>Yea Forums is the yaoi board
>Yea Forums is the yaoi board
Kill all faggots
Fuck off, faggot.
>/u/ trannies trying to shit on purest love
Dilate. Yea Forums has always been a gay board.
>Yea Forums literally sucks dick
Kill yourself yuri tranny.
yeah, what's wrong
Trannies and fags need to fuck off and die.
yay-oh-ee or yowie?
Yes, and?
Is that Randall from Monster's Inc fucking Sora's tight little boi hole?
Only my boyfriends.
Someone made this image
What's the anime on the right called? I've seen it a few times being posted
>when you accidentally click on /u/ instead of Yea Forums
Why can't we all just get along?
because /u/fags burn down anime studios
Fuck off Faggots and fuck off trannies.
Nice try nigger
Sauce please? I need it for a science project
What did she mean by this?
>hetshitters trying to ruin everything
Women are for women, men are for men, and video games are for gays only. Fuck off, breeder.
Boys are better at being girls than girls are.
yuri fags are worse then seething incels, yuri fags are orbiter incels. Fuck off tranny incel fuck
nice brain damage
+1, only thing woman are known for is their extra hole, the one located where the brain is supposed to be
Yea Forums is a /pol/ board GAYS OUT!
>penismongering fa/y/g wants to try and sink the /u/boats
good luck.
/pol/ is a closet gay board. Anyone who says otherwise sucks dicks.
>Gays out
>Posts a gay mommy fucker
What's your favorite /u/ couple?
>constantly see people screeching about yurifags
>rarely ever see actual yurifags though
>when I do they aren't really doing anything all that unusual
>everyone freaks out anyways
Why is everyone so afraid of yurifags anyways?
/u/ = pure and welcome
/y/ = disgusting and gay
Is this what I think it is? Aw yeah!
>implying it's not just ga/y/s
I'm glad Sonata and Canon are the bait, that leaves best girl Fina open.
They're all straight.
t. ZUN
>Implying she isn't in a relation with her womanlet shellsis Serena
You can take Caro. Nonbody likes her and she'll eventualy die as a virgin.
Whatever you say.
Delete this.
this but unironically
Did they really? Elaborate.
isn't /y/ the most oldest board? /u/ doesnt even stand a chance because
1. Most yuri games are shit
2. The yuri genre has no stellar anime
3. Yuri neckbeards dont support their own genre thats why they keep getting mediocre yuribait anime.
What are the stellar yaoi anime? Asking for a friend.
Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony
Yea Forums is a /pol/ cunny
Only if it's Dribble and Spitz.
What about bisexuals
I've lurked /pol/ since 2010. The anti-homo sentiment is pretty forced, the real hatred towards homos is their tendency to be hard left solely for their benefits despite being in league with contradictory associates like support for African Americans (who retain christian influence in hating homosexuals) or open-borders/pro illegal sentiment (Which mainly involve ethnic groups with strong religious backgrounds like Hispanics or Arabs of which if they were to reach majority, would stifle any attempt at normalizing homsexuality).
There is no thought put into this contradiction, just a hatred towards the right wing which carries anti-homosexual sentiment as a carry-over of religious ideals. With religious ideals fading among many aspects of the right, it shouldn't exactly matter to them whether a male is fucking another man in the ass, but this clashing is still maintained like an assumed meme which is why many nonreligious far-right lurkers of /pol/ feel the need to dig deep and justify a reason to disapprove of homosexuals beyond them simply being mindless leftist drones.
fujoshits deserve death
based, kill all gays
ok faggot
Gays are generally left-wing because they have a good memory.
If anything Republicans pretending not to be anti-gay is forced. The GOP still relies heavily on religious fundamentalists to get out the vote. 2010 is not "old" in terms of politics, you probably don't even remember the Bush years. Just because Trump held up a rainbow flag that one time during the campaign doesn't erase the last half century.
Come back when all the baby boomers are dead and maybe you can make the argument that the GOP is gay-friendly.
I'm not gay, it's just something I've noticed about /pol/ and political sentiment on Yea Forums in general. There aren't that many tried and true christfags in the demographic of lurkers.
It's mostly secularists trying to rip away the "Tolerate not but intolerance" mentality of the far left out of secularism in general.
Religion is respected as a standard of civilization in how it creates grounded rules based on the threat of a higher power. But post-modernist thinking led to what Nietzche feared in that people just widdled the pointlessness of existence down to hedonism and a status surrounding how much hedonism you support.
Very few want to actually reinstate religious rule because they don't believe in a higher power and see examples like Islam showing how it would stagnate humanity, they simply want some solid "grounding" to return to society which would come from a far-right poltical power saying "Even if this world is pointless, without "standards" civilizations are doomed".
>I'm not gay
ok retard
Didn't mention the GOP and Gays took the retard coolaid in mass to spite the GOP. A homosexual who doesn't support the destruction of the west is likely a minority at this point; they're A-ok with the United States of Mexico without realizing how terrible that would be for them.
Yea Forums is for girl love
Hi fags.
Yaoi and yuri can be good depending on the content, if it's porn I'd rather get off to two girls than two guys.
Yurifags on Yea Forums typically have good threads though. Yurifags from Yea Forums and nu/u/ are Disneyshits who try to claim everything with girls is yuri and the ones on nu/a/ and /vg/ are so fucking obnoxious it hurts.
Yaoitards here are probably the ooWoo faggots you find on Sissycord and you see trap/gaythreads all the time, you don't really see "yaoi" discussion in regards to anime like you do about a real good yuri anime, because let's face it, most yaoi anime are dogshit. I'd much rather watch Mai Hime than "Super Lovers".
is this the Discord thread?