Has had 6 million patches since release

>has had 6 million patches since release
>still runs like shit while all other versions run fine

Can we finally admit that it's the switch hardware that's the problem rather than the devs (whom seem to be the go-to scapegoat every time a game runs shit on the switch)

Attached: 7185076-l.jpg (371x600, 97K)

>>while all other versions run fine
>the only version that even runs is PC
Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft should just quit with the console memes already

No. Tropical Freeze runs fine and looks better than this piece of shit.

I've only played it on PC, but if the switch can run games like BotW why wouldnt it be able tu run this one? Seems like the game is the issue and not the console itself.

I've had it since day one and it's only on 1.01, retard

>the only version that even runs is PC
Can't even say that, because it seems inconsistent across PC.
Some have crashes out the ass from room transitions or reading books, and it runs like shit for many people regardless of their specs.

Sure bitch, let's pretend this 2.5D Igavania is the paragon of high end graphics. Your bait is lazier than this port, have a pity (You) and go back to sleep, you don't want to be late for school.

didn't they use unreal? the poor dumb bastards

>>has had 6 million patches since release
It had had like 3. If you include the day 0 patch.

You do realize BotW runs at 720p at 30fps (and drops frames), right?

Constant game crashes are the dev's fault. Never have I heard a game crashing every time you read a book being the system's fault

BotW runs at 900p in docked

>Switch can run BOTW
>Switch can run Witcher III
>Switch can't run a 2.5D Metroidvania
Fuck off faggot

Can we just admit that you're fucking traumatised by the success of the Switch?

Whats it feel like being you?

Attached: 1563724826656.png (288x253, 17K)

These numbers have to be false. No one bought a switch . I Know only one person that got one.

>No one bought a switch

Attached: 1449485593832.gif (320x240, 3.73M)

The fact that PLATINUM of all developers had to make their game 30 FPS, when they are more than happy to push 60 FPS even with a lot of drops (e.g. The Wonderful 101 on Wii U), shows what a piece of shit the Switch is. Hell that might be the actual reason W101 hasn't been ported and Bayonetta 3 doesn't have so much as a gameplay trailer.

Unreal4 is the reason why is looks like shit.

that guy kicked ass, what was his name???

Attached: what the fuck is this shit.jpg (489x489, 31K)

>other versions run fine

I wish

I got this on Switch and wanted to give them a chance to fix it, but they took too long. Returned it and bought the game on PC.

Why wouldn't you just buy it on PC from the get-go

They started development on the Wii U and had to scrap everything when the Switch version came out so it was doomed from the start unfortunately, just really bad timing.