Imagine being Blizzard and letting this happen.
Imagine being Blizzard and letting this happen
Other urls found in this thread:
ok where is this "new data" shill?
Blizzard is still a good company,i don't know what you guys are talking about.
your channel is shit and you're a faggot
i'm honestly surprised that any monthly sub mmo is still going these days.
No negativity in the dojo.
Blizzard is pathetic, but FFXIV is kinda shit too
laymen gaming more like lay men gaming because you like getting laid by men LMAO
Laymen gaming?
More like Laying with men gaming LMAO
"Only WoW can kill WoW," they said...
>Blizzard is still a good company
I got the data right here.
ff14 is a well made game
new wow is just bad ideas and stripped abilities.
that's bullshit but I want to believe it
Blizz is a hollow shell of a company that needs to finally die before it can ruin anything else or be acquired by something even worse
Imagine staying at MMO graveyard in the age of mobage.
>laymen gaming
gee I wonder why you screenshotted this you fucking faggot. fuck your youtube channel.
>playing reused assets weeb shit MMO with static combat when gw2 exists
more like lameo gaming lmao that balding fuck is trying to be the next cleanprince, yongyea and UEG.
dragoons are pretty cool.
every mmorpg should rip them off.
>Literally a tranny game
Good grief
>tfw this faggot puts his face in the video thinking that hes going to be the next Yong
Is there anything more cancerous than videogame "news" channels?
WoW has been shit since Cata and Wrath wasn't that much better; but, after fifteen fucking years I think they aren't too BTFO for losing the subscriber count war.
But there is literally no source of them loosing the subscriber war
shillup's reviews are alright
Stop fucking posting that Jane, now my dick is up AGAIN
You're like a 5.2 inch man saying how big his cock is, if this were true you wouldn't need to keep saying it. Stop being so fucking insecure and just play your fucking weeabo game.
Where are the expansion sales numbers?
>that westiecunt
did I miss any? bf5 has been such a shitshow I'm surprised that haven't branched out to other franchises to suck cocks for.
To be fair, it did, people are only playing XIV because of all the insane decisions Blizzard is making lately. If WoW today was still as good as it was in vanilla/TBC then it'd still be popular.
Classic will steal people back from XIV
classic will destroy ffxiv. tick tock glamtrannies and parseniggers
Imagine being Blizzard and finding out that your players hate literally every "improvement" you've made to the game over 15 years.
>Classic will steal people back from XIV
It won't. It's old, dead content and you can't bring back 2004 even if you bring back a game from 2004. Classic will help staunch WoW's bleeding subscriptions until the next expansion but it won't be a huge success.
They have, they just cover bfv to shit talk it.
It sold 22k copies in Japan and then dropped off the sales charts.
you drink way too much soilent if you actually believe this
I only watch Asmongold Reacts videos for wow content.
Dude, yes!
source on the pic
>release shitty expac
>lose 15% players
>"this is fine we're still retaining the majority"
>5 expacs of this exact shit mentality
>active subs down from 12 million to 1.7 (most of them being chinese players)
Same, genuinely.
FFXIV is a terrible mmo, WoW must be pretty pathetic now if it is losing to XIV
You can't be serious right now.
They were all flown out by EA to cover the game, they're shills, you pubescent shitskin retard.
You know those numbers are bullshit right?
Tarzan (1999)
Meanwhile at wow.
You faggots try so hard, all Square would do if it was doing well would to release sales numbers.
Are Square Enix shy?
>People honestly think this
Classic was good back then because it was an evolving game. You knew you were getting more content and you had hoped it would be better or just as good as what you got. With classic there’s no future you are stuck with what you got and people will grow bored of the novelty and then leave
All of the talent and passion are gone from the company.
At this point i'd believe even TERA or ToS are beating WoW
Guess all those diversity hires can't string together a decent content patch
>3.5 million people go in
>Almost 2.5 million people come back out feeling absolutely fucking dejected
It doesn't help that they practically hold content patches hostage to compete with XIV's updates and expansions.
Yes, FF14 has a MASSIVE PENIS OK? VERY MASSIVE, if you need proof of this just look at the video in OP!
Shadowbringers actually sold 13 million copies on day 1 but we don't need to prove anything to you, and ALSO we don't want to embarass WOW because Blizzard are 100% FAILING ok?
Imagine actually playing a mmo
Didn't SE just release their active account numbers like a month ago?
When will Blizz do the same?
wow is gon die once wow classic honeymoon ends
>t-t-t-they're b-both bad!
WoWniggers are so predictable, get some new material you falseflagging clown.
>Didn't SE just release their active account numbers like a month ago?
What really fucking gets me about this is that it's true, BfA did sell really well, then a few months later in an investors call you hear the Blizz devs say "1 month after launch we saw a player dropoff of about 90% which we expected."
They fucking expected everyone to bail.
Expansions always shows how many people are actually playing, which is why Square will never release those numbers. Ever.
Also no they never do, fans release some numbers by scraping lodestone.
He's actually saying all mmos are bad and you have had retards saying crap like that for years fanboy
Also learn the meaning of flaseflagging
I have literally never played a mmo
I don't play garbage designed to steal your money
>it's already two decades old
They didnt lmao
You know why subscriber numbers are "higher than ever"?
If you unsubscribe from ffxiv they delete your housing lmao
Huh I never knew that voluntary transactions were theft.
Really makes me think...
>Nintenfat laughing at anybody
Aurora 4X autists look tame next to you cretins
These youtubers only do this to get views from you radical fanboys, you get that right? There is no basis in reality for this shit at all.
We all know ffxiv is a B tier mmorpg (same as ESO etc), there isn't anything wrong with that.
>2 decades to 1999
>If that were true then I’d be pretty old
>Oh fuck
you're voluntarily being retarded
>I don't play garbage designed to steal your money
>avatarfags with marioshit
it's true, you fags really do have your heads so far up iwata's rotting shitter you can't even recognise your own hypocrisy
It's sad that an mmorpg from 15? years ago is still beating every other mmorpg on the market by miles. It's even more sad that you middle aged trannies still care about this genre at all.
They are both decent games.
They play basically the same.
WoW has better gameplay
14 has better graphics
You've tried them both if you're actually a fan of the genre. There's no need to create some kind of fake rivalry.
As opposed to you being involuntarily retarded?
>They play basically the same.
Except one doesn't have titanforging and one doesn't have master looter.
zoomer tier opinion
>Playing anything made by nu-Blizz
>Playing the tranny degeneracy containment game
Also why can't you xiv fags stay in /vg/? Get off my fucking board. We don't need your shill threads every single day. Nu-mmo's are hot garbage singleplayer experiences with watered down combat and shit story to appeal to the lcd.
no im more intelligent than you
Never gave a cent to Nintendo
Bought every console used
Pirated every game
Seethe forever user
>my fucking board
Holy shit, Yea Forums police is here. Hide the video games, rev up those twitter screencap threads for engineered outrage and bullshit repeated arguments about trannies, cuckolds, snoylent products, armchair politics, old good new bad, e-celeb and smash roster spam.
Can't fucking wait. How the absolute fuck do people dare to talk about a fucking video game on my cocksucking faggot board denigrated to the point it encourages nothing but off-topic bullshit.
>more people watch WoW than play WoW
Twitch numbers mean fuck all to me since it's the few that hold the majority of views. God forbid if they went offline for a bit.
I just can never get into that Final Fantasy shit, but modern WoW is no better. Both games suck.
why cant you just play your game instead of making it a dick measure content, nobody here cares about wow and it hasn't been relevant for 10 years, even blizzcucks only talk about overwatch now. its like shouting about walking faster than some 70 year old man in the street.
What's his problem?
How much does XIV cost with all the expansions included? Does it need a ingame subscription or something for ps4 version?
lol streamercucks
Blizzard keeps putting the unique mounts in their cash store and offering reskinned Bloatrays as in-game rewards.
not to mention japs don't watch or care about twitch
>I bought all my shit on the cheap and stole all my games
>btw subscription mmos are cancer designed to steal your money
All I'm hearing is the banal mewling of a poverty-ridden pleb.
I think it's 60 burger bucks for the complete thing. You need to pay a subscription but you don't need PS+.
60$ total +13$ months after your first free month
start with the free trial tho
How is it that MTX and DLC have always gotten shit on, but people have defended the way MMOs like WoW and FFXIV operate? So many people seem to be fine with paying full price for a game + a monthly charge for about a quarter of its price that I wonder why a company like Activision never implemented something like that in cowadooty.
13$ per month after you buy the game for 60$? Isn't that bit scummy when ps online costs 60$ per year?
Because for MMOfags its the only game they need.
$10/mo is nothing compared to the hundreds of hours you sink into it.
pro-tip: famitsu numbers are physical only
You can stop your subscription whenever you want. You don't have to play it every day, every month, every year.
You're paying for continued content while the expansion is being developed. It's up to you to decide if it's personally worth it or not.
Most people who play XIV subscribe to do the latest patch content and then play little bits every other day until their sub drops off and they wait for the next patch. Some people play every day of every year because they want to do the top end content.
You don't have to understand, just enjoy what you want and let people enjoy what they want.
And they were right
Ffxiv is huge because wow shit the bed so hard.
thanks for the redpill yoshi
dude has robot symptoms like zuckerberg up until the end
I want to believe that mantra was a shitpost, but I really can't.
OH SHIT, i love watching new 'Asmongold reacts to videos' raid
It's pretty much true. The reason FFXIV is getting a large influx is due to WoW shitting the bed with BFA and its the only true WoW-clone that has an AAA company to back it up like WoW has Blizzard. Once FFXIV hits its own BFA then you'll probably see the downfall of Theme Parks as a whole assuming another Theme Park doesnt arise to provide a means to scratch that Theme Park itch.
>bad ideas
>Stripped Abilities
Thats FFXIV as well. Everything got casualized with Shadowbringers. Yoshida is a fan of Blizzard and loves everything to do with them including WoW Though he is a bigger Diablo fanboy and will continue using their basis as a means to direct his own game.
Why do ppl hate drg so much ???
>Is there anything more cancerous than videogame "news" channels?
Yea Forums
>the rise of ffxiv
>crushing wow
wow is dying a dogs death due to the retarded company thats hosting it, ffxiv may be more popular than it now but the two are unrelated
Blizard killed a lot of the hype for classic by refusing to accept that people weren't going to leave just because of overcrowding in the first few days.
They should have just fucking upped spawn rates.
in 2.X it was the go-to class for new players because it looked the coolest, so it had the highest failure rate.
Plus, for some reason despite the Dragoon always dying, they would always be the one to win the rare mounts.
>Ever releasing numbers
Yoshida already took a page out of Blizzard's handbook for this and copying Overwatch's "X heroes have answered the call". They will only tell you registered player numbers as that seems more impressive. The closest youll get is Player Scraped numbers from the Lodestone Census which at launch had the game at around 1.01mil Active Characters, and no Characters =/= subscriptions.
Xiv is popular Because wow shut the bed so hard
Do they actually GIVE any data in the video? I see no links in their description, and I refuse to watch those retards.
I love how you guys think Yoshi is telling you unsub and play other games. Play other games for sure he's recommending but unsub? Stupid Gaijin, the nip wants your money at all times. Keep paying your sub but take a break so content feels fresh when you play another game.
>upped spawn rates.
Screws the economy as much as phasing does.
They should just stick with no changes like what people want.
laymen gaming more like op's a fag lmao
I meant more in the starting areas which was the only place overcrowding was really gonna be a problem.
He never tells you to stay subscribed, either. The natural conclusion is to let your sub run out while you're not playing it.
The only exception to this rule are the morons who dropped millions of gil on housing, which is effectively a ball and chain. You should only buy a house if you intend to play the game at least semi-seriously, not if you're going to complain that it's being held ransom a month after your sub dies.
It's part of the experience.
Just how I remember it.
Way more roasties than trannies play this, which may be worse given the severity of your incel comorbidities. But keep repeating the meme, it won't make your game less of a turd.
I spend 12 hours level upping FSH from 53 to 61 today.
WoW will outlive FFXIV too.
Why should this be shocking? WoW is almost 20 years old, and has been steadily declining for half that. But much like the Roman Empire, it's too big for it's death to be anything but slow.
We always joked nothing would Kill WoW but WoW itself, and it's finally happening.
>natural conclusion is to let your sub run out
>director of a game that requires a monthly sub
Christ you must be delusional if you think that. He is a businessman in the long run. I mean the man is part of the BoD at SE for god's sakes. It's in his interest to keep you sub as long as possible. The natural conclusion is the man wants to take as much money as possible while at the same time keeping up a good nature appearance. Do you really think he became part of the Board and one of the head of one of SE's Divisions by implying that you should let your sub run out?
I hope you did your fishy quests for your fishy friends. You DO like a woman in waders, don't you user?
>never tells you to stay subscribed
It's a business model that survives off getting monthly subs from players. The very nature of that model implores you to stay subbed, you must think Yoshi-P to be a real saint if he's telling you to not give one of his Division's games your money.
It only took them 15 years
He physically, with his vocal chords, tells people in an interview to stop playing if they have run out of content that interests them, and to come back when they release content that does interest them.
Anything further than that is entirely down to the consumer. You're taking the unsubscribe meme too literally, because it's just that. A meme.
Jesus christ, Yoshi-P is what every Lalafell dreams to be. A businessman with an adoring crowd, no wonder the man plays a Lalafell. The race is his natural fit.
No matter how XIVbros shitting at classic wow it still has it's charm.
>boarderless world
>you can walk where you want and can swim where you want
>lack of teleportation makes outside world more alive
Wish we had something like this in XIV. I suspect it was 1.0/ARR thing right?
Blizzard is run by suits who don't give a fuck about video games as medium and convinced that they can milk their name and names of their franchises forever no matter how bad products they make.
Sure they're going down, but fact that they still exist is proof enough that blizzdrone who gives those suits money is lowest scum without an ounce of self-respect.
She's not for WoL tho.
>Wish we had something like this in XIV.
XIV has Eureka to scratch the "old-MMO" itching.
Personally I play XIV as my new MMO and love it but I'm very excited to go back and play Classic too because I love it. I don't see them as competitors at all because they are two very different games.
Telling them to take a break =/= unsubbing. Square Enix is as greedy as they come and you'd be damn sure they'll recommend unsubbing in any form or manner.
As a 1.0 player i'm here to say it doesn't really have any "charm" to really redeem it as a whole or even warrant its return in some manner outside of maybe a branch of XIV solely based on the 1.23 base like OSRS does . It has systems that you wish were brought over to ARR but that's about it. The thing that will most likely be remembered is not the stale WoW-Clone gameplay or the story, it'll forever be Soken's music.
Wait as second
>Asmo is glad
Everyone is for the WoL in the end, user. The only question is who is going to come out on top in the inevitable bid for exclusivity.
>Old MMO-itch
Porting over a philosophy with none of the systems to compliment it is horrible. Yoshida at this point only knows "WoW" in terms of game design.
>Old Asian MMOs
What are you talking about?
Isn't we should not forget that XIV works on horrible engine?
>S Hunt
>200 people in instance
>oh boy here we go
i dont think that kind of mmo design will ever come back, nowadays the genre is basically singleplayer rpgs with mmo elements/content (See TORtanic, ESO, FFXIV...)
as someone who's subbed to both WoW and XIV this year, the outside world definitely feels much much more alive in XIV since it's still server-based whereas WoW is shard-based
in WoW the only places you'll ever see other players are inside the current expansion's capital cities and Stormwind, or during assaults
in XIV you always see people outside no matter which zone you're in, while in WoW 90% of the world is literal dead content with not a single player in sight
XIV bros, how do we just keep winning?! did ANYONE actually watch the damn video?
I'm literally fucking saying to you right now that he didn't say unsub, he said stop playing.
And the reasonable thing to do when you are not playing is to not be subscribed. How fucking smoothbrained are you that you cannot grasp the core concept of my short and clear posts, when I have to keep repeating myself?
my guess is its someone who subcribed to their channel... no, laymen definitely needs shills. its not llike they get a lot fo views or anything
What game could handle a 200 player encounter well? I can only think of Eve due it its time dilation.
Truly the chad class
FF XIV won't be king for long, even though it's obvious that WoW is shitty right now.
Classic releases in a month, after that any MMO can pack their bags. Just wait for it, classic will have at least 4 million players, even in half a year from now when all the zoomers stopped playing because it's not casual enough.
So enjoy your FF XIV now while it still lasts, won't be for long.
zoomers user. they're a plague
>nuWoW is so bad that a literal PvE only WoW clone made for consoles is more popular
Activision should literally fire every WoW dev and hire random homeless people off the streets as their replacement at this point
>all these desperate transfreaks
Tick tock~
30 days and it will happen!
You can feel it right?
The proud hails and siegs, the rope around your freak man neck?
Isn't that what they did? Who's even left at old Blizzard?
I can assure you WoW still brings in fat wads of cash that it's extremely worth it for Actizzard not to fuck it up internally.
Deluded and copeful tranny.
It’s gonna be 10-20 fucking million.
I bought BDO. I should play it along with old school runescappe
I mean, they added PvP and continually add incentives to play it for fashion purposes, but it's shit. Balancing things for PvP in a largely co-operative PvE game is a colossal waste of time.
In singleplayer you often explore world instead of teleportation. At least non modern ones. Or teleportation is just a option. Really curios how new Yoshi's MMO will looks like
Some people don't like WoW style raids but I love them. Imagine exploring raind like Karazhan in XIV. So much potential. They should add some 6 players comfy raids like this or something
coping hard, aren't we?
ah yes, the classic CHADs...
>I bought BDO. I should play it
It's fun for maybe a few days depending how long you play. Then you realise you'll have to fork over hundreds in real cash if you want to play at end-game without grinding a few thousand hours for a couple mandatory upgrades.
Why is he so fucking ugly and disgusting
forgot pic
Grew up in poverty and spends his adult life streaming and taking care of his mother. Half his teeth have rotted out and the other half need to be removed soon.
Greasy hair and horse face combined with being utterly incapable of keeping his snaggletoothed mouth shut for more than a microinstant.
>Posts Xiv transtourists
Yep rope for the tranny freak!
Don't know why "console MMO" is insult. Outside limitations. People who developed XIV are genius. You can play fucking MMO on gamepad comfortably without downsides. And it's real time action. I heard ESO too works well with gamepads.
This. I literally lost all faith in Classic and in Blizzard finally listening to the community and being somehow closer to their old design choices when they announced phasing
>not Gay Men Laming
Is ScottZone dead now? It was nice to see objective viewpoints on the game from an ex-WoW players perspective.
I have never minded grinding in video games because it keeps me busy. I just hope I can do something with my levels and stuff.
I kinda wish there was more MMOs had Runescape skill system because I found just doing whatever I want and leveling and doing quests that had puzzles/need co-op/and other shit fun. If I wasn't a broke college student and had a job I would get FFXIV.
This it your levelling roulette partner for tonight, say something nice about xer
I'd honestly just play OSRS and pick out some short games to play on the side. BDO really isn't worth the time or money investment, the community especially is an extreme kind of garbage.
The global channels are kind of like reading a curious chimera of /pol/, reddit, and tumblr, while the utterly bored veterans camp low level main roads to kill fresh level 50 players.
>objective viewpoints
>screech at game because you ran out of content to stream
Also he got suspended for showing dox of the guy who sent him death threats on stream like a tard.
People who don't know how to use plates need to be shot.
Wow deserves it for ruining the MMO genre.
Just got back into osrs and it's pretty fun.
He was just disappointed because there's only 4 fights right now and they don't just release a 12 boss raid tier like in WoW.
I really was looking forward to his day 1 savage raid encounters, but I guess that won't happen now, first the tranny death threat and then the twitch ban, I'd be fucking pissed at the game to even care anymore. If he even comes back, he'd always have this bad taste in his mouth for a long time, so I doubt he'll even enjoy it. A shame really.
eureka was a taste of what classic wow is/will be like
the only good XIV streamers are robylou and that one japanese housewife with a translation bot
We know from last year that Wow subscription numbers jumped to 3.2 million when the new expansion hit but quickly after that it fell back to around 1.7 million subs. Which means around half the playerbase only get into the game for around a month and after that drop the thing until the next expansion hits.
Meanwhile FF XIV has 750000 active players. Which makes it hard to compare to WoW because we don't have active player numbers for WoW. You can be a subscriber without playing the thing after all. Just like a good portion of the people who have a fitness studio membership never go there.
If FF XIV hasn't surpassed WoW yet it will surely surpass it in the future though. WoW has been decling for years while FF XIV hits one milestone after the next. And WoW classic probably won't change that. Just like the maingame expansions it will give the game a huge boost during its initial release but people will quickly abandon the game like they always do. WoW is just not the behemoth it used to be anymore.
Some jobs got heavily casualized (tanks and healers being absolutely raped) but not every last one of them, you even have people complaining that some jobs are too intensive for them like SMN and NIN also, BLM did pretty much nothing but gain abilities.
This was one of the things that bothered me the most about XIV. The areas felt very cramped and not open world at all.
Don't know if that's changed since I quit a long time ago. If wow classic gets fucked up by blizzard, I'll probably end going back to XIV.
Go back to your containment board on /vg/ Those other shit threads you mentioned are cancer too but that doesn't mean this one gets to fly either. I want a cleansing on you all.
They're basically just making money from selling the expacs rather than subscriptions at this point, since there's always enough retards buying into the hype.
>only 4 fights
>ignores extremes
>but won't ignore trash dummy bosses in wow for the purpose of the argument
yeah nah he's a dumb wowdrone
Warcraftlogs creator here. Cope.
Link to the housewife?
Source for your numbers?
Scott was legitimately a nice XIV streamer while it lasted, at least compared to the top streamers in NA/EU.
I don't give a fuck about XIV.
I don't give a fuck about WoW.
All I fucking want is FFXI Classic to be a thing, but that will NEVER fucking happen because it is literally impossible now for Square Enix to do it.
Fuck Japan
And fuck their stupid "no documentation" mentality bullshit.
>average wow player:
ya the game is shit and I'm unsubbed waiting for classic. Trust me I tried FF14 it has the same shit in it that wow has in why I hate modern mmos. Yes the story is good but playing an mmo for a single player story experience sounds pretty retarded, worked well for SWTOR right? Game is just another generic theme park Mmo. No I don't want to shit post wow threads because I don't have an inferiority complex, you trannys can do that on your own. Fuck blizzard and fuck trannies.
>average FF14 player:
FFXIV is at 1.1M active players as of June, look up luckybancho census and stop using that shit busted website.
actually there's 6 end-game fights right now + two ultimate raids that never lose relevance
They're making money from selling mounts. A fraction of the effort that an expansion takes and almost as much money per pop.
>Meanwhile FF XIV has 750000 active players.
Characters, not players. Though, most of those characters will be unique players. XIV isn't alt-friendly.
Look at his new tweets lmao
>d-death threats
>tranny tranny tranny
how's it going lazypeon
>active players
You mean characters which doesn't necessarily differentiate alts user. Active Characters =/= Active Subscriptions/Players.
Oh nonono
Are people still doing UWU and UCOB?
>games are going toe to toe
XIV is boring for streams. At least western
>story heavy
>tryhardism raid scene with meta circlejerks and fflogs mantras
>no proper PVP
At least you can watch WoW for pvp
Well it's the best MMO to play right now
Doesnt stop people from making alts en masse for the sake of RPing on Crystal. Hell you have instances of people making one of each race for RP purposes alone.
WoW numbers are from last years leak
XIV numbers are from ffxivcensus but luckybancho has different numbers.
Hopefully he bounces back from this.
That video is hard proof how mentally unstable FF14 players are on average. He said nothing fucking wrong.
Those alts aren't counted though.
Yoshi stated that they're up to 1M subscribers recently, which lines up almost perfectly.
>FFXIV reset day comes and goes
>WoW's reset day comes
Woah... fascinating shit. The fact they're equal at all should be enough for you to start shitting and farting.
He's right tho, a tranny literally found the guy's real address and sent him a death threat for saying something bad about the game. The XIV community is disgusting
There was no leak
>he said nothing fucking wrong
Yeah I bet it was just hundreds of thousands of irrational schizophrenics coming out of the woodwork all at once to disagree with him rather than his video being poorly put together, levelboosted garbage.
>what's an eikon?
No way! He should call police! This is crime :(
I get why XI friends like their game so much, but I don't get why a lot of them have to enter threads about XIV to bitch about its existence and attribute everything that ever went wrong with XI to XIV.
And then they also tell you to play XI because it's much better, but that all you'll really do is play for the story quests and then drop the game for good. Unless you're coming from XIV in which case you're a tranny zoomer piece of shit unfit to suffer through the Play Online launcher, let alone play their game.
WoW is fucking boring to stream too which is why only people like Asmongold are popular because they go out of their way to make it interesting.
I'd be interested to see a similar figure in the XIV community who does glam contests, housing contents and runs old content 24:7 trying to get 100% collection.
High end PvP streams get no attention in WoW. PvE streams get no attention outside of world first raids. Who fucking watches Mythic+ streams? Literally nobody.
>took 15+ years to dethrone WoW
Gee you faggots really showed them...
It was probably some /xivg/ giga-autist whose entire identity revolves around the game who felt personally threatened at his moderate disappointment in the structure of the raid tier.
>hey dude can you show us those death threats?
>yeah here's some random no name email i got that totally wasn't me trying to save face
Every time I log in I have que times
>Yeah I bet it was just hundreds of thousands of irrational schizophrenics coming out of the woodwork all at once to disagree with him
Look I like FFXIV as much as the next Lore maniac but don't even pretend that the fanbase is one of the most insecure communities to date. Worse than Meleefags most of the time.
>raid tier
he never even made it to max level, he story skipped heavensward then complained he had no idea what was going on
the entire video felt like bait, and I have a feeling he planned on spicing up his dying channel by doing this, his past behaviour is borderline sociopathic
Did he even beat omega savage?
I played FFXIV, fun experience, but not my thing.
I do not give a fuck about who plays what, as long as you are having fun, in the end that's all that matters, fuck people telling what you should play, the same way XIV wasn't for me, XI isn't for everyone.
My post was more of a rant.
Actually there is spammer in /xivg/ who spam "raid tranny shit". Walls of texts from proxies. For like 4 years? It's him
After what they did to WoW, they deserve it.
>Yeah I'm thinking I'll get my own channel banned to save face in an argument
Based schizo user
Scott is not lazypeon you dumbass, totally different persons
His video was low effort, he used to be a bdo shill and most of his channel is trash. But he's completely right in ffxiv.
You had to preorder bfa if you wanted allied races in legion
We're talking about ScottZone not that skipper mongoloid.
He's not but you can keep thinking the endgame is the whole game all you want you mouthbreather
>zoomies love WoW
wtf? I thought it was the boomers that loved to suck WoW dick?
How many mmo's died during wow's reign? i really wanted to play wildstar, but i knew it was going to die
You keep on keeping on, user
damn i am a dumb fuck bros... i actually kinda like scott
God can we get that GW2 bot to devastate their threads?
>Defending the trannies
Back to /xivg/ you disgusting pieces of shit.
He's okay but he does sometimes suggest that XIV be more like WoW so it's good he got scared out of the community.
Have you not been on the internet? FF14 easily has the most mentally unstable fan base in existence. Probably the amount of suicidal tranny players that identify with their avatar.
>WoW in such a state that a shitty game like 4.0 is beating it.
Well didnt they go through their edgy arc with the Demon Hunters? now they are doing their own demon hunter shit.
>he thinks today's average WoW player touched vanilla retail outside of dead private servers with boosted rates
>those fingers
jesus christ, sometimes I forget how bad XIV's models are
>Game has hundred of thousand players
>1 tranny send death threats to a streamer
I don't get that, if it was a 1000 that send death threats sure but if it was 1 or 2 it's the exception not the norm.
It's not like any big fanbase doesn't have a few idiots in it.
When did that happen?
I feel like I'm in a groundhog day when I read these threads.
user, I love XIV but it's far far from perfect, and it could benefit from a lot of ideas from WoW.
Don't kill me please.
That implies FF14 will ever get a high IQ player to do it. The game attracts the most casual of players to do. All the high IQ players are doing world first raid progression right now. FF14 doesn't get that playerbase. The raids just aren't as difficult.
FFXIV is only alive thanks to WoW being pretty bad at the moment
The current director is a lawyer, so no doubt he is very good at shifting the decline of WoW away from himself, otherwise he would have been fired
1.0's models really melted some cards back in the day, so they went beyond a kneejerk reaction and ended up regressing several platform generations.
if there just isn't an ogcd window do i =swiftcast/triplecast/leylines at the b3/f3 transition and accept a little clipping?
>it could benefit from a lot of ideas from WoW.
let's humor you, like what.
He didn't know it would get him ban. So he showed it without care. Said the same shit on twitter. Not like anyone reads the ToS.
A lot of the ideas that could have improved WoW have led it to become what it is right now. A game that people want to undo 15 years of improvements on.
All these tiny "good ideas" which added up one after the other completely ruin the game.
The game doesn't need to be drastically changed just to cater to one specific type of player.
True, i would like to see non-linear dungeons and tier sets
Bite the curb!
Friendly reminder to respect the content and your healer. You're not some kinda god complex tank, are you?
>Crafting is fun
Macro's the entire rotation for 100% HQ crafts
>MGP farming with shitty minigames
>Glam farming
>Gathering is fun
>Savage/extreme raiding is fun with all the mouthbreaters who can't even follow simple mechanics even if I call them out.
>I could afford a big/ medium house those jews bought up
>The story is good
>Treasure Trails
>Mount farming a dead content primal from the last expac and still have people fuck up like they mouth breathers they are.
I've played the actual game for 5 months. And the community is one of the most defensive I've seen about the game. The amounts of trannies, drama , erp fags, degens are far more than I've ever experienced in any other games (wow is degen as hell too).
Not him but the most common one I see thrown around is giving people all their core job abilities at level 10 which was fucking terrible in WoW and would be even worse in XIV. Low level gameplay is supposed to be boring so that you feel a sense of progression and growth as you level up. It's fine that your rotation in Crystal Tower is less interesting than it is in Eden.
Can someone explain me this "no doubles" garbage and retarded job locks in PF hello MNK DRG NIN + DNC?
First I thought they want weapons. But that's make no sense. Someone with weapons and good DPS can join just for fun/mount farm or training.
You don't need meta comps for fast clears either. You will not reach speedrunners tier clears without proper teampaly.
So there should be something. But I have no idea. Can this be "redflag"?
Both of which WoW got rid of? Because there are no more tier sets to be found and there are no non linear dungeons either.
When he saw the 77,94$ 6 month+mount Subscription.
XIV devs are not as incompetent as Blizzard devs.
Only took the death of blizzard and 2048 years to do it
>Low level gameplay is supposed to be boring
Even if it's fake it's probably very close to the reality of many big companies.
go play classic user, i cannot fucking wait to see you fail.
All of those bullet points can be applied to WoW too, it's populated by mouthbreathers that log in to get their weekly welfare gear.
Nothing wrong with casual. If you want to be hardcore kid in MLG league play fighting games or arena shouters. MMOs are not competitive.
I know, thats why it would be perfect for FFXIV to implement them right now
I unironically miss Legion ;-;
everyone is for WoL unless you're a cuckold
Sorry if you played the game you will fi d out 1 in every 3rd person is an emotional unstable insecure incel/tranny
Those are meta niggers, avoid at all costs, most of the times they'll not even get past the first or second phase like the mouth breathers they are. With double's you get slower Limit Break.
Actual speedrunners are mostly statics and will almost never invite randoms via pf's.
>Fan base
>Xiv is the worst mentally unstable ones
>When there's literally fan bases for fucking furries and trannies
Shit user at least put in some effort or stop dick hovering xiv trannies and look at the internet.
It's a lot better than having 10 level gaps where you get literally no new skills, or levelling from 110-120 where you literally lose skills.
>healing has been hamstrung
if he meant made completely braindead he may have had a point. It's not engaging and their DPS kits have been simplified or outright removed, their heal potential isn't the problem.
i thought lb fills at a flat rate and no overlaps only gives you a passive dps buff
>tranny poster is back
Never once did I say that WoW was and has been a good game senpai.
Look at /xivg/
Look at the modding scene
Look at the top NA streamers and their fanbse
Sure they're technically different stats, but it aint WoW where you need 12 different characters just to play all the classes.
Hence why XIV is a WoW clone. Liking one over the other at this point amounts to " My Cartoon style is better than yours" with the way the fanbases fight.
>FF14 easily has the most mentally unstable fan base in existence.
Oh my sweet summer child.
shitters blame their inabilities on group comp
I use the first pull to gauge the healer. You can quickly tell if they're capable or not.
is this facial hair in the game?
And speaking of overwatch.
The modding scene is identical to what WoW did, let's not get disingenuous now. The NA streamers for WoW are even more fucking rabid, do I need to remind you of the manchild that fucking REEEEE'd live when someone took his fucking mount?
Fanbase war is typical subculture garbage created by autistic falseflaggers. Open WoW or XIV threads and you will see same obvious baiters. You don't even need to reverse search their posts.
ff14 is peaking, and wow is floundering, but wow still has the name power and most westerners don't want into anime shit, wow classic is gonna be bigger than 14
No. It's a default face with unavailable tweaks using a unique facial hair texture.
People have been nagging Yoshi for it since it was revealed, and he said he didn't think anyone would actually want it.
Not right now but they'll implement it later
XIV is a "wow clone" in so far as any themepark MMO is. It has elements WoW does not possess still such as housing and a coherent storyline that is tied together across all the expansions instead of a disjointed mess.
>this is blizzard target audience in 2k19
when did all go so wrong?
He didnt state that they have 1 million subs
What person buys physical PC games in 2019?
The decline of Theme Park MMOs will come when WoW and it's clones fall apart.
What is the most fun melee DPS in XIV right now?
What the actual fuck lmao.
There is a world first race getting over 80k viewers on twitch everyday to counter that... Even red bull is involved. FF14 is too casual to attract this skill level.
What the fuck is going on in this thread, over half of it is filtered.
>Yoshi stated that they're up to 1M subscribers recently, which lines up almost perfectly.
He said they reached 16million accounts and that their sub count reached all time high.
Meanwhile luckybancho, one of the fan census websites released a active player count of 1mil (lv36-70 players with certain mounts to avoid counting bots)
i played wow up intil WoD, i tried to follow and be invested in the stoey of that game unironically cuz i loved WC3 lore, but its a concoluted hypocritical constantly backtreading inconsistant mess that insults my fuckinf intelligence. XIV is refreshing because it managed the exact opposute and unlike WoW makes every expansion and its events and characters ALWAYS relevent.
WoW raiders have always been sponsored since like fucking BC, this isn't news. The thing is not a lot of people give a fuck about world first in XIV, it isn't the same playerbase.
post filters
Thats your source? Very trustworthy
Y'shtola is for Ronso cock
Have you not seen social media moron... Same shitters playing FF14.
Pleb filter.
Meanwhile wow already had over 100 million accounts in 2014
>FF14 is too casual to attract this skill level.
>Go 100 million gold in debt
>spend months preparing by grinding AP day in and day out
>level all crafters to make shit you don't need just to equip it and bypass the master looter lock
>hope you get lucky in the RNG heavy boss fights
>doing all that just to buff the blm/sam/drg/mch chads
wow is FF14 really that good? I never liked MMOs but I do like final fantasy. Maybe I should give it a try
Blockbuster also existed in 2004 gramps. Get up with the times gramps.
It's just shit like tranny, trannie, cuck, seethe, cope, dilate, etc. All the stuff that instantly flags your opinion as being awful.
ffxiv combat is retarded, 20 abilities that do nothing else but dmg
Dragoon, there's a reason why it's played so much compared to the other jobs.
Don't listen to any idiots saying NIN. The rotation is a clusterfuck of OGCD spamming, you do absolutely NO damage, and all everyone thinks of you is hate because your trick attack was off by 2 seconds.
Maybe if you're a beta bitch. Furries can bridal carry her all they like, but it's already confirmed that at the end of the day, it's light-blessed cock Shtola craves.
Get a bit of alcohol anywhere near her and she spills her desires readily.
Why are you commenting on something you know nothing about?
for me, it's samurai
>he cant count for RNG
clearly not skilled enough, everything has RNG in it
Yeah, it's great, especially if you like Final Fantasy. It's free to try.
good luck with the first 50 levels
what is this meme. we had their version of housing, it was garrisons, and it sucked, everyone spent all day alone in their little instance away from other players, and everyone's garrison is the same
Fahros did nothing wrong
ff14 is amazing for any final fantasy fan, you'll feel right at home.
If you didn't like MMOs it'd be right up your alley. MMOs are shit anyway.
>barely any autistic grind
>barely any long term commitment required
>doesn't have to interact that much with ((((people)))) (but still less solo friendly than the action games)
I was talking about the game's best players who needed over 300 wipes to beat Crucible of Storms
Mythic raiding is a fucking joke. It's not about learning the fight, it's about getting lucky against boss mechanics.
Whilst OP's thread is a shitposter that has successfully lured out the Blizzshills, the truth of FFXIV's rise and WoW's decline is one of approach; they anti-theist of each other design wise.
Yoshida stated in plain words that FFXIV is not designed to be played every minute of everyday for months (of course from a business perspective they'd hope for it) and that it's fine to come back every patch and play for a few weeks then go do something else once you're done. Playing BFA on release, it was quite clear this was very much not Blizzard's approach, everything built around Uldir was grindy bullshit that wasted as much of your time as possible that you -had- to do to keep up with the pack, the worst part being shit like Island expeditions and warfronts was unfun boring shit. Every system in BFA is designed to keep you subscribed (and cash-shopping, ala allied races and level-scaling) for as long as possible.
Whilst at first glance Blizzard's approach seems perfectly natural for a sub-based MMO, it's kind of a rejection of modern reality which Yoshida also spoke about in a later interview; People have so many other choices and options to spend their time now compared to 2004, "the war for attention" is very real and releasing garbage content with the intent of wasting your time just doesn't fly, as the strongly negative reaction to BFA shows.
WoW still has plenty of life left in it, they have the F2P trump card for example, but this is the first time people in general are talking about FFXIV being a serious competitor. In the past other competition imploded with little effort on Blizzard's part leading to complacency, so when an MMO comes along that doesn't do this and in fact thrives appears they're left floundering. It's also no coincidence that FFXIV's rise co-insides with WoW releasing two of the worst expansions ever (WoD and BFA). Shadowbringers being one of the best MMO expansion's ever released is probably contributing too.
I have no dog in this fight but isn't WoW 15 years old? It's inevitable something would take it down if only because those growing up don't want to play dad's game
as much as ffxiv is also a piece of shit i would rahter play that over piece of shit wow
This whole chain started with me stating FF14 won't attract "high IQ" streamers to make good content simply due to the game being more casual friendly. I am agreeing with you moron if you paid attention...
>Wow holds the top spot for 10+ years
>Some weeb shit finally takes over for a month
>The rotation is a clusterfuck of OGCD spamming, you do absolutely NO damage
So fun = BIG damage and EZ to pilot? Meh
>30000 active dragoons
I played the game since ARR, there will always be some Spergs playing but in my experience most are pretty chill and just do the content or even help other players out.
>Look at /xivg/
Why would I make a /vg/ general the standard about how the player base is?
>Look at the modding scene
A lot of games have modding, if they have fun with it let them do it, you yourself will not see it unless you have the mods yourself.
>Look at the top NA streamers and their fanbse
The only FFXIV streamers that I took a look at are Larryzaur, DrakGamestein and GoldenTot and from what I have seen most of their fanbase are way more chill then a lot of other game Streamers.
>and all everyone thinks of you is hate because your trick attack
well i love my 90k xenos without a titania weapon
wow "housing" is shit, ff14 housing is good
user, are you okay mate? Do you look at social media and actively filter out trannies and furries and see if they play xiv? The only thing I see on social is shit about Trump.
what if it's ironic
no, it is fucking terrible
but A LOT better than wow that's for sure
and if i am not mistaken garbage ESO is also pretty much alive too, that trash game is also better than the former two
based old, wise lala
after all the ones who tried and died, id say thats an accomplishment
>wow vs ffxiv threads
>reeeee just let me spam 1 button faster!!
They did that just to level the playing field moron. They are beyond that point. Now they are actually doing the content retard. FF14 has nothing compared to it.
I want someone to slip that line into a blizzcon Q&A panel question
I don't care what anyone says. Garrison's aint no housing.
I don't watch much twitch streamers, why do they all hate him? He was a cunt, but whenever I turn on an FFXIV twitch streamer there is way worse shit. Like everytime I've turned onto that Arthars guy stream he is screaming at the top of his lungs because a healer didn't heal him when he sat right at the boss on Innocence EX during the heatwave, and took 90k damage, or screaming at some DPS because he tether didn't break on Titania because he refuses to do the mechanic properly and barely moves at all. Same shit with every other streamer. I watched that Violent Destruction guy once playing astro, and he didn't heal at all. I looked at the logs of his astro afterwards and he was literally doing like 1khps, straight up would just not heal at all.
Mythic KJ = ultimates?
This is what cope looks like. Plain denial in textual form, this is. Cue chariots of fire, Ronaldo.
Inevitable? Yes. Right now? I won't think so if it wasnt for Activision.
>FF14 has nothing compared to it.
Good, why the fuck would you design a game around 0.0001% of the playerbase that can afford to buy 3 fucking servers worth of materials just to be competitive?
I always fuck up tethers. Tethers sucks
Was Fahros the glasses wearing sam main? What happened to him? I remember him being fairly chill in 4.x
I have no idea why so many people are saying you would love ffxiv if you hate mmos. It's one of the most bland mmo experiences available right now. You'll see for yourself once you play.
it's a private instanced area, it's functionally the same
XIV didn't exist when that screenshot was taken, friend.
don’t need psonline for xiv since it’s a sub based game
>run 71 dungeon with WAR
>die to big trash pull while with WHM in the party
>turn on ACT to see this
Is this how most of my parties will be? I didn't have many problems healing with AST every big trash pull in ShB dungeons
The very fact that they are resurrecting the corpse of their past glory should be more than enough to demonstrate the veracity of the claims that blizzard has long passed their window of success.
thats what you get when your excecs are money grubbing gobling and all your staff replaced by diversity hires and interns
Me as the dwarf
As a new player it is the worst fucking o to try. It doesn't get better till you put in over 100 fucking hours. Worst part is the game is story focused. If you rush to the end and skip everything you are missing the main content of the game. FF14 has really horrible shitty end game and most of its content is the single player story.
That really sucks because the story content is garbage for the base game and first expansion. It doesn't get good till heavensword. Some tranny defenders will disagree with me but that is the fucking truth. Gear is also really lame at end game, no interesting stats you can play around with? Majority of players RP or ERP at end game. It's not a joke.
i just started paying attention to my positioning as a dragoon and i always break my tether when trying to flank a target.
well obviously it's only worth comparing things that are very similar, that's why people talk about dota vs league, what would be the point of comparing wow and league, they're entirely different games, apples and oranges and all that, comparing two apples makes sense because then you can learn which apple is the shittier one
That's just sad.
>What happened to him?
He became a biggest ffxiv meme in recent days.
That's not XIV's housing at all. You have a house with neighbours, you recognize your neighbours, it's the same people who walk by every day. You can decorate your garden and chill out there and say "hi" to people that pass by and you know who they are.
>refering to your erp partner in the second person
don't do this it's creepy
Honest question: Is it just me or do people care way fucking more about their parses than in WoW? Like I feel like in wow barely anybody gave a shit while in FF14 everywhere I go people will literally not shut the fuck up about "muh parse"
>why do they all hate him?
because one time he didn't have VIT melds and recently because he kicked some lala from a PF because he /slapped him. he's no worse than the rest of them 2bh
>hate mmos
>would i like [game that isn't another autistic second job mmo]
If you had two brain cells to rub together you'd be able to work this out
What are you complaining about? You were clearly being healed.
If you died while being spammed with cure Is then you're the shitter in the party.
LITERALLY a console mmo
christ lads, come on