>most fearsome animal on land
>next to no games as a protagonist
Seriously, why aren't there any games where you play as a hippo?
>most fearsome animal on land
>next to no games as a protagonist
Seriously, why aren't there any games where you play as a hippo?
Other urls found in this thread:
>hippos are very dangerous lol!!
Such a fucking Reddit meme. Yes, they tip people over in boats and lead to more fatalities than other animals, do you know why? Because people don't fucking go near lions, crocodiles or elephants. Your argument that hippos are the most dangerous animal is like saying that peanuts are more dangerous than chainsaws so better give your 8 year old a chainsaw to play with and not a peanut to eat.
>most fearsome animal on land
They are responsible for the most deaths because they attack boats...
>most fearsome animal on land
Pffft, an elephant would kick the shit outta a hippo
its because Hippos are notoriously racist
herbivores look fucking dopey while predatory animals look cool
>most fearsome animal on land
Not as fearsome compared to MAN
white women=lionesses
grassy plain=society
>tfw no whale jrpg where you defeat the demonic giant squid boss with the power of friendship
really makes you think
The Murray would like a word with you user...
You can play as based Murray in the Sly Cooper series starting from the 2nd game.
you can play as Murray in some missions in all the Sly Cooper games
Too many dire wolves. What about dire hippos? Put those in a game to fight against.
>brain eating amoebas look like squid
what did nature memed by this?
*blocks ur path*
I bet a hippo wrote this
>open world crocodile roguelike
>bipeds were the real monsters all along
here, technically you're playing murray during the races in 1
>that one lion that just jumps across the back
In the first game he was just a coy dorky driver. What happened between the first and second game that made him turn into a wrestler?
Based Murray posters
i wonder hmm
Is it weird if I want to slap one
>most fearsome animal on land
outta my way, manlet fucking shits
He left the group and got swoll and returned as “The Murray” after turtle got crushed and put in a wheelchair...
Or am I mixing shit up between 2 and 3?
2 and 3, remember you play as non-wheelchair Bentley in 2, but wheelchair bentley in 3
>largest airborne carnivore looks like a jew
wtf I hate nature now
Oh yeah, I forgot about those. My bad.
Shiiiiiiitt you’re right.
Fuck what DOES happen then?
Fuck it is the trilogy on PS4 I’m fucking replaying these
>there are tons of recorded cases of dolphins rescuing people from shipwrecks or protecting them from predators
based cetacean bros.
well, he does become "The Murray" in 2 and just generally gets more confident after the end of 1, not really any particular reason.
In 3 was when he became a pacifist and studied with the Guru in Australia one of the billion mediocre side characters in 3 that takes away from fun Sly playing time, and you have to recruit him back. He gets violent again after seeing Bentley get hurt (post wheelchair)
Holy shit now that I read it I remember a lot of that now, just had to get it jogged back I guess. I gotta play these again
Did you know that hippos are literally too fat to die? That hippo is at no risk from those lions as they will never reach it's internal organs? All it would have to do is charge and they would get trampled.
I feel like this is more appropriate music
I liked all the new characters except for the guru, it was a little overkill having a team that huge.
muh animals white knights a shit, but whales are dolphins are better frens than humans deserve. They talk to each other and share knowledge and experience all the time, yet still help humans out in a pinch even though faggot fishermen in Asia kill them all the time and Seaworld fucks abduct their children
komodo dragon
I didn't think msot of them were bad as characters, but they were very shallow and gimmicky in terms of game play and like like 1 or 2 missions each, and for all of them I would have rather played as Sly
I kinda feel the same about Bentley/Murray missions though, and I liked that in TiT where the ancestors were the 1 mission characters, most of them were basically Sly with a change or two
>floch being the only survivor
just fuck my shit up
Man even in nature niggers are just stealing shit
The symbiotic relationship between whales and humans are fantastic.
ACHUALLY the lion could kill the hippo if they reached it's neck (less protected) but the lions won't try that as long as the hippo is up and able to bite them. So basically Hippo just gotta get to water before exhaustion sets in.
Dolphin are notorious rapist and there is an untold amount of human who get drowned in dolphin rale caves. Don't trust the (bottle) noses
Sea niggers
i don't get it. they have bows, why don't they just hunt the wildebeests instead of trying to steal it from predators?
Obligatory reminder that hippos are closely related to whales and should be cultivated as a whale substitute by those countries still interested in commercial whaling.
I've admittedly forgot about this game, and it never makes any of my top lists, but that's odd because I really liked them when I was a kid. The swamp area was kinda spooky bro
they are walking all day so bows they use are very light, usually not strong enough to down a wildebeest outright, they poison them and then the wildebeest fucks off in a random direction then they have to track it down, which can take hours. so potential free food is always good
OP is going to become a Sly Cooper fan
Is there a hippo pokemon yet? Seems like a missed opportunity. What a bout an elephant one?
This is some dumb as fuck logic. Holy shit.
Kids put shit in their mouth and eat random things. Chokes to death within minutes if he has an allergy
He has to figure out how it works but cutting a finger won’t kill you. He’ll cry until someone finds out
Hippos are active territorial killers, they don’t stalk
Def > dex
hippopotas and hippowdon
phanpy and donphan
Hippodown. Domphan. Both already done
Yes there are both
What the fuck was that analogy? You are a mouth breather.
fair enough.
umm is this epic or what?
Yiff in hell.
Shut the fuck up incel fuck you, get back to shiddit retard.
Humanity is too strong.
You can play as a hippo in that Madagascar licensed game
that lion that jumps over the hippo is a complete retard.
Are you upset?
>Brain eating bacteria that makes you addicted to woomy wombs
t. hippo
Dolphins are also massive rapists and abuse seals :(
Just because they raped your mom one time doesn't mean they abuse seals, user
t. Dolphin
Everyone abuses seals tbqh. The only thing in the ocean that endures more suffering per capita is sharks.
this they just meat to eat
I'm mad!
Someone should change that Shell logo to a picture of a hippo.
kinda true
only retards will disagree
>Buy pet Emu
>Name him Lator
>Have him trained to play classic video games
Best pet ever right there.