Best Atlus title ever made

>best Atlus title ever made
>locked on dead mobile hardware

Why? Why do they just pass up money by not releasing this on PSN?

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>best Atlus title ever made

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>best Atlus title ever made

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All of these games have soul. P5 feels soulless.

It's weird that you say that when the music and menu animations are oozing with it.

>P5 is soulles-

Attached: Tokyo-Skating.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

I don't mind it being on Vita, I mind it likely never having an offcial release with dual audio.

Yeah it sucks. I've been wanting to play this game for a long time...

I read an article where someone from Atlus said that they were talking among themselves to either port previous persona titles for ps4 or do HD remakes of the games. I really hope they will do it.

Persona 4 Golden is inferior to vanilla Persona 4

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>P5 feels soulless.
no, you're thinking of p3.

Sounds like shit, looks like shit, eat shit and die.

Vita hell.

At Least Disgaea 4 Returns was rescued.

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Great argument.

Have sex.

t. p3 zoomer

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It's pains me that these two games are locked away on Vita and legit shocks me they haven't been ported sooner when more obscure titles have.

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Both f these games were ports in the first place.

I know but the Vita versions improved upon them to the point where I don't want to go back to the original.

shit on 4 all that want, but at least the plot doesn't nosedive into trash like p3 near the end or p5 after kamoshida

Yeah it instead nosedived the second you meet adachi because its obvious who he is.

>OH MAN wonder who Dunn it
>Hey kid, MUUUUUURRRRDERRRR, amirite? Hahahahaha
Are you fucking kidding me? P4s plot is shit

>a bunch of high school faggots skating

Zoomer detected. P5 is the shittiest Persona game, I'm sorry you're too braindead to go back and properly play any of the previous titles.

>best Atlus title ever made
Kill yourself.

>or p5 after kamoshida
>tfw thought this was a meme
>tfw everything after really does feel like shit you shouldn't even be bothering with
I wish they would learn proper narrative structure.

bruh just emulate plus golden version is for babies

>P5 is the shittiest Persona game
Double zoomer detected. Persona 5 isn't great, but it's a leap in quality compared to the garbage Jap Scooby-Doo we got in 4.

What the fucking happened to P5 after Madarame? Futaba's arc was an exception and I liked it but everything else just felt....terrible.

It's even worse when it goes full anime during Shido's arc and the fight against yaldy.

What didn't you like about it/

Persona 4 and Persona 5 would improve tenfold if the bear and cat were removed.

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Akechi sucked. He felt like a red herring but when he wasn't, I couldn't help but just go "oh."
Morgana sucked.
The team just didn't feel like a team. I think they just had too many core members. They're also a bit annoying with their "WE GOT THIS GUYS!!! GOOOO PHANTOM THIEVES!!! XD"
Shido was a disappointing villian. There was no catharsis. I get that's the point. It's still dumb.
Yaldy was forced in. The whole last arc just felt unnecessary.
The "twist" just felt weak, even the whole plan using the metaverse wasn't really that exciting.
It's a problem with me but I couldn't buy Futaba's deus ex machina hacking.

Welcome to every Atlus game post 2014

I agree, but I still wanna fuck Morgana's metaverse form

I had the same complaint with SMT4A. It made sense if you went dagda's route but the bonds route. Stephen just randomly goes "hey uh....can you kids kill YHVH now? Thanks."

Record breaker was good and I had no complaints with the bonus content. It's a enhanced port so I don't know if that counts.

Who let you out of the grave, grandpa? Stop posting and go rest in peace.