How the fuck are you supposed to use the switch lite if even the standard one is too small for adult male hands?
How the fuck are you supposed to use the switch lite if even the standard one is too small for adult male hands?
That hand is distorting the picture.
>if even the standard one is too small for adult male hands?
But the problem is that your hand is too fat dude.
god imagine being fisted by that
More like fat ham hands
that's too white to be american
My hands are bigger than that and I have no issues playing. Heres pic of my hands.
The pokemon crap in the background says it all
If I had hands like that I think I would kill myself
Stop eating McDonald's you fucking ameritard
Why are nintendies always fat and autistic with a bad smell?
>For adult male hands
Hmmm... it's almost like... it wasn't designed for adult male hands...
It's almost like... it was designed for a child's hands... weird.
Time stamp or bait
Kids console
How? You would be too fat to climb up to jump or hang yourself and your sausage fingers couldn't pull the trigger
lmao my problem is that my hands are really big and skinny so it's like a spider trying to position itself over a japanese toilet
How fucking fat do you have to be to have hands like that
I'm 60 pounds overweight and my hands look normal
I may be fat, but I make sure I have good hygiene.
My ex said she loved the way I smelled...
No they don't lmao
well he is autistic
Am I the only one ITT that isnt overweight?
Calories in calories out
they look like this but my fingers are a little more slender
>they look like this
No they don’t lmao
I'm 170cm so my hands are just fine for a children's toy like the switch
whatever fag
Keep coping fatass
I'm on my way to fuck your mom and eat you
Original post said Fat AND Autistic, not OR, go fuck yourself.
I mistook that as your micropenis OP
Post more cute elves please
*american hands
somebody had a peanut when they weren't supposed to.
But I'm none of those.
You're not, its a kids toy.
If you're an adult and still want to play the switch you have to pay the manbaby tax and shell out for a pro controller
First thing that came to my mind. Do you have the full thread image? I kinda felt bad for the guy.
More like a billion peanuts.
How'd you take the picture
Nintendo consoles are designed for kids.
That guy is Swedish
I started clapping when I opened this thread.
Good thing I don't have giant hands.
Kiss my cock fag.
Yeah sure babyhands.
Ham hands here, the joycons are perfectly suitable for an adult grip. Ironically, everyone claiming they're made for kids probably have small, childlike hands and require extra peripherals to use them.
pew pew dick gun XD
Yeah sure fatty.
Whatever you say handlet.
Whatever you say fatty
not even that guy i can just smell a lardass a mile away
You know what they say about people with big hands.
Imagine the kind of person you have to be to still be into the same kid focussed franchises you were into as a child
>Look back on them with nostalgia?
>Occasionally replay the classic games
Of course!
>Getting ridiculously excited about the hundredth release in a kid game series you played as a child
Fucking autistic
How would you look at somebody who gets super excited for the new series of Thomas the tank engine? That's how everybody looks at 'tendies
Child and women's hands that are even smaller than Drumpft's.
I think your hands need to lose about twenty pounds.
>Big hands=big dick
>Nintendo makes small controllers last I finally see
post dick
They're on another phone
> i can just smell a lardass a mile away
You should probably take a shower then.
>they look nothing like this pic
lmao fatty
Project harder fatboy with tiny fathands hahaha you fatfuck.
>like the idea of a handheld
>switch looks uncomfortable to hold
>and the games are stupid expensive
Would get a new 2DS with a grib but would probably just collect dust after the first week.
I thought your hand was an woman's ass
More like obese amiright
Can we get a rule on this thread or the sony thread or the one xbot thread? Falseflagging is a sad hobby and current Yea Forums is worse than its ever been.
sensitive little fatties lmfao
This is good bait because as obvious as it is, everyone is going to comment
eye phone
Fat, dumb, stupid and with small hands is no way to go through life son.
The Switch Lite is just a no go. Any other time they would make something lite they would just make it smaller but what they've done with the Switch Lite is ruin the whole idea of the Switch. I would rather buy a new 3DS/2DS then have that.
Take a joke lardass
>adult male hands
more like landwhale hands
lmfao fatty
legendary threads
Because it's a children s toy/primarily made for Japs. So naturally, it's designed for smaller hands.
Holy fuck that is a fat/huge hand.
Very nice user!!
>Shower and scrub everyday
>Shave pits and crotch
>Keep short haircut
>Use deodorant and cologne
>Still feel like I stink
Yes I'm fat.
imagine being so fat your body has to store it in your fucking hands
Or your forehead.
Bait and gay
Pic of ex or just being delusional
Bro you really want another picture of OP's hand?
>be turbofat
>lose it and now healthy BMI
>hands now either look fat as fuck or mr skeletal depending on what they're doing
Obese is just suicide but enjoying it
For a second I though I am on 9gag
Well you though wrong
Look at all these newfags. What happened to 4chins? What happened to lurking? Everyone who posted here is a nigger, tranny or a kike.
looks fine to me user, least you don't have permanent veins popping out even when relaxed like I do, people think I take drugs or something
6.2ft 65kg skelly reporting
I don't know I don't have 4 chins to stroke
>face covered in acne
Is this considered a chad among smash subhumans?
Are you mentally deficient? The guy said that all nintendo players are "always fat and autistic with a bad smell". This guy is neither. I don't know where you got the idea from that he's supposed anything other than that.
>getting this defensive about a smasher
have sex please
Your understanding of the english language seems to be entry level at best.