Monk class doesn't have a meditation skill

>monk class doesn't have a meditation skill

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>monk class in a videogame
where did they go

i want a comfy rpg where i can go on a pilgrimage and just neutral my way through everything

Exercise your faith in combat

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Monks in mop were crazy broken tanks if you tried. Meditate through some crazy damage spike and then do insane damage afterwards.

It's in the best interest of those who create entertainment media to de-emphasize the benefits of meditation and introspection in favor of electronic power fantasies

It's been like a month now everyday I say i'm going to start meditating but never do
the idea of sitting for 45 minutes trying to focus on my breath is daunting

Idk if you have to start at 45 minutes, user, especially if that's keeping you from doing it in the first place.

just start at 10 minutes and add a minute every day. You'll start easy + get into a routine.

Meditation should only increase your sanity.

>meditation skill
>carries the team

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Like true neutral or lawful neutral. Monks usually live a very structured, orderly life even on pilgrimage.

How would you design a Christian Monk/Muslim Dervish class, Yea Forums?

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Inspiration aura
can only wear light armor or no armor
aura and other benefits use up faith meter, to refill you have to pray

Aura seems like more a passive benefit than an ability.

Christian monk is priest/mage dualclass but no combat skills.

>Sit character there and do nothing

maybe have two types of auras, passive and active. Passive are small benefits that always are working, active are more powerful abilities but run on that meter

>can only heal
>cannot fight
>will die in a couple hits in any battle
>cannot wear armor
>cannot hold weapons
>is required to have in your party since you got him till the end to get the best ending in the game


You could call the active one a Mantra, I think that's what Diablo 3 did.

>Monk has MAX STR

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Never thought meditation would not be a meme until I tried and practiced it myself. Shits profound yo.

monks using weapons > monks using fists

Every person in DBZ is a max STR monk

what kind of powers does it grant you

That or priest/druid.
Did you ever ate their honey or beer? Fucking delicious.
Also there are some monasteries breeding horses.


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>the idea of sitting for 45 minutes trying to focus on my breath is daunting
Just start with five or ten minutes. Download the Sam Harris app or something. Listen to Alan Watts.

>Christian monk is priest/mage dualclass but no combat skills.
You never saw a Christian Orthodox Monk then.

You must be jesting.