why sojboys think emulation isn't piracy? and they somehow think they are better than people like who pirate literally everything
Why sojboys think emulation isn't piracy...
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>the evil that men do
*like me
>conveniently forgets to mention that niggas dump their roms from their physical games to emulate them on any device quite often
Shit's nice not having to replace the batteries on my Pokemon games and worry about losing my data.
because there are methods for you rip your legally acquired games to play on emulators. Personal backups are allowed no matter what EULA you sign if you don't distribute them.
Emulators are also protected and there is a precedent set by the Sony v. Bleem case that basically says that if no copywritten code is distributed it is 100% legal, otherwise itd be a violation of some anti trust laws.
I think it's only piracy if you've never purchased the game, but I don't give a shit honestly.
I'm surprised the kid isn't mulatto.
Maybe the one still in the baby oven is.
I wonder if those kids are even his
What's the context of that quote? it has to be ironic with all that consumerist junk around and on him, right?
Go find out you fucking nigger
have you never seen a single video of theirs?
Yes, have you ever watched RLM?
They made a fucking 25 minute clickbait video about stars wars, and all they did was read fanfic about Darth Vader's suit for the entire show while laughing their assess off
>if only you knew how bad things really are
>want to play simcity snes
>used to be on the wii shop channel but it got taken off due to EA being massive faggots
>now the only way to play it is to either emulate it with added features or pay $100+ for a working snes and physical copy of which nintendo nor ea gets any money from the purchase
which one makes more sense OP?
is it really that unethical to download a game when there's no way to buy a copy from the developers and support them directly?
lives on and oooooon
not him but I never watched all I know about them is Yea Forums has a 24/7 general about them. And I assume they review stuff
i too wondered about the quote and it's context at one point, but never really cared to find out
i guess today is the day i find out
Emulation is a valuable tool when it comes to preserving classic games that are now obscure, impossible to obtain, from older generations and or have been shittily re-released/ported.
>that soiface on the kid
he's not gonna make it
Most people don't equate emulation to piracy because people still see emulation as "old games" and think that the old games aren't playable. A lot of the time they're not, but let's not pretend the most popular games to emulate aren't ones that are super easily available. like SM64, ff7, spyro, crash. Regardless, it's a justification that "Well I can't get it legally through a store so I'll just download the rom". And it's not entirely wrong. If there's no way to actually purchase it, are you really hurting anyone? It's still piracy, but is the game not abandonware at that point? Sure, not in the legal sense but it's like someone holding an IP hostage and the game is just not available anymore. It brings up more a question of what happens to games when they get too old. Movies and music get put in the public domain, but games are free from that?
Look at prey 06 for a more modern example. about a decade now that you haven't been able to legally purchase it. It's just not possible. You can buy from third parties, you can buy back stock, you can buy keys, but you can't buy the game itself, new, from a retailer. Not even a digital copy. So people are left with the option to pay money to a reseller, or just pirate it. Most people choose to pirate.
Right or wrong, people will always go for the easiest route, and dealing with potential scammers and shit when you're dealing with key resellers is never optimal, and many games don't have available methods to legally purchase titles. VC, as an example. It's just lost games every iteration since wii. And further still some games were never put on it, what happens to those games? Are we expected to just never play them again?
>incels fear this
I emulate games for reasons of playing through history. Simply put I watched a lot of AVGN and wanted to try the god awful games myself
I used to watch Half in the Bag a while ago but I found their opinions to be cookie cutterwith little insight outside of a formulaic checklist of what in theory a film should do. I recognise that half the problem is tham and half of it is the failing of Hollywood to produce anything that can't be disected by cookie cutter means.
Why should I purchase games when the proceeds will just go to whatever megacorporation bought up the IP and the original developers won't see a dime?
He doesn’t even look “onions” dude he’s literally just a well groomed dude
That's the joke.
is that his mom or wife?
wtf Americans
If you need to go to court to figure out if it's ok or not, as far as the average user is concerned it's not piracy. Since it's unreasonable to expect the average user to be a lawyer.
>Captain Marvel shirt
>Pink haired ugly wife
>"All are WELCOME" doormat
>doesn't look like some "onions" dude
A picture is worth a thousand words, and it seems you're illiterate.
How much more insight can two people give when talking about Jack and Jill and Marvel movies
Also, Half in the Bag is just them talking. The only scripted reviews they ever did were the Plinkett ones, and those are definitely very well thought-out.
>let me tell you about Marvel
That Jack and Jill review is seriously approaching the level of probing journalism rather than off-the-cuff youtube review video. I love that video for what it opened my eyes to.
>a lot of time they are not
My NES/SNES still work, I just tested them today. What is everybody doing to break their systems?
Teenagers and university students are the ones who pirate most. They grow out of it when they stop playing videogames twelve hours a day seven days a week
>this is what awaits a man in his thirties looking to find a wife
Even if they don't do that they get old enough to have jobs to be able to pay for their video games.
>sois have a wife with their same tastes and fuck her at least once per month
>Yea Forums mocks them
mmmm why this happens?
They look like fucking gremlins, fucking a 2/10 roastie is nothing to brag about user.
Man it just seems so hypocritical when Yea Forums anons shit on a decent looking dude I don’t fuck with movie culture but I fail to see how his shirt sucks despite the horror stories of greasy unhygienic asses that come from here
I had to buy one and it was shitty. Not going to find another in my country without travelling 1000s of KM. The cartridge I bought was so shit in that a slight bump or removal from the SNES would delete your save. The game was, of course, an RPG where you'd be spending dozens of hours minimum playing through it. Old stuff is shit and I'm glad emulators exist and hope they continue to do so. Even recently playing some old garbage on the PS3 I had to deal with shitty performance and multi-minute long loading screens.
Vayyy coo aaaalll
100% guarantee both kids aren't his
>all these retards spoonfeeding the frogposting newfag instead if laughing at him
This is why this site sucks now
This is 100% a cope. Go outside, talk to a woman. Breathe some fucking fresh air, user. This is pathetic.
>male feminist
I say this as a woman and a feminist, nothing makes me cringe worse
im seeing them next thursday
>I say this as a woman
post pusy please
Isn't it legal to keep roms when you own the game or something like that?
This is what happens if you don't find your wife in your 20s.
only chads find their waifus
uglies can only wait for next revolution so they can rape and kill as much as they want
one day my fellow shitheads, one day
>uglies can only wait for next revolution so they can rape and kill as much as they want
Uglies settle with uglies, unless those uglies have money in which case they settle for desperate cuties or even used-up beauties. People who complain that "Chad gets all the girls" are under the same delusions as those 35 year old women who complain on social media about, "Where have all the good men gone?"
All the good men already found their girls.
Yes. Any country and region that isn't backwards and most of the ones that are anyway allows for people to digitally backup a copy of software they have purchased. The burden of proof is on the accusing party to show you never purchased the software, which with older games is impossible and is completely thrown out in court. This sort of stuff has been settled decades ago.
Nintendo is pretty much the only company who sends out lawsuits that are contrary to this and publicly states that ROMs are illegal to possess, even when they aren't. It's just a bully tactic on people who can't afford a legal fight.
I hate niggers!
but niggers have big dicks
and I love big dicks
this is what happens if you marry except it'll probably be far worse
Yes. They seem like a nice family except for the nerdy t-shirts.
>dating or marrying any bitch with anime hair colors or tattoos
It's amazing how much nicer these pictures look if they're not pulling the stupid soiface. Which surprises me, considering all the marvel stuff.
Nice guys are reddit and soi
Me on the way left
every time I think frogposters couldn't possibly get any more retarded, they take it as a challenge
consider something, I came here 10 years ago and I don't keep up with zoomer faggots on youtube
I'm not the poster you replied to
also frogs and wojaks were funny as fuck 10 years ago