to incoherent rambling.


reminder that games that Yea Forums never talks about are almost always successful, which is the case for this game.

>no u

Is China the Soviet Union a joke to you?

>reminder that games that Yea Forums never talks about are almost always successful, which is the case for this game.

I am pretty good at guessing which games will sell well or not based on surrounding evidence.
Right now, there is nothing that convinces me that this game will sell well.
The game has no buzz around it, it isn't amazing, last game underperformed, the protags are putting people off, etc.

>more antifa fanfic
no thanks

Give me another (You), like the good dog you are. You can do it!

Let's stay in current times, shall we? More importantly, in the West. You know, the place we've been referring to this whole conversation.

lol retard


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Whoa a far-right party that loves Israel? Dudes they're literal NAZIS REEEEEEEEEEEE

You do seem starved for (You)s. C'mere, little guy. user is giving you the attention your single mother and the rest of the female population have denied you for so long.

>Let's stay in current times, shall we?
Why? Because it doesn't support your narrative? That's not how it works.

Good dog! Now another!

Literally a far-right fairy tale.

You'll do nothing. Ultimately you're a coward, sitting in a puddle of your own unwashed filth, making empty threats on a Mongolian sock darning forum. Ineffectual at everything in life. Perhaps you'd be more successful at suicide? Why don't you find out? You're going to die alone and unloved anyway, what do you and the rest of the planet have to lose here? I posit nothing. It's doubtful you'll present a proper case for your continued existence in your reply.

No, because it's actually relevant.

>shitting on single mothers
That's not very leftist of you. You should report to your nearest commissar that you said something very problematic just now.

Wasn't real Communism eh?

Have a last one for the road. Don't use waste it all at once!

Well if it doesn't support your narrative I can understand why you wish it was irrelevant. Reality is a bitch though.

>all that projection
I'm sorry your life turned out this way, bro.

Good boy! Now another!

>literal Israeli source
>calls it a fairy tale
Way to totally ignore a valid source you dishonest rodent. Also I don't speak the language of your defeated people.

Are you retarded?

Reality is in the here and now. Naturally, the emotional alt-right mindset has to ignore it to sustain its own retardation.

I kind of want to pre-order but I also do not want to be the bitch who pre-orders fuck.

No, But was real communism or not?

>avoiding the request
Feeble attempt. Do better.

>a leftist accusing anyone of having an emotional mindset
Holy shit that's ironic.

>a valid source
Does that mean all the articles regarding the Holocaust are legit, too? Glad you finally see it that way, user.

It also agrees with the point I was making about right wing terror. All checked in a single post. ;)

353 replies!

Wow people really love this game.

Why would you pre-order a digital product.

Rerarded it is.

>emotional mindset
>says the snowflake
Hahaha, oh wow.

You are a pretty good recruitment tool, Keep on assaulting strangers

*farts in your face*


I agree, A stupid ideology only a fool would believe in.

Great! so we agree that AFD is not in fact a Nazi political party. It took a while to get to this point and it took quite a bit of working a retarded and disengenuous weasel like you but we finally got here. Congrats.

No strangers, just nazis.

yeah it feels like they try so hard to be cool and special i cringe at every conversation they make, truly feels like a swede game

You're not even trying, and continue to be a disappointment.

Sure, Go get em champ

Wow, doesn't take much to fleece you huh. Btw I'm selling some genuine grade A snake oil. Interested? Only 59.99 a bottle.

Too bad they would line up with nearly all idealogical talking points anyway, still making them a nazi party. Whoopsie. ;)

Take a whiff.

What does it do?

Assaulting random people you label Nazis is great for actual Nazis so keep doing it.

user answer the fucking question. Why would a "nazi" organization be pro-Israel?

Makes you a pro gamer at any game you touch.

This is so full of shit. What about first man made satellite, or anesthesia, or hovercraft, or h-bomb?

Not random people, but actually nazis. Unlike those, we haven't killed anyone (yet).

Does the effect stack with the gamer girl(tm) bathwater?

To keep appearances.

Don't bother, there were at least 2 other people who called him out on this and he demonstarted that he is incapable of answering this simple question.

You have been trying this whole time, You are just too feeble to swing the bat hard enough

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Ah fuck, we're back to square 1. Anyways doesn't matter. The more you antifa retards fight non-nazis the more you create actual Nazis. Maybe that's your plan because having Nazis around and feebly fighting them seems to give your life meaning for some reason.

Except I answered it.

>Y-you're making us s-s-stronger by fighting us, j-just you wait...

Yes but gamer girl bathwater is useless because girls suck at video games.

Retard. He said that by fighting imaginary enemies, you're creating them. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why the hell would a fucking nazi organization want to keep up appearances with an entire nation of the race that they fucking hate? Why? Where in the fucking nine realms of hell did you get this idea that fucking nazis would dare to keep up appearances with Jews?

Prove it mahmood

It's alright. Better than tnc

Attached: wolfenstein-youngblood-screentshot-hed-1179785-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 113K)

Well That was the plan, But those fools don't understand, They are just pawns in a greater game

That's historically what happened in your own country retard lmao. Hitler partly built the Nazi party off of people's resentment of commies and antifa violence.

Is the Arkane studio touch noticeable?

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The architecture looks nice

People don't realize youngblood is just half life decay 2.

i just want a pastebin with the most cringy quotes. Nu-wolfenstein has that netflix flair where every character talks on the level of an edgy 12 year old. It's so stupid and takes itself so serious, that is the reason why every iteration reaches less people.

AfD's goal is to corrode our democratic order and use its system to do it. In order for that to work, they need to feign legitimacy and distract from their motives.
>Doesn't matter if our key members are on record making antisemitic statements. See this article? They're pro-Israel!
I'm only replying to kill some time on a hot day, by the way. We both know you're being disingenuous. Playing dumb is one of your ilk's signature moves. Good thing the info is out there and nobody is buying it.

"Muh SJW" stuff aside, how's the gameplay?
Better or worse than TNC? Is it anywhere near Old Blood or New Order?

Wrong, Hitler used thugs to scare off voters. He still failed to reach the majority of votes. Nazi Germany was the result of a failed containment policy that underestimated the NSDAP's criminal energy.

This is some Alex Jones tier conspiracy shit. Take your meds comrade.

AfD is controlled opposition like every right wing party. They might have sinister goals but are to stupid and blatant in their approach. What's happening in Brussels right now is a much bigger threat to democracy.

By the looks of it actual gameplay is far more prominent. Also, Arkane is involved, suggesting level design will be top-notch.


Better than new colossus and more balanced. Only downside is the levels cap for some enemies.
The level design also is better thanks to Arkane studio.
There's not a lot of sjw things compared to tnc, because the game don't have a lot of cutscenes.

You'd have an easier time convincing folks if your members could keep it to themselves. But in true /pol/ fashion, they just can't help it.

Fantastic. I'll buy it when it's on sale.
Thanks, anons.

Jesus christ user. Why the hell would NAZIS be allied or pro anything Jewish? To try and demolish it from the inside? user they are a small group they are not the house or Senate or even the president not only that but nazis are well known for not being subtle. They've always been outspoken against Jews and Israel. You and antifa constant calls of towards "nazis" will end up creating more and more unironic nazis in the next generation cause when those who come home bruised and beaten and may even end up in the hospital by you faggots will end up making their kids and little siblings resent you even more. So good job you retard.

For those interested, you can play spears of destiny in-game by using arcade machines

>open world
>levels and upgrades
>hp bars and levels on enemies
>story progression based on character level
>forced co-op/AI partner
yea no?

Why do you keep asking the same questions despite having received multiple answers?



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Journos are complaining because the game actually is less sjw and have 1hour of cutscene max.

It's not open world. It's something like dishonored.

>journos give it a mediocre score
Unironically a good sign.

>aggressively okay
wtf does that mean

>faggots don't know
afd started as a party for economic change backed by a few banker and economy academics. They had a solid plan for economic change that actually made sense but would throw out status quo. It then got quickly framed into the nazi party. They now have nazi members because media advertised them as the designated nazi party.

>It's actually a lot like The Division and not previous Wolfenstein games
I mean, uh... I think I need a moment.

What they did was a form of hegelian dialect. Create the problem for the solution you want to sell. Merkel had nothing of value. So they ran a campaign on look at those guys, they are totally nazis and only by voting for us can you stop them. Ironically they created a real problem for the longterm. They created themself a real neonazi party with growing membership.

look at all these retards getting triggered over a game where you kill nazis lol

It means there's probably more actual game playing and less watching cutscenes with the controller in your lap.

The models are horrible though, like something from 2009

based and Nuipilled

God i hope i get my copy tomorrow, i haven't gotten word on it shipping yet


And even that is being unfair on the 2000's.
Alyx Vance's model still puts these to shame.

So it's a low budget recycle of the first games to recoup the cash the lost on Wokenstein 2?
Even (or especially IF) this game sells they will just go back to producing TNC tier garbage again. dunno, BJ will get beat up by the twins black boyfriends or some shit.


user... that word doesn't mean what you think it means over there bro


Do you guys think its worth it?
Me and a friend of mine has been trying to find a game we can coop together, we might split the money for the deluxe edition and get the buddy pass.
If not then i think i'll just do the monster hunter world event with him this weekeend

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Review just says gameplay is good but there's not a lot of story and the checkpoints are unforgiving.

I'm going to say it a third time: articles? A link link this time would be nice
Okay, those are FEDERAL police because tracking terror cells is an intelligence agencies job. We had Enforcement and Intelligence done by the same agency in Canada and that went fucking terribly

>2016: 35 years after the events of Wolfenstein Youngblood, the preserved brain of B.J. Blazkowicz is transferred into a cloned body just in time to stop the renewed menace of Adolph Hitler, whose preserved brain has ALSO been transferred into a new body...the body of a United States presidential candidate!

stop shilling your woke game. fuck off

You said war was a white thing, which is stupid. How is disagreeing with your stupid and wrong statement by providing an example of how it isn't true "whataboutism"?
Perhaps just tell me what whataboutism is so I see where I've gone wrong

is is true that you can't kill enemies with a higher level (wtf) than yours?

Unless I'm missing something, AfD are quite similar to American Rebulicans were like 10 years ago. They aren't nazis just tradcons which, coincidentally, is what USAntifa spend most of their time harassing


>Leveling mechanic
>apparently you can't kill enemies if they're too higher level
stop with the fucking shoehorned RPG elements

Attached: 4EcrGm-Y.jpg (369x452, 22K)

>TNO released
>Exicted, decent game, good in places
>TNC released
>1231234 hours of cutscenes and forced woke bs

Why oh why do studios shoot themselves in the foot? I am fearing for Doom Eternal.

It's fun, ignore Yea Forums they're retards

Stop being a retard

>singler player game with microtransactions

yikes, not thanks Betheshit

Imagine being that scared of strong women

>Two playable characters
>both wahmen
>both ugly as fuck

Why modern Yea Forums is so fucking stupid

I'd say wait till it's on sale

>wahhh my board isn't an inclusive safe space anymore
Maybe if they weren't busy shoving PC agendas down my throat I wouldn't be so turned off from their game

>it's fun to grind randomly generated missions because you can't kill enemies two level higher than you
yeah, whatever

I have a gay workmate who loves it, and literally nobody else. Mission accomplished I guess.

This is literally the exact same argument Nazis make when they shoot up synagogues and is exactly why I said vigilantism is stupid. Can't run a country if you have "enlightened" people making their own justice

yes it's now a place with full of retards that complains about women and minorities
>muh agenda reEe
Damn you're one sad faggot

Inclusivity is a retarded ideology, change my mind

This is literally what you're advocating. Do you not mean it or are you a hypocrite?

Amid evil, now fuck of to your shithole

Grindy? Wtf. Why would they shoot themselves in a foot like that? Why would they replace a good fps formula that they had in tno and tob with a fucking grindfest?

fuck off with your woke shit retard shill
>old fag here Yea Forums would like this trash trust me
not it wouldn't you lying cunt

I don't know, but it looks like the opposite of fun

Attached: fun.png (628x694, 110K)

Calm your tits retard here make a post about how much you hate women and minorities

did they just fucking turn wolfenstein into borderlands? what the fuck is this shit

Attached: 1560468846737.png (692x677, 538K)

>leveling up
what the fuck

Why not take an anti-Zionist position like Muslims do then? Disliking Israel isn't anti-Semitic and would be a comfortable middle ground to recruit actual Nazis instead of aligning with their primary boogieman. Unless of course, you think anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic?


I'm not being disingenuous you beer-swilling faggot, I'm a Canadian libertarian. Fuck you smug retard liberals I'm the one how initially responded and now your acting like I'm a nazi, I can't wait until you get your scrawny ass Haymakered like usual. Go punch an old man, it's all your good at. How the fuck can you accuse of other of "whataboutism" (one of the stupidest terms in the bootlickers lexicon) when your organization thesis is "it's okay to be violent because Nazis are violent, and violence is bad"? Do you lack critical thought or foresight? Because one doesn't become a commie through being well read and genuine thought.
>inb4 not a commie, just antifa
I don't care anymore, I tired to actually to you you stupid faggot and I'm leaving
Keep your power fantasy game, I hope you have fun


Attached: DqVsiIGVsAAd-6A.jpg (1600x900, 240K)

What little hype I had for the game beforehand has been diminished by those reviews , just wanted a comfy shooter to play in bed

fuck off newfag

DE isn't Machine Games, thank Christ but it is Bethesda

It's good at being mediocre

So... has the game been cracked yet?
Or is Denuvo going to cuck us for a few more days/weeks?

Attached: 1499877848153.jpg (640x616, 25K)

fuck off tranny

>Levelling system locks you off from content
>Have to hit an arbitrary level before you're able to reach endgame
>Enemies scale to your level, so it's not really like you're even getting stronger
Why even include it? Just make the game linear with some optional side missions. Why wall off players in a way that's bound to piss them off?

Attached: Career over.png (523x536, 420K)

Easiest way to prolong a game hat features next to no content. No wonder it's cheaper than the main games.

you stopped the spacing, that's all I wanted

>it's good, when you have someone to play it with
good, that's what i wanted to do anyway

Nein, danke sehr.