Post your opinions on this game. world babies need not respond

post your opinions on this game. world babies need not respond

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You're just going to get a flood of Worldfags with an OP like that, you know

and thats a good thing
worldbabs must know they ruined MH and arent welcome to real passionate mh players
*dabs out*

Played both this and World. Both are 7/10

It alright

Haven't played that one (no nintendo console :'v) but I've played until MHP3rd and have World on PC. Can say with total security that World removed MH of it's charm.

>World is casualized shi-

Attached: Monster Hunter World - Sharpen your glaive.webm (427x240, 2.66M)

Considering the flaw of every other game I consider it to be the best one in the franchise

It was fun. I'd recommend it even for MHW players because there's eniugh content to keep you busy until Iceborne. It also brings a lot of old monsters, npc, and areas back so new players can get a gist of the previous titles.

What's the flaw?


worlds bad

It has a massive amount of monsters and the games mechanics were the best they have been up until that point.

sorry my wording implied the one flaw is shared between every other game that's not XX, they are all different problems.

I played Generations when it came out. My friend and I didn't like it all that much so we went back to 3U and 4U. By the time XX came out we wanted nothing to do with Gen. When Gen U came out we were playing World and getting bored of it. There are some neat monsters, armor, and weapons in GenU/XX, but I honestly don't care for the game at all.

>styles and arts
>frontier shit flagship
Nah, it's not the best.

After playin 4U, Gen and GenU didn't feel like a new game at all. I have found them pretty borint, didn't do anything else after the final boss. I have like 30h in Gen and 40-50h on GenU, but 350+h in World. World feels like a new MH game, Gen doesn't. Just like 3U didn't feel like a new game cause of P3rd. But Brachy is best flagship

Where's my RNG endgame
I want to farm apex rajangs all day

Ahtal-Ka a best fight. Nakarkos a second best fight. I always enjoy those two.

Far more enjoyable than Deviants

Best monster roster, most gameplay freedom and and the largest amount of armor autism you can subject a man to.

Imagine unironically thinking that though, wouldn't it be sad.

Styles are a fun way to add variety to the grind and deviants were a cool idea. The new monsters were all great but there weren't a whole lot of them.

That's because it wasn't. It was the anniversary title.
Celebration of all that was Monster hunter as they moved forward.

What u said doesnt make sense tho

I hated it, but that's because I hate the deviant system/hunter arts/transmog/Ukanlos Switch Axe etc.

>i'd rather farm a rajang 50 times and subject myself to the torture of sharpening my weapon twice every 90 seconds just to do damage to it just to maybe get a greatsword with the biggest numbers that looks like a dragon dildo
>instead of farming a unique deviant 15 times tops to have a full armor set and a weapon
alright brainlet

How doesn't it though?
The devs even came out and said they were just shoving monsters into the game in mass because it was the anniversary title.

i like how you can opt to not use styles and not equip skill moves either
it ends up being the final mh game with world being a shitty reboot for normies

Shit, but better than World. Still shit, though. It's not worth playing. Monster Hunter died after Gen 3 ended.

Oh yeah, forgot the fact Ballfucks weapons all had Poland for a sharpness, what a joke

What the fuck am i supposed to be looking at? I see almost nothing but crazy sword swings and gratuitous amounts of particle effects all over the screen along with damage numbers.

Shitty early game, and all Gen 1 monsters should be removed, but once you reach Rank 3 its way more fun than any other MH yet.

Why you should play XX
>vastly better roster, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>insane replayability due to sheer endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities
>catlolis which are very cute
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>actually challenging quests, probably some of the hardest in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the fated four plus valstrax by beating their village quests.
Feel free to add more to the list.

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What kind of autistic complaint even is this

b-but other people could be using other styles and doing things better than you, doesn't that just flare up your autism?

I only play MH to collect weapons/armor while changing up gear each time, it's really boring when you're shoehorned into fewer weapons because they're too shit to use

But they have a stupid amount of white sharpness which is also relatively stronger in XX due to purple getting nerfed? They are pretty good weapons

4u bab but I like GU the most, havent played tri, frontier, or anything before FU though
But holy shit fuck crystalbeard his weapons are ass his fight is ass his armor is ass his hitzones are ass god damn, I refuse to fight this fucker solo and I will take 2 dreadkings instead. I also hate how broken valor HBG is online, Monsters will locked more than world cluster spam. And is right about shit early game. Thank god for save transfers

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>weapon arts
>bad load times
>nerfed monsters
>framerate dips
>quality > quantity
It's shit.

>needs to literally make up stuff to pretend to have a point
>doesn't mention his favorite game because he knows deep down it's worse

>frontier shit flagship
How? It's literally a gray, slim Gore Magala with Khezu wings. If anything, the real Frontier flagship is Nergigante with its utterly nonsensical elderseal bullshit

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Most of these are not real complaints, though.

It's the best and most complete MH yet.
t. guy who played every portable MH extensively

They're all valid.

Nothing there is made up, you retard schizo.

>doesn't mention his favorite game because he knows deep down it's worse
Judging by the non-issues he stated, it's most likely World because it actually has those issues.

People who complain about anime are the worst, valstrax is a amazing monster with quality hitboxes and unique attacks.

It's alright, I think spiteful/contrarian fags who hate world overrated it, boasts the largest roster but 3/4th of it are trash you'll only fight once or twice, styles and arts are kinda so-so they may make a weapon laughably overpowered (brave longsword) or ruin a weapon's moveset (the majority of lance's styles), deviants are cool twist on fights but the system can be kind of obnoxious, a lot of the newcommers are cool
I give it a: I'dratherbeplaying3Uor4U/10

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Frontier lite basically, a shit ton of stuff to do with an insane amount of powercreep due to all the new shit they gave to hunters on top of the already crazy powerful 4th gen additions

What is this webm trying to convey? That the Switch axe is an unga bunga weapon? I've been maining it since Gen 3, DON'T FUCKING REMIND ME.

Dude, it absolutely was a frontier level flagship. It's a goddammned rocket dragon.

That being said it was an INCREDIBLE flagship. That and the secret boss together were a phenomenal send off from the 3DS generation.

>it absolutely was a frontier level flagship
Valfalk's wings operate on jet propulsion, which exists in nature as movement of certain animals like squids. Similar to squids, Valfalk folds her wings in to reduce dragon and then release dragon element from her wings to fly at supersonic speed. Obviously they're not exactly the same, but there's clear similarities that concept designers accounted for.

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Literally doesn't even matter we've had zinogre for forever

Niggergante has elderseal?

How'd you explain Nerg no-selling elder auras then? No, wolverine healing factor is not enough.

cringe post

>muh squid jet propultion
Vals is not a squid, nor isnit based on one, and it does not move by jettisoning water from its body. It flies around like an airplane with defacto jet fuel getting show out of its wings. It even sounds like a fucking airplane in its ecology video.

The farm for deviant shit was excessive but the deviants themselves were at least a step up above subspecies, which I appreciated.

At least the armor and weapon for the deviants introduced in XX was much easier to obtain.

Isn't it because its also an elder dragon? It does go around hunting elder dragons so it makes sense for it to have something that counters them.

You know, I used to be like you, thinking Valstrax was the dumbest shit imaginable by its concept alone. Then I actually fought it, and it's by a long shot my favorite monster in the whole series. It's still a stupid monster conceptually, but I embraced its stupidity because of how good his whole fight was.
>quality, pristine hitboxes, something I can't say for a whole lot of other monsters
>engaging fight, always throwing something new at you with it's highly varied moveset
>godlike theme, fantastic aesthetic both in its design and armor/weapon designs, though I'm not too fond of the weapon gimmicks from white sharpness immediately to red.
Comparatively, Velkhana looks plain boring in comparison to Valstrax, but I'm hoping my opinion experiences a 180 when I actually fight it.

>arguing the realism of Elder Dragons
They're literally called Elder Dragons because the guild as no idea how the fuck they work. Don't waste your time.

>Comparing Velkhana to Valfalk
Nergcina contrasts better with Valfie in gameplay.

Attached: frontier aoe.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

>dude the bad hitboxes are part of the monsters DESIGN
fuck nergigante desu

listfag go back to gamefaqs

Doesn't offer me enough I can't get simply from playing older games until Iceborne instead.

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but it like, offers more of it than anything else in a single package.

nothing about what you said is different in the handheld games besides damage numbers. The handhelds have vastly more "particle" effects than that MH:W webm.

Damage numbers can also be turned off

>muh boogeyman
Christ, Worldlets are oversensitive to criticism.

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Which I already almost entirely have in pre-existing packages. Hardly an incentive to spend 400 kangaroobucks on a Switch and game.

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I mean yeah, if you literally own no way to play it spending 400 bucks on it is excessive, what a needless statement lmao.

That's not bad hitboxes, it's an aoe attack. You can see the spikes shoot out towards the screen ya goof. Player just sucks at dodging.

>post your opinions on this game

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it's a statement that can apply to nearly every single videogame in the perceivable universe, literally pointless.


lose your way to gameFAQs?

Is this webm supposed to criticise MH:W specifically? cause there are plenty of fast, hard hitting, camera janking moves in MHGU

>listfag made a new thread because he got discovered in the old one

I've bought shitty devices for no reason other than MH before. If GU held enough to be worth it, the Switch would be no different.

Come on dude, if you're going to pretend to not be the dude who's been shitting up MH threads for the past year, hates niggygante, and faps to valstrax, then the least you could do is change up your vocabulary, sentence structure, and get new material

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All I see is a bad player

Gen 2 and 3 weren't like this, you fucking retard.

seething lol

then you've been mad for a loooong time brother
shit's only getting more anime.

No, I hated World.

do not argue with the mentally impaired avatar poster, he clearly is incapable of using 2 of his chromosomes to do anything that isn't posting the exact same "uwu sugoi monster" images in every monster hunter thread. Not as shitty as the listfag, but is a giant faggot regardless.

I'd rather just play 4U than Gen.

>still doesn't mention his favorite game because he knows an opinion would expose his hypocrisy regardless of what he picked

He uses the same webms and images too. Also alternates between worldsperm and lets. For some reason he can't bring himself to say worldbabs, probably because it triggers ptsd about everyone calling people from tri on babs, so he has to type out babies.
I wonder if he's the dauntless shill that always posts beta Barroth footage too?

Whats funny is your entire argument now boils down to not proving my points wrong but to try and discern what my favorite game in the series is. All so that you can shit on it and try using it as a means to not actually make an argument for Gen but to say that my opinions are irrelevant because of not liking XX. If you can't actually make an argument and can only boil yours down to attacking something else, then you lost.

Name one thing I said wrong.

>because it triggers ptsd about everyone calling people from tri on babs
I doubt we can give him that much credit, considering his obsession with Valstrax and his lack of knowledge of most games before it, GenXX was probably his first game

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my argument is that you don't even like monster hunter, because most of your arguments apply to every single game in the series. The fact you are still so desperately avoiding stating your own opinion just shows how absolutely frightened you are of being exposed as someone who's not even into the franchise, a hypocrite or just here to start shit.

What's your favorite game in the monster hunter franchise user
It shouldn't be hard

the added attack particle/effects are so unnecessary and only brings the game down as whole. Not to mention they don't animate really well and looks out of place. Other than that, I think the super arts are actually fun, but half of the styles are a fucking mistake.

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This, half the styles are useless, the few that are good radically change the gameplay in fun(?) but broken ways
To compensate, Thunderlord Zin, Bloodbath Diablos and Azurebolt are AOE spamming motherfuckers with particles fucking everywhere

Fantastic monster roster though, hope we see Valstrax and the bug again.

Yeah I don't like all the new wind particles and the ridiculous effects on monster hunter arts, I'm not against a lot of them but they just completely overdose the player on flashy effects.

Ahtal-Ka is a final boss and gimmick fight so unfortunately he’ll probably never reappear. His best chance is another anniversary game.

Styles are fun. Arts can range from borderline OP to useless. But they have to refill anyway so it's not that big of a deal. For like the first 50 hours, the game is easy as shit. There are so many quests that are basically the same shit. It bogs down the game. Makes it feel slow but at least it's content. I liked the addition of quests you could actually complete in the town because it meant I didn't have to go out into the forest for 15 minutes just to get another quest done. I liked the fated four for the most part. I don't get why people jerk off mizu. The fight was just so easy and forgettable for me. I liked the deviant quest system even though some quests felt like bullshit. Swapping monster intros for shitty title cards was lazy and lame on their part. I remember the start of this game just being so slow and long. I also remember certain game systems being needlessly complicated. I'm talking about shit that was easier in previous games. I still haven't finished GU but from what I've played, it was fun. Is it the best monhun? No. Is it worth playing? Yeah if only to experiment with styles. Nowhere near as bad as people used to say it was in my opinion.

>if you don't like Gen, you don't like Monster Hunter!!
You sound like those retarded worldshits that do nothing but start screeching about nintendo.

When your arguments against gen apply to most other games yeah, keep ducking the question though it doesn't make you look pathetic.

too much bloat with shit tier monsters (stop bringing back gen 1/2 trash, goddamn) but still a great game. Third best MH game after 3U/4U

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lmao nigga if you're talking about bloat you shouldn't have that game in your top 10, that shit is 70% subspecies and shitmons from gen 2

4U has bloat too, but not nearly as bad as genU

Ahtal-Ka was fun just for all the nodes you could mine for rare mates and True Armor Spheres.

Incorrect, I'll let you look at the 4U wiki and reconsider that statement.

The worst bloat will forever be FU.

>my arguments apply to most other games
Maybe if you only played Gen and World. You are fully aware that Mounting got introduced in 4, right? And that Arts and Styles were only in Gen? Not to mention that monsters getting nerfed into oblivion was something that late Gen 3 started doing and it only got worse with 4 and Gen and then World. You fucking idiot.

Yeah but people only ever say FU is favorite these days ironically, most people aren't that delusional.

>wahhhhhh MHW is too easy
>gets filtered by nerg

3DS MHXX here
About HR 300 or so
I think G4 Hypers can suck a big fat dick, they are a solo players nightmare

cant just*

What about this guy though

>doesn't like 3rd gen, 4th gen or world
how unfortunate, terminal case of FU manchild

He's a retard who thinks balance and fixing broken monsters equals a nerf.

I didn't think you guys still existed

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Nah, FU is bloated. But I'll still give it credit for the new subs in that game trying to be more different than 1st gen ones, the Frontier additions it took are fine.

One of the best in the series easily. I played exclusively with guild SNS and didn't rely too heavily on hunter arts so I avoided most of the anime bullshit. It has a crazy amount of content, and deviants are one of the most fun endgames in the series.

Pretty much this

effects on hunter arts I can understand, they're meant to be super flashy but regular attacks have no business having those flares.

That's unfortunate because SnS has some of the most stylish hunter arts.
I didn't personally farm deviants so I can only appreciate them as really enjoyable subspecies, and didn't have to suffer through grinding their shit.

4U bloat
>(ruby) basarios
>(emerald) congalala


Also forgot that FU had the 1st gen maps too. Yeah fuck them.

I love it. The styles and framerate drops are gay though

FU subs were just
>Recolor with one extra attack or a different element.
It was lazy as shit.

I dropped it because shit like valor HBG and valor LS just make the game wholly unenjoyable to play.

>Only in GU are certain monsters considered bloat
>ignores most of the subspecies
delusional and depressing

I never said I didn't like Gen 3, you illiterate nigger.

>Quality > quantity
Dude I like BOTH XX and World, and you're gonna come in here and shit on XX as if the large monster roster is quantity over quality? How many moves does each monster have in world? 5?6? Git the fuck out of here

You don't have to play with people using those
You don't have to use them yourself
It's like complaining how GS/IG/CB exist in 4U

Yeah, sure thing. Because Barroth didn't get nerfed after Tri. It was only a balance fix. I bet you also think that Diablos didn't get nerfed in World.

Not my job to balance their game.

Have you told everyone your favorite game yet, or are you pissing your hands at the prospect of people picking it apart.

The listfag is ban evading again.

>Because Barroth didn't get nerfed after Tri
He didn't. P3rd and Tri Barroth are the exact same speed. P3rd Barroth actually has more attacks.
The only nerfs he got were lower damage (which every monster got), and easier accessibility to green sharpness when you fight him.

>I only play the best thing in the game always
HBG shitters don't get to have opinions

True but you can enjoy a game with OP stuff existing by ignoring it or not using those options
Pretty much all weapons including HH get good times in that game

You guys are retarded. Thst post doesn't say "FU is my favorite". It was deconstructing the argument that every flaw with X/XX is applicable to every other game in the series. Can you people not read properly?

I could play GS/IG/CB in 4U and have fun.
I can't play Valor LS or Valor HBG in GU and have fun.
Simple as that.
>True but you can enjoy a game with OP stuff existing by ignoring it or not using those options
Nope. Maybe you can but I can't.
>Pretty much all weapons including HH get good times in that game
Depends on your definition of good times. Most weapons get absolute shit times on EX deviants.

how do FUtards still exist? 4U/GenU completly invalidate that game

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Never 4get

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FU and 4U/GU are completely different kinds of games.

I didn't count subspecies for either unless they were part of a bloat monster. I also didn't count the entire deviant roster in genU

You have to understand that monster hunter games require an IMMENSE amount of hours to complete, this is not something achievable by most regular humans.
This leaves you with a community of autists who will defend the game they spent their share of a thousand hours with their life.

As long a Tri/3U remains the pinnacle of series, they'll always exist just out of spite.

EX deviants are not regular content, they're not what weapons should be balanced around so kill times there are irrelevant.

based and tripilled, I yearn for the day yian shit fucks off and we get quru again

that just seems like some depressing autism.

Don't worry, user, you'll understand what nostalgia is when you grow up.

there are several games I've denounced from my childhood/teen years


Hey man
I get you now and you're at least not an asshole about things like many others in here
But I'd still love if you could just enjoy the game and not use the weapons if you don't enjoy them
A few bad eggs doesn't make for a terrible game

You're right if your favorite game didn't have your flaws you would've mentioned it hours ago, can't be FU.


P3rd Barroth is slower than Tri Barroth, but It isn't a massive diffference. The real issue is that it got nerfed to absolute shit after 3U came out and in every release since then. Compare Tri Barroth to World, for instance.

Why, because I don't enjoy arbitrarily gimping myself?`
Finding the most efficient way to complete a challenge is basic human nature. If anyone here is mentally ill, it's those trying to somehow twist this into a bad thing.

FU is completely different in terms of combat and feeling.
Which you can like or dislike (I prefer modern MH on 3DS and World), but it's not the same, at all.

what's happened to barroth is a tragedy. They need to revert him to 3 status and have him be the noob wall


>But I'd still love if you could just enjoy the game and not use the weapons if you don't enjoy them
I'd rather just play a game that isn't so broken that it requires me to do this.

>a billion mandatory gathering quests
>all the worst monsters from the first two games crammed in so you spent most of your time in fucking awful fights against barely animated monsters
>worse casualization than MHW with hunting styles and arts

Developers lied, permanently betraying my trust on any future B-type games.
The game being cancerous shit also doesn't help I guess. Good riddance.

No, what you're talking about is work.
See videogames are about this crazy thing called entertainment, and the majority of the time people tend to go for suboptimal options in them because they prefer how doing so impacts the game.
You should already know this though because you can enter most rooms in 4U and see everyone isn't using HBGs, which proves people don't tick using your insect like logic.

How'd they lie

Lmao this is the same shit they said in Dauntless, then they introduce a Trial that must be completed in under 3 minutes, and like 4 of the 6 weapons literally can't do it

lmao dude look at all this fucking bloat

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>No, what you're talking about is work.
Do you think people in sports do suboptimal shit on purpose?
I don't see many dudes lifting weights at the gym with bad form because it makes them more unique or something.

But maybe my perspective is skewed because I don't actually care all that much about MH's weapons. The fun for me is in finding the best ways to take down a monster.

Yeah but like, monster hunter doesn't have those?

2nd gen at least tried giving theirs new attacks or altering something at all, which is a lot more than what 1st gen subs were like at the time. It's the start of an idea that of course doesn't get more realized until P3rd and 3U.

I ran down the list for both, subspecies of non-bloat monsters are not bloat. If you want to be petty and consider them as bloat you have to add the entire deviant list on your end, which still makes me right

Vastly improved by emulation and proper controller

Good thing MH will never have anything like that then because the devs want the game to be low pressure and toxicity-free. They're even fine with people getting carried and encourage it.

S-shut up! GU is the best game because it's the last one before world no take backs!!!

Jesus christ man surely even your peanut brain can comprehend the false equivalence of your post. Sports are inherently competitive, weight lifting is literally only for the purpose of building muscle.

Said there was no G-rank, didn't plan for it either.
Proven by the way "high-end" HR works, HR version of the game being released in the west (Tri is an exception, only Wii game - otherwise we'd have only gotten 3U) and the fact that MHXX lacks a lot for a G-rank title.

Frontier does. And main line could have them if some weapons didn't literally kill shit 3-4 times faster than others.
Shit balancing means you can never really have legitimately challenging content without making some options unviable.

>the fact that MHXX lacks a lot for a G-rank title.

My dude, that's the monster list for 4U.
>deviants = subspecies
no, but I'm going to completely ignore this because it doesn't even matter because that picture alone shows three subspecies of monsters you yourself consider bloat, which by itself makes your list be in favor of GU.

>actual challenging quests
Well, for now I am HR3 and its the easiest MH I've ever played.

It's really great but there are a lot of tiny questionable design choices here and there that make you really notice it's mostly just a mish mash of old assets with new stuff sprinkled on top without much cohesion, though it was the game's purpose from the start. The presentation is not as tight as 4U which is probably still the best mainline, but it has by far the most actual content of any MH game and hunter arts and styles are unironically a great addition and hope they keep them for future games.
World is a shit game for casuals.

>yeah but a literally dead game does so I can't enjoy suboptimal weapons in this one
please reconsider your arguments

>Sports are inherently competitive
How is, say, rock climbing any more competitive than a single player video game?

Matters not. They lied, that matters. I won't waste my time on subjective opinions on motherfucking X/XX. These games take way too much space in my head (barely any) for how shit they are.
Good thing I'll never ever ever have to worry about anything as stupid as them happening again now that the series is no longer stagnating nor desperately looking for sales by any means possible.

The game doesn't require you to do that at all
So your issues are more than just "Yeah those couple styles are busted"?

Please reconsider yours.
If all content is balanced around the shit weapons, you can't have hard content because the OP weapons will be easily able to steamroll it.
If you balance around the OP weapons, the shit weapons will become pretty much unplayable.
Whether you can enjoy suboptimal weapons or not has nothing to do with it. This is about objective levels of challenge.

>They lied, that matters
And yet you can't say why.

Good shit
Honestly worth buying a Switch for and I got over 1,100 hours out of it
So I’m 1 satisfied customers

>The game doesn't require you to do that at all
It would if I wanted to have fun with it. And who's to say if it would even stop at that? Maybe I'd have to cut out the next bunch of weapon/style combinations too, or certain arts. Where does it end? Fuck that.
I'd rather just play a game as it is, no arbitrary limitations.

>variable levels of difficulty in videogames aren't allowed because I am genuinely autistic and think my vision of balance is even feasible

Listfag is starting early today I see.

That was my point. I don't think 4U's roster is bloated

Here >Said there was no G-rank, didn't plan for it either.

Why should there be only one level of challenge?
Why not give people the option to just cheese the hard stuff?
Different tiers for weapons are necessary so every player can have the experience they want to have.

Rock climbing doesn't offer choice, you have one goal and one method of moving forward, there is no alternative methods of that offer other vectors of "entertainment".
The fact you literally cannot get this is sort of sad, and I do hope you eventually talk to someone close about your immeasurable autism.

This. GU has so many little bizarre quirks. Styles are fun though

>variable levels of difficulty should be tied to selection of playstyle
>the hardest optional content in the game should have an easy mode

Another bait thread of his

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Which other MH games have that problem for you?
I mean arguably the most efficient way to do things in 4U is hame for example
and that isn't fun at all (to me)

In favor of GU as in with more bloat than GU, retard.
The amount of monsters you arbitrarily have to discount as not bloat despite literally being recolors is embarrassing and shows your sad fanboyism.

see >Said there was no G-rank (game)
Implying MHX was THE thing, but then released MHXX anyway no doubt due to MHW taking more development time than they expected.

I won't even get into the massive western MHXX release delay which was so bad it came out months after MHW, and that they only released it on Switch with a shit port, ditching 3DS players aside for literally no reason - oh wait I just did.
Good thing for piracy, although I'm saddened for anyone who'd waste their time even pirating MHXX.

>Rock climbing doesn't offer choice, you have one goal and one method of moving forward, there is no alternative methods of that offer other vectors of "entertainment".
There are plenty of techniques in rock climbing, and different routes you can take to reach the goal. It's the same fucking thing. You're given a challenge, and have to figure out a way to overcome it with the tools available to you.

You do realise what you're saying makes no sense right?

Name one game where the hardest optional content in monster hunter didn't have the easy mode of HBG

I miss Gobul. I still go back to 3U sometimes to smash his head.

140s in 4U because HBG isn't even good against many of them unless you're going full 4 man hame, and the actual problem weapon there isn't HBG, it's LBG for being able to lock down monsters for far too long.

Implying thinking getting through monster hunter is a challenge large enough to have to resort to top tier weapons.

Where's the lie exactly? If they didn't have a G game in the works for X at the time they were asked then they didn't have the game.

fair enough, glad we agree.

It's fun but I'm too much of a shitter to solo Deviants and Hypers

Nigger jet dragon is too unrealistic despite the fact everyone carries around giant sword almost taller than themselves?
You’re thinking too deeply about a video game

T. thread of shizo's who always think they're arguing against one guy

>and think my vision of balance is even feasible
Nobody's asking for perfect balance.
But Valor HBG has
>the highest DPS in the game
>the best mobility in the game
>the best evasion in the game
>valor dodge negates twice as much damage as other weapons' for no reason
>only valor dodge in the game that keeps the weapon unsheathed, so you can facetank hits and barely have any downtime to your damage

Is it really too much to ask to not have shit like this?

user, I don't even know what the fuck you mean by bloat. I just assumed you meant too much of the same. In which case, GU has a lot of bloat. I mean didn't GU have 3 versions of the same monsters like rathian? Not to mention having all those raptors. There's plenty of bloat there

>and it does not move by jettisoning water from its body
Replace water with fire. You know, the thing a lot of monsters have specific organs for?

Jesus christ 4Us roster is abysmal, literally a subspecies for everything

>I mean didn't GU have 3 versions of the same monsters like rathian
To be fair most G games do.

You plan things out ahead. You NEVER go gold with a game still with no plans for the next. At the very latest you do so during mid-production of your last game.
I'm talking about in the context of a long-running franchise, not a one-off IP or indie game.

Even if they didn't know, then at least don't promise it. I'll be just as mad if Iceborne isn't the last Xpac to World by the simple fact they they promised it would be, not that I care if we get another World Xpac or 6th gen next.

EVERYTHING aside, this is the post important part:
X is a shit game. That's it. The lying is the cherry on top. If they didn't lie X would still be among the low 3 of MonHun.

>I mean didn't GU have 3 versions of the same monsters like rathian?
So does Iceborne.

Tri's the worst in the series.

Yeah, it sure has the usual rathian and rathalos shit because capcom can literally never get enough of them, everything else is far more unique than 4U which literally has 4 versions of diablos.

B-but world!!!!! I didn't mention or give an opinion on world at all

I'm just saying that every MH game suffers from that problem.

>You NEVER go gold with a game still with no plans for the next
Despite the fact that every single video game developer does. Even film makers, musicians, writers artists etc. none of them know if they're going to to continue or not because it always comes down to three things that are completely out of their control.
Publisher demand

If you like
>you're a nostlagia babby blind to how unpolished and unbalanced the game is
portable 3rd
>you like easy mode games with no content
>you like easy mode games with swimming, subspecies out the ass and a kelbi bow clutch
>you like sharpening your weapon 3 times just to do damage to the monster, RNG endgame and a roster of entirely subspecies
>you like easymode games with a million crutches and anime bullshit that requires no effort to win with
>you like easymode games with a million clutches and anime bullshit that requires no effort to win with 2.0

>I'll be just as mad if Iceborne isn't the last Xpac to World by the simple fact they they promised it would be
Why? That's like the dumbest thing to get mad about I mean, you're getting mad about game being improved.

If we're counting monsters that are just similar as the same monster, then GU has even more bloat.

you're free to count deviants but I really don't recommend it because that game is definitely not in your favor.

Pretty much

Not really considering Deviants are fairly different from their original counterparts move wise.

So if I'm reading this correctly only FU and 4U are worth playing? I will remember this

>not spamming morph slash

Jesus Christ you suck.

>be nostalgia babby blind to unpolished and unbalanced easymode swimming subspecies out the ass and kelbi bow clutch sharpening 3 times just to do damage to the monster RNG endgame and a roster of entirely subspecies with a million clutches and anime bullshit that requires no effort to win 2.0
It's a hard life but I make do.

4U has always been the game FU veterans shilled after being bullied for liking FU

deviants actually has more stuffs going for them other than "lol new element". have always prefer deviant to oldschool subspecies
at least IB's subs are looking great too with acidic glav

Not in the context of MonHun's team. You can always expect a consistent enough curve of sales with each game to plan for the next in advance. Even if one sells 1m less than usual is not enough of a deal to lie to your loyal customers.
MHXX was a game for shareholders, that's it. Well MHX too to be fair. Smaller team used to keep annual revenue up while MHW was being developed while not having to develop too much.

I don't know, maybe I don't like being lied to?
And the game will be improved with 6th gen regardless. Iceborne will be a blast for sure, like I said to me it doesn't matter either way, I just want them to be honest.

Lets just for a single second assume the wrong reasoning of
>deviants = subspecies
then deviants are still better just by the virtue of them being new shit instead of the gay subspecies we've had for forever

>Not in the context of MonHun's team
That goes for everyone without exception.

sounds like you should see a doctor

So were subspecies in 4U. Zammy sub was drastically different as well as najarala and others. I'll admit a few were pretty much recolors like plum daimyo though. Still happens in GU too though

Fair enough.
Then I hope MHX/XX is the sole exception, in every possible way you can interpret that.

>MHXX was a game for shareholders, that's it. Well MHX too to be fair.
That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

EX monsters are shit

Not a fan of the hunter arts but their fine, deviant monster are cool, introduce playable palico is cool idea hope be explored in later installments. Also the monster roster is diverse that is missing in MHW

If you're not a baby you're not likely to love gen 3. Gen 4 brought back the best mons.

It's alright, final bosses are kino.


>Kelbi bow

Why use Kelbi bow when I can use nearly anything else and not take 15 mins to kill monsters?

3U also has by far the hardest version of Black Diablos in the series

Deviants != subspecies. And deviants are bad, because most of them aren't even deviants. They're the same monsters, same mechanics and elemental gimmicks, but cranked up to 11, Frontier style.
Subspecies put a different spin on the seemingly familiar monsters, substantially changing their attack patterns, fighting style and gimmicks to keep the fight fresh. But keeping them the same power level without overtuning. Subs are "sidegrades".

I'd like to give it a shot eventually. Fuck World and fuck Iceborn.

The original deviants from Gen were a slog to grind through. 10 levels were way too much, should have gone with 5 like the Grank deviants

I wish the final boss lasted longer because it had some of the coolest attacks and the game barely gives them time to shine.

>Still happens in GU too though
There aren't really any subspecies in GU you know.

I dont think you guys are gonna convince me GU was the best game anytime soon. It just had too many little issues. It was overall fun though and I have fond memories of it. I'm tired though. Gnite anons. See you in iceborne when you'll cart 3 times to the first monster

Why Hate MHW and MHW:iceborne user?

How so?
Why would they use a B-team to develop a gimmick-ridden game with no soul?

MH4 team jumped straight into World, and World took much longer than the average asset-flip MonHun game. Capcom simply couldn't go around not releasing yearly MonHuns. Also the series was stagnating for years so I don't blame the B-team for basing X around nostalgia, fanservice and cancerous gimmicks, they tried their best with the resources and demands they had.

>the same monster with different particle effects is better than a monster with an entirely different moveset

I played XX before Gen Ultimate came out in the West and really enjoyed it, well worth playing as there's an insane amount of content.
Since Gen Ultimate came out I've found it difficult to go back after all the QoL changes World introduced though.

Yeah they're the classics for sure. Gigi who? Quro what? Those shit mons are never coming back for a reason. My nostalgia matters kiddo yours doesn't.

>an entirely different moveset

As far as the monsters themselves are concerned, yeah its fucking dumb. Now you're not even trying to deny it being an airplane anymore.

So your argument about it making sense only works if you change the monster to something thst it isn't? Congratulations.

Yes. It's supposed to be the same monster adapted to a different environment. Not Frontier shit.

>substantially changing their attack patterns, fighting style and gimmicks to keep the fight fresh.
That would be Deviants. Subspecies are literally just same monster different element. Just look at monsters like Purple Ludroth, blue Kut-ku or Rust Duramboros.

>Why would they use a B-team to develop a gimmick-ridden game with no soul?
Oh, you're one of those people.

>if you change the monster to something thst it isn't
Are you being an idiot on purpose? It's literally the same idea as a monster breathing fire just out of a different orifice.

yeah, what the average MonHun fan thinks of X. Only natural you see a lot of "us".

>tfw no MH Stories 2

>what the average MonHun fan thinks of X.
Yeah I wouldn't call you an average fan given you hate the idea of expanded games in a series filled with them.

In world I literally can’t die
I always eat I have 8000 health potions shoved up my ass
Everything is slow and I can read a monster from mile away while I walk around drinking and sharpening

Only a shitter would cart in World

such a fun game. much better than pokeyman
wish they have a better system than rock paper scissor tho

Attached: 2d80b4212a05370644098df42afb209762f0bf49_hq.gif (500x281, 1.61M)

You carted a lot or you didn't finish the content. I'd guarantee it. Being able to restock potions is irrelevant because only a retard EVER ran out of potions in the past.

A T. rex that has a Kanta for a tail and breathes fire?
A huge peacocking water fox that produces its own soap?
A dragon that uses electricity, motherfucking gravity bombs, and has a Mega-man plasma blade?

None of this shit exists in reality and if it did the human race would be forced back into caves due to being completely outclassed

The only realistic monster is Bulldrome and he’s literally just a Hog 4 times bigger than average

I did
I maybe carted 5 times in 60 hours
I went bad to GU because I wanted a challenge and actual human community
I feel like I’m playing with bots when I play World

See now you're just full of shit. Being able to just walk out of the area and safely heal and sharpen is objectively way easier than healing or sharpening in world. And let's not even mention arts that give you auto sharpening shit, i remember when I was using seregios Lance I literally didn't have to sharpen once during most HR hunts, just fucking spam the absolute readiness art. The only thing the world really dumbed down is item management, because they let you restock during hunts, which is bullshit, at that point they might as well give you an infinite inventory.

Sucks that the online is dead, near impossible to get half the dlc items now, hell I can't even get the remaining Glavenus egg shards, gotta cheat or save edit them in

Attached: tumblr_ofk9g0QP3m1sjlcyfo4_500.gif (500x281, 411K)

I sincerely hope you're not the mentally challenged player in these webms, that is beyond embarassing.

In 60 hours you didn't finish most ATs. I'd be surprised if you finished any. I don't play monhun to socialize, never did before world.

Attached: Narga HB.webm (824x450, 2.84M)

>3U also has by far the hardest version of Black Diablos in the series
That isn't really saying much, Black Diablos is just a shitty reskin.

That reminds me of cheesing Tigrex in FU with a Hammer by superpounding his head when he turns around and then rolling to the side, so he'd just step over me when he charged. Could do that reliably with Magalas in 4U though, they always trampled me.

comparing to the tigrex's wonky hitbox and we has the authentic MHFU experience

>"framerate dips"
nigger what

The game always runs at 30FPS locked, get your Switch fixed

Attached: katswell.jpg (257x196, 8K)

How did they make this guys hitboxes so sharp and tigrex's hitboxes so fucking wonky, where is the consistency.

In his defense it runs really poorly on 3DS

>lists bulldrome, giadrome and ceanataur

Did you even play 4U?

Attached: exde.jpg (480x480, 16K)