PSA For Trophy / Achievement Hunters

Reminder that if you have games in your trophy list like "My Name is Mayo", or "Slyde", or "Burly Men at Sea", you are a tryhard cringelord, and it doesn't matter what else you've accomplished, everyone dismisses your trophy level as invalid. Great job wasting your time and money for nothing.

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Mayo was 99 cents and too stupid to pass up on playing.

Reminder: Tryhard. Wasted money, wasted time. Cringe.

Best part is that it was crossbuy so I did it again on vita

retard, sony pays you for trophies and the payout at 99 cents for 2 plats(my name is mayo vita and PS4) averages out to more (10 plats = 10 PSN credit, plus all the golds and silvers along the way pay out too).

It'll be pointless once it's gone but I got like 80 bucks from sony from plats and garbage like mayo helped

I havent played burly men at sea but from the screenshots its look interesting, is it a bad game?

Everyone already dismiss people for thinking Trophies matter in the first place.

No, it's pretty well received and was on PS+. I don't have the platinum on it myself but no shame. Slyde and My name is Mayo are obviously only for whores though

you could just make normal money instead of playing fucking trash

Rate 'em bros

Also have some 100%s without platinums like Hard Corps Uprising, Bloodrayne Betrayal, Retro/Grade, and Sine Mora

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They stopped they shit already.

Am I the only one who don't give a flying fuck about trophies? I just turned off the notification as soon as it was available and never looked back, also I never checked what cringe-level I am.

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I know this is absolutely unrelated but dunno where else to discuss this.
When I was checking up a guide from some game on playstation trophies I came across some posts of this user named "AerisFlowerGirl" who was an absolutely RIDICULOUS trophy collection record which is literally 100% and has a picture of what seems to be a "pornstar" but image search turns up nothing. And I just cant fathom a girl would play games let alone be this autistic.
Any input? Pic related

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Nigga was bitching about a dude being a try hard trophy whore with cheap and easy trophies.
Did he not expect you get that shit thrown right back in his dumbass face? Do you know where we are?

That's not that many trophies at all and she has barely any difficult trophies. What exactly is not believable here? There is thousands of trophy hunters, not sure why you think every single one is male.

I think there is a woman in the top 20 global as well.

Reminder: if I see My Name is Mayo, or dozens of other easy Plats, I assume you have no dignity. I assume you take the easy way out. Therefore, all of your other gaming achievements mean nothing. You have invalidated every other trophy you have.

>141 plats
>not that much
user that's a shit load, not only that but "she" has 100% completition for every single game, including DLC, multiplayer trophies and shit. Doesn't it seem at least a BIT fishy to you?

If you are a trophy whore and think trophy's matter in the slightest than you have no dignity.
If I see a single fucking Platinum on your account I know you're a tryhard.

collecting trophies just for the sake of raking up numbers (and buying stupid games you don’t like or buying multiple copies for regional trophy lists) sounds pointless.
you play games to have fun. if you’re forcing yourself to play shit just because of easy trophies, all you’re doing is accumulating landmarks for several moments of wasted time and effort.
why would you be proud of wasting time on obnoxious tasks?

No, many people do that. They usually have alt accounts (as do speed accounts) and don't add games to their list that are overly hard or glitched.

141 platinums is decent but nothing that would make me think there is anything fishy, especially given how easy all the games are.

Some of the really absurd accounts with multiple super fast times or thousands of ultra rares may be multi accounts or purchased or even hacked though, I mean there are tens of millions of PS4 owners, at least a few are probably serious enough about their trophies to use less than legitimate methods to unlock them.

I have 400+ ultra rares and I took multiple year long breaks and didn't even start going for them until just a few years ago, and I don't usually play the multiplayer grindy/boosting games that have dozens of ultra rares usually. I could easily have 1000-1500 if I started earlier and played more and went specifically for them.

Alternatively, I could region stack or autopop or play import games and literally get multiple platinums a day if I want but I just don't see the point because they are so short and easy on games no one cares about or has heard of.

This makes as much sense as saying if anyone dares to beat a game instead of dropping halfway in is a tryhard.

>Trophy / Achievement Hunters

It's literally nothing more than lazy, external gamification of gaming, you cretins - there's no reward beyond the bar filled up.

You can beat a game and not platinum is. It's super fucking easy.
But if you pride yourself on a digital trophy then you are a sad individual.

It's fun. I like fully completing my games and going for challenges and it's nice to see my progress over the years and what I was playing at any given time.

I wouldn't play a game I don't want to play just for trophies, but they also have introduced me to games I wouldn't normally play that I have enjoyed quite a bit.

They only reason I hunted for Achievements back during the 360 days was because Microsoft insinuated that increasing your gamerscore would eventually allow you to buy games with it or something.
That never actually panned out so now I think all trophies are fucking uses. Yes I'm jaded and no it isn't petty.

>more gay indie shit I love
You're alright in my book, user.

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I got Burly men from ps+ and I fucking hated it
Mayo was a dollar and I thought I'd be like Little Inferno , but it was terrible too

it’s easy to legitimately earn platinums in MP-heavy games
two controllers allow you to beat the opponent in whatever conditions the game requires.
two consoles allow you to beat a dummy account or even duplicate items and stuff

those challenges used to be integral part of the game (like, a challenge mode) and they used to actually unlock shit, like extra weapon / costume / behind the scenes production footage.

The only game that got early achievements right in my book was Condemned. I was confused as shit, when i unlocked an achievement in HL2 for the first time and tried to find what exactly did I unlock only to find out - it's just the achievement itself.

that i can at least understand. It's cheeky (you'll get much more cash for vidya by just having a temporary day job), but player gets something tangible as a reward for effort.

My name is Sneed
Formerly Chuck

>that i can at least understand.
*the concept itself, that is - not the actual execution on MS's behalf

I like them having one common and universal system, makes for much easier tracking and comparing.

Trophy hunting for rewards makes no sense, of course the reward will be very minimal and not worth it for the time put in.

and there are games whose conditions for platinum require little more than beating it once, such as getting all collectibles or beating Hard Mode.
deliberately holding back on enjoying more of the game you like is like dropping your meal halfway in because you don’t want to look bad to your friends for eating too much

>Trophy hunting for rewards makes no sense
yes, they do, you contrarian zoomer faggot - unlimited bazookas and sailor moon costume for main character (or unlocking entire secret 2player deathmatch password for completing the game under certain time limit) were fun, but you've never got to experience that and the devs became complacently lazy.

Why wouldn't it? Microsoft introduced gamerscore as a currency and did nothing with it.
essentially scammed people into wasting time on shit games so they could get a currency with no fiction.
I feel a great number of people who are Achievement whores now are because they feel they need to make this score relevant or else they will just break down.


I am talking about MS rewards for achievements which you referenced in the post.

In-game unlockables and are usually different from the system-wide trophy system.

>sony stopped giving their rewards program points for trophies last year
Literally why? They make so much goddamn money off of PSN and it's easy as fuck to weed out cheaters.

but are you an attractive girl?

and i was initially talking about implementing all the challenges as in-game stuff - that was the whole point of my initial post - and rewarding players with extra in-game content accordingly.

You should quote the line you've been responding to next time to avoid confusion.

Because probably some fat fuck woman thought it was ableist or something

>all those legit rare ones
Jelly as fuck to be honest.

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it’s not that easy
sure there are mongoloids insta-popping entire sets and others eho go the extra mile of randomizing timestamps, but there are people legitimately earning them with multiple friends and consoles contributing to the same account. PSN’s rules condemn “boosting” as a form of cheating, but if you take it literally it would sound stupid since they are a gaming company punishing people for buying and playing too many videogames.

>Decade old game has the most creative and the best implementation os achievements.

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>all those ultra rares
10/10 gg
here's mine

this list is missing two that I think are some of the hardest you could ever get
Lost Planet 2 with its stupid ass trophy for beating the 1st place on the global leaderboards, which kept getting harder as more people earned it.
Vanquish, which requires you to beat what’s basically the toughest TPS challenge yet

No, I just meant I usually don't enjoy online multiplayer grind games which is where most ultra rares come from. I only do online trophies on games I had already planned on playing. I see many people play dead, irrelevant multiplayer games in boosting sessions just because the trophies are ultra rare and people consider them to be "hard"

It was in response to the second reply in your post, I didn't actually read the first part. I don't really understand why someone would trophy hunt for cash equivalent rewards, the pay would almost always be minimal to the effort put in. It's a hobby, not a job and you shouldn't treat it as such.

never mind, I missed Vanquish there

Pretty much all those multiplayer trophies are luck, time, and connection based. Nearly no one (at least trophy hunters) are earning them legit. Which is why I don't really bother with them. Vanquish is not really that difficult compared to some other games out there.

You've inspired me to go platinum OlliOlli2

the last arena challenge in Vanquish requires a level of skill and dedication I’ve never had to muster for stuff like Uncharted, Gears and so on. once you’re out of that hell, you’re ready for anything. I jumped from it straight into RE 4-5-6 and they were a walk in the park

Shit, people still care about meaningless achievements?

I got over that shit when I was in middle school, I would continuously return and buy used 360 games from gamestop just so i could get all 1000G and return them within a week.
I don't remember half of them because I was slogging through them all.

>Vanquish is not really that difficult compared to some other games out there.
Vanquish's final challenge mission is literally the only game or trophy I have ever given up on in my life purely because of difficulty. I must've tried grinding on that shit for like 50+ hours before I gave up.