Lyse has such a delicious lickable tummy

Lyse has such a delicious lickable tummy

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Other urls found in this thread:

This isn't a general. I hope this thread gets nuked.

you're right, it's not a general, so it's perfectly fine on Yea Forums

Fuck generals and fuck pornsick /vg/ trannies

This board isn't a general. Go to /vg/

Watch it. retard.
I do get auction these day. Last I went was tuesday.
It now be like big game hunt.
Don dada flex on poor people. One guy try up me. I done flex. That right. $300 on this here locker. He do it. I do a barry. "Im out". Inside was NON. LMFAO
$300 FOR MATTRESS AND CHILDREN CLOTHES HAGAHA. He was sad. Stupid man. I am psychico. I know a locker good.
But tomorrow come soon.
Next week I smell fear. Good treasure soon.
I find tvs, xbox, jewerly, teen panties, kayak, honda crx, safes and so much big bang.
Most I ever pay was $600 for storage with crx. Sold to mex for $2000. Haha sucker beans not smarty but I do.
I do.

/vg/ is a garbage board and most of the FF XIV threads are trash. For whatever reason a lot of FF XIV refuse to go to the threads on /vg/, probably because they're trash. We should really just be allowed to have FF XIV threads on here since they're 10x better and more active.

Who does more work during big pulls, the tank or the healer?

So you go on Yea Forums?

That's bullshit. You can have a discussion on /vg/. Just bully the fags. The majority don't even like them there.

The healer probably, especially if the tank isn't using cooldowns.

this thread isn't a general either, doesn't even say it in the OP

I mean, the OP of the last thread put FF XIV Shadowbringers in the damn title and it got over 600+ posts, so yeah.

He quoted it from the previous thread. It's a poor disguise as a general.

these guys post wojack and eceleb threads lol

the DDs

Lyse is such a dumb thot, she should have been WoL's cumdump (male) or seat (female)...

If tank is garbage, the healer. If healer is garbage, the tank. If they are both great, neither do much work. If they’re both shit, they both do a lot of work, and likely die.

You guys have a perfectly usable thread on /vg/ that does not get deleted. Use it.

Yes, she is a dumb thot. I'm not defending her character or writing at all. What I'm saying is I'd like to fuck her. Is that so hard to understand?

So any games with /vg/ threads should be banned on Yea Forums? Why not just delete Yea Forums?

Why is that your only defense?

Because your only argument hinges on XIV not being allowed to have a thread here because one already exists on /vg/.

Is it true that Alisaie fucks male Au’Ras?


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No. Because it's low quality garbage everytime and there's no new discussion.
All you people do is post about WoW or trannies.

I wasn't really trying to prove you wrong user. Why are you so aggresive? All that thinking about Lyse getting raped and fucked stupid got your brain clogged?

why dont shills go to /vg/?

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Alisaie looks like the type to be a closet pervert, probably sucked and fucked a bunch of men while she was journeying around Eorzea.

Go find an e-celeb thread to post in you whiny hall monitor nigger


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>have several classes at 70, one at 80
>decide to give one of those I ignored a chance
>leveling BRD
>heavy shot, heavy shot, heavy shot, heavy shot,heavy shot, heavy shot, heavy shot
Who approved of this madness? when does it get better? I was playing fucking nin before this, it's absolute madness.

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post an album you coward

Shame she was ruined by her shitty Stormblood Dancer/Monk outfit

They get deleted too. So what's your point?

Yeah but you can get warned again for any dumb reason. LITERALLY ANYTHING. then you'll be on thin ice for the rest of yours or the games life.

at endgame you get an upgrade to heavy shot so you're spamming that instead!

>Want to play ping
>High ping
It's not fair

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Are you gonna sit here and actually try to claim there wasn't a fucking Etika sticky?

I haven't met this character yet since I just started Stormblood, but Alisaie looks like the type to be into really intelligent guys, so not surprised she hooks up with some nerd glasses wearing anime dude. I honestly would have preferred if she had been a lesbian.

use a vpn like mudfish

With OGCD procs you're almost always clipping GCDs. It's more like wack a mole than what you described


You know why they did it right? So Yea Forums wouldn't get spammed and it would be less work to remove all the threads.

>his Viera has a forest name!

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>voidwalker (savage)
>he just spends the first half of the fight queueing up 100 spells-in-waiting
ummm raidtrannies?

There's a free trial for this? my friend said it won't make much difference if I already have good routing

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Oh so instead of deleting e-celeb threads they stickied one? Why did you think that would help your point? Fuck off and stop licking janny taint you miserable fucking nigger.

The only people that play Viera are probably men who have some shitty BDSM fetish or are attracted to masculine tall women that want to be dominated by them.

Who dat? Is that him? Man, he's ugly as fuck.

Not sure, but I put $5 into mudfish and it lasted me like 8 months to a year. FFXIV barely uses any data.

You could also just throw in like 10 cents to test it out probably.

Try to name a better plate set than Adamantite Fending
you simply cannot

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You know when you think about it FFXIV is almost like the Undertale of MMOs. It's praised for its story and its music but never its gameplay as its a generic run of the mill Theme Park following WoW. The issue here arises when you consider Undertale is given a pass and loved by all cause its a Single Player where the story can shine above all without the constant justification for continual payments outside of the initial purchases that FFXIV has.
>inb4 WoW player
Don't get me wrong, I love the story and music from FFXIV. I really enjoy Soken's contribute to the FF Discography and look forward to Ishikawa's future endeavors be they XIV or what have you but when you consider it all FFXIV really does nothing truly special in regards to the MMO space it inhabits. Sure you can argue the story is it all it needs but then you would have to answer the questions from outsiders of "Why not just make it a single player?" which bring a very sad truth about the game, it was the story that FFXV deserved and never received or rather XIV could have been the game that reignited another beautiful era of FF Single Players.
In the grand scheme of things it truly is the Undertale of MMOs with its obnoxious fanbase, great story and great music but with none of the lenience of being a Single Player.

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>"e-celeb threads get deleted"
>actually they get stickied

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I have seen quite a few plate sets that I think look aesthetic as fuck, don't really have a favorite honestly. I like the Garlean plate set you see the soldiers wearing in Hingana or whatever. The black with the gold trim and design looked cool. Not sure if that is an actual armor set you can obtain in the game or not, but I hope you can.

enjoy ur packet loss

DPS do the biggest lifting so the other two roles can be lazy and do minimal work they're designed to do.

Yes thats him. Also yeah shes really into him and they’re romance plays a part in stormblood i wont spoil

Every role needs to pull their weight during big pulls. If Tank doesn't mitigate correctly, he dies and then everyone dies. If the Healer can't keep the tank alive, he dies and then everyone dies. If the DPS don't use their AoE and have enough damage, the Tank will run out of Cooldowns, the Healer will run out of spells and MP, and then the Tank dies and everyone dies.

What do you mean?

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Gosetsu is for ____

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E-celeb threads constantly get deleted.
Moderators aren't robots, they do what's best fit for the community.
Sorry that American education didn't teach you guys right

Sky Pirates of Fending?
I don't know, I really like both

forgotten lmao

>Moderators aren't robots, they do what's best fit for the community
>they do what's best fit for the community

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Viera WoLs wouldn't have a forest name (as in, whatever a traditional Viera name would be from the random generator). Once they venture out of their homelands, they take on a "city name", one of their own choosing.

So players who named their Viera whatever the fuck they wanted are essentially the ones following lore correctly.

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good post but would've been funnier if you just said "gotten"

>i443 on my BRD
>never done any EX content
should I try to get the Titania weapon? I'm usually purple parse or better

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Never been an issue for me.

...fuck jannies. Just got banned for reposting my Isekai MMOs thread and it got hijacked by H doujins retards. :(

Me on the left.

>finished crystal towers set of raids
That was piss braindead easy, i was expecting more for a raid. When do i unlock more? do they get harder?

a single player XIV with fun as hell combat would be my dream game honestly.

Isekai MMOs you say?

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What would be the point of the random generator if it goes against the lore?

They're not too hard. You could clear each fight in a few hours if you really wanted to. Just do learning parties until you see the enrage, then join a clear party and finish the fight.

Really, every fight takes 1 day max to learn except the 3rd and 4th Savage fights. Everything else is usually just getting into a party that isn't completely shit.

Until I see a separate board for Smash and Nintentoddlers spamming FFXIV threads is fine.

the doman garlean gimpsuit is aesthetic as fuck too, and actually mixes really well with adamantite fending, but it's all classes

From the last thread I can't believe there are so many "tank mains" literally defending people making small pulls in a dungeon
As a tank main myself it's never been fun to do small pulls, it's slower and there's not as much feedback as aoe'ing down a huge mob, especially now
I know "haha dpsfag got cucked" but come the fuck on you retards
It's a multiplayer game so you have to be mindful of other players, and many other players don't wanna sit in a dungeon for 40+ minutes while you slow-walk your fatass to every little babby pull because you're too much of a bitch to do anything bigger
let the real chad tanks do big pulls while you whine and suck your thumb to your babby pissant mob pulls

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Which job would she play?

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to get people who want to have a lore-friendly name to shell out cash for rename tokens

>Finally finishing Stormblood
Let's see if Shb is really better than HW

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Small pulls are actually even more frustrating from a healer perspective because big pulls means I can comfortably use cooldowns but smaller pulls means using cooldowns is riskier and if it's a REALLY bad tank then every pull feels like trash.

>main MCH
>fun rotation, enjoyable burst
>try DNC
>really easy, literally jsut press the shinys
>try BRD

>best aoe move hinges on dot procs, so your aoe is to literally apply dots onto the whole trash pack
>can re-apply the dots with another ability, so you apply dots and then tab through them, using the re-apply skill
>have to juggle songs, buffs, re-apply cooldowns and watch for 5 different things at the same time
>can never look away from the hotbar at any moment or you'll mess something up

When did BRD become harder to play then MCH? I don't remember this job being this fucking hard

>last time I actually played BRD was in HW

Well that explains it.

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you unlock 3 every expansion. crystal tower was shit because it was designed for lv50. you might see wipes in mhach, dun scaith, ridorana and orbonne.
unfortunately you missed the math quiz memes

be my gf

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I hate leveling up my healer and I ask tanks to pull more and they just ignore me. It's even worse in level 70/60/50 roulette.

Why the fuck are people like this? I know they read chat. I've seen them type hello when we first entered.

Why are you even parsing if you don't do hard content?

after playing both extensively, I honestly think DNC has a more difficult rotation than mch
they're both still pretty braindead tho

I see. I looked up the lore they finally posted and it's retarded, so I'm going to stick my Forest-name sounding name plus one of the randomly generated surnames that I liked. Sounds infinitely better than some Roegadyn-esque nonsenical title name.

Just more half assed shit. They came up with these naming conventions and then also said that player Viera lorewise are unlikely to use those names and then didn't develop any other pattern or style to the names they would use outside of the forest and said pretty much anything goes.

Kind of like how Hrothgar last names are constructed around the name of their queen with different letters attached depending on clan and then provided no conventions for those female names.

RIP the database database, you will never be finished.

>turn off VPN
>MCH becomes literally unplayable

It's like asking the dps to limit break when you're tank or healer. Half the time they don't do it even if you ask them by name

if your character gets rolled back due to a hack do you lose levels youve gained?

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>only have 15 tabs for glam
>even if you use 8 unique pieces per tab, that's only 120/400 slots used

I've started jamming all my alliance raid gear into it as well as any artifact stuff I can't easily get off the calamity salvager that also won't go into my armory just to save space.

When has this ever happened?

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when the fuck has that ever happened

>Boosted my SAM to level 70
>Didn't get the sexy artifact gear

I'm so pissed, can I still obtain it some how? I didn't realize that the game wouldn't give me the armor even though it automatically completes the job quests for you. Someone said you can get artifact gear from calamity salvager or something, but can you get level 70 artifact gear from them as well?

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>mentaiko keeps drawing his character fucking a lala
This game is evil, why won't he go back to drawing other stuff?

I'm jonesin to drop $36+ burgerdollars on mogstation items.


>canon names
Name a more NPC thing
Ur literally picking a pre made name without any originality. Sasuga RP trannies

pretty sure you can, yeah


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Go buy it from the calamity salvager

You shouldn't.

What items?

>Any name is a lore friendly name for Viera

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What does this mean?

if someone hacks you and fucks your shit up you can fill out a form and request a rollback

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I dropped 20 on ARR’s collector edition for the moogle and the fat chocobo
it wasnt worth it, dont do it

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Only mogstation items I've bought were the MNK emote and the moogle mount because no-one will fucking EB me for the 2-seater. And then everyone got a free 4 seater mount. What the fuck.

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>t. Sasugawa Darkblade

But if any name is lore friendly for viera, then shouldnt you be picking from the pool of pre existing lore friendly names? If you wanted to be canon of course

>tfw got an actual literal cuckold to buy the platinum wedding package for me and my IRL wife
Felt real good having a two seater since ARR

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Again, when has this EVER happened? This isn't Earth Defence Force.

>boosting 20 levels

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>it's low quality garbage everytime and there's no new discussion.
so you are in favor of deleting Yea Forums

I wish there was a wow vs xiv thread up right now. Those are always so amusing for both sides really.

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frankly I wonder why they haven't made a BRD equivalent to Bane

I've loved renda rae ever since I saw her at the end of heavensward. God speed you cheeky cat.

unsub from my game

Do it.
I spend so much money on it, like I just blew nearly 30 bucks on a few Fantas.

I'm going to play and probably enjoy WoW Classic while also playing and enjoying FFXIV!

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No? Vieras who go out of their tribes name themselves using things they like. Maybe my characters likes Hamburgers a lot and I could name her Hamburgers and it would be lorefriendly.

Rachel Ray is a fucking cunt and she easily has the worst role quest.

google it you retard its a service they offer to people who get haxxored

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parses literally don't matter outside of EX and Savage

>ACT in the middle of the fucking screen obscuring the fight
Parsefags are the worst.

Can't make up my mine so make it up for me. Can't pick between DRK, PLD, NIN or BLM to go with.

what if my viera was named Nigger Dick?

Thats the thing, hamburgers literally dont exist on XIV retard, your viera wouldnt even know what that is, maybe roasted dodo or some other ff food

>paid real money to skip a day's worth of leveling
You deserve to miss out on your AF gear.

I'm not about to grind 2 million experience to go up one level so I can continue the MSQ, at least this way I can play the MSQ in peace until I hit ShB and have no choice but to grind.

parses dont matter there either KWAB

>finally hit 80 with MCH
>look up opener
>need to weave inbetween every Heat Shot

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He probably has triggers telling him what to do anyway. These people can't function without them.

Shadowbringers? More like Kinobringers.

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>what if my viera was named Nigger Dick?

>A day's worth

Yeah, I want to catch up to the MSQ. $25 isn't much to me honestly and at least I can play the story in peace now. At least I didn't have to waste a day grinding 20 levels to continue the MSQ.

I've been tempted to make a mhigger named Digger_Nick9000 just to see what would happen.

It's 1 weave between each shot, I don't know what the big deal is.

You don't.

Just weave (or double weave if you can) between your reassembled drill, air anchor, heat boost, and your wildfire so your ricochet and gauss are at 0. Then you only need to use those two abilities once each during heat blasts.

Whats the RDM opener at lv80?

I switched from NIN to PLD this expansion after playing NIN literally since it dropped.
BLM is really fun.
I have no opinion of DRK but it hasn't really grabbed me.

He doesn't and you people really think everyone uses ACT triggers but not a lot of people do.

they don't matter, but some people care about them.

Wait what, you can install triggers that guide you through your rotation?

Why did you go with PLD?

the same as it as 50, 60, and 70.

>a day's worth of leveling
these "you can get to 80 in like a day bro" memes are really getting out of hand. Unless they released Super palace of the Dead and nobody told me, it's takes a bit longer than a day or two.


So did Derplander job switched from DRK to WAR after receiving help from Ardbert and Exarch?

I had it close to 70 and I like the aesthetic

>ACT not only shows you parse's but also acts like WoW's DBM to play the game for you

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You'd be surprised by the amount of people who got away with "nig" in the name
Also this guy has been around for years

don't boosts only take you 70? That's easily doable in a day from 50.

You could do it in a full day if you just ran highest dungeon with quick queues for literally the entire day, but for normal people it's wise to spread it out over a few days just so you can use your roulettes to take some nice big chunks out of the XP bar.

No one uses it and it literally has not been brought up in any thread until like today when some aspie can't stop posting about it like he just discovered it.

Am I a shit healer if I use mouseover macros?

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>lil naggers

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Better question is what didn't you like about NIN?

Did anyone die?

probably. Learn to click names

>No one uses it
You are so absolutely full of shit. Watch any world first video and you can hear ACT robot voices calling shit out for them

>nig nog
>lil naggers
kek not sure how he got away with it

Goddamn SAM sucks in SHB, I'm thankful they didn't fuck it up too badly but christ is it retarded.
Senei is way too low a potency for it's huge ass cooldown and Shoha is pointless.
When the fuck are we gonna get some Vergil type moves SAMbros. I'm tired of spamming Midare.

are dungeons faster than HoH for 60-70 if i'm a deepass?

Why would I watch world first videos?

the carpal tunnel

What happened to Ardbert, is he still following us and watching us jack off and shit? The ending doesn't really say

as someone who has wanted as such since 2.1
It would probably be completely overpowered
even more so when bard had inner release

You can get in and out of HoH faster than queuing for dungeons

Mouseover macros are the only way I can heal since clicking on names like suggests takes my focus away from the boss. I have macros set to basically every target based skill, with being the most prominant, since I can dps the boss and if the tank gets low i can just press something like cure and it will auto target the tank, because the mob I'm currently targeting is targeting the tank.

no. They have about the same XP:time ratio, but you queue way faster for HoH than dungeons.

His soul merged with yours.

You might be fucking stupid

he merged with the WoL

the ending cutscene showed him walking into Crystarium you idiots

Arthars doesn't use triggers and not using them as some sort of smug way of trying to make yourself cope that you're a better player is laughable.

>WoL doesn't get happy anymore when a dungeon ends after fighting Zenos
wtf Zenos did to me

>heard u liked midare so here's another midare
>since you don't have haga anymore there are even more midare over the fight
>but if you don't want to watch midare 2 stay off cooldown for a full combo cycle you have to build for a specific skill speed
>also here's postlaunch senei nerf and a 13% buff isn't that a nice round number
shb sam was a mistake

I've just gotten into the habit of hitting F2/F3/F4 keys to target allies. doesn't work so well in 8 man content though when you need to reach F5-8.

Imagine being so fucking dumb a tiny bit of obtuse writing confuses you.

You're happy after fighting the raid bosses though.

I guess the idea of symbolism is beyond you

>level 80 AST
Is it normal for this job to be so stressful? This is my first time doing max level content in this game, and I feel overwhelmed doing EX trials and eden

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to meet his friends, who are definitely very dead, you double idiot

Those are self made triggers retard, the public trigger updates don't happen until days later.

>they're not using triggers if they make the triggers themselves
Wow really makes me think

You have to work harder than SCH/WHM for worse results.

WoL is getting fucking tired, man.

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Is there a job you love the flavor for so much you keep playing it even if it plays a little shitty?

he became the little kid right before the credits

Nope, that's a common complaint. You are doing x6 the effort of a whm or sch and you're still providing about 1k rdps less than either. But remember, WHM were literally in concentration camps in stormblood!

I'm so glad I stuck it out long enough to make it to Heavensward.
Some of the visual design and atmosphere in there is top notch. After years of shitty WoW visuals seeing a dungeon like the Vault blew my dick off. Can't wait to see shadowbringers.

what was so bad about pepsiman savage

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>see mechanic blind
>solve it
>make it a trigger
Literally dilate, coping faggot.

That's been me and DRK for a few years now. I really wish they'd stop making it so shit.

>wasted 5 days leveling rdm to 80 when its the lowest dps job

That's NIN and DNC.

>see a mechanic blind
>can't rely on your own limited mental faculties to remember when it's coming or how to solve it
>make a robot tell you every time so you never have to think and you can autopilot for your gold parse on trannylogs

I haven't done any content that's actually dangerous yet (still leveling), but it feels way more natural to me and I feel I can always be using damage spells and then seamlessly switch to reacting to any healing that needs healing. On the other hand I understand that using macros means I can't queue them up like normal.

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>friend decides he wants to switch from SAM to DRK this expansion
>I switch from BRD to WHM
>help him level
>he keeps fucking up mechanics, doesn't pay attention to attack names, uses all his abilities on cooldown instead of saving for tankbusters, etc
In fights with vuln debuffs he's usually pushing 4 to 6 before eventually he gets oneshot
how do I tell him to go back to his retard SAM job? if I have to spend this whole expansion with his retarded ass tanking I'm going to lose it

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All I read was a bunch of deflecting to tell me how much of an insecure greyparser you are.

I had the same impression but how would that happen ?

Actually I parse orange and since I've never relied on triggers or callouts I can actually manage to do Nael's speech bubble mechanic without a robot screaming the solution at me. Git gud you lazy shitter.

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>somehow had one titan purple despite having shit gear, no 450 weapon and downtime in every run as blm

both do more dps when you factor in their buffs

WHM finally gets a chance to shine (even if its DPS is probably a bit too much now) and SCH and ASTfags lose their goddamn minds, but WHM being in the shed since fucking 3.4, well that's just how things should be I guess.

Stop being a shitposter.

Why not tell him to improve? Actually talk to him and help him?

Do you really need an anonymous chinese checkers board to help you learn basic social skills?

ascian magic

10 ilvs on wep doesnt make/break you

Being completely viable for everything but speedkills is "in the shed" now?
The only time any healer has ever been "in the shed" is very early HW AST, current AST, and 4.00 SCH

So we're his daddy ?

I really doubt you parse orange. Even if I agree with you frogposter faggot, you blew your argument by making a false claim like that.

His soul is fused with you now, retards. He can't reincarnate. The kid is just supposed to remind you of him.

And so does anyone that cleared world first or even within week 1. Congrats on being a mentally ill shitter that can't accept the fact there are better players than you that don't waste menial mental strength over using triggers after a fight is all learned already.

mouseover is fine because they don't lag but if you put anything else in the macro you can't queue it so don't do that you will drop inputs

setting buttons to focus target and target of target is a better idea, you can just roll over 2 keypresses and always target the active tank, then press again to retarget enemy

Welcome to Yea Forums. Speedkills are the only thing to take into consideration in these threads. I find it funny people hted dumb meta shit before ShB came out and these threads didn't wear themselves out.

>leveling a job purely because of its dps
This is the mind of a parsetranny

I'll say it again. Git gud, nigger.

>And so does anyone that cleared world first or even within week 1
No they didn't. They wrote triggers for Nael the moment they fucking encountered it.

okay so what you're saying is that healers should be balanced around what people who shitpost on Yea Forums say about speedkill meta?

Why else would you play a DPS?

just wait for the inevitable knee-jerk buffs to AST in 5.05. They woefully undertuned AST because they were overselling their raid utility.

I need more pixie smut.
>hurr durr they have no gender
As if porn cares.

Are we going to get a FF7 collab event?

Attached: 1564022772559.jpg (557x565, 57K)

>WHM does 2k more dps than SCH and AST
>WTF why are SCH and AST fags losing their minds????????????????
WHM faggots are literally history revisionists that think there was any disparity in stormblood when all three healers were the closest they ever were.

>Being completely viable for everything but speedkills is "in the shed" now?
That's how talking about balance for anything works on Yea Forums. Everyone's a gold parser with a 9 inch dick so it's either the absolute best or worthless.


I am not saying that but a lot of people in these threads would because they're idiots.

He's fused with you, since he's a part of you anyways. You are now WoL + 8 Fragments of your ascian soul (7 from the rejoining + Ardbert). There's 5 others, and a big assumption is that Unukalhai is a fragment of you since he was a WoL and conveniently escaped the 13th

yet playing SCH with a pet and AST with the card mechanic felt 200% more fun to play. Eat my Holy ass, fgt.

The discussion has always been about the optimal comps, yes. SCH and AST have been the preferred comp for about three years now, and now WHM gets a turn. People act like this is some sort of affront to the natural order. Though in all honesty I'd prefer SCH getting the boot over AST I am beyond sick of those faggots.


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When did fun come into the conversation?

>tfw out of leve allowances

Attached: 1454634930182.jpg (1062x1062, 212K)

>still haven't made a Buster Sword glamour for DRK

Attached: what.gif (782x543, 5K)

>tfw haven't used any
I don't even know what's efficient for DoH leves so I haven't used any.

I was shitting on WHM niggers for being drama queens in stormblood that acted like they were put in concentration camps.

most efficient are the triple turn ins of course. if there isn't one available then usually the highest exp craft hq is what you do.

How can you tell what is a triple turn-in and what is single?

Imagine being this fucking bootyblasted because someone implied your favorite strimmer is shit at the game. Just fucking imagine how fucking sad that would be.

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It's not that bad for ogcd heals. If having mouseover macros for heals ever keeps you from sitting on your gcd while switching back and forth between targets and losing uptime then it's worth it. I use my mouse software to make holding down a button act like mashing it, which helps mitigate the downsides of mouseover macros as long as you're still aware you can't queue them up and you hold/mash the button until you confirm its gone off. I wouldn't use mouseovers for heals with cast times since you can switch targets back to the boss during the cast time just as easily and still be able to queue them up.

In my experience it's better to have macros be as few lines as possible, since the macro will stop and restart if you're mashing it the later lines will never execute if you mash, which you're more likely to do since you can't queue it up and you want to make sure it goes off. Instead of messing with and as "mistake insurance" try learning to just make sure you have the right target in the first place, one line with and a second line with so you can still click names when you need to for whatever reason should be good.

Also put the /micon at the end of the macro, it actually delays the playback of the macro slightly having it first. XIV spaghetti code is really that bad.

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Just use this

Frogposter never ever say anything of worth ever.

Charity leves. Levels 1-70 have this symbol. 71-80 have a different pic of an elf lady weaving.

Attached: 1542427441852.png (150x238, 87K)

YES! FINALLY! I have achieved peak weeb aesthetics in this game. I've wanted this artifact gear for a long time now and I finally was able to get it. Most SAM armor up to this point has been anymore from shitty to decent at best, but now I have an actual samurai garb. Now I feel like a fucking samurai and not some dude in shitty leather armor walking around with a katana strapped to his hip.

I feel so much better when my character actually looks like the job he is suppose to be.

Attached: file.png (1919x1081, 3.39M)

Thanks user.

are you the retard that bought a skip potion?


Avatarposters go to /vg/

the card of the leve. up in the corner. they're different this time around in shadowbringers. you're looking for the elf lady sewing.

>His name was Ardbert and he was my friend

Attached: 1563564932606.jpg (311x361, 14K)


Seething. Just because I didn't want to waste a day going up 20 levels doesn't make me retarded. I just wanted to continue the story and not be stopped by a stupid level requirement.

I wasn't aware avatar posting was frowned upon in Yea Forums threads. What's wrong with posting your character? I wasn't roleplaying or anything. Big deal.

>Senei pot nerf

Legit the worst part, it was perfect at 1250 Pot because of the cooldown.

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Cope and dilate

Yea Forums is spooked by seeing any character model that isn't an NPC.

Man I just don't give a flying fuck about any of the old warriors of darkness.

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Go away. Go back to WoW. Anywhere except here.

>tfw only green parsing as a tank
Sometimes I just forget about my DoTs and damage buffs when I'm in the zone.

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You should fucking unsub then you terrible piece of TRASH

then you're not really in the zone now are you hmmm

Yea Forums thinks posting a screenshot including your character will turn us all into tranny ERPers

>join a dungeon
>viera monk
>keeps pulling out of the way mobs
>even though tank seems dead set on just running through this asap
>has some cringe macro after a move like "wax on wax off dat A$$"
>got kicked halfway

>put the /micon at the end of the macro, it actually delays the playback of the macro slightly having it first.
I'm really fuckin' glad I asked now, thank you based cat titty user

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go back to resetera or reddit.

>The job is called Summoner
>What does it do?
>Casts DoT's and ruin forever.

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Never let evil take root.

I'm in the zone of zoning out lmao ;-;

I just reached Stormblood, it's boring the fuck out of me so far but M'naago does things to me.

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Why are SMN players more entitled than fucking Healsluts.

>The discussion has always been about the optimal comps
No it's not, it's about whether or not all healers are balanced. Healers were balanced in SB. WHM was suboptimal in speedkills but its ease of use still made it better than AST for prog.
AST in ShB is literally the worst healer that has ever existed in the entire game, aside from maybe early 3.0 AST or 4.00 SCH

Go back to /vg/ trannies.

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Yea Forums thinks everything is evil.

>Gunbreaker has 5 defensive cooldowns
>Paladin only has 3 because passage of arms isn't worth mentioning


You become a summoner at level 70 and only cast DoTs once every two minutes

Hello /vg/.

I really think you need to settle down.

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It's okay in 6.0 Yoshi will give us a brand new level 90 demi-summon to cycle!

Attached: GODDAMIT.png (1070x601, 463K)

what are some macros that actually are worth doing? I remember making a Leylines/Between the lines macro for my friend which he says works wonderfully.

Can/should you make macros for DWT/Summon Bahamut and also Deathflare/Akh Morn?

I hate you people, I wanted a DoT class and now SMN is more about the summons and you still whine.
Egi Assault feels like ass, the bahamut/firebird phases are fucking lame. DWT was as far as it should've gone.


Why are you blogposting? Nobody cares.

do your deliveries

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I just set T to target whatever my target is targeting. Meaning I can DPS the boss, press T and use a skill, then T back to the boss.

Can also use it to target whatever a party member is aiming at quickly if I select them and hit T. It's helpful.


Of anal pleasures...

Make a macro that instantly summons your turret on MCH under your feet

Is it acceptable to use passage of arms during a big pull?

Yeah, and I'm not trying to argue that AST doesn't need help, I just get annoyed seeing people so assblasted that WHM is finally in preferred comps again.

Well tough shit. They're gonna have to suck it up and be big boys.

Have sex

>Being this mad because someone posted their character in game and used a level booster.

Grow up. I'm still playing through the story and I leveled up to almost 56 on my own, but when I hit a story blockade due to my level being low I just said fuck it and boosted to 70 so I could play through Heavensward and Stormblood in peace. I'll grind 70-80 and that's fine with me since it's only 10 levels and probably isn't that hard since I've seen lots of level 80's already.

Nothing wrong with posting your character, as long as you aren't doing it for sexual reasons or to ERP. I posted a harmless picture of my character to show off an outfit and it wasn't even a female or an erotic outfit. Calm down, geez. Also are you new to these threads? Most posts are blogposts. People are literally just talking about their struggles and experiences in the game currently. The whole thread is blogposting, retard.

How did SE come to the conclusion that camping at a Placard with 20+ people is a better system than buying overpriced houses from hoarders?

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No you're not, you're getting annoyed seeing people who are upset that their job is borderline unplayable and the worst job in the entire game.


ask the 1.0 devs the system itself is so convoluted and fucked that yoshi doesnt even want to deal with it

that was one of the few good female characters in the game

Name 1 other DoT class, because people bitched SMN was too DoT focused for ages.
Seriously what's left, BRD?

Evens the playing field, remember we don't add more instances because of PS4 limitations, please understand :^)

Have you reached XIV's version of feudal Japan yet? If not then just wait. If you're a weeb you'll cream your pants like I did, but if you aren't then you probably won't care about any of it. I love the aesthetics so far.

Attached: Japanese girl wallpaper.jpg (1914x1086, 373K)

>assblasted whms whine that their job is SLIGHTLY SUBOPTIMAL until the job they're butthurt about gets nerfed into being the worst job in the history of the game post-2.0 and their job gets overbuffed to the point where it might as well play itself
>wow why is everyone angry at WHM?

>housing system is Tanaka's fault
>housing existed in 1.0
How do you even come to this conclusion?

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Literally nothing now that you can put pet abilities on a bar normally and they removed most all damage ground target spells.

Paladin fucking blows, bros

BRD, lol. There's still no BRD Bane but that would probably make it OP

BRD is now the burst shot class.
I hope they add Mystic Knight as a dot-focused DPS though.

Well you're not doing damage then are you? Nor autos for sheltron. Use clemency if you're in that tight a spot.

SMN still aren't happy, are they?

Attached: 300px-Summoner_concept1.jpg (300x368, 23K)

Are you new? You're literally writing paragraphs and mass quoting. Go the fuck away user. This isn't your place. You're a gigantic faggot.

>two whole fucking DoTs that aren't attached to a Summon
Wowie zowie what a fucking titan of DoTs.

Attached: Froder.png (560x559, 325K)

BRD Bane would be fine if it had an added effect that made the bane'd DoTs have a lower proc rate, like Thunder II/IV do

I just want BLU to be a real job. All the other mages are fuckin gay.

Attached: better_notchi_either.png (255x252, 36K)

SMN had five DoTs in ARR

Summoner had 4 dots though, Stormbabby, and 5 before 2.1

You and I both know that's bullshit, there are plenty of people calling for WHM's head on a plate though a lot of those people might be tank mains who are insecure about WHM outDPSing them

are macros worth the trouble if im not a healer?

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>, there are plenty of people calling for WHM's head on a plate
Wow it's almost like people are angry that WHM players ruined their job or something.

I found GNB to be boring as shit. It's a literal meme class for fanboys to jerk off too. I still think DRK is the superior tank job. GNB is shiny and new so everyone is playing it/ Give it a few months I feel like you'll see less of it. They just wanted "muh gunblade" and it's such an overrated meme weapon.

Attached: FF XIV Gunblade.jpg (983x1043, 587K)

Its part of the job, we are never satisfied.

Fuck you, buddy. I'd like BLU to be a real job too.
preferably a tank.

Attached: Black_Mage_-_FIRE.gif (66x52, 1K)

Macros for what? The only thing you should ever really need macros for now would be space saving stuff like a meditate/shoha button

I've got a friend who's usually fun, but holy fuck is he a terrible tank. I usually do healer, and I had to carry his ass after he got 8 fucking vuln ups against the level 71 dungeon boss.

We duo-tanked Titania together and while it was fun to pick up the boss immediately after he fucked up and got sent flying or hot by phantom rune, at a certain point it stops being funny. I'd mind less if he did decent damage, but he's woefully lacking.

My current campaign is to get him to delete Clemency from his skill bars. I stare at him casting Clemency all the time before he drops to half health with Excog on him. He's a Japanese dude, so I have to try to not sound fucking pissed when I talk to him. He usually just tells me how great of a skill Clemency is, but I think he's finally starting to understand that I'm serious about him deleting it.

It's still better than paladin though

GNB is actually fun to play unlike DRK.

My favorite jobs in FFT were Dancer, Samurai, Ninja and Summoner and I was thinking of playing XIV, which of these jobs are the most fun? I know Dancer is later on in the game but I want to put this in too and pretend that didn't exist.

the only 2 acceptable uses for macros are copying something over from a crafting solver or macroing together different emotes and facial expressions

>It's a literal meme class
>then mentions DRK

Attached: 1563262509191.jpg (258x360, 55K)

I'm pretty happy and not sure what all the trannyparsers are whining about

i'm not that much of a weeb but the interior of HoH shits all over PotD desu

I genuinely hoped this expac would give you what you wanted desu. For all jobs, but SMN in particular.
Probably still needs a rework. The whole demi-summon thing comes in far too late, needs to start at 50.

I'm glad blu fags got shit on. So obnoxious for all these years. Then the biggest smelliest shit gets dumped into their plate.

You do whatever you want with your money. But everyone told you where to get the armor. You should have just went and bought armor and go on with your day and play the game. You just became an attention seeking whore the moment you posted your character with the armor even though it's armor that literally every SAM gets.

RMT curbing.


That actuallys sounds pretty rad

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Do you have a single bit of proof that WHMs are responsible for AST's current state somehow? Because that sounds like some tinfoil hat shit.


Macros in the traditional sense aren't worth doing due to the delay in actions. Doing Macros for Ninjutsu for example is a horrible idea because it takes like 3 times as long to execute.

They're okay for contextual macros, example:
/ac "Between the Lines"
/ac "Leylines"
/merror off
/micon Leylines

This is a macro that turns on Leylines but when leylines is active, it works as between the lines on the same button, and since you can't use both at the same time, there's no real conflict.

I like to write? Big deal. Do you have a low reading level? Or does reading bother you? Sounds like a personal problem.

I prefer the animations and attacks of DRK compared to GNB. GNB's animations looked lazy to me, plus the armor for DRK looks cooler as well. Let's just call it personal preference at this point.

Macroing offtank shit so it uses it on the other tank is crucial.
Nascent Flash in particular.

official forums

The only answer would be letting it be any role and allowing the skills to be swapped accordingly

The OF was literally flooded with WHMs whining throughout all of Stormblood

an easy fix would be a shitty aoe poison (like 20 per second) just for RoD procs

Yet you still need it on your bars normally for when that won't work, so no, just use the ability correctly.

Depends what you like.
Very low damage ranged class that boosts the damage of party members with dances.
Very low damage melee support class with a magical combo system in which you weave together combinations of ninja hand signs to create different spells.
Big dick katana damage with iaijutsu
DoT mage until 70, then you get to summon Bahamut for big dick burst damage, then at 80 you get Phoenix for even more big dick burst damage

Well you can become a NIN at level 30 and same for Summoner. You won't start out as a ninja or summoner though. You'd have to start off as a rogue and then unlock the ninja job. Once you hit level 50 you can automatically unlock samurai by talking to an NPC. Problem is that you'll need Stormblood to unlock Samurai and you'll need Shadowbringers installed to unlock Dancer.

You'd probably be better off starting out as a rogue or arcanist if you liked ninja and summoner since ninja and summoner are unlocked faster than samurai and dancer.

It's definitely not the DPS

Only because Yoshi had no idea what to do with it because he didn't want to deal with a pet based class at the time.

Chromite Fending

I dont' know why they still have these things literally holding a job back

>NIN held back because muh trick attack
>MNK still has Tornado kick for whatever reason

Crit adlos and deployment were holding SCH back because buffing adlo in any way would make deployment tactics OP and whatever but by splitting it into a non-spreadable second shield they were able to finally do something for example.

New to SMN, what is the best pet/uses for each pet now?

>Attention seeking

Literally 90% of people in this thread, if it bothers you then just hide the comments and don't reply. It might be common armor and easy to get but I liked it and I just wanted to say that, even though nobody cared or asked me about it.

No, you can just set up your alliances so tanks are always in the same slots. The tank that isn't you will always be the same keypress.

Garuda is basically a onahole

Ifrit for single target, Garuda for groups of 3 or more. Titan never, even when soloing.

Same as before, garuda is better for trash pulls for AoE, ifrit for single target, titan for BBQ sauce

To block autos for 1 second when you don't have Sheltron sure, not like you're going to need it for anything else in a dungeon. Just don't pop it and stand there like a tard doing nothing after, you would just use it between GCDs like a shorter acting Sheltron and then continue your combo. It's not going to be a very strong cooldown used like this but it doesn't 'cost' you anything to do this if you don't clip. If you're still learning the job your mental efforts are better spent learning when to use your actually decent cooldowns than on weaving PoA for what basically amounts to 'minmaxing' mitigation.

And an aside if you didn't know for dungeons, Arm's Length applies a Slow to mobs that make contact with you so it mitigates a good chunk of damage by preventing auto-attacks. It's a way stronger cooldown than PoA for trash packs for sure.

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>Got a small house in the Goblet when they added subdivisions a while back
>Wanted to eventually move out but every plot is usually taken in the popular places
>Playing at like 2 am and I stop by Kugane
>Check the Housing Districts for fun since there's no way in hell that a plot is open in Shirogane
>Small plot is open in one of the wards
>Teleport my ass there
>20 people are camping the Placard, probably clicking on it endlessly waiting for it to be available
>Since I already have a house, you can just buy and relocate immediately without waiting for the timer
>The asspain of a thousand sun occurs from these people when the house appears

Attached: snapshot.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

DRG for Heavensward
Sam/Nin/ or Monk for Stormblood
DRK for Shadowbringers

Name something that you'd like to see changed in your class that would make it much better for you personally.

they remove TA and mudras from NIN

yeah wtf why don't they just make every job exactly the same already???

Seraph's Whispering Dawn has a higher potency

We better get a fucking Emil head glamour.

Attached: 1550464425993.png (502x432, 478K)

Hrothgar names are Slavic so you just need to use a female Slavic name.

Or better yet, you should just bind a button to "Target of Target" to begin with

>take away NIN's entire identity because i'm a shitter and just want to play the naruto class even if the mechanics are a copypaste of any other melee class

Living Dead applies rez sickness if you fail to receive sufficient healing instead of just outright killing your ass

NIN is only even in party comps because trick attack, not for their own personal DPS (which itself is high effort low reward). It's a problem.

>hyped about stormblood because all the pictures of notjapan
>notjapan doesn't even have a real zone
>there's only one zone even set in notchina, and it's 90% cliffs
>2/3 of the xpac is set in middleeastern desert populated by englishmen
this is horseshit
Pandaria was unironically better than this

I genuinely can't think of anything. I got my AoE thunder in SB and everything else was just a massive unexpected bonus.

Attached: vivisprout.jpg (720x672, 63K)


>Peak weeb

*Laughs in Genji*

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yes exactly i hate trick attack the job i hate being forced to clip my gcds because mudras are shit

Whoa damn, so a support job is wanted in parties for their support and not for the damage?? Whoa wait wait wait are you telling me that different classes might contribute to the group in different ways? Like they all have different strengths and weaknesses? What the fuck???

I want to play DRK because of the flavor and the job quests are great but are they really not that great right now?

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Change T4's animation to be Palpatine style Force Lightning you shoot out of your hands

Sonic Break off GCD so I can weave it during my opener properly.

I guess I should dabble in BLM when I get the chance. I legit never hear anything bad about it and most BLM seem to enjoy it and are content with it.

When I finish the MSQ and get more free time to do side stuff I'll probably start working on leveling a BLM.

>a support job
that's ranged DPS

Ninja is a melee support job

What is your favorite physical ranged or caster job Yea Forums and why?

They're probably the worst tank currently (again), but the differences between the tanks in terms of performance are pretty small this time around.

>Actual samurai armor

While I realize that it's more historical accurate that samurai wore armor I'd rather take my animu rendition of samurai instead. Looks more aesthetically pleasing to me.

If I wanted to wear heavy armor or plate I'd have mained a DRK or DRG, not a SAM.

Attached: Samurai-Champloo-Jin-Cosplay-Costume-Version-01-001.jpg (400x657, 225K)

leylines is a passive buff but you still drop a circle to teleport to.
switching aspect auto activates sharpcast

because of trick

Tanks are the best balanced role, so even when you're the worst tank you're still going to do just fine if you can play well.

All the tanks are within about 200 or so dps of each other, and DRK has pretty great mitigation with TBN. I'm not sure if it's on the lower or higher end for damage but they're so close it doesn't matter.

Only 14.99 USD gaijin. please understand.

>personal DPS is all that matters

Attached: Vizzini.jpg (600x330, 29K)

Holy shit why is Thancred being such a cunt to Minfilia? Its not her fucking fault that she isnt 'his' minfilia.

Attached: 1561686218585.png (500x281, 245K)

Yes, they're a support job because they have support abilities. Congratulations, you fucking mongoloid. You cracked the code.

ok so monk is a support job for mantra as well as dragoon for litany

>wtf why is he so agitated by seeing the specter of his dead daughter all the time?
Are you autistic?

I'd rather die than lower my parse. Yes, I know dying also lowers it but death parses don't count.

You should still get it if you have time

This is probably coming from a SAM

Familia, whats the rotation and opener for RDM lv80

I like how I brought up DNC a bunch in previous threads and got ragged on because of their DPS being shit and their buffs being meaningless and then there are posts like this.

He's been grumpy since he lost his ability to hide his aging with glamours.

Yes, they bring more than just BIG NUMBER to the group with buffs and shit. That's the distinction. If you want to be a personal DPS caveman play SAM.

For Shoha to be literally anything else than what it currently is.

GW2 is on suicide watch.
Worth picking up FFXIV?

Attached: image.jpg (450x360, 98K)

>melee buffs are all BIGGER NUMBER outside of mantra
>implying anything else matters in a game about dishing out enough number in a timespan
lmao @ u supportkeks

>want to play a support job like DNC or NIN, something that makes others better
>no friends or FC or static, so I have to replies on PUGs to not be shit
>most of the time they are extremely mediocre
Feels like a waste sometimes

Attached: 1502658157853.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

Why does the fanbase shit on SAM just because it's pure DPS and damage based? Is that such a problem for people? Or is it because the job has nothing else going for it? I guess I understand if you feel like a job isn't contributing to a party with buffs/heals/support, etc. And is just pure DPS, but it doesn't make a person bad just for wanting to play a straight DPS class. If you enjoy it and have fun playing it then go for it.

I guess that's why 4 SAM comps are meta huh :^)

They did the same thing when monk was that way in 3.0

Hes acting like a bitchier version of Sidurgu and he only has himself to blame. Had he let go like she told him to at the end of Heavensward this wouldnt have happened

t. samtranny

>Love the playstyle of AST
>Buffs are so mild that it's not even worth doing in good groups let alone pugs
>Stuck bringing unga WHM mashing glare because it's the best I can really do in pugs
Fun times.

Guaranteed fourfold feathers on crits

>Genji armor
>The most traditionally samurai-looking armor is for DRG and not SAM
I mean yeah you get a naginata spear and you look like a proper historical samurai but still

Kugane hakamas never ever so you'll never get to look like Jin

Attached: 1529209646780.png (540x482, 190K)

What happened to GW2 now?

The issue is DPS players moaning that the other DPS jobs are doing marginally less DEEPS than a pure DPS class because they contribute more to the party dynamic and are balanced accordingly.

there's nothing you can't clear with a 4 sam comp

Yes. And play from the beginning. Dont pay for the skip

On this note make all proc classes just DHIT/CRIT based so they have actual ways to combat their RNG.

>hit 76 on BLM
>only just now realizing I can do TWO FLARES before I need to switch to ice
>tfw am the dumb blm
I never want to play this job pre 72 ever again

Attached: 1558322729753.gif (128x128, 27K)

But you already can weave it during your opener properly

I fucking hate that they're aware SAM don't actually have access to samurai armor, the undead samurai enemies in Heaven-on-High use the fending set with DRG's helmet.

He's only 32 but damn does he look good for it.

Make iai instant.

>all these viera with Xaela and Miqo'te names

Black Mage because I'm fighting the game's design by sitting still for long periods, not the raid boss.

the reason they removed that from bard was because it was absolute cancer

>check my server's ranking
>top 11
>check how much the people ahead of me have been doing rdps wise, aka their unpadded dps in the case of BLM
>less than me but they had DNC and I didn't so they get ahead


Oh christ
I already scream UNLIMITED POWER every time i get a large crowd and thunder procs over and over and over but if it turns into a cone of lightning?

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I named my Aluette after Aluette frin FF Tactics A2.

As long as you don't come in expecting it to be like GW2. Nothing in the overworld matters. Most of your life will be doing quests and doing instanced content.

It's because he got some false hope that Minfilia might come back, but he also knows that it won't actually happen because it would mean taking Ryne's life. Thancred's had a hard life man.

It felt like the other way around to, feels like Ala Mexico got benched in favor of Dimmadoma

At what point during the opener do you weave it in?

still sad that the Sekisigumi hakama didnt look like this, also annoyed that the only way to get it is to wait 5 fucking weeks after the Kugane content is over in stormblood to get it.

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use manafont and a 1000 mp or higher ether for up to four flares

>GW2 is on suicide watch.

That's retarded. You're retarded.

Wish I had a wise with such an obvious job like Megumin being a BLM.

Do you realize how broken that would be? On a fucking job that is 100% DPS based already? They'd have to make the cool down on iaijutsu longer if they made the cast time instant on it, just so it'd be balanced. So do you want instant cast or longer cooldowns? Frankly I don't like long cooldowns.

they probably realised that an entire xpac of boring desert would be bad and jammed the east in to appeal to china
I hope we get to go back at some point with some better zones, including japan

Nah. I'd rather healers do their motherfuckin job son. If they fail, then that's fine if we wipe. I have oranges numbers to get.

What's happening to GW2? I only played it for a few months at launch. Seemed okay.

Do a combo
Start a combo, No Mercy after the keen edge
Gnashing Fang, Bloodfest, Continuation
Sonic Break, Blasting Zone, Bow Shock

Sucks the closest thing to the basic kimono you see Kugane NPCs in is that one from the mogstation. At least they added that Yanxian Merchant's Haori from the enclave so you could recreate the Sekiseigumi look if you wanted to.

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you're literally just offsetting it by half a gcd
i imagine it wouldn't close the 2000-4000 dps gap between a sam and my blm

During your cartridge combo since it doesn't break it

What about the starter SAM armor you get when unlocking the job for the first time? That black outfit?


Maybe SE will throw the weebs a bone and do a sengoku-jidai themed expansion where ASCIANS fuck up not-Japan or something by splitting it into civil war

You're only proving yourself to be more retarded.

its alright, until you realize its literally a caster robe from HW minus the armor bits.

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It's nice but if you pay for it you gotta like.. always wear that shit.


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Ehhh it's not *quite* a kimono.

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>Pop collars

If healers force you to LD and don't recover it, then they don't deserve to clear. Simple as.

This kills the meta tranny

>ywn rail yotsuyu from behind and be forced to slap one buttcheek, then the other to avoid meteors interrupting coitus


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what's wrong bro? even the level 80 set has a popped collar

True enough, but frankly I bought it just for the shoes but the robe is nice too.

Shared laylines that other BLMs can use and be stacked with

>TFW we'll never get traditional shinsengumi outfits for SAM

Feels bad. Even if it was a mogstation outfit, I'd buy it.

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Healers don't "force" you to LD, you use it to cheese mechanics, for somebody talking about MUH PARSE you seem woefully uninformed about what tank invulns are actually used for.

I can relate brother

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It's too bro for me.

If multiple BLMs stack and put their Leylines down they combine to cover increasing amounts of space and the effects stack

what a bimbo

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Paid only mogstation items were a fucking mistake.
I don't mind it being an option to pay for it, let the idiots do it if they want.
But for fuck's sake, let it be obtainable ingame too, even if you put it behind some ridiculous grind like Anima weapons or shit.

I inspect someone with nice glams, only to see that some of the items are paid only so I can't ever take inspiration from these.
They are cool, but not "I'd pay ~$20 for it" cool. Never fails to make me feel I'm missing out and it fucking sucks.

They're so fucking small it's like a bunch of children wearing adult clothes.

Speaking of bimbos...

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Crafted gear is going to be i460 right? Given you could otherwise have all i450 in near every slot before Savage hits if you exclude body/legs.

Most of the mogstation gear isnt that aesthetic though. The only memorable mogstation thing I can think of is the Odin mount

Again, retard, It is the healers role to recover the LD status. Failure to do so, means it's their fault. using the skill to stay alive through mechanics, then they must follow up with it. not that hard to comprehend now is it

Thats how i feel whenever i see premium mounts including literally a giant whale

>Gintama version

I mean, it's cool but that isn't traditional at all. The traditional outfit actually looks more aesthetically pleasing to me.

>four flares
mother of god

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>people bought a 2 seat mount when they gave a 4 person mount away for free

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Uimet singlehandedly made me go from not caring about bunnies at all to loving them.

I'll be 450, same as Eden normal so that HQ is closer to 460. They'd never put crafted out that trump normal ilvls without it needing to be HQ

you gotta ether for four though right?


yeah but ethers are dirt cheap

>thundercloud proccing almost fucking constantly the entire duration
Yes, the normal two from Freeze + Flare, Manafont for a third, ether for a fourth.

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oh, yeah I have some. just making sure there wasn't some secret fourth flare without one. Relatively new to black mage.

it's actually a DPS gain in AOE to just go Freeze > Flare > Flare > repeat while using Thundercloud procs and refreshing Thunder 2/4 as necessary

How can one mhigger be so based?

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>growth formula kappa
ugh, twitch memes

I'm not saying the healers aren't shit for letting you die from using LD but you're a spiteful bitch if you'd rather let it cascade into a wipe to salve your own ego over your precious numbers.

Nothing is better than having a delicious tummy

Lalafells confirmed to be (((them))) of Eorzea

How can you do two flares without going to ice? I thought flare nukes all your mana unless you use manafont every three minutes

These Summoner macros are fine, right? I don't know why these aren't consolidated on the same buttons so I tried doing it myself.

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loot is ephemeral; the stats follow you forever. It is a wiser investment.

Umbral Hearts

umbral hearts. Then at 72 casting an opposite element is FREE. flare-flare-blizzard 3

gamerescape says only hq ether gets you 800 which is min for flare
can't get those off npc vendors can you?

Once you hit 72 the trait lets you use the opposite element spell for free, so you can use Flare to swap to astral fire 3 for free and then spend the MP on a second flare

So that means Fire II is obsolete like Blizzard I?

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>coined the term beast tribe so they can ban trade with them so they can make more money
>are literally a beast tribe on the First
Filthy creatures.

you should fill the macro lines with /ac lines. The more you have the more likely it is to go off. They can be unresponsive if you don't (they still are even if you do but less so). Also it's not a good idea to put trance and bahamut on the same button just in case you end up in a scenario where bahamut is up and trance is off CD, you could end up proccing Trance instead of Bahamut. I would recommend putting Summon Bahamut and Enkindle Bahamut on the same macro and Trance and Deathflare on the same macro.


Fire II has been obsolete since SB

Where the fuck do i find a striking dummy in norvrandt? Or do i have to go to fucking Castrum Oriens for a striking dummy?

outside mord souq

>dies to every boss and leaves immediately after the 42 minute Twinning run ends
Love being on Crystal :D :D :D

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I have it ordered in the way that the macro tries summoning bahamut first, but if the dreadwyrm aether isn't ready, it'll do DWT instead. I'd have the problem you mentioned if I put DWT first on the list.

If your use fire 2 past lvl 70, you should really stop playing blm
I still see niggers using that shit at 80 of all things

Flare from UI3 is a gain over hitting Fire3 first?

did they say they'll change up savage loot rules like with normal? there are too many jobs now for the 2 months per bis set meme to work anymore

If your name is Video Games, you should kill yourself right now my man.

That's an issue for an OGCD because the game could execute the /ac Summon Bahamut line while you're still animation locked, but then it will try to do the next line and end up trancing

>Newest raid took over 9 months to make
>Cleared in 2 hours

You can't get them off of NPC vendors, but it's a level 15 alchemist recipe, so for like 30 minutes of time investment at most you can just make HQ ethers at a price of less than 50 gil for a batch of 3.

Yes because of the shorter casting time. However the flare flare freeze rotation only works aftery ou get the trait where freeze gives you an umbral heart

What compels people to play ugly characters?

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Fuck Video Games.

also I realized that while Despair is single target flare, they added the stipulation of need Astral Fire 3 to use it (while Flare does not) so you can't swap to AF3 with Despair when doing single target rotation

holy shit thank you

Is there an vendor alternative? I have alc but going after mats so I can craft something to do a fucking dungeon doesn't seem all that good.

>All this cool high level BLM shit
>Still only 33
Not only do I have to contend with DPS queues, dungeon grinding at this level makes me want to die. Should I just buy a boost? Are the job quests any decent? I promise I'll learn how to play before doing any content.

I actually wish Elusive Jump still removed heavy. I used that mechanic yoshi, not cool.

I'm a dummy (still leveling BLM). I understand Umbral hearts make flare cheaper but why does the game let you stock multiple hearts if flare eats all of them anyways

Quit the job or quit the game. I have fun with thaumaturge from lvl 1.

>dungeon farming as DPS
Just go do Palace of the Dead to break up the monotony.

the multiple hearts are for fire 4

Hearts make all fire spells cheaper. You use multiple hearts in your single target rotation. That's why B4 gives you 3 hearts but Freeze only gives 1.

Multiple hearts are intended for Fire IV, not Flare. Flare doesn't care.

you can just buy all the ingredients right at the guild, so it's just about as close to a vendor alternative as you're going to get. Besides, they have a five minute cooldown, so it's not like you'll be blowing through dozens of them in a single dungeon, a few minutes to craft them will have you set for weeks.

does flare still eat hearts even after aspect mastery makes it free?

It's time to gather your lemonette.

Attached: Lemonette.jpg (244x108, 8K)

Do I need this for something special?

>"Instead of suffering on the 5th layer of hell, go down to the 6th layer instead for new suffering."


I keep forgetting about PotD because I also hate doing that. But I guess it helps, so yeah, thanks for the reminder.

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Probably sick fucks with a bimbo fetish.

A lot of people in slutglams have characters that look like this, shit's nasty but at least you know who to avoid.

When do you Thunder4 then? Preferably with swiftcast during a mob pack pull to fish for a proc before they settle and you go ham?

Make sure you eat your food too, it adds up

I thought what i was supposed to do was wind up with three freezes then magdumping four fire II into a flare then repeating inbetween thunders and fouls

freeze, sharpcast, thunder, then hit the thunder proc, then start flaring things, and if you hit a proc, use it. if not, keep flaring until you gotta debuff some more.

Anatman grants you the first stack immediately upon use then skips the first server tick.
SSS also extends your current form by 10 seconds and Twin Snakes by 5 seconds.
Perfect balance duration reduced to 6s and recast time reduced to 60s. Grants you Opo-Opo Form when it expires.
Deep Meditation is now guaranteed on crit. In addition to this a new mandate in the SE offices that there can be no slots for monk that don't have at least 1 piece of crit gear available at any given item level tier

Most fun melee?

Is there a google doc for 5.0 blm yet?

Aspect Mastery doesn't affect flare
You open with freeze, sharp thunder 4, thunder 4 proc, then start going flare flare freeze. Then you use T4 procs whenever you get them and upkeep it if you don't get any procs when it expires.

god I wish she'd step on me and call me worthless

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Monk would probably still be the most fun melee even without the TK rotation if they fixed antman. At least at 80, monk is ass to play before level 78

I know. It's just that I've forgotten how painful it is to level a dps class from level 1, especially since leveling several other jobs to 80 ate up all my rested bonus. Though all the exp accessories help.

also hunting log
if you complete it you get a neat ring

>passive 7gp/tic
>node swing restores 5gb

swinging is slightly faster than server ticks

why is everyone talking about slapping recently?

Not with how slowly the server reacts to my inputs plus animation waits.

>been playing XIV so much my left pinky hurts from pressing down shift all the time
I knew I should have joined the controllercuck master race

I'm kind of glad for the road to 70 buff. Took me a month to get everything to 70.

what are you holding down shift for so often?

Delirium redesigned into anything else.
Darkside gives 10% aspd.
Living Dead buffed in some way.
Also, Onslaught buffed in some way, just doubling the damage or halving the beast gauge cost would go a long way,

the springs in the trigger buttons might still cuck you if your hand pains are severe enough. switching to l1/r1 helps though

serves you right dubshitter

>Living Dead buffed in some way.
>15s for you to die, then healer has to heal 100% then you die again after 30s. This time healer has to heal 200%.

AST for sure.

>Kassatsu now stores up to 5 charges
I'd want to see what a nightmare it'd be to play the job at that point.