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hows the dlc characters for that anyway?

what gaem

DLC is literally the Demon Souls of Muramasa. All the bosses are way harder than stuff from the vanilla game

Sonic all stars

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More please.

jackie chan

thanks I'll check it out

I didn't know this theme of figurines came out..

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Apparently this is like a thing in japan. Is that the soul comes from the anus. I dunno why.

That little midget singing praises for her gigantic booty had me in hysterics for a good bit, had to put the vita down. Gotta get round to the DLC one day.

Probably "light at the end of the tunnel" alternate interpretation.

It also is a thing in sekiro when the headless takes your soul or life force (since immortal) by essentially fisting you.

I think they were just a bunch of weirdos

Just look up the Wikipedia page for Kappa and you'll understand.

i don't know if these characters are supposed to be male or female

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Shirikodama, which translates to small anus ball. Its literally a small hardened ball that contains the soul in the ass in japanese folklore.

>still only on Vita
I sleep.

you buy a Vita for Soul Sacrifice, not Muramasa. It's just a nice bonus


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Well how else would it get out?
You stop breathing when you die, your ass is the default exit port, and you DON'T stop farting when you die, so it's the obvious option.

I need to know what game, I need a reason to dust off my vita

nevermind I used my brain to read

Big girls are best girls

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I dunno. In some stuff it comes from the mouth, presumably down from the heart region, which makes more sense to me at least. I'm just wondering why the anus. Is this where the saying "the easiest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" comes from?

Every damn time, I swear to christ

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What the fuck is wrong with Japs?

Is the game any good? Im only vaguely away of this thanks to INAZUMA.

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With the dlc it's the best vanillaware game.



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I'll proceed, alright.
I'll proceed my dick right into any holes she has available.


>The best version of this game is stuck on the shitty handheld
I fucking hate the Vita so much.

Just get one and hack it

The system is great, Sony's fucking retarded for abandoning it so easily, leaving it to bargain bin ecchi developers.

Should've bought a PS TV when they were selling for like 30 bucks.

Ps tv have games?

What does vita homebrew/hacking offer?

people on here keep saying to do that but i'm worried of breaking mine. i don't have a lot of money.

It's from old days when people would find dead (drowned) people with stretched out buttholes.
The people were wondering what the fuck was going on, and then figured "a mythical beast did it!" But what would a beast want from human's butt? Their soul, of course! That's why they died, some water beast snatched people up, and then ripped their soul out through their ass, thus killing them.

Honestly better than the base game, and I say that as someone who fucking loves the base game.

Just wish it wasn't stuck on the Vita, because busting it out to play some Muramasa is kind of a pain.

Free video games direct from Sony's store, pocket emulation, overclocking, mods
What the fuck do you think homebrew offers?

Agreed. The DLC characters have way more variety than two original characters who might as well be the same thing. Not to mention that they are all fun to play as, with nice gimmicks and cool bosses. I wish they'd had full-fledged campaigns, but oh well.

Had a great fap with the porn of these two characters back in 2008.

One of the few games I regret getting rid off when I sold my wii

Problem with the Vita is that Sony killed it off too fucking soon so they could focus everything on the PS4.

It was a great console with lots of life in it still.

One of them didm't exist in the original game, retard.

I've never messed with homebrew before, and I always thought it was just for mods.

My bad, this boss was a big girl and a small dude in the original, I thought that was the same dude.

>Plays video games
>Has never applied CFW to any of his platforms in the past
legit confused

Homebrew is more or less the same as jailbreaking/rooting a phone. You actually get to customize your device and do cool shit with it.

i haven't either because shit's expensive. it's like you buy a car with no idea how it works and decide to upgrade it using a wikihow article

Kappa mythology.

Here you go

Most of the time if you fuck up installing a homebrew you can just factory reset and try again. Only baka's who can't follow instructions brick their systems.

so there is an easy way to reset the whole thing exactly as it was even if you screw with it? that was my biggest concern.

>If you drown your ass blows itself out

Is that like an actual thing that happens from drowning or did feudal Japan have such a rampant anal rapist serial killer problem that it became a folk tale?

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When I was younger the first I had heard of homebrew was my friends bricking all their shit and other problems. It scared me away from it and I never got back around to it until I got a decent job.
I also don't give a shit about my vita so I'm more open to trying it out.

Well, with the internet being so readily available to all applying homebrew solutions at home instead of paying the scrawny fuck at the second hand store to do it for you is more than viable.
Just follow a guide step by step and you're done in 30 minutes or less. If you fuck up, you skipped a step or misread something. If a complete mess of a human like myself can successfully hack all his shit I'm confident at least 90% of this board can.

i'll probably get to this eventually so thanks. not about to read all this shit at 3am tho.

Vanillaware will port Rebirth to a newer console at some point, right? I mean, they remastered Odin Sphere for the PS4. Might bring this one over as well.

With whatever console you're trying to add homebrew to, just look how to factory reset it if you mess up somewhere. It's built in to most consoles. I had to reset my PS4 due to a power outage.

Would love a port or sequel of soul sacrifice on ps4.

When you die from choking your body will aggressively discharge fluids and whatever else is inside of it. And if you drowned, rectal prolapse happening is all the more likely.

If you do ever do this, make sure to get around to using sd2Vita. Being able to use a micro sd is vital if you want to install a bunch of games.

Adding to this, in feudal times being able to swim was way more rare than it is now, so drownings also happened way more often.

So does the mythological kappa come from death by drowning?

Sure, right after the release of Aegis Rim and the HD remaster of Grand Knights History.

aka never

a quick google leads me to believe that's just a big ass memory card? sure i'll try to remember that.

No, it's a Kappa thing.

Here's a documentary: reddit.com/r/anime/comments/bd47al/is_this_peak_anime_sarazanmai/

I know this is muramasa but what the fuck is this I played muramasa on vita and never saw any of this shit

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DLC characters, nigger. assimilate.

What game?

Yeah. The belief of them living in rivers was also helped by people seeing something around quickly in rivers, but not being able to make it out.
What they were seeing were actually otters, but you know, old times.

>seeing something around quickly
...Seeing something moving around quickly. I shouldn't be on this damn website before having breakfast.

Aegis Rim finally has a release date, so they can finally move on. But I have feeling their next remaster is gonna be Grim Grimoire, since just like Aegis Rim, that's not really action-heavy game.

I'd be all for that if they overhaul the gameplay side of things. GG was not exactly hard or fun.

Odin Sphere remaster updated the whole thing pretty signifigantly, so I'm hoping that they do the same thing.


nothing, apparently

The farmer is useless

Can I still use psn and download stuff I own if I hack my vita?

I learned something new.
Not sure how I feel about it, to be honest.



I really want to play this game on Dolphin. But I heard the Vita version has way more content and this makes me really sad and turns me off

Just use a Vita emulator

Imagine living on an island and now knowing how to swim

Most of the dlc characters are more fun to play than the base game characters.
Only at the very start, he becomes a beast.

Problem Child 2

Funny how most dlc characters had a bad ending as their 2nd ending while Rajyaki still got a happy ending.

Best final boss of the dlcs.

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Gonbe's ending was comedy gold
>Goes to hell for mounting an armed rebellion and killing quite a few people
>Complain about how understaffed it is that they can't get tortured fast enough, slowing down their eventual reincarnation
>Gets kicked out of hell back into life because he would have mounted yet another rebellion just like he did while alive
And he's also a reference to an old ass famicom game.

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This game seriously needs a port and I have beaten it on the Vita. Imagine a version of the game with the sprites rendered at 1080p (if they did render them originally at a higher res to then downscale, which would be wise).