Does anyone here do simracing?

does anyone here do simracing?

i just got this for 300 dollars because i like drifting around in cars the wheel fucking moves on its own in the direction of the tires like a real car. like if you slam the gas the wheel will correct itself and it counter steers when you drift and the wheel snaps back into place if you hit the gas right

I wanna play it but im too depressed I do nothing but stare at a wall all day and cry. fuck this shitty life.

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Nice. What game you playing on that?

forza. all the gay obsessive driving nerds on reddit say its shitty because its not realistic in every single way but I got it because I liked the arcade games so god damn

I might try one of the games they say is more realistic but im having a lot of fun with this one and theres like 400 cars and you can buy parts for every single one of them and tune them and shit

still trying to make the wheel feel the same as a real car in the way it reacts with the self turning and how much resistence and how hard you have to push and pull the wheel like in a real car

I just have a boner for drifting

>I wanna play it but im too depressed
why are fools with too much money always sad sacks
oh boo hoo you spent your weeks paycheck on a toy and you have no monitor

OP sounds deranged and will probably murder someone and post it on Yea Forums

Don't listen to simfags. The only realistic sim racer is dirt rally. Every other racer has absurd amount of understeer or the tires are frictionless.
i.e. BeamNG

BeamNG isn't a sim racing game....
I fucking hate Yea Forums sometimes. There's so many retards on here.

is beamNG racing? i thought you just crashed cars and watched them explode and break into 14 million unique pieces because of the advanced physics

>too much money

my parents are poor as fuck i just have a few thousand and made a little bit of money. i just bought this because i always wanted an arcade machine and im so depressed that i have nothing to look forward to so i just wanted something that would make me happy and i could look forward to coming home to.

Let me know if I shouldn't come into school tomorrow.


Support your parents you dumb fuck.

>things will make me happy
No wonder you're poor, you're dumb as fuck.

I have more money than you dumb fuck and im not a virgin bitch

they never helped me buy a car or did shit for me fuck them

and plus I spent 300 dollars on something thats going to last for years and I always wanted as a kid. let me see how much your faggot ass gaming computer costs.

Not too seriously but I still have a g25 and enjoy Asseto Corsa and various other teaching games. I used to pay Richard Burns Rally but haven't in ages

that's pretty fancy, i just clamp my wheel to the desk and just put the pedals on a thick rubber mat on the floor. i like dirt games, assetto corsa, and ets2 for unwinding.

baffled imagining the kind of retard that thinks BeamNG is an anything simulator

lmao you are actually so fucked up, one post crying about your shitty life, the next post bragging to some user about the (not even expensive, really) plastic crap you bought that you already admitted isn't even making you happy. You're a fucking mess.

this, beamng car racing is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TRASH
it's ice track simulator and if you need any proof to how far detatched from reality the creator is:
The fucking race cars weigh more than street luxo barge version.

It's amazing how fucking deluded the retards are thinking their shit ass crash simulator has good and realistic driving because it has advanced soft body system for crashing and cars are impossible to control.

I bought a real car and started racing irl and it cured my depression.

I got a T500 recentlyish and play quite regularly, its pretty awesome. Took a bit to get back to my gamepad skill level but I did it and surpassed it now, except Richard Burns Rally for some reason. Was solid at it with gamepad, but with a wheel I'm ultra shit. Feels like the cars lost all modicum of grip they had suddenly.