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Fable 2’s aesthetics were charming.
>not bowerstone old town
fable 2 was objectively the best fable
Wish you could explore more of Bowerstone, it looked so comfy and way bigger than the two zones plus the graveyard. And there should have been a propr wealthy area not the crappy Fairfax gardens.
I hated 3 so goddamn much. Fable was never great but 1 and 2 were fun to fuck around in on rainy days or if you were sick. 3 didn't even let you do even that
Closest thing you'll get to a Fable 2 PC port is xbone backwards compatability.
Fable 2 is kino
Why was Petey so against menus for Fable 3? Fable 2 was perfect it just needed some improvements than 3 shits on everything with it's HORRIBLE hub pause button shit.
could there ever be fable 2 on pc via that game streaming bullshit
i'm that desperate
>no Winter section of the map
Wasted opportunity. Imagine the comfyness of seeing Bowerlake covered in snow with the kino of Russel Shaw music for Winter.
I picked up 3 again due to nostalgia for the fable series and holy shit why is the game so fucking short I remember it being longer. Wish I could play 2 again
Fable 2 is garbage with less magic variety, enemy variety being bats, wolves and gay pirates and a fucking awful awful AWFUL progression.
Shit I meant to type Fable 3, Fable 2 was actually the last good one.
Possibly, but you would be waiting probably a year or more.
Quickest and cheapest option would be to find an Xbox 360 for less than $50 or something.
>sequels should keep good game mechanics
not an argument
why did m$ ditch fable again?
power stone 2
I don't get it.
Because people were unhappy with what Fable was doing. First it was that shitty Kinect game that disregards everything from the main series, then there was that strange crappy ragdoll game that played okay but it wasn't a Fable game and then there was that up coming but thankfully cancelled moba Dungeon Keeper shit.
Instead of going forward with the industrial revolution shit they could have gone backwards 600 years ago with the fall of the Heroes Guild in the 1600's or go even further back into the Old Kingdom as William Black. Fable didn't have to end the way it did but Lionhead was too arrogant for their own good.
fable is better off remembered with just 1 and 2 anyway
it'll just get worse
Not really, they had so much stuff to work off with yet they keep making new, pointless dogshit that nobody wanted. The entirety of the Old Kingdom is never used except for the Spire in Fable 2.
I think it would have been more interesting to go even farther than the industrial revolution. I think seeing Albion in a 1920's prohibition era would have been cool,
it wasn't a Fable game in the traditional sense, but Fable Legends looked pretty cool
How would it even be anything remotely connected to Fable? No future shit is horrible and the worst direction the series went in.
If I remember correctly the night the Guild burned was 300 years ago from Fable 2 which is in Enlightenment Era of the 1700's, so it'd have been in the 1300's with knights and guns. Pretty cool setting much cooler than industrial revolution shit that was Fable 3.
I hate how the game essentially started with the premise of being a hero or villain and then never bringing out the full potential of the series. 2 was the closest we got but shit like the end really showed they did not think the whole thing through. 3 shat the bed in a lot of elements, and its whole concept of having to make tough decisions to fund the army was shot down by the player being able to fund it themselves easily. Such a wasted potential of a series.
Why'd Lionhead make so much cool shit only to never use it? Like the Old Kingdom as a whole or pic related. These things and the King of Shadows destroyed Oakvale creating Wraithsmarsh yet there's no substance given to them. Instead the third game is about going to sandnigger land and finding the random stupid fucking Crawler that has lines written by a twelve year old emo kid. This would have been a much better plot device.
>How would it even be anything remotely connected to Fable?
exists in the world of albion
locations like bowerstone oakfield etc
the humor and charm remain the same
the art style and gameplay remain the same
Heroes are slowly returning and magic still exists
flintlocks and crossbows are replaced with revolvers and tommy guns
swords are replaced with knives, baseball/cricket bats
Bandits are replaced with Mobsters/Gangsters, Hobbes imitate them
do I have to continue?
>No future shit is horrible and the worst direction the series went in.
So Fable 2 is shit then
>the devs plans for fable 4 was gonna be tryhard edge dark shit with a "serious" story and a female mc
>gets a solid no from ms
>MS was so sick of lionheads shitty decisions from the arcade games to their awful f2p fable that they just wrapped up the dev
sometimes justice works in this world
Go play Mafia if you want your tommyguns and gangster shit.
Fable 2 was a nice symbiotic relationship having equal parts fantasy with technology only being exclusively guns. Fable 3 went way overboard to the point of removing Trolls for some dogshit hammer exposition and nobody else using magic aside you.
>Go play Mafia if you want your tommyguns and gangster shit.
and what about the charm, artstyle, gameplay and magic?
Fable 3 had no fucking magic what makes you think a 1920's setting would have more? And why would I use some piece of shit switxhblade or cricketbat instead of a kickass Samarkand katana a battleaxe or a Cleaver? Fuck off.
That’s what Old Town was for
>inb4 you turned it into Whoreville
Old town bowerstone is far from proper aristocrat neighborhood.
first, Fable 3 did have magic
second, a Katana or Cleaver would also fit well in the 1920's setting, along with hatchets and sledgehammers
Not to mention it could bring back unarmed combat that was lost between 1 and 2
kino game, much better than the smash series.
Fuck off back to your mobile games petey your the one that killed Fable with these shit ideas in the first place.
what? no rebuddle? no counter argument other than "fuck off"
I don't need a counter argument because all your ideas are fucking stupid. Firstly in Fable 3 the only proper magic was used by you only and rare occuring Hobbe encounters. The game was way to overreliant on it's horrible LE WORKERS RISE UP industrial revolution shit. Making it set in the 1920's would lessen it even more making it barely resemble a Fable game other than small namesakes like Bowerstone.
>I don't need a counter argument because all your ideas are fucking stupid.
cause you have brought amazing ideas to the table; repeat Fable 1
>Firstly in Fable 3 the only proper magic was used by you only and rare occurring Hobbe encounters.
So you admit you were wrong. Also all the darkness enemies were magic.
>Making it set in the 1920's would lessen it even more making it barely resemble a Fable game other than small namesakes like Bowerstone.
except if it was all designed by the same people and artists, it would have the same look and feel as the other games in the series, even if it didnt have the same names of past locations.
you have no imagination whatsoever
So is there an actual fable 4 in development or is that bullshit? I've heard some place started but that could just be lies. I'm willing to believe it is lies.
Putting games in semi-modern worlds tends to limit creativity as well. Or it makes large parts make no sense.
>Putting games in semi-modern worlds tends to limit creativity as well.
not when you have a world that already established magic exists and Heroes exist
and monsters exist
If they really wanted a new aesthetic or time period or whatever they could have done some cool biblical setting but with brits instead of jews. Would have been kino and tied into the title "Fable" pretty well.
Which makes no sense in a modern world, not to mention there is an implication that magic in fable 3 is far less potent. You could easily say that either magic is getting weaker over time naturally or industrialization is killing whatever magic energy is around. It also makes no sense to have magic with guns. Not to mention an abundance of guns leads to less melee weapons. We'd get a fable with guns and magic and it wouldn't feel like fable.
>Which makes no sense in a modern world
Harry Potter would disagree with you
>not to mention there is an implication that magic in fable 3 is far less potent. You could easily say that either magic is getting weaker over time naturally or industrialization is killing whatever magic energy is around.
sounds like a great plot, this more modern world is slowly killing magic, so the story involves rediscovering some magic well somewhere in the world and reopening it
> It also makes no sense to have magic with guns.
cause magic cant be imbued into a gun to give it elemental/magic damage to get around armored opponents...
>Not to mention an abundance of guns leads to less melee weapons.
potentially, or its the same ratio of guns and melee weapons as Fable 2, and if it really bothers you so much, make guns more expensive
>We'd get a fable with guns and magic and it wouldn't feel like fable.
what makes Fable feel like Fable is the writing and artstyle. The charm and humor of the series made it distinguished from other RPGs, and the stylized art is very recognizable.
without these 2 factors, fable would be incredibly generic and uninteresting.
>mentioning harry potter
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.
Its not just that. In Fable its a three way mix of ranged, magic and melee. Making one more prominent disrupts that. The story of finding more magic seems interesting but also means you won't have much of it. Its hard to go modern and both keep game mechanics and the way the writing is. It just doesn't seem like an overall good idea.
>stand in the middle of Bowerstone Market at noon
>attempt to rip out a glorious fart but wasn't paying attention to the QTE and miserably shit my pants in public
>some people come over gushing love hearts and commenting 'Ahh... my hero!'
strange game you got there peter
>Making one more prominent disrupts that.
I literally said, have an equal ratio between melee and guns
>or its the same ratio of guns and melee weapons as Fable 2
yes, excuse me for mentioning a franchise that makes your argument of "having magic in the modern world make no sense" irrelevant
Fable is weirdly both shit and great at the same time; maybe I'll do a playthrough in the near future.
All we need to add is a cover based shooting system, and a bunch of chest high walls, and we've got ourselves the next AAA blockbuster.
In a modern setting there is no reason to balance that. Guns are so much more widely available and affordable. At most there'd be knives and only knives. A modern setting does not make it more interesting either. Cause then we get automobiles and it may as well just be GTA with some magic involved.
Harry Potter "magic" is fucking gay and cringy just like you. Just neck yourself for having such shit taste.
>Guns are so much more widely available and affordable
you don't think thats the same case with Bows or Crossbows? they wouldnt be more widely available and affordable compared to swords?
>At most there'd be knives and only knives.
Knives, Unarmed combat, Cleavers, Bats, Sledgehammers, Hatchets, you can make the argument of Katanas using the Yakuza as a comparison.
>Cause then we get automobiles and it may as well just be GTA with some magic involved.
these would be early early automobiles, and also, regardless, Fable 2 had stage coaches that only acted as a means of fast travel. literally can just do the same thing
Kill yourself Cuck Potter nigger.
Drop modern and say ancient technology. That's nothing groundbreaking or original but it doesn't have to be. As long as its fun. Also bows and shit are also only so useful. A gun shoots faster than a bow with more shots per reload. If a bow can make a sword obsolete a modern gun can make both of them. You can introduce higher tech things but making it modern is the worst way to do it.
I just want the comfy fantasy of Fable brought back fighting giant Wasp queens and Krakens not this autistic industrial revolution shit.
Its only autistic because of how gutted the game was. Two ranged and melee weapon types. Annoying hub area menu, no health bar or anything. It's not like it controlled smoother for combat either. Also it wasn't an industrial revolution it was an industrial period where a political revolution was taking place. Still though. I don't know if the industry part was necessary.