What the fuck happened?
No more Heroes of the Storm General /hotsg/ on /vg/ anymore
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hots sucks dick, if you're gonna play a moba at least play something that requires you to use your brain a little
have you seen the state of those generals lately? it's dead as fuck and kept alive by 5-10 shitposters.
I've never seen an activity as mindless
it needed a lot of bumps to live, maybe the general can come back when new content drops
t. retard
The other blizzard threads are kept alive solely by shitposting, hots can't even get that.
Blizz is dying, just let them go.
The Lost Vikings are the most disappointing hero in HoTS.
It should be a pseudo-RTS romp like Meepo but in reality all you can usefully do is try and soak up as much EXP for your team and hope that they're not shit.
>Heroes of the Storm
>Heart of the Swarm
Literally how fucking retarded is Blizzard?
>your game is so mindless that even retards can dunk on you
Says more about you than it does about him
only moba that took "skill" was dota and that ship sank when they introduced rubber banding
>Hearth of the Stone
fucking blizzard
t. 3k boomer
the game died thanks to staff restructuring from the blizzcon backlash; hots staff were moved to work on more important games, so they had very few, if any, people that can actually make content. they can't even get the guy who does the voice in all their trailers anymore.
you can solo camps with baelog if you position right, or duo camps with any 2 vikings. between that and viking bribery you can deny your opponent their mercs, which means a lot.
or take olaf's stun, a bunch of dps stuff and just mob people, bullying them with your fat viking bodies until they die.
I can't believe they fucked up their own moba.
A company which made wc3, diablo 2, WoW, took 10 years to make a shit moba.
Riot shouldn't even exist. But nooooo, gotta focus on WoW and the people paying $15 per month for that shit.
>current blizzard
>responsible for wc3, d2, and WoW
>liking mobas
I still contend that anyone who likes mobas is just too brain-dead to play real RTS games.
bout fuckin time really. that place really went to shit after last year's slow down announcement
These are 2 different genres.
Warcraft 3 as a RTS was deeply flawed, and mods were what saved it.
In fact it made sense that a lot of people played dota when you look at warcraft 3 gameplay.
Removed specialists and made heroes unfun to play.
/wowg/ next?
What did you expect from a watered down ASSFAGGOTS? They shouldn't have catered to the esports faggots and just made thr game a fun hero brawler. Then again Battlerite was also a flop. They're really regretting laughing IceFrog out of Blizzcon.
>They're really regretting laughing IceFrog out of Blizzcon.
No they don't.
Blizz devs are the most incompetant arrogant cunt in the industry.
They are literally trannies.
>still without new hero
Speaking of /vg/ why is the witcher/gwent general gone?
It died
You should see Autochess.
huh I never thought faggots could get bored of circle-jerking, oh well
It had the opposite issue that Overwatch has.
While OWL actively makes OW worse, HOTS lived and died as a result of the HGC. Once it died, the game collapsed.
ironically dota was full of great rubberband mechanics BEFORE they introduced the memeback, but they stripped a lot of those away
>jungle creeps gave lots of gold and XP so you could farm the jungle if you lost your lanes badly
valve: lol just make jungle give fuck all XP
>heroes have obvious power spikes, meaning your late-game focused team will clean up if you can just hold out long enough
valve: lol just make every hero scale as much as possible
/hotsg/ was full of insufferable faggots and shitters, just like every /vg/ assfaggots general.
I'm glad it died.
They moved to the discord to discuss things. You guys don't like it but discord is what has been killing many of the /vg/ generals. Whats the point of discussing on some random shit image board where if you circle jerk and avatarfag too hard you get banned when you can just join the games discord and have betas faun over you and post what ever the fuck you want.
This was early 2000s. I doubt theyre the same devs from back then
My god I fucking WISH those discord faggots would refrain from using this website.
Maybe you're right. Maybe imageboards are too old for the zoomer mind, maybe there's hope.
I don't like orpheafags and redditors too
I put thousands of hours into W40k dawn of war series and still have 5k hours split between dota and league.
>fire the people that made diablo 2, warcraft 3, and WoW vanilla good.
>company turns to shit and doesn't know how to to a RPG anymore
Jeez, how could it be?
HotS is the only moba that is designed to be fun to play so, no.
Stripping 90% of the mechanics doesn't make a game fun. I enjoy bejeweled too but I'm not going to play that game more than 30 minutes. Hots is casual garbage.
>"dude we need to make mobas, it's making ton of money + Esport is cool"
>"but how? We fired everyone of the people who knew how to designed rpg games"
>"i know, let's do as usual : copy/paste the most played moba game, and make it more casual".
>"but LoL is already a casual version of Dota!"
>"Who cares, just take off the xp, the items, and the farm, lmao"
T. Copelet
Unironically the most dynamic and only skillfull genre on the market
>m-muh cs
It’s the same game people have been playing for 20 years, shitty dumbed down quake for normies with set plays that go the same every single round. 0 thought. Pros are so bored they’ve resorted to just flat out cheating
Nothing else is worth mentioning since it doesn’t come close or doesn’t have the player base to matter
>thinking blizz can make a good game
They know they are inept user, their company consists of people that don’t play games and just want to design le quirky characters and appeal to drones
And that’s a good thing.
Good ducking riddence to that shameless cash cow piece of shit “””game”””
>T. Copelet
So he isn't coping?