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Removing food would be the better option, to be honest.
the virgin neo nazi hypocritical cartoonist vs the chad self-aware relatable artist
Remove the third panel and have the second panel looking up at sleep and the comic would be fine.
do you think anorexia is a sign of poor self esteem, in the sense that i could fuck this girl however i wanted?
I never have trouble balancing these things. Eating does not take that much time and is easily mixed with other activities.
Mr. skeletal pls
This is a plant free board
Anoxeria isn’t a real thing. Just somethinf women do to grab attention and pity points. This is why you never see a male with anoxeria
>This is why you never see a male with anoxeria
but this is wrong go on /fit/ or /fa/ and see for yourself.
What is wrong with being thin though? Real talk. Don't most fatties wish they were thin?
Learn to crop, you fucking filthy subhuman.
thats a heckin LOL! rofl
>food block that big
wtf nigga do you spend 4-5 hours a day eating?
>you will never cuddle with skeletor for the purpose of keeping her warm
>having to eat for the same amount of time you sleep
how fucking FAT do you have to be
Too late, jabroni, I already took a heaping dose of melatonin. I can't wait to work 4 hours alone with a perpetually raging pharmacy manager in retail.
Literally a wage slave at this point.
nothing wrong with that, but when you have 50kg "men" starving themselves because they feel skinny fat then it's clearly a mental disorder.
tons of JUSTed ex-fatties on /fit/
Nothing wrong with being thin, but this is far beyond that. The human body requires a certain amount of body fat for live healthy, and women require a higher percent than men. What happens to people like this is their hearts just randomly stop and they end up dropping dead or end up with massive brain damage.
get a new job, DO NOT put up with shit management, there's no better way to hate your life.
I don't think it's to scale, but it would include cooking as well. There's a reason /fit/izens do meal prep at the beginning of the week.
If you ate anything besides tendies you'd understand.
There are times I'd rather go back to rockbottom min wage than deal with another second of this hell. I'm trying to escape this dead end drive-thru town.
6' 130 here
it shouldn't hurt to carry groceries home but here we are
The third panel is for people to make assumptions, some tossing work, others food
He's literally grabbing sleep, there's not assumptions to be made.
the whole house is filthy, and there's no power, and the water pump in the basement is broken I've heard all the same stories about the old town, in town, back when it was a thriving place. But, even then it was filled with dirty people who'd drink every sip of the lake. It's one of the few places that's safe from fire, and a lot of the people here don't know how much damage they've done there. I can't find water to drink, for the most part, but even that won't help. They're thirsty more than ever. And the children of the town are still living too rough. You know how they live with their neighbors, when it's cold? They lie on the ground all day, wearing only clothes. They don't even have coats so they're barefoot. But if you listen closely you can understand just one of the things they've been neglecting for so long: children. There's none. I've heard that, the one part that gets neglected most is the poor children. It's so hard for them to get by when they're hungry, but they're very good at pretend its all OK
holy shit this is the perfect nigger work ethic guideline
yes i too can relate to people who want to fuck my wife
Cope, wagie
One panel too long.
That's not anorexia, she has some medical condition.
Where do I go? Do I just go to welfare store or are there huge supplies of rich parents paying for these "people"
You buy chain link while you still can
was that supposed to be ironic lol because I actually laughed
I'm 5'10'' 150 and I honestly feel like I need to lose some weight. I think around 120 would be good for my height, but I really don't wanna lose my soft thighs and round butt. It's super frustrating being a borderline manlet >.
Do squats and other butt exercises fatty
>I'm 5'10'' 150 and I honestly feel like I need to lose some weight. I think around 120 would be good for my height
lmao no, you're already a huge twink. I'm 5'7 and ~10% bf at 165, 120 would make you look like a skeleton and that's not cute at all.
you should be shot
Squats tend to develop my quads and make em look harder/ more defined than I'd like. They also seem to not really work my butt all that much. I find isolation training for glutes to be far more effective, but again, fighting the unwanted development of muscular definition is a perpetual battle.
She went to rehab and is eating. Leave her alone.
he's obviously not 10% bf so no, he's not a twink
even at 130~ at 5'9 i was skinnyfat
>please don't be mean to ugly bitch
Fuck off
>Shane "The only pussy I cum on has claws" Dawson
>even at 130~ at 5'9 i was skinnyfat
lmao no, you were a twink shit who didn't lift that's why you looked like shit.
>even at 130~ at 5'9 i was skinnyfat
Can someone define what "skinnyfat" even means? I have too much self respect to type such cringeworthy terminology into a search engine.
what is a "twink shit" and why would i lift when my job required marginal, but enough, physical labor while working? i got plenty of exercise from that and swimming for an hour daily, yet was still skinny fat
go back to somethingawful you disgusting troon
>i can't understand what skinny fat means xD
No one can explain that to you, because it's a term used mostly by anorexic males. It can be literally everything.
Twink shits are retards like you who think they're always too fat even if they're weak and skinny. Like I said if you don't lift you will always look like shit even if you starve yourself to 90 pounds.
>mental illness doesn’t exist
>I never studied psychology but trust me bro
>Like I said if you don't lift you will always look like shit even if you starve yourself to 90 pounds.
What if you genuinely do not want to develop muscle because you dislike the way it looks? What is the solution in that instance? High rep training with super low weight + cardio?
>4 hours
is this the new "I have a 100 word essay due" meme?
What do you mean by muscles? You're not gonna become a huge beast if you lift 2-3 times a week and stay skinny. You don't have to go full fucking bodybuilding mode, just fill out your skin to stop it from sagging and giving you that skinnyfat look. Even some bodyweight workouts at home are enough.
Rule 63 Shen please
>Drinking alcohol in panel 2
Well, he did deserve it for breaking halal
It's a 12 hour shit. It just gets really nasty when it's only two people working.
Did I fix it?
Just because tim buckley is wordswordswords
doesn't mean you need to make every comic super-minimalist. It's less funny without the dialogue and the comedic pause the 2nd and 3rd panels bring (though I'd personally remove one of them).
I figured the joke is pretty heavily implied
>sleep taking the same amount of time as food
>i was skinnyfat
Holy fucking hell fagposts should be reportable.
quality content
what is fagposting
>nonmericans are allowed to post on this site
Based MonteNEGRO
faggots unironically showing off what faggots they are
i have a gf and we have never discussed, nor will we, pegging
she is pregnant right now
get wrecked?
>Did I
Did I fix your lame shitposting joke?
>What do you mean by muscles?
See this post:The guy in both pictures looks equally disgusting to me simply due to how unpleasant the muscular definition is on his "after" photo. Maybe most other people consider it attractive, but it is something I have actively tried to fight against for the entirety of my teen years and now early adulthood. I want my waist to stay thin but I absolutely can not tolerate even the slightest hint of abdominal definition. I want my chest to stay completely flat, but again, even some slight muscular separation to the pectoral muscles looks detestable to me. Same thing applies to my rib cage, which is the one thing I have never been able to fully overcome. No matter what I do, my ribs show through my skin like some Holocaust victim, and it really bums me out. Thankfully, I've been blessed with good thigh, calf, and butt genetics so I haven't had to really change that area of my body all that much besides occasional isolation training, but still the other issues persist, and it is excruciatingly frustrating at times.
Mistakes were made, and if life has taught me anything is that if your mistakes get to the internet, they will haunt you forever.
Now please stop "defending" someone that doesn't know you exist.
Good night :^)
You are about to be in a world of pain.
just eat while you play vidya
a scale of 9-10, how gay?
>he doesn't go to McDonald's and get food-like substances to wolf down in five minutes or less
And you call yourself American?
This is hilarious if you've seen the original one, and the /pol/ remix one
You are autistic and a fag.
Sounds to me like a textbook case of body dysmorphia. You should seek a psychiatrist.
>not going to Dairy Queen and getting that 1200+ calorie large cookie dough blizzard after a hard days work in burgerland
not going to make it
>the original one, and the /pol/ remix one
user, I...
>posting pedotoss
fuck off
this comic makes no fucking sense
Only the first one is an immigrant tho, the rest are at least from the country :)
lel I used to be 190lb at 5'11" before dropping to 145, you ain't fat. You're probably at the perfect weight to cut.
Based retard
I don’t get this. Wouldn’t we all go back to Africa or we were to follow this logic? Also Europe had to be colonized at some point by humanity like North America was
who came over a ice bridge 10k years ago....
>Removing food would be the better option
t. commie
you're either mad because it's stonetoss or you're genuinely retarded then
>that last panel
Made me giggle
wow bro so deep that's like a rick and morty meme right there
then you're still in my roses, fucko
>he doesn't recognize nedroid
Get a load of this newfag.
This is peak lole
Early nedroid was certainly interesting.
>borderline manlet
How do I go from left to the right?
Ok guys, how do I get that body on the right? It's not massive but clearly defined as fuck. I'm not left but need more work. Please respond.
eat beans and listen to metal
-300 calorie deficit while reaching your protein needs
Thus ends the Brain Problems arc.
trying way too hard
I'm still not sure why but that actually made me laugh
America belonged to the Ginger Ice Giants before the mongols genocided them.
This is probably my favourite nedroid
Or maybe the high school mixtape one
Nedroid almost has an innocence to it. Hard to put my finger on, like humor kids come up with, kind of childish and simple but at the same time just goofy in the right way.
Last time heard, she's getting better.
No, I have no intention of verifying that.
I read that as "renewable artist" and was briefly concerned that you had somehow discovered a way to recycle artists for spare cash or something.
Thanks for posting user. It's not peak nedroid but was a fun read
My favorite is probably this one. Any of the ones where they're awkward around girls is golden.
In that case I'll give you the Daremaster before I go to sleep. It's getting late.
>here's my political comic
>but this comic isn't funny
Sleep well
The end. Good night, Yea Forums.
Would've been a 10/10 if she said "Hi, I'm Daisy!" instead.
Thank you user. You did us a good service.
It's a shame Nedroid is dead.
is there a minus8 edit of this
>you're so rich
Reginald cracks me up
balance of food and weights/cardio
It isn't dead it's just on haitus while the guy wraps up Back, he's the artist for that.
>food takes almost as much time as sleep
>literally doesn't have time for anything else
what the fuck? at that point just drink onions and you save 100% of food time
Did she gain 30 pounds yet?
Has anyone here ever tried this?
What does it taste like?
Is it even healthy to consume?
>work hours twice as long as sleep time
Do americans really do this?
I doubt it will end any time soon. And I don't know if he'll be willing to go back to Nedroid by then.
Hey if Gone with the Blastwave is still going no reason nedroid won't stop, either.
>by the way this is scaled, he is working 12 hours a day, eating 6 hours a day, and sleeping 6 hours a day.
What takes fucking 6 hours to cook and eat that you'd be making daily?
>forward facing Reginald
fresh beans 3 times a day
I unironically replace 90% of my food with czech equivalent of that.
It tastes kinda like oatmeal, it's a bit sweet, but they also sell flavored ones (chocolate, strawberry and banana).
It's definitely healthier than what I ate before that (mostly junk food and instant ramen). It has some clinical studies done and it should contain everything average human body needs according to WHO.
it's an autistic job but someone has to do it
I liked this comic, the unedited one. I too have had thoughts about the turn signals of other cars and why they don't sync up.
I tried it once. It tasted mostly bland and had a hint of something to it I could never place. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good.
The ultimate problem with it is that it didn't fix getting hungry for me. So I might have consumed a meal's worth of calories but I was always feeling hungry shortly after.
>they found the secret bitch
The whole "I was here first" argument is always shit. Land is clearly owned by who ever applied the most force to have it. Be that force from warfare, a trade a agreement, or some agreed upon claim.
>guys, she's completing a normal human function!! fuck off!!
I didn't know we were handing out awards for fucking eating now
>hey guys I beat cancer!
>wow, your immune system is completing a normal human fucntion, cg
Wait, that was nedroid all along?
Shit, looks way different back then and didn't even have Beartato
Is there anyone who even likes Back? It's a waste of two great webcomic artists.
>whitoids so lazy they import black en masse to work as slaves
>blacks so lazy they just sell other blacks to whites instead of doing any real work
Yeah but they were unironically the first humans there.
Eat shit and die you worthless cunt.
What's funny is they probably slaughtered whatever pygmy bullshit was around first and just never kept records. That's what the abbo's did despite claiming to be the "first".
>whitey sits indoors
>blacks build US Capitol, White House, railways and other essential infrastructure used to this day
>farm tobacco, cotton and other textiles that boost US economy
>literally build the greatest country in the world with their bare hands
>whitey sits indoors
>pygmy bullshit
Pygmy bullshits aren't humans. whites raped and killed neanderthals yet Europe is still their homeland
>literally build the greatest country in the world
>africa still shit with mud huts
There's some weird difference here and I can't quite place it.
desu I'm 6' 200lbs and could deadlift a small car but carrying groceries still burn the shit out of my shoulders
Underrated post
Rattle me bones!
You really think they would have built that on their own?
based as fuck
Beartato is just good ole fashioned fun, no irony invovled.
You may be unfamiliar with the concept
Fuck man, take me back.
>phone poster posting images with bigass black bars because he doesn't know how to link an image
>neo/v/ accept this
you all disgust me
How does food take up that much time?
thank, mr skeltal
Tastes like flour in water
Not health to replace every meal but daily would be fine
Also can't get it anymore they banned it in Canada
What happens if I drink this with a meal?
Nothing. You're just gonna get more nutrients but at that point just eat a bit more food.
>banned it in Canada
what for?
Should've been five of them in the frame with two disappearing
dude yeah man every web comic needs to be minimalist as possible you can tell because buckley is bad and him make long comic so all long comic bad bro yeah dude yeah yeeaaah hh lmao
These only work after you've seen the original.
How do her legs not snap?
I don't get it. Videogames is physically larger than the Sleep block, so he wouldn't be able to.
If you're retarded maybe
don't need to hold much weight
also bones are pretty strong
>Nobody has died of rest
If only he could have predicted the NEET epidemic, where their health degrades to critical levels from lazing around too much
That's the point of the comic. Everywhere humans are is a place that was colonised (except for whatever part of Africa the first human emerged in). When the native Americans first arrived, another group of humans were already living there. The native Americans killed this group and took their place.
wow you're actually retarded
This. The comic only needed one panel.
It's super early nedroid.
>tired but on Yea Forums anyway
>see nedroid posts
>after a lighthearted chuckle I'm ready to sleep again
>scroll a little further before I leave
>more stonetoss junk, depression humor trash, Belle Delphine and an argument
I doubt I'm the only person here who wound up like this.
Here, I'll post THREE more Nedroids and then I'm leaving. You should get some sleep too.
Here's number two
Sloth is a sin user.
And number three.
Good night, Yea Forums
>we're roughly a year away from the last update
t. bikecuck
I'm 5'11 and at least 340 lbs (scale hasn't gone higher than that)
I want to kill myself but I'm starting to eat better. 2,000 kcals a day is a good start, right?
> If you see someone resting, help him.
Whatever, pretentious fuck.
no you fat fuck.
Good fucking god
Beartato's diamonds has the deepest lore.
Maybe dont be shit at your job you lazy fuck.
Have intelligence, brainlet.
My tdee was 3500 a day. A 1500 calorie deficit was recommended by /fit/.
>it's been almost a year since the last update
Someone redpill me on transformation fetish
Anyone can understand the edit after watching the original, you're not smarter than anyone. Stop trying to compensate for your lack of achievements, piece of trash.
damn, she looks so light that you could lift her by the throat with one hand like somekind of anime villain
I promise your fat ass does not burn 3500 cals a day
A few years ago, I dated a guy who only drank these and sometimes ate panda express. His ass tasted amazing. I miss him.
That literally isn't how it works. Your body consumes more calories to function as nothing is working efficiently.
is there any continuation to this meme yet?
Thanks user.
That edit is perfectly understandable without having seen the original
This guy draws himself as some tall, buff DBZ character. I really wonder what he actually looks like.
That's not the self insert.
Hello /biz/
People want to be turned into things.
It doesn't just stop at being a furry or a scalie, but also body parts and inanimate objects, anything really.
I like all kinds of TF but my favorites is TF/TG (or TGTF) and Body Horror
Typical welfare behavior.
How the fuck can you tell when you already saw the original? GTFO
"I do not require silverware" always gets me.
i hate stonetoss but calling him a pedo is false. don’t lie user
There are males with anorexia, they just don't get exposure like girls do.
Believe me it's a pretty real thing.
Because... i'm not autistic and can imagine it? Are you serious?
>>banned it in Canada
>what for?
Not enough söy.
I wish I had reminders like this. that would actually be pretty nice.
Thank you hungry skeleton
>what for?
>As of October 24, 2017, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) blocked sales of Onions from Canada because the label on Onions does not meet the CFIA requirements to be listed as a meal replacement.[34] Shipping Onions to Canada has been blocked by the CFIA until Rosa Foods makes changes to its products; Canadian shipments first began in June 2015.
steam corporate values.jpg
You can't, you are just to stupid to realize or maybe you do but you are too arrogant to admit it. Either way, you're a waste of time.
>The CFIA was not able to provide details of how Onions failed to meet the requirements, noting information regarding this issue must be requested under the Access to Information Act.
>A director of communications for Onions declined to answer questions from The Globe and Mail, noting the company's official statements on its website were all she was able to share.
You’re weird, bro.
>is this Loss.jpg
Yes but you would have to be extremely genital to avoid breaking her.
As in physically breaking her bones and shit.
>extremely genital
I thought those legs were actually shooped skeleton bones from the color
>Wouldn’t we all go back to Africa or we were to follow this logic?
Emmm... AKCHTYUALY recently scientists found out even older human remains in Europe
>i'm the dude.png
I don't get it. What's the glove?
I ain't no furry but progressive mind break and corruption makes me really hard
far out, i thought id read all nedroid
The main antagonist of the latest capeshit blockbuster saga sought to delete half the world's population for the benefit of the survivors. The glove, which has a bunch of all-powerful stones in it, grants him so much power he achieved it with a snap of his fingers.