So can we all agree that these are indeed the best games ever?

So can we all agree that these are indeed the best games ever?

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No we can't, stop being a nostalgic faggot

Portal 2, Red Dead & NieR are literally zoomer tier though

>no halo
>call of duty
>mortal kombat

really cracka?

fuck chartfag


mario galaxy felt like a bowl of lukeworm re-heated ramen.

> Red Dead Redemption
> Half-Life 2
> Castlevania: SOTN
> Majora's Mask
> Super Mario Bros 3
> Portal 2
Remove these, they are easily amazing games but don't even belong in the top 30 games let alone top 16

>Ocarina of Time
One of the most overrated games of all time. Breath of the Wild is better.
>Red Dead Redemption
Zoomer shit.
>Final Fantasy
>Shadow of the Colossus
Just a shittier Dark Souls
>Chrono Trigger
Nobody actually fucking played this game and it is only parroted online because zoomers want to seem like they fit in. Chrono Cross is better anyways.
Zoomer shit
>more Metroid
>Majora's Mask
Even more fucking overrated than Ocarina of Time.
>RES 4
No. 2 was better anyways.
Zoomer shit.
>more Mario

TL;DR None of these come even remotely close. OP is a fag, as always.


> Soulsfag has terrible taste
Water is wet


short piece of crap

Half life 2 is the worst game ever made

Played all those except RDR, Nier, Earthbound, and Galaxy. Am I missing much?

no but still great
>Red Dead
>Super Metroid
>Mario 3
>Shadow of the Colossus
no but still great
>Chrono Trigger
no, Secret of Mana is better
>Nier Automata
no but still good and at least different and a product of a vision
>Symphony of the Night
>Metroid Prime
>Majora's Mask
better than Ocarina but still pushing it
>Resident Evil 4
no but still good
>Portal 2
no, Portal 1 maybe
>Mario Galaxy
pushing it
see Nier
>Half Life 2
no, Half Life 1 yes
Here's an actual top 16 games in no particular order
>Street Fighter 2, Starcraft, Dominions 5, Dwarf Fortress
>Metroid Prime, Symphony of the Night, Half Life, Dark Souls
>Thief, Link's Awakening, Ultima Underworld, Marble Madness
>Mario 3, Super Mario Bros., Duke Nukem 3D, Mount and Blade: Warband

SMW and SM64 > SMB3

Prime 2 > Prime 1
Drakengard 3> Automata
Ico > Shadow of the Colossus
Axiom Verge > Super Metroid

Saying zoomer is not an answer.

Why is Automata considered GOAT tier when it’s worse than the original Nier in every way except combat?

At any rate, I think the majority of these don’t deserve to be considered the best of all time. This list is redditcore more than anything else.

>Portal 2, RDR, Half life, OOT and Nier
Get this shit out of my face

op is a nostalgia-fag, if you want a good fucking game go play outer wilds if you want a good game.

at least fucking witcher 3 isnt on the list lmao

>he put two zeldas on the list
This list is bait. Nintendo fags will REEE because there arent at least 3 zeldas there and anybody else will REEE the list has more than one zelda.

Also HL2? Really? A bland FPS? Try diablo. Also metrovania and metroid are basically the same games. Only one of these two can be "the best". Earthbound is a game nobody every played, might replace it with undertale. And chrono trigger is so old and so bad practically any JRPG these days is better than it.

What about witcher game? A game which reminded us how good RPG games look like? And where is any GTA?

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Man I love Yoko Taro but this new meme status of nier automata supposedly being one of the best games ever made really irks me. I'm confident that the only reason it's this popular is because people want to fuck 2B. Gameplaywise its not even one of Platinum's best games and story wise it's no better than any of Taro's other work. I wouldn't even say the music was better than Nier 1 or DoD3.

Zoomers didnt play the original Nier. That's literally the only reason.

Replace Queer Automata with GTA IV and Replace Mario Galaxy with Mario ___64___