ITT series almost everyone agrees are 8/10 or above

ITT series almost everyone agrees are 8/10 or above

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i thought Yea Forums didn't like movie games.

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Yakuza is the most overrated serie ever. The gameplay is so repetitive and the world is small as fuck. Dialogues are a choir to go through. The inky good thing is the story and some funny moments but overall it's pretty boring to play.

Yakuza is transcendent kino of the highest order.

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How to spot a 0fag.

Yakuza is a lot like Dynasty Warriors in the way that you either love it to bits or hate it. There's very little inbetween.

Yakuza is a fun series, whether or not its good is debatable.

0 and 2(original) are the best games in the series
I'm still mad they turned 0 from criminal thriller into a shonen

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Thats a good way to put it.
I love Dynasty Warriors and sadly have all the games but once someone starts trashing DW I will 100% join in and trash it too

Hitman absolution didn't happen

Yeah, except the general consensus is that DW sucks ass. Yakuza fans are fucking obnoxious the way they blow up this franchise. Gameplay is bad, recycled content to fuck, and cutscenes everywhere. And they complain about having to press R2 during a god of war boss fight. It's Yea Forums hypocrisy at its finest with this franchise. JAPAN GOOD WEST BAD. Just the weebs, honestly.

I'll take Yakuza's story and cutscenes over GoW's please

And that's fine.

Series are almost always run into the ground before they stop making them.

I guess Valve's old stuff, but zoomers on this board fucking hate those games for some reason.

Yakuza isn't even a 7 for most people.

I'm positive the musou fanbase is way larger than Yakuza.

>except the general consensus is that DW sucks ass
Dynasty Warriors is one of the most underrated franchise in review history. "hurr just mash buttons" is going to get you nowhere after the first few maps of any campaign.

Best Yakuza game is Judgement. The last chapter was so perfect. All the bros together to bring the fucking Ministry and ACDC down. Hamura did nothing wrong.

No one here agrees on anything

For me it's Mass Effect

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Unless you're like an omegahomo

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yes we do faggot

I think we can all agree that you're a faggot

I want to give this "what in the god damn" in Japanese as a filename but I don't speak moon.


I just played through the freeway shoot-out in Zero.
I thought Kiryu had never killed a person.

They're just sleeping

I think 4 was better than Zero.

So are you saying that if you just continue to press the same buttons like x x x and y y y and x x and y y again, you'll be sucked?

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what about andromeda fgt

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>often look at threads for random games I'd never played before
>realize that Thief, Yakuza, Ace Combat, Ace Attorney and niche rhythm games have the best threads
>quality of almost all of them crashes and burns soon after I get into them

So you're the faggot who ruins Ace Combat threads

I always play yakuza on the easiest setting because the combat otherwise gets really boring

post yfw you realize Kiryu is a permavirgin

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The eternal cuck

Kiryu has had a hard life


We are not counting Deserts of Kharak


>The Cuck of Dojima

not part of the series

Every playable character in Yakuza is a cuck.
>loses his blindfu and later child and wife
>cucked out of his life
>cucked by his girlfriend and then loses her exact clone but totally different person lol
>literally cucked from existence and completely replaced in HD remaster
>raises his girlfriend's daughter and his girlfriend's daugher's son, both were fucked by some chink chongs

yakuza is boring dogshit
played 4
will never play another one