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didn't know there was a third maximum impact game.
Impeccable taste
Regulation A. Its basically the Arcade version of Maximum Impact 2. However, because its arcade only, its kind of different from Maximum Impact 2. Its also very, very good. On to of the MI 2 roster, it has some new characters, including Ash, and Duo Lon's sister, Xiao Lon. The MI series was not very good, but Regulation A was pretty damn decent
Fuck off with your gay reddit edit fag. Here's the real template
>Ever being remotely decent.
Its a mixed opinion kind of thing. The music and art was shit, but I had at least one friend who liked the game the most. He liked the option of going with one overpowered character with three strikers,, three-man team with one strikers, two fighters with strikers, or having a four man team with no strikers. Its a similar mechanic in Skullgirls. Also, 2001 introduced Angel. 2001 is he black sheep for many people in the KoF family, but I consider the Maximum Impact series to be worse culprits.
Sure, I'll bite OP. Here's an obligatory one~
Anything starting with RA2 isn't C&C but sure.
>m-muh formula!
C&C Warcraft.
I'll argue that Tiberium Wars is the last and closest thing we have to classic C&C, due to the similar UI and lore. I agree that C&C Generals is practically C&C Warcraft. Red Alert 3 was too radically different, and 4, well, fuck 4.
I don't play Tekken competitively, so that'd explain most of my reactions.
It doesn't matter if RA3 is different from RA2 gameplay-wise or even thematically.
The "but it has to be a Westwood RTS following the formula!" doesn't hold water as Renegade (and the two cancelled ones) would magically stop being C&C. Which means the only way something can truly be a C&C game is if the game's setting is the setting of the first game.
Kane only exists in RA1 but the Tiber river remains a river anyway. So while at least arguable I don't consider it a C&C game. Is it a spin-off loosely based on C&C, though? Absolutely.
Generals is a separate thing entirely. Not to mention that it's wholly an EA thing, Westwood was essentially a hollow carcass by then.
you have to post controversial pics if you want the thread to survive
oc memepost
xenoblade one is better then x
You taste is fucking miserable.
I'd give 3 the same face as 1 but otherwise this is how I'd rank them. I really hope the WiiU failing, alongside the shitty response Hey! Pikmin got doesn't doom the series.
why? Im right
Everything after 64 was "meh" at best? Except of course the rehashed sidescrolling shit? Fuck off boomer.
no, only the brainless waggle ones in space and 3D land being bland
I stole yours and edited it to make my own.
sonic colors was good, but youre spot on for SA2
>3D blast
Unironically, too. It has one of the top 5 soundtracks in the series and it brings over the momentum of the 2D games into the 3D(ish) style better than any of the actually 3D games.
I stand by the idea that if this game were given more time and made a Saturn exclusive, it would've been an incredible jump to 3D.
Nice. Here's mine.
Stolen and remastered
>"but it has to be a Westwood RTS following the formula!" doesn't hold water as Renegade (and the two cancelled ones) would magically stop being C&C
I would argue that. Renegade felt needless to me, and more like EA trying to cash in on the C&C franchise with an FPS. That it ended up good was incidental, but its still not an RTS.
>the red alert series is a spin-ff loosely based on C&C
Fair enough. Its an interesting opinion with some validity, even if I disagree with it.
01 is fun as a kusoge.
I should play Simcity 2000 again. Also Simcity 4