Rutger Hauer (Age 75) has passed away in the same year his character Roy Batty passed away in the film Blade Runner

Rutger Hauer (Age 75) has passed away in the same year his character Roy Batty passed away in the film Blade Runner.
In his honour discuss his video game Observer.

Also press F for moments lost in time

Attached: observer.jpg (1600x800, 196K)

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He was in this game?


>tfw you realize that Roy was a reference to both the Creature in Frankenstein and Satan in Paradise Lost


>tfw no Hobo with a Shotgun game

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Blade runner was an above average movie at best, the thing that stuck with me since I saw it many years ago are the words batty spoke just before his death. Rutger apparantely re-wrote that.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

"Time to die. "

Everything we see, all the thoughts we have, all the memories we store, the intense love and emotions we feel for others, everything we experience will all be lost when we die.

>Blade runner was an above average movie at best

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>virgy's face when

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Neat, didn't know.

I had this on my wishlist for a while and kinda forgot about it. How is it? Does it lean more into a mystery/exploration thing or is it a proper horror game?

the book was way fucking better than the movie

he is the protag

I don't even know what this game is, i came here to find out.


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Decent walking simulator with a good Polish dystopian background. Atmosphere is good and gameplay... well, it is a walking simulator so options are quite barebones.

Fuck yes.

he's bryan fury from tekken too

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This game was fucking shit.

this guy was great, sad to see him go. loved watching his cheesy sci fi movies on cinemax at 2 in the morning when i was a kid. crossworlds is still one of my favorite movies.

theyre completely different and dont replace eachother

Rutger Hauer was my childhood, his charisma is on another level

>Decent walking simulator with a good Polish dystopian background. Atmosphere is good and gameplay... well, it is a walking simulator so options are quite barebones.

I will not "press F for moments lost in time", you fucking faggot.
Because his memory lives on in our hearts and minds, a luxury his character only had through one person he spared.

You've either never read the book or seen the movie, which one is it?

>sees topic
>OP is a fa--
Shit, it's actually real.

The Blade Runner 'book'? As in Androids Dream of Electric Sheep...?
The book really can't even be compared with the movie. Anyone who tells you that Blade Runner is an adaptation of Androids Dream of Electric Sheep hasn't read the book properly, if at all.

furry fuck did nothing wrong

I can't play that game, It hurts my eyes and I feel sick. The only other game that had the same effect on me was Dragons Dogma on xbox360.

>tfw he died the same year Roy died in Blade Runner

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>Anyone who tells you that Blade Runner is an adaptation of Androids Dream of Electric Sheep hasn't read the book properly, if at all.
Its inspired by it, not an adaptation. The stories and characters are quite different. Ridley Scott also had major disagreements with Phillip Dick over the message and the morality of the story. Phillip was stubborn and unable to comprehend someone not liking his flat metaphors and wanting to expand it into something more interesting and philosophical.

Is this game worth 30 bucks?

>was supposed to be in Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
>cut at the last minute
it's not fair

Cheers user.

You literally stated, in your post, why Dick might not have been thrilled, as it deviated wildly from his own work. It had nothing to do with him being stubborn or unable to comprehend shit.

It improved on his work, just like Ghost in the Shell improved on the manga.

Philip never saw the movie because he died during the filming.

> Rutger apparantely re-wrote that.
He came up with it on the spot and Scott decided to keep it in the movie even though it contains a bunch of stuff that was not even (until then) in the setting.

he read the script and saw the first special effects screenings
The former he was strongly offended by, the latter he loved.

you can find it dirt cheap (almost...) on key sites. 30 bucks it is a little too much for that kind of game.

It doesnt matter if its shown or not, what he's saying isn't the point of the speech. He's accepting death and giving a poetic monologue about the life he lived and why he's grateful.
I dont know why so many people focus on the individual clauses of what he's saying so much. Its completely irrelevant.

Yes and no. There were various drafts of the script with the speech. The night before filming, Hauer rewrote the speech to make it less wordy, and he sat down and thought of a line. "Like tears in rain." Dude was a legit poet. So he wanted to write the truth of Roy in a single speech. And his edits to the speech made it crystal clear what it meant to be a man.

I'm just saying that it's a cool speech to come up with out of the hat like that. Yes I do agree that the point is held in the very last sentence.

No worries I just see people on Yea Forums making fun of C-beams and Tannhauser gate and all that, to me that's a sign of autism to completely miss the point of the speech
Not saying you are

For me that really lifts the speech though. Not the details but that it's stuff that I have no clue of: it generates a feeling that yes, he saw those things, and I never will. I think that's how Deckard felt when he heard that. The exact words doesn't matter, but the emotions they evoke does.


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This game is gem.
What you guys did with a pig?

I pulled the plug, literally

I wish Nightdive Studios would release Blade Runner on Steam and GOG

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But why? What if someone will pull plug on you? Are you okay with that?

probably in ip hell with the nolf games

I did not accept the final offer... and I payed the price. What a bitch, my son.

not vydia fuck off

>EA threw all the production data for the game away
Remaster never ever

Didn't asked about son but an actual pig dilemma.

Attached: Observer_VR Pig.png (1600x900, 1.26M)

They managed to re-release FFIX despite missing the source code

Dan is a broken man but I decided to do a "merciful" act unplagging the pig

Game ended up being kind of boring but the mind of the dying man was a really good portrayal of an extremely disorienting fever dream.

So you yourself living in virtual realty right now decided that death is more merciful rather that living in a lie and being harvested?

The bleak atmosphere is good but sometimes the game looks too emply and with limited freedom of action.

seriously how did this never happen? it could've been similar to hotline miami.

Good question. Maybe one day I will replay the game and consider also this option.
Generally speaking: is ignorance (not knowing that you are basically a living "farm") really bliss?


You could probably make a Hotline Miami mod with this idea.

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that's about $37 after adjusting for inflation

Never means never, user. It is an absolute statement and inflation is irrelevant. Inflation of the currency just means that games are worth less now than they were in the past.

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This game is like a bad trip, I love it.

>Ghost in the Shell improved on the manga.


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yeah its awesome


Layers of Fear was better

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kanker, echt?

Ja, het was blijkbaar echt kanker

>based dev acknowledging on the community hub

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he told me that he wrote that when i met him last year in germany.
we discussed what we thought about the different cuts of the movie (we both preferrred the theatrical cut) and what we talked a bit about the new movie (overrated, harrison ford had no reason to be there).. he signed a picure (it hangs in my living room, with the framed original poster of the movie) and shook my hand. chill dude, super nice. he will be missed and i was sad to hear the news even if i have only met him once in my life.

Reminder that Westwood's Blade Runner is compatible with ScummVM now. It runs flawlessly and even fixes bugs in the original code, as well as allowing you to run the game with restored cut content.

Nah, Phillip Dick is way better than Ridley Scott. Sure the film had good visuals and great acting, but Ridley Scott did not make it in no way more interesting or philosophical, just watered it down to the classic "artificial beings are human too", which was exactly the opposite of the book´s theme, so obviously Dick was pissed since Scott borrowed his ideas and made his own movie with them.

The guy still reserves the right to be miffed by it. Like Stephen King's hate towards Kubrick's adaptation

yea but its different because stephen king is a once in a lifetime tier retard and a really shit writer too, making him objectively wrong on every level.

what the fuck is that

>people in thread unironically claiming ridley scotts version is superior to the original when everybody who has actually read the book knows it isnt because it fucked up the core ideas
i wish this specific type of autistic new age contrarianism fucked off

The pig genetically modified to grow human organs witch are being harvested. Pig on drugs and in virtual reality were it live in free flower fields.
System is damaged, pig in agony, you ether restore it or kill the pig. Also you are cop and that shit is illegal organ farm so thought choice.

i dont get how thats a though choice, its illegal, pig is in pain, just end it
also that system pretty good if it was made better all things considered

>its illegal
It cheap organs that can save lives of poor people.
>pig is in pain
If you fix the machine pig will get drugs.
You can be the pig, this life can be an illusion(Matrix) and you being harvested, you just don't know about it. Will you chose to know the truth that you wouldn't be able to live with? Will you chose death?

>It cheap organs that can save lives of poor people.
just make a small company to do this legally then
that question is unanswerable unless youre in the situation

literally impossible
big corp has a strangle hold on the legal organ harvest license

>just make a small company to do this legally then depends
No one would let you do this, it dark cyberpunk future were big companies hold market for artificial organs. Growing organs in pig is morally questionable and not exactly absolutely safe. But not like poor people have choice.

>Growing organs in pig is morally questionable
i dont see how its morally questionable
cattle in real life is in pain most of the time and rotting in shit ditches, that seems a better deal for the pig
also pigs are as intelligent as dogs did you know that? its just that they are forced to live in shit

okay then dont kill the pig

>cattle in real life is in pain most of the time and rotting in shit ditches
That true, i just hope we will learn to grow meat without rest of the animals.

The Success of Steam sales say's otherwise.

Videogames are worth $5-20, anyone charging you more is ripping you off.


pig user is mentally challenged

I do not give a shit about poor people (game wise).

pretty sure thats already real
but on experimental and small scale stage

It's more of a walking sim with some extremely light puzzle elements, and a few "avoid the game over monster" segments. I never felt it properly lived up to its hype of 'real world and virtual hallucination world start bleeding together so you aren't sure which is which any more.'

It is also piss easy, I must add.

It just and immersive game. Not suppose to be hard. It's really good game at what it does.

I understood that point (it is a walking sim, after all) but I noticed that some "tense" sections are not really tense at all because the difficulty is really too low (for example: the chase in the office and the flying cames with tall grass patches).

observer is fucking cool. gameplay is wandering around interacting with things/people, starts out like a detective story, you can use your eye scan tech to see shit in spectrum, but the main reason to play the game is the visuals. every area is beautiful and detailed with really trippy effects. best played at night with headphones and lights off while high