

Attached: 150px-Creeper.png (150x306, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off incel.

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Creeper a cute!

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Aww man

I'm in quite the pickle aren't I?

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Is it ok?

Why do creepers have so much health? Even with a diamond sword I still have to crit them twice to put 'em down. I know ALL enemies are a pain to deal with early game, but even with just iron gear these guys are a pain in the ass.





rip joergen 2 ;_;


Aren't they primarily what you stock arrows for?

>all of svens friends are dead
he didn't deserve this

at least he's still go ikea bird

Imagine unironically watching Pewdiepie at any point in time

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the health bloat in this game is so annoying that i just use the stone axe most of the time because two crits will kill most mobs

>stop having fun!
imagine unironically caring about people watching based and redpilled pewdiepie

>Fighting the Ender Dragon
>He knocks me 1000m into the air
>don't have a water bucket on hotbar
>quickly go to inventory and pull out an ender pearl from an enderman I looked at earlier
>throw pearl at the ground a second before hitting it
what is your best GAMER moment in Minecraft?

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Imagine watching a shitty eceleb and talking about him on a thread not about him on Yea Forums then getting upset that someone called you a retard for it

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same thing happened to me, except i used a potion of slow falling instead of an enderpearl

Are there even any mods for bedrock yet?

buddy, sorry to break your buble but he is the reason minecraft has made a resurgence
>getting upset that someone called you a retard for it
>a retard calling another retard a retard on a fucking anime video game picture exchanging forum
O I am laffin at your faggot contrarian ass

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This is a metaphor for dicks, isn't it?

The dot is when Pewdiepie uploaded his first Minecraft video retard, he just jumped on the bandwagon for that sweet faggot viewer base. I don't even care that you watch ecelebs, but Pewdiepie is absolute shit tier, the mcdonalds of ecelebs

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>he is the reason minecraft made a resurgence
pewdiepie started playing minecraft because it was resurging you retard


proof? he began playing because he did a series called gaming week, after that youtube got flooded with mc videos

that shit is a long way from the peak

Okay but you're mad so get over it

>being mad against the gamer to begin all gamers
Psh, nothing personel kiddo but he would blow you out of the water


Imagine watching Pewdiepie

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Cry harder, lil' virgie


Imagine watching Pewdiepie

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Unrelated, but where can I find more shit like this gif? I love the doofy style of them all but I'm not sure where to find them.



>played aethermod in 1.7.3 recently
>having the best of times
I should probably try Aether 2 at some point

Kill yourself, zoomers.

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Can someone explain what these underaged retards are rambling about?

Sexconding this.

people who were 10 when Minecraft was popular and now old enough to use this site

Outing yourself as underage.

>he doesn't know

Fuck man..

People who were 10 when minecraft was popular are now old enough to not act like retards.

people are memeing about it lately being ironic with how shitty the song is
fucking hate it
ironic shitposting is still shitposting


Attached: 2019-07-20 - 15.59.03 ~ Minecraft 1.14.4.png (1873x1096, 539K)

the song is good



the song is kino and actually more influential than the original it was based off of


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Ikea bird 1 is dead.


I absolutely loathe this faggot...but this song is pretty catchy

>I absolutely loathe this faggot.

You like dick and balls?

Hey can you hear me?

i remember seeing some videos of him in a con going absolutely balls to the wall "LOOK AT ME IM SO RANDUM LOL HAHA PRETTY QUIRKY HAHA MIRITE" and then some videos in the channel were the same obnoxious stuff

I'm here to do some inspecting

Oh yeah? You come here often?

yeah you like dick and ball dont you Fitz

I watched a couple of his Minecraft videos yesterday and it wasn't that bad. I'd literally never watched a pewdiepie video before that.

Maybe I was just expecting worse because of seeing screeching mongoloids like jacksepticeye in the past but he wasn't nearly as obnoxious as other super popular youtubers.

why did you had the need to watch a youtuber beyond his content?

>play Minecraft for the first time in a thousand years
>pick amplified because default world gen is fucking boring
>need cactus
>spend a billion years sailing around the ocean
>literally everything I find is wacky as giant mountains that are a bitch to navigate and not a single desert in site
Is this normal?

Attached: you can shut up now.jpg (748x716, 104K)

callmecarsonlive is the only acceptable minecraft youtuber
vinny vinesauce's twitch streams have been okay too

because it was the content of another youtuber

what about him

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i hope this is bait

threw my diamond pick onto stone while i was burning to death in lava and got in when i came back

What did you need cactus for

what other youtuber?

I'm just trying to get some fuckin green dye man

dye id assume


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He's right though

Those are amplified worlds, you tard


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Oh no, the NPC broke

Just look at that obnoxiousness holy shit what a faggot

>based and redpilled pewdiepie


>Put texture mod on villagers
>It only retextures their head
Life is hard

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Get off your high horse faggot we're all faggots in this board

The video series is pretty fun, you have to admit it.

>didn't rate cat music disk SSS tier

Was making them silent a mistake?
Its funny when they surprise you, but its fucking infuriating when you could have sworn your entire house was closed off, but the fuckers jump down from the ceiling.

Also why do only two enemies actually do anything with blocks

He panders to children, is a trend hopper, doesn't provide meaningful commentary, has low effort common denominator videos, has always been an annoying little shit, ruined the monitization of thousands of youtubers because he doesn't know how to control his edge, and makes videos where he just reads Reddit posts for 10 minutes. Watching the most popular gaming youtuber that makes videos created for the sole purpose of appealing to the masses is the most NPC thing anyone could do. Now, tell me why you like Pewdiepie over other youtubers that make minecraft videos without using the word "comfy" you absolute brainlet.

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again, why are you taking importance of a youtuber beyond the content he does? it's like scouring the web in search of the high school photos of a guy that makes a argument on the internet you don't like.

cringe and bluepilled

>what the fuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

R.I.P. dude from minecraft

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Yeah of course I fucking know what amplified worlds are but I swear it's easier to find different biomes in default

I know that, but you're wasting your energy trying to convince the thread otherwise. He's background noise at best.

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they wouldn't be called Creepers if they didn't creep towards you

>nooo dont insult based pewdiepie

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What point are you trying to make faggot? You keep parroting the same shit over again and again. If you're gonna be like that what is the point of anything in life? You are fucking retarded and/or a Toby fan. Kill yourself I didn't look up footage of Toby, it was brought to me

Delete this user

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video monetization was a mistake

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I'll never understand why they thought adding fucking cliff racers to minecraft was a good idea

this desu senpai

>d-do i fit in yet guys? based bandwagon hate lol fuck pewdiepie!

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>game punishes you for not skipping content

exterior like fish eggs

interior like suicide wrist red

You litterally just hate him because hes popular.

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good job ignoring my entire post brainlet, try again

that you're judging youtuber not by the content they make but by their social life, if you have such problem with people being autistic i have some bad news about the site you're on
also your video cringefest comes from a of a channel, if you didn't want that you wouldn't sub in the first place

what a bombshell.

>doesn't has an idle sound
these sneaky fuckers keep surprising my back

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I already did though


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I'm teaching you how to ignore things you don't like.

>ruined the monitization of thousands of youtubers because he doesn't know how to control his edge

>video comes from a cringefest of a channel*
sorry, brain fart

I can exercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed
Cheat on your man homiE- AAAGH!

You ignored my actual response.



>bandwagoning is bad lol
>meanwhile lets go to reddit and HATE ON FORTNITE for no reason other than zoomers

Attached: duherrg.png (559x448, 73K)

so its not ok to judge a youtuber by its social life? youtube is a social platform you fucking numbnuts its not some secret platform, its ok to dislike things and express it, did your mommy never teach you that?
>comes from a of a channel
what the fuck are you saying you autistic toby fan?

You're not the first one to make such a revelation, I watch his Minecraft shit because it's something to occupy my ape brain while I do other pointless shit, everything else he did before for the last 2 years have been honest to fuck garbage.

XD Based aaaand i think your awesome!

Edit: wow thanks for the gold ! You are so awesome!

>not SkyDoesMC

>Nobody has mentioned the gif yet
Who the fuck are these people that produce this content for children?

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there was none

>bandwagoning is good
You are fucking retarded.
Also fortnite is an ok game filled with zoomers with a high skill cap and you say otherwise then you have probably never even fucking played it. I'm not even a zoomer I am 27 and been browsing this website for over a decade, you are literally just shitposting cause "popular = bad"

user never said anything about fartsprite, you are ASSUMING

I don't dislike him because he's popular. I watch many youtubers that are popular, I just don't like Pewdiepie because of the reasons I listed.

I'm not getting mad at people that just use him as a background noise, just the literal fags that enter a Minecraft thread and post shit like

Attached: MyzF8zA.jpg (500x551, 47K)

you fucking autist
> its ok to dislike things and express it
except you're disliking it because of the guy, not because of the content he made.

>you are literally just shitposting cause "popular = bad"
nice claim too bad its wrong

>hating reddit
Lmao, no wonder you're so bitter


I agree with you user, but this site isnt for liking things its for being contrarian and shitposting

Zoomers aren't even human things, in the first place.


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This task a grueling one, hope to find some gibs tonight, night, night
Gibs tonight

RIP John and Michael ;_;7

what did he sneed by this

>its not ok to dislike someone for how he is
>you can only judge people by the content they create
This is how retarded you sound. Do you only judge your friends by the "content" they create? What about your family? What about celebrities? No only their music? Even if they are pedophiles and drug abusers? But that rap cd was good right so he's all good?
That's how retarded you sound. Its ok if you Toby honestly but to say that I can't dislike him because of how he IS... is baffingly retarded


Epic Yea Forums joke everyone

That image makes me feel nostalgic.

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>nice claim too bad its wrong

Attached: you.jpg (200x200, 13K)

youtubers are your friends/family
oh great, i'm wasting my time talking to a fucking toddler

You can onions all you want but then I remember you're defending the #1 youtube man like reddit does

>HD textures

damn this thread went downhill fast
fuck Pewdieniggers

Thank you for a more measured response and now I understand your point a little bit better and I frankly agree for the most part. I just don't think Pewdiepie is worth the effort on both ends, hell I'm wasting my life right now being in this thread.

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so we're back to point one
>you can judge a youtuber only through the content they make exclusively through their channel!
you retard

ugh Yea Forums just hates reddit because its popular and they want to be contrarian.

>wow mom look I hate Reddit too do I fit yet guys I HATE REDDITS GUYS LOOK
We don't even hate Reddit here anymore, you idiot, get with the times

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just return to reddit and take the pewdiepie kiddies with you

Heads up, you hear a police siren, turn around and look up, total shock fills your body,
Oh no it's you again,
I could never forget those uniforms, uniforms, uniforms,
Uniforms, uniforms, uniforms

Same for Twitter, anons are jealous sometimes that Twitter makes some better content than Yea Forums.

>only through the content they make exclusively through their channel!
and what did you do again? you posted some other chanel video, judging a Youtuber by another youtuber's video

Put me in the screencap reddit
I'll give you reddit gold

Nope. We have actual reasoning. Pic related.

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i don't go to reddit and i never want to visit that hugbox, but the fact that reddit loves pewdiepie is just a coincidence, and i won't hate him for that

Make me, pathetic Yea Forums loser. You can't do anything besides calling people back, incel.

which one Yea Forums

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and? what's wrong with that? just get that tobuscus dick out of your mouth, admit you're a fan that's not too hard right brainlet

He would make okaysh videos if he just dropped that heavy larping narrative, jesus fuck

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Lmao, that's everything you got?

have sex incel

None. I hate attention whores.


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You want more?
Here you go

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>no counter argument whatsoever
get that butt some thorough care with how utterly destroyed it is, best part his how you played yourself at the end

Strawman, a bad one at that too.

>Now, tell me why you like Pewdiepie over other youtubers that make minecraft videos without using the word "comfy" you absolute brainlet.
Some NZ Mossad plant that shot up muslims and a Discord beta orbiter turned murderer told people to subscribe to him. Life is amusing.

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based spats poster

how can i counter anger when you don't even begin to explain why its not ok to dislike someone from seeing his videos and his appearances in other's videos, if any butt is destroyed is yours by that faggots dick. listen its ok for me to dislike that fucking faggot just like its ok for YOU to like it, i don't have anything against that but you only seem to care "mama this guy is hating on my youtube hero >:( that is not allowed!" this is my last reply because you can't even grasp the context of this argument to begin with. literally kill yourself you fucking fanboy

Lmao, you all can't do absolutely nothing towards foreign posters, that's pathetic

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Holy fucking based wrecked that nigga

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have sex lol

What does it even mean, you Yea Forums imbecile?

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>redditors can’t handle entry level banter
It’s more that having an account means that you have an image to uphold, meanwhile on an anonymous board you can just throw shit around with no consequences.

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If you'll continue this hatred on PewDiePie, I'll share this thread on reddit and you all will be outnumbered, it's better for you all to stop this incel hatred

kill all zoomers

>using musicians as an argument
If a track bangs it bangs, I don’t care if the guy that made it is a rapist or not

Yes...? What's wrong with it? What do you even mean, retard?

user please stop it's not funny anymore

I can only handle so much reddit bait
IF this is bait, its pretty good, good job
now please stop you fucking faggot

I'm not user, stop outing me as a 4channer, I hate this place. You all here are braindead idiots who have nothing to offer but stupidity and hatred.

Seriously, imagine being so elitist about a fucking minecraft server. Like holy shit you played on it a lot, so what?


>Hur durr hate is bad because my ruling governmental body is trying to keep a non-homogeneous society from hemorrhaging everywhere by telling everyone to suppress their natural, human emotion towards things.
I'm glad Yea Forums exists because it's not a delusional fantasy land of pure posturing like the rest of the internet.

>oh look a minecraft thread, sweet
>it's just people arguing about ecelebs
i watched pewdiepie for a little bit in 2016, it was pretty funny, but the content went downhill after the kill all jews incident. probably i blame youtube, really. it also got really vlog-y and i'm not into ecelebs just talking although i've watched some of his contemporaries' channels and they're god awful worse, especially the green haired irish dude. i was really hoping pewds would finish the dark souls three run. maybe i'll watch his new minecraft series, i've heard it's really good.
that being said. to all the people defending pewdiepie, shut your ass.

the last distro i played was 1.8.1 (the new one with the ender dragon and stuff, not beta 1.8.1) last year. i was doing a lot of terraforming and dividing up land/planning for new structures and making some sweet worldedit-ed natural formations. i spent a lot of time making a cool home base and some railroads to get to faraway places before i switched to creative. i currently have a backup with all the mods and stuff installed, but the copy is about two weeks behind the original in development (which is a lot) and i'm trying to get the original back off my friends computer (long story short, i did most of it while house watching his apartment and he didn't copy the right files)
i forgot about it for awhile. he said it should still be there and hopefully it is and i can get it back by this weekend.

what's new with minecraft tho, i heard they added horses and shit?
inb4 wall of text, i got a new keyboard and it's really nice to type on

>panders to children
Not necessarily. With his humor, he'd most likely pander to 18+ individuals too at this point. People who aren't as jaded as us, too.
And? How the fuck do you expect a youtuber's supposed to stay relevant? You can't blame him for being good at what he does.
>why i like him compared to others
He doesn't talk to his viewers like fucking children for one. Two, it's pretty funny to see how he manages to invest himself so much on a shit game like minecraft (which he himself thought was shit). Three, the chances of him exhibiting new content in such a short timespan as well as his genuine surprised reaction reminds us of how fun it feels to play minecraft again. I mean seriously, wouldn't you want to relive the fun of playing minecraft again?
He's good at what he does. Everyone enjoys it, even notch. You can't really shit on everyone for supporting a thing they like.

I used to love this song, such an epic flute solo. There was even a whole website dedicated to it still open.

Phantom haters please enlighten me why are you so fucking butt mad about them

Attached: Dwight_Question.jpg (1021x768, 102K)

What the fuck Notch

Attached: Melon.jpg (800x800, 222K)

They made it better but at this point it's slowly morphing into a shitty terraria with a third dimension but a metric fuckton less decorations

>Can't even stay out in the night without sleeping from time to time
God i hate having to sleep every fucking time these flying niggers appear out of NOWHERE

I'm the only one who finds every single shader to be absolute shit?

I guess I just really like the vanilla experience, everything else seems off

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I’m not, I tamed a cat and put it outside the main entrance to my base. I’ll never deal with them again.

Because sleeping skips a night and is literally just the bitchmade way out. The game shouldn't punishing you for either A. Braving the night, or B. Taking the time tax of hiding out in a cuckshed until morning. Design wise it makes no sense.

Wasn't that the goal though? Notch didn't know what sort of game he wanted to layer over his virtual legos. He promised something for fags who thought the game was a perfect engine for an exploration rpg, he added shit for people who expected a survival sim.
All it did was spread the game thing. What he added amounted to a very shallow "sub game" that nobody cared about because of mods and the core draw of the game being virtual legos. He left it incomplete, and now microsoft has a the competency to focus on a single direction.

Of course it's going to be shit terraria, but it was either that or a shit survival sim.

>added in the same update as cooked chicken and watermelon
>hurt by water
>attacks you when you look at them
seriously how the hell did he get away with this?

unironically based

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Yeah the game's world gen has been fucked since 2011.

>People saying Phantoms are the worst enemy in the game
>When these fuckers exist

Attached: Drowned.png (150x256, 27K)

this looks like some tall nig stealing watermelon

>steals shit

>tfw getting a trident thrown directly into your asshole

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whats wrong with phantoms? noobs

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>A mob with the sole purpose of making you waste time
T-thanks microsoft

>bandwagoning is good
He didn't say that you stupid piece of shit, he's saying you're a hypocritical faggot for strawmanning while being part of one yourself. Stick to Youtube comments, they're closer to your iq.

>Sailing through a river at night

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Reminder that people voted for this to be in the game

Based and Falkpilled

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They're fucking annoying, maybe I just want to spend the night building and go exploring in the day but when I've got sky niggers swooping down to nibble on my asscheeks I either gotta pull out my sword/bow and spend a hot minute dealing with them or just go to sleep.

That poll was rigged for real, everyone except microsoft knew it was a bad idea from the start

Is there a single good seed repository?
I cannot generate a world with desert/snow/jungle biomes near each other

Attached: 1543170013643.jpg (680x680, 65K)

Pls respond I’m also interested

>want to play a big modpack with friends
>can't find any i like
>half of the ones i find that look sort of okay are ruined by ugly factory autism or absurdedly broken shit like tinker's
Someone recommend me a good modpack that I can enjoy comfy building autism with that also has decent progression that doesn't just amount to "build broken, ugly armor and win the game"
Thaumcraft 6 seemed pretty cool but then it just stopped because apparently the dev abandoned it

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>Minecraft adds a black character
>He steals shit

Attached: 1537051649730.jpg (1079x746, 301K)

>tfw ywn go back to uberhaxxornova's quad mountain survival

>ruined by ugly factory autism
>absurdedly broken shit like tinker's
moddern modded minecraft is not for you


been saying this since they added abandon mineshafts way back when, they need to do more with caves and underground man

Right away, user :)
*adds another enchantment/alchemy buff

What? They only have 10 hearts, same as zombies and skeletons.
Just make a Power V bow and oneshot them, or enchant your sword.

or drop attack them with a iron sword for crit dmg

>Make a ravine HQ
>These fuckers dropping right on top of me and oneshotting me all day
>Worthless fucking archers sitting 9 levels up and firing at me when I pass by

This isn't comfy at all

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>make mountain base
>wasn't precise enough with my torch placement
>creeper spawns on my bed and kills me alongside breaking two chests full of shit


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That will still require him to hit it 3 times, and he's complaining about having to hit it twice.

>Rated Cubeland the same as minecraft style

I fucking hate this piece of shit, that one video ruined any enjoyment I could have gotten from watching him. I feel second hand shame for the people stupid enough to watch a man with such shit taste.

did they change it? i thought you could one tap them like that

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Why are people talking about Minecraft like this when it's been out for like ten years?

>watching ecelebs to own the libs

Crits add 50% base damage to the hit before applying enchantments, so a critical hit with non-enchanted iron would deal 4.5 hearts instead of 3.


>he doesn't watch hermitcraft
>he doesn't watch jeracraft

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His book review series is kino and undoubtedly ot thousands of kids into literature.

>on platform with paid skins
I don't think so.
Didn't they unfucked it with 1.7?

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>started playing minecraft again 2 months ago
>no one was giving a shit about it
>told someone I'm playing minecraft again
>realize minecraft has exploded this month, some new Elon musk news about minecraft also

It's really annoying. As faggy as it sounds I am a real deal hipster. Most of my "fedora" favorites became mainstream and popular with time.

I only have 1 favorite game that has not exploded yet. And I'm scared if it does. Castlevania bloodlines is the best castlevania in my opinion. Better than casual shit metroidvania and castlevania 4.

I'm hate them too. Smooth lighting can go fuck itself too.

i hate that shit. that's why i stopped playing newer versions.
>make new map
>no interesting formations
>try again
>and again
what happened man? thank god for mods

>Have spent the last 3 weeks carving out thousands upon thousands upon thousands of blocks with fucking iron picks for my mountain base
>Only got up to the archives, which I have literally hundreds of bookcases in, only possible because I built a fucking fuckhuge farm area (in which I built a dirt path from the fucking surface down to so I could have grass dirt instead of regular dirt to please my autism) where I have a gorrilion wheat to feed a gorrilion cows for leather for books
>Made a detour to build another fuckhuge man made cave offshooting from the farm area with a lake in it that I filled with salmon and cod and that mushroom grass and giant mushrooms because I thought it would look cool
>My autism literally won't allow me to stop until I at least have the forge area finished
>Barely explored the overworld, only dipped into a cave near spawn so I could get some shit built like an enchanting table and diamond pick

god just kill me

why the fuck don't i do creative mode when i do this fucking shit

Attached: 1492829554772.jpg (388x231, 21K)

Just go creative mode wtf are you doing retard?

look up worldedit

I have a damn nice computer that plays everything on high and ultra. I still get fucking lagg spikes when I play minecraft. I'm playing the Java version. Should I play a different version?

>Autistic screech
>Takes it's time going up
>Plundge so fast you need inhumane timing to hit it
>Plundging speeds varies, so fucks up your timing and forces you to have another timing
And personally my worst
>Can't go fishing for more than 3 days and 2 nights

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Is it fun?

You do make sure your Minecraft horses are properly taken care of, right Yea Forums?

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I'm playing on a small island right now, middle of the sea. Drowned and phantoms ahoy :^)

Be honest, what's your opinion on hunger

what mod lets me stick feeding tubes into the horses


man I really wish my other friend would get minecraft so we can play together I really got minecraft fever also a-are those boobs

None sadly, be the change you wanna see user.
Yes they are! Optifine allows you to add on custom parts onto player models by adding a JVM arguement and doing some other shit

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i watch him too, but minecraft was starting to get popular like a month before, other fags on yt were making more mc videos too
the return probably had something to do with 1.14 being soon relased

>endergirl will disappear on a whim and take some of your stuff with her
>creepette will explode prematurely and
has no respect for your stuff

Do you even have to ask

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This thread proves you wrong

hang urself

Already had that planned friend.

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>also instant damage when touching water

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can you fuck the horse!!!


>has a water bucket
>still dies to lava

be honest user, are you drunk

>long distance relationship

>record scratch
Yup. That's me. You might be wondering how I got myself in suck a pickle

He's probably in the nether. Water bucket ain't gonna save you.

Please teach me how to do this.

toboscus, the man living in pewdiepie's footsteps
down to even fucking copying the exact way he speaks

what a sad existance


Only TRUE Minecraft gamers remember.

I'm trying to make a biomes o plenty world but it keeps crashing while loading the world

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Absolutely based. This resurgence of popularity for Minecraft is because the majority of the former 12 year old's who were cancerous e-celeb loving faggots "grew up" and started posting on Reddit about how they were nostalgic for fucking Minecraft.

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wtf is up with their boots?!
i wanna trip them so hard

>getting punished for not using beds
Sorry I didn’t want to play on brain dead mode where I can opt out of any sort of conflict or risk from the game for no cost. Beds where a mistake.

Why are Minecraft threads always so comfy
post green tops

I love how there was always two versions of Steve that people would draw in these, either a small blocky Steve to contrast with the style, or a buff manly Steve. These drawings in general were cute though

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I honestly don't even understand why it's a thing, realism?

Idea ok’d before significant thought into gameplay affects where considered. Obviously they did not stop to think that yes, people do regularly work through the night for multiple days and are not sprinting to beds as soon as evening comes.
Two massive utilities rolled into one item that is too cheap to be doing either of them.

Because the alternative is often to just stare at a wall and wait for day time. The mistake of beds is that you can sleep before it's dark enough to spawn mobs.

Just work for through the night, the only thing you can’t do is build on ground level anything else is only mildly dangerous at best.

>going into the nether without a prolonged fire resistance potion

They need to make a new one since you can fly in survival mode now.

>unironically watching GAYSLUT
i bet you don't even like Stahl

I fucking hate pewdipie

There's only so much work to be done in the night, especially in the early game. Besides, if what I want to be doing right now can't be safely done at night then I don't want to just find busywork to stall with. I want to build a farm, not reorganize all my chests every ten minutes.