How will developers continue to carve out content in favor of greater margins?
How will developers continue to carve out content in favor of greater margins?
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Explain this image
new chairs for planes
Future plane seat designs to make more room. Supposedly it's enough to be passable.
Fucking chinks
The chinese sacrifice humanity to save a dollar.
>be taller than 5'2" asian man
>don't fit on plane
What about fat americans?
How many humans can we legally put on a plane as close together as possible
>Make billions
>Make everything shittier for everyone just to make a few extra millions
Why do companies do this? I've noticed it in videogames first and foremost. Don't they realize that providing a worse product will eventually drive away more customers in the long run?
Goddamnit, plane seats are bad enough as it is.
Lots of people NEED to fly, so you're screwed if you do.
I get the idea and it's neat but how does this work for children under the age of 4.
Because MURICANs stopped selling a better product and began cheapening everything to make more money for the investors.
Pure unmitigated greed.
For companies, if you are not making more money that last financial year, then you are a company in decline
Companies are driven by their stock prices and stock holders
All stock holders ever see is profits, and profit increases over previous quarters looks very good to potential investors, while on the flip side stock decreases can cause people to flee from your stock in droves because it "going down."
Most big businesses are being held by the balls by their investors and investment committees.
Because they have to compete with chinks who had done this for years. Don't try to blame murica
Ah yes, to go to my uni I will instead take multiple international trains which will take me some exciting 5 days (being optimist) instead of a direct flight that would take me 3,5 hours through europe, thanks retarded user!
>makes it shitter
listen this doesn't sound bad at all. imagine trying to book a flight on a day you need to fly but all planes headed to your destination is booked because limited seats. this could also mean cheaper tickets i mean who knows it's not they're touting this as first class or some shit
also noticed in videogames first? bruh we could start with fast food.
thats goddamn nightmarish, maybe if it were for short distance bus rides but imagining having to fucking stand for a 8+ hour flight sounds like a genuine hell
I for one welcome our new chinese overlords
Bro just buy more planes
Well when you put it like that...
you mean airline slots?
Of course a fucking chink develops a smaller airplane seat. only they could find a way to cramp more of those insectoids into a small space.
you lean over and smell her hair while your boner is close enough to touch the butt of her seat
Since this is an off topic thread, how the fuck are we going to fly once we run out of oil? Eventually it's going to happen and Jet engines use an astronomical amount of fuel. I can't imagine electric batteries are up to it yet.
>people think it's chinks
It's RyanAir, aka the most scummy ass jewish airplane company in the world.
When you take a plane ride, it'll be a fat guy that barely fits in his seat sitting in front of you. You'll be able to reek his greasy hair and his smelly rear.
chinese designed
complete economic and societal collapse is what
I know, but let me dream
Thank you jesus
And china now has the resources to do that because the US had been fueling that same industry for just as long in pursuit of cheaper products. Its a self made problem that some suit bankrolled many many years ago.
>Don't try to blame murica
America is the reason why this is happening in the first place. Short-sighted greed is what created this and the world today.
>in the event of a water landing super econ passengers will be used as flotation device for others
Late stage capitalism
exept it doesn't. look at young gamers and these bugmen and basedboys. they eat it all up.
Who do you think is trying to push the blame?
>Armrests literally can't even be used at the angle you're "sitting"
>zero room for you to even hold a goddamn book to read, let alone a laptop/tablet to play a movie on unless you hold it above the next persons head
I would pay extra to get the already shitty existing seats than this chink bullshit
this is a test...
>“cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle.”
By the time the human race actually does reach a point where we run out of oil-based fuel, we will likely have reached a point where most vehicles can use something other than oil
You tried.
>don't they realize?
Funny thing about consumers, they're fucking stupid sheep that will do whatever you tell them to 99% of the time. You have to royally fuck up in ways that you can't even imagine until you've already fucked up to actually drive you consumers away from you.
china hasn't been traditionally communist in years.
China is full on late stage capitalism (aka corporatism), you fucking retard.
They'll start off for the beginning years offering ticket prices at signficantly reduced cost, which will entice some people. "Hey I can stand to ride 4-5 hours in a plane with a dildo up my ass if I can save $500"
Then overtime they will gradually increase prices back up to where they were with normal seats after they have been accepted as the norm.
>Fallout 76
How did these two fuck up so royally?
>that image
As someone who's on a 16 hour flight recently, it's pure nightmare fuel.
>children can no longer fly
im ok with this
extremes of both ends is bad (full socialism and full capitalism)
wouldn't mind standing if they are in like supersonic jets
at least we germans did it right. we implemented the worst things of both worlds in our system.
and we let woman lead our country.
>i-it's not REAL communism!
>communists run the government, but it's really capitalists!
And you call me a fucking retard...
A mix of Hubris/laziness. They fully believed that the games would sell no matter what, so they put in as little effort as they could, and pumped them full of microtransactions because even in shitty games there will always be a whale.
They won't be, supersonic jets will never be back because they cost too much to operate. Thanks Jews
So then I guess North Korea is a "democratic republic" since it says so on the tin?
Does that thick fucking monkey skull of yours ever produce a coherent thought, you simpleminded fuck?
>While much of the world remains fixated on the competition to build autonomous cars, there’s another race that’s gaining momentum fast. It centers on supersonic jets that can fly faster than the speed of sound, or 767 miles per hour
>The last of these, and seemingly the most audacious, is Hermeus, a year-old, Atlanta-based startup that wants to build planes capable of getting from New York to London in 90 minutes
sounds like a scam but i mean elon wants super quick travel too
just like china to design something like that. jessu christ
>can't refute the argument, so I'll attack the messenger
Ah, so China is North Korea then? You're only making yourself look like a fool trying to draw comparisons like that.
>what is state capitalism
Greed is one of the deadly sins for a reason
That back rest looks super uncomfortable.
The point at which the world runs out of oil is far enough in the future nobody has a serious chance at predicting what it will look like.
i'm 6'1 and most transport seats are extremely uncomfortable for me, especially airplanes. for all the shitposting about manlets it is much more practical to be shorter IMO.
It'll never take off due to the sound alone.
>sure I can get from new york to london in 90 minutes but the noise is driving down my property value :(
>we must ban this
What a bunch of fucking geniuses.
If you're going to go that little room per person, just make individual stacked bunks.
Yes newfag, you're "do I fit in yet?" memes are filtered.
Well I do love national SOCIALISM, Hitler was marxist after all.
>because they cost too much to operate.
what. i thought it was because the concord incident
>*Speeds up once out on the open ocean in the middle of nowhere*
This doesn't sound so bad at all
inb4 pulmonary embolism
The earth would sincerely be a better place if we killed every single person that has ever owned shares/invested in a company.
when the human race reaches the point where oil is no longer viable THEN we'll start discussing alternatives. We'll ride oil into the ground as long as there's a buck to be made on it.
The declining formality of air travel is following a very similar pattern to railway travel. There's nothing new about this and it is not indicative of an impending end/collapse of capitalism.
If it's for quick trip i'm fine. I take a 30 min bus trip everyday and I stand all the time, so who cares?
We're probably not going to live to that point, but we will probably live to the point where planes become a luxury for only the very wealthy, like going on a spaceflight/spacewalk today, and the rest of us are stuck on shitty boats for our international travel needs.
god, i would love to smell her stinkhole
>t. retarded redneck
Holy shit imagine being as stupid as this guy
Even the people developing those chairs know they are uncomfortable as fuck, they are concepts meant for short, under an hour flights. But even so fuck that shit.
This is literally the thought process of communists you dumb cunt. There are plenty of people who invest in to good companies, and you'd kill them because you can't come to terms with your position in the hierarchy.
You don't understand. Governments of the world print money and dilute their currency. Money buys less and less, but costs continue to rise and people are paid less. This is exactly why games have day one dlc and addons galore and why airlines have been struggling to turn a profit since the begining of time.
>no smoking
>no reclining seats
>no legroom
man i'd use IT with dildo and mouthpiece instead if it was real
>dumb cunt
like pottery
Does that include 401ks and IRAs?
Because you're killing 80% of the western world then.
teleportation travel when?
will you use them even after knowing the teletransportation paradox?
I stand by the opinion that if you want to red pill the shit out of anyone, have them take economics 101 and have them realize what an absolute sham the would is built on.
Airlines cant survive if they dont make money. A year or two with losses? Youre fucking dead. Just look at how many airlines have filed for bankruptcy after 9/11
why dont they just put seats on the ceiling to double the amount of space
what a bunch of stupid nigger kikes
It actually is. But Norks only get to vote for a single person, forcefully.
I'm guessing some kind of mix between loot boxes and the Orange Box. pay for random games, you know. Like a souped up version of what monthly humble bundle and games with gold do.
>Gaetano Perugini, engineering adviser at Aviointeriors, is keen to stress that the concept's not about creating "cattle class" and cramming in as many passengers in as possible.
it's just capitalism. not some spook nationality or ethnicity you can pass the buck to, but the system you worship.
The concord used to speed up as soon as it hit the water/land line by the beach and it was the loudest thing ever.
>forgetting the walls
Way to prove you're a brainlet.
There is no paradox. We don't even exist.
Never because people are idiots and teleporter fuckups would be horrific if you didn't just blip out of existence.
Also no because fuck that.
been done before
if something like this ever gets made governments will use it for infinite clone armies and infinite clone labor long before you get to use it for civilian teleportation
Probably doesn't meet safety regulations.
Its a clown world out there.
>keen to stress that the concept's not about creating "cattle class" and cramming in as many passengers in as possible
Why even bother with this bullshit, honestly. Nobody believes it, we all know whats going on.
>we should kill all the competent people
I can't squat for 30 minutes.
At that point they might as well stack the passengers like tetris pieces or chain them to the floor like a slave ship.
They're competent at an artificial practice that wouldn't have any value to the real world if they hadn't forced it to be so through improper application of pre-existing power and influence.
i have prostate problems when i fly that causes me to get a very hard and sensitive erection, these seats look like they really put pressure there. What am i to do if i get those mid flight erections?
they simply do not care about 'the long run'. that is someone else's problem.
>teleporter fuck ups
>walk into teleporter
>end up with your body stretched over mailbox like a bloody meat puppet because the minimum wageslave operating it typed in a 0.113 instead of 0.118.
Can you provide other examples of goods or services that have transitioned from commonplace and affordable to exclusively a luxury good? Best I can think of is caviar, which was a result of overfishing, and as a natural resource isn't really comparable to a man-made service like air travel.
I literally couldn't fit there because of how long my legs are
State owned capitalism is not Marxist-Leninism. There's a reason why those leftists in your residential college hate it because China treats their factory workers and farmers like cattle.
I'd rather not be ass backwards.
user, the problem isn't us running out of fuel. Realistically the earth will quite literally NEVER run out of fuel. The problem is running out of fuel where we can dig for it.
Put it this way, think of an aquifer supplying millions of americans.
Every american could literally leave their water supplies, Hoses, Sinks, Bathtubs, Toilets, ect. running for 50 years, and we wouldn't even make a sizable dent in said aquifer.
The problem comes from the reserves we have. American, compared to countries like Saudi Arabia has very little oil reserves, enough to fuel american's for hundreds of years. But Saudi Arabia has enough oil to fuel americans for thousands of years.
The main problem comes from the fact that theres a LARGE amount of oil in these unstable middle eastern countries, so of course we need to make it so "terrorist organization #49384" can't waltz in and stop our oil supplies, or tax us a fuckton.
At this point it's a lot easier to go find renewable resources like Solar, Nuclear, and Wind power then it is to dig deeper and deeper for more fossil fuels. Hell, going to Mars would be easier then having to dig down into the Mantle of earth to find more fuels. Thats why we haven't done it yet.
Never, because you would be killing yourself and then copying yourself over to another pod.
People keep going for the cheapest shit, thinking "surely I only need the minimum"
Companies see this and keep reducing the "minmum" to lower the price
tbqh we should be using more nuclear energy for shit
Tuck it into your waist band mate. Like no shit, there's a damn good chance that you've talked to a man with a full blown erection multiple times in your life and you never knew it.
im sure the flight attendants can help you with that
>muh chernobyl
super efficient batteries supercharged from nuclear power plants
>Compete with chinks on domestic flights
The last stage before we start sedating people for their flight.
>that channel
>professionally done videos with no comments, no views, constant output, all politics
what the fuck user.
China remake the definition of "Coach Class" air travel.
>oey vey goyim we are only doing what you want us to do
take your corporate dystopian "its the people's fault" bullshit and fuck off. Here's what you sound like:
>we cut our crack cocaine with rat poison because thats what the consumer wants, its not because we are scum bag drug dealers trying to make more money. trust us, people wouldnt buy it if they didnt want to inhale rat poison and we have no economic incentive to lie about this.
Exactly what "improper application of pre-existing power and influence"?
>wouldn't have any value to the real world
If someone is making money in a free market it's because people are choosing to pay them. Whether or not you believe their work provides value doesn't matter one bit, you don't get to decide how other people spend their money. If your issue is with fiat currency in general you might have a point, but then I fail to see the relation to owning shares/investing in companies.
>these seats will cost the same as current coach class seat even after adjusting for inflation
You just know it since the air travel business all work together.
The art is towing the middle line for the biggest profit, then hightailing it with your liquid profits when the entire industry is plundered, permanently or temporarily.
I think everyone learns this in introductory macroeconomics. Supply and demand, etc.
>Ah, so China is North Korea then? You're only making yourself look like a fool trying to draw comparisons like that.
Are you retarded or do you just lack reading comprehenison?
Looks comfy
>Ethnic Europeans cram Africans in boats and sail them to America
>Ethnic Europeans cram themselves into planes and the sons of Africans fly them from America
whoa, deep
I wonder if that guy would fly in these seats or would he always be in first class? It's a mystery
>I would pay extra to get the already shitty existing seats than this chink bullshit
That's exactly their plan
Thanks overpopulation
user thats a whole floor
it's a trade association. There are lots of channels like it.
share with someone on your sides
this design was pretty cool, part of the wings are passenger space with a cool scenic window
it's perfect for Yea Forums
See but economically people will be driven to switch fuels at some point. If it becomes cheaper to fly/drive/power things with other sources, people move to that to save money, which in turn means oil is less demanded and the price goes down, and then gets used again, until eventually we actually do run out. There definitely is still a point in the future with more oil use at any given moment than now, but eventually it changes through the forces of capitalism.
>not some spook nationality or ethnicity you can pass the buck
I disagree, the chinese invent things like that because their humanity was taken under communism.
They're slowly recovering from it, But it may take a while longer.
Because corporations are designed to favor short-term profits over long-term sustainability.
You'd really need some major changes in the law to fix it, but almost everyone in government is paid off.
you can make fuel out of the air, but it costs around 7$ a gallon.
didn't the prestige teach you anything?
how does the seatbelt work?
It doesn't require any changes to the law, short-term view is simply a consequence of a company being publicly traded. Any privately held company is free to plan for the long term to their heart's content, and many successful companies do just that.
When can we have electric planes?
>Clearly all this is a secret plot by corporations
>Those cheaps seats are totally unrelated to the MASSIVE market demand for low cost flights
I mean do they honestly believe that the airline seats we have right now are ok enough to downgrade it?
the logical conclusion of communism, hierarchy is inevitable to the disappointment of all leftists.
At that fucking point why not just remove chairs and just lump people together like a fucking indian train
>ah yes, let's levy the cause onto the consumer!
>clearly the consumer is at fault for our price gouging market
>we could put cyanide in the food supply if the consumers still keep buying it!
>damn government regulations keeping the free market safe from the gullible!
I dont understand why people care about shit like this
Who cares if your uncomferable for a few hours
Last plane ride i had with layover was 29 hours. It sucks but if you cant be uncomfortable for a day in your life your probably fat as shit
I've never understood why champagne communists think it'll ever work. You'll never bring about the revolution without organized force, and to do that you need state power. And the moment you have state power is when you have hierarchies again, and all it takes is one guy to be able to game the system and use the infrastructure being used to re-organize society to make it a totalitarian dictatorship.
As long as it doesn't make ALL THE MONEY it's not enough.
You are fucking retarded
>And the moment you have state power is when you have hierarchies again, and all it takes is one guy to be able to game the system and use the infrastructure being used to re-organize society to make it a totalitarian dictatorship.
Umm sweaty? That wasn't real communism.
Sedating is too comfortable user. We're trying to make you HATE flying, not enjoy it
caption this image:
>can you believe this shit?
>Price gouging
What's happening in the OP is the opposite of price gouging you stupid nigger
Nobody is forcing you to board those shit tier flights, the people are WILLINGLY going for them because they're only interested in a low price
Go be a retarded tankie somewhere else
I miss 747's. You hardly see them used anymore and they used to be so comfy tier
logically doesn't a social credit system (maybe not designed by communists though) make sense to balance it out?
this shit looks like it was taken straight from an amusement park roller coaster
Are you fucking retarded? The chinks are utilizing capitalism to its fullest, are you saying capitalism is inherently inhuman?
a system built out of inherent value on increasing growth, if you're not exceeding projections every year, you're considered floundering. It's the same reason that population decline is a terrifying prospect, systems built on exponential growth require a constantly growing consumer base.
If you're made 5 million quarterly last year, investors will bail if you're not making at least 7 quarterly, and will hound you to gut and cost cut everything for short term returns in the meantime. It makes you wonder how long such a system can last, and I'm terrified of the day it all fails
That's the thing though, every single attempt at communism has resulted in the exact same thing. Intentions are irrelevant if those intention produce the same undesirable outcome again and again.
I think you just described EpicGames
besides just the typical reasons of corporate greed and such, the big problem is shareholders. All they care about is infinite growth. It's not good enough that your multi-billion dollar company provides a consistent product/service with stable profits. Nope, they bought those shares in the hopes of making bank off them later. They need you to keep hiking the profits higher and higher and higher.
They never had humanity in the first place.
>If airlines introduce smaller seats then there will be more spare seats.
Nope. They will make seats smaller, then withdraw any surplus planes to make sure all the flights reasonably fill.
>blaming the Jews for your small penis
Just think about this:
Shareholders need to just be happy to make moneys off the residuals and realize that stock has other purposes to exist other than just "I can sell this for a quick buck in the short term"
Get dabbed on lanklets.
>this could also mean cheaper tickets
It won't and you know it. Just like how game companies stripping out content to sell back to you as DLC, or multiplayer passes, or lootboxes, and other skinnerbox bullshit didn't stop them from hiking proces up from 50 to 60 dollars alongside these other schemes.
They will simply do everything they can to extract more money from the consumer. All the while feeding people bullshit about how it's for their own good that they cough up more and more and suffer with even more gimped game experiences.
God I wish I could've flown on one of those.
>It won't and you know it
>first class
there you go. cheap seats
This, but even worse. They'll slowly raise the prices of the gimped seats up until they're back to normal price. And meanwhile seating that is still using the current normal standard will be rebranded as first class and you'll be charged luxury prices for that.
>sonic booms over your house
Except the price scale will just shift everything up while simultaneously making you believe you're getting a bargain with your wage cage seating.
>It won't and you know it.
It's exactly what has happened in the last 20 years tho
The avg flight ticket price plummeted while the low-cost airlines made bank
>State owned capitalism is not Marxist-Leninism.
It's a good thing they were never Marxist-Leninist then, but rather Maoist.
>price scale will just shift
well no shit retard that's supply and demand working. you will in FACT get a cheaper deal with something shittier than economy seats. you need to stop comparing with the video game industry where the price of a full game has been fixed since the launch of 360.
The only reason we get circumcised is because jews love anything that's 10% off
>still blaming the Jews for your small penis
It's tolerate you nigger since no other system is tolerable.
When people remember that nuclear energy was discovered
Breakdown OF capitalism, not the expansions soon of it. We are turning back to feudalism
okay, but competitors though
oligopolies and trust/trade agreements withheld
Make a new product? Build upon your already interested consumer base and add reputation to your name brand?
Why are people screeching about China when the company making this is European?
>capitalism is inherently inhuman
well yes
>humans trading goods and services with each other is inherently inhuman.
>China treats their factory workers and farmers like cattle.
A classic symptom of communism.
They can probabaly cite some medical mumbo jumbo about how sitting too long can kill you and this is both "comfortable" and viable to better living. Just you watch.
>Governments of the world print money and dilute their currency.
Printing more money makes up a low percentage of the causes of inflation. The vast majority of inflation and money losing value comes from the banks who pull billions a year out of thin air with loans creating money that doesn't exist.
time to do some reading maybe?
You'll get cheaper tickets. You can still fly business class.
The coolest fictional airliner will always be Fireflash.
Is that kbbq?
Done and dusted, it's still the least worst.
Will unironically take that class if its 30-50% cheaper.
ayo look at this stupit nigga
God damn the original Thunderbirds had some fucking awesome models for vehicles, and not just the Thunderbirds themselves. The Fireflash, the Sidewinder, USN Sentinel. I fucking miss Thunderbirds.
I can't believe you people are trying to have a serious discussion about those seats. They'll never fucking fly, no pun intended. Here's why.
>people packed together that closely
>plane crash
>insurance nightmare
>liability nightmare
>lawsuit nightmare
>PR nightmare
>investor nightmare
I know before 9/11, the idea of things being the way they currently are with airline travel was completely unthinkable, but jesus christ. I can't imagine any corporate big wig seeing the ensuing legal and PR nightmare that will come about with those seats when the shit hits the fan. And it will hit the fan. It's unavoidable and those seats are just a fucking time bomb waiting to go off.
Because op intentionally chose a picture with an Asian looking guy for his narrative. The hive mind fell for it
MBAs are not human
This is fucking horrible. I'd rather be strapped to a wall for 16 hours than "sit" in one of those seats. Fuck chinks and fuck retarded shareholders. Fuck
Based, now fat people will have to lose weight or never travel easy again. Win win
I don't get it. If you want to stack people together in an airplane, why not go with the bunk bed / hostel model? You'll take up as much space, yet everyone is more comfortable.
Look at this retard. Look at this retard and laugh.
wouldn't they need to be buckled in? It is a plane after all
I'm still mad I'm not living in the Thunderbirds future. I want to ride in a fucking Helijet, God damn it. are short
This is the truth right here. Over the last two years there's been a spike in people getting injured on flights due to turbulence and scientists can't figure out why. Servere turbulence just seems to affecting more flights. And seating like this will only lead to more people getting injured, with the airlines liable for any injuries caused by their bus-style seats.
I remember hearing about airlines thinking about doing this style of seating when I was a kid over a decade ago. It didn't happen then. I can't see why it would happen now. I think last time RyanAir was trying to push it hardest. And of course they would be the ones to try it, they'd charge you for the recycled oxygen on board by the minute if it wasn't illegal.
what the fuck are the seat cushions angled upwards and theres a fucking backboard piece of shit right at the top the seat backing.
The angling of the seat cushion and the backrest is less than 90 fucking degrees
this is inhumane
Mate, if we run out of oil flying will be the least of our problems.
>scientists can't figure out why
But they did figure out why. It's called global warming. Storms are getting bigger and more powerful. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to get a whole lot worse, long before we find a way to improve it. Enjoy airline travel while you can, if you can. Soon you won't be able to take to the skies at all anymore.
Greed has no end goal, such cancers on the human race just want more, then more, and more, still more, and even more, etc.
Nuclear fusion planes
Just imagine the next 9/11
Whatever happens I'm praying to be long dead by the time everything comes tumbling down.
Remember that episode of Rocko's Modern Life where he shoves the annoying child into the overhead compartment?
It technically is because they still have an election.
MIT is doing work on Ionic flight. The problem with it is that this technology is really still in it's infancy, and the amount of thrust is produces is absolutely tiny right now, so it's a long way off commercial viability.
In all seriousness if the oil runs out it's probably spelling some real dark times for us, our world is literally built on the stuff.
Shareholders just need Pinochet's free helicopter rides.
Replace that with a dildo and I'm on board
You can save money instead of building new planes by just rotating the jet engines 90 degrees and have the plane fly horizontally.
Yes, I'm sure your patrons will love half-standing for an hour or two during a flight or other mass transit.
They're sure to be repeat customers.
It’s a company literally doing it’s legally required fiduciary duty. That goes for executives guiding the company, and employees creating value to a company. The only time you see a company in it’s most altruistic sense is max 2-3 years during a goldylocks period of their first game, or until novel methods of monetization present themselves(mtx)
Is this the 1950's?
Why not just compress the passenger into a 2.5D form and then decompress them once the flight is over.
not even close to running out of oil. America and Canada is essentially energy independent.
Wouldn't a hanging harness like in spaceships be small AND cheaper?
They only care about immediate ROI, or seriously think the market is going to adapt to their forecasts. That and a lot of the people pushing these idiotic decisions can bail and still find cushy jobs, despite being the reason for things falling apart.
How about depressuarizing the cabin for most of the trip so you'd stay uncocious the whole time and not give a hoot about posture? And have a disclaimer that they won't be held resposnsible if your wallet gets raided during the trip.
>Save on in flight movies
>Save on food
>Save on toilet breaks
I dont understand how people do this. My dick wont even go at that angle if it's hard enough.
>tfw you curve down and waistband tucking hurts to you try to tuck like a mangina but its a fucking erection so it goes back up so you cant do shit except deal with it
Why not have it like an avarage japanese persons flat and make it a little cubbard you slip into for the rest of the 15 hour flight.
Boom you now have so much space by flying everyone vertically.
Why don't they just open the doors and throw all of the passengers and their bags out of the plane mid flight? All of the benefits you posted, plus
>No need to wait for passengers to disembark
>No need to wait for baggage trains
>No long queues at passport control
>Quicker turnaround time for the airline
It just makes sense when you think about it
Are you fucking retarded? China's government arent communists, they're billionaire CEO's and the offspring of revolutionaries (who are also billionaires and don't give a fuck about communism). Read a fucking book, nigger.
this doesnt look easy to certify. imagine having to get that tuna can to evacuate in under 90 sec
are these fucks serious? no one is going to sit on a plane chair that looks like its made for a 1 minute rollercoaster ride.
there are a lot of flights that only take 30 minutes to an hour in China. if it's very cheap, people will go nuts for this.
who will you run to when they have a monopoly? anyone who does well enough will be taken over by the bigger guys out of fear of competition
Where did it all go so wrong?
You put them in the overhead compartment in China
lets not kid ourselves
those buckles aren't going to do shit if the plane crashes
at best it'll just make it easier to find your corpse
ideally monopolies tend to fail on their own because by design they're wasteful and bloated and can't compete with a smaller company that has a fraction of the overhead cost
but only if there's no government intervention to prop up the monopoly like america loves doing
Granted, I’m a big piece of shit, but I can barely fit in their seats now. I’ve dealt with it before by paying for extra leg room seats, but last time I flew Ryan air the seat wasn’t just narrow, they were also separated by metal dividers to keep people from spilling over, which meant no wiggle room at all. I had purposely bought an isle seat thinking I could lean out a bit so I wouldn’t bother whomever was sitting next to me, but it was impossible.
Never flying Ryan Air again.
Bullying Americans.
Might as well just have handrails and tell people to hang on tight. Somehow that seems more humane than this retarded seat.
Actually the seat belts are mostly to keep people from moving around the plane when there is a risk of falling and hurting yourself. They are there to prevent the airline from being sued over someone breaking their neck while on the toilet in the middle of a landing or something like that.
If airlines are so desperate for money; Im sure there are plenty of people willing to pay for childless cabins or even entire flights.
The underlying assumption being what? That if YOU were in charge it would have been real socialism. Just let me know how that goes when every cynical nihilistic fuck you raised to power is looking to murder you and take your place. I doubt it would go very well for you.
I genuinely wonder why that hasn't been implemented by any major airline yet, even just as an experimental thing. Is there some legal discrimination bullshit, are they seriously afraid of the difference in revenue, or is it a PR matter?
I work for American Airlines. All I can say is that statistically speaking, the number one consideration people make when choosing what airline to fly is price followed shortly by routes. People love to bitch and moan about everything else like seat size, baggage policy, and service but at the end of the day, judging from statistics, people are willing to be treated like cattle if they get the best price. We were losing so much market share to cutrate airlines like Spirit and Allegiant that we began our Basic Economy fare, and believe me it's popular. Easily one fourth to one third of each flight seems to be Basic Economy these days. As long as this trend continues, you will continue to see things like these inhuman seats coming out. My advice? Put your foot down, stop being a cheapass, and don't buy tickets for seats like these. The market is consumer driven. If there was no market for things like this, we wouldn't be looking into it... not that I am aware of any plans to install seats like these in anything we have. We better fucking not, don't forget I have to fly too.
When you do flights from Florida do the planes have trouble getting lift?
>use public telepod to meet family
>arrive in unfamiliar, dank basement
>dozens of instances of you are chained to the walls, each one severely mangled, either dead or near death
>turns out some telepod maintenance guy snagged your body scan after your transportation and is now using it on a jailbroken home telepod to create clones of you
>get mangled and chained to the wall to die
>watch yourself arrive dozens more times through the telepod, each time just as shocked and confused, each time mangled by your captor in a new way
Sure I'll give it a try
Reminds me of the Tron arcade booth. Try being a 10-year old kid trying to climb your butt into a micro hump while leaning straight forward trying to play this game.
>Make everything shittier for everyone just to make a few extra millions
every isolated thing they do makes a few millions more, and if they make a whole lot of things shittier, they make a whole lot of few extra millions more.
"pecunia non olet", except all these little things stink massively, each on their own.
> the long run
is irrelevant when the the people in charge can make a killing in the very short time of their tenure, then jump ship to the next company pining for a stock price explosion.
every one of their stints sets them for life, and there are enough opportunities to go somewhere else and do it again for them to care.
tldr: fuck you, got mine.
Why do you think people shouldn't be upset at this? You even agreed it would suck more. You are aware people can care about more than one thing at time, right?
This post and people talking about how shitty investors are made me remember the investor meeting nintendo had where they talked about video games and one of their members got mad and said something like "excuse me, can we stop talking about video games and start talking about how you're going to make me money?"
but then it sticks out the top and agitating it only makes me harder
>Sorry, sir, but you exceed the BMI limitations for coach. I'm going to have to bump you up to first-class.
The future is coming, healthyfags.
I feel anxious just by looking at this.
wtf is this commie thread?
why is everyone crying about glorious capitalism?
>all leftists believe what I want them to believe because that makes them easier to discount
The vast majority of actual people on the left know this shit and instead want an ordered, powerful and democratic government which runs leftist policies. Just because you pretend that everyone is the dozen retards screaming for the revolution on your college campus doesn't make it a fact.
That's not how it goes. If somebody has a monopoly they will kill all the smaller companies thay prop up and then just name their own price.
shave them, wear thigh highs and post them here and I'll see what I can do.
Imagine that 7 or 8 hour flight as you have to stand? Also won't the file be more as there are more people and luggage on board. Would be funny if planes had people standing out side hang on to the plane like Indians
Modern business folks operate under the assumption that maximizing short-term gains will ultimately result in eternal long-term gains. They're wrong of course, but this has never stopped them before.
>dont mind me, just enjoying my this new based plane seat.
Shouldn't airlines, of all things, be a government regulated thing?
>he thinks people will have a choice
At the end of the day people need to travel in modern society. You will sit in these new seats and you'll have no choice.
50/50 shot. It's always one or both.
I bet this would legit be more comfy than those "chairs" the chinese want to use
I dunno, there is a "silent" cabin in our top of the line trains, but those basically belong to the government, so they probably can afford to make it a little more enjoyable for the people.
not a nigger or spic in sight. Gee user I wonder.
Nothing more that greed. Sustaining the current rate of profit or improving it.
Look at Gamefreak, they could stand to lose some money to improve the quality of their games but why would they?
>hurr durr furufufrh durr
They're there for turbulance, dipshits.
Except a big chunk of the tickets are bought by someone else, if it's business related. It's fucked, the moment they start testing the waters with something like that, someone WILL push it ahead.
what if it holds you up with a cold metal dildo.
according to these people the definition of comfort is the lack of discomfort. they keep nudging to get you as close to that line without going over it to save as much money as possible
You have to realize there is a sea of absolute fucking morons online now who despite branding themselves as the "facts and logic" crew they genuinely believe that someone criticizing capitalist decisions that are clearly terrible for the public and the environment and look like concept art from a hell future means they're a fat tranny communist who is calling for violent revolution. And it's exactly this kind of idiocy that is going to allow shitty shareholder-driven greed ruin literally everything - because you can't criticize it without admitting there's a point where capitalism is a bad thing. And they would rather die in an airliner with 10,000 people packed on board than bring themselves to saying that, because it's an "SJW opinion"
>Why do companies do this?
Because of venture capitalism (outside investment), you don't need profit, you need GROWTH.
That means MORE money each time, each year, each quarter, so that investors will get return on their investment.
If you don't, they'll take their money away.
It's not sustainable, of course.
Find a way to defy gravity first, then I could accept this.
The image is giving me anxiety
I already barely have enough room when I go on a flight. I can't imagine something like this
That's hell
Lol you're retarded.
That doesn't work, and that's never worked. One person isn't going to make a difference. Hell, several thousand people aren't going to make a difference. If the entire market collectively decides they've had enough, sure, but that needs to happen at the same time so there's zero chance.
You do know that communism implies that there is NO government, right?
You do know the difference between socialism and communism, right?
But you can't protest by telling people "just don't go for the cheap option, guys!" when so many people have no choice.
I'm sure everyone would like to "vote" for a better quality of life when it comes to EVERYTHING they buy, but they can't.
I know exactly how many tickets are sold for business on others behalf. You think we don't keep track? In the grand scheme of things, it's a negligible percentage.
Thunderbirds Are Go is pretty good. Captures the spirit of the original really well and uses actual models for a lot of sets and props despite the characters being CG.
The pendulum will swing back around. Right now the tools are too simplistic and low-productivity compared to the consumers' demand for graphics and scale. To make games with even good niche appeal and keep your company going at the revenues your shareholders expected when they bought in, you have to put a ton of man-hours into implementing each part of the visual design and the necessary programming -- and most companies are already rushing the programmers and paring down their games' planned detail and scope just getting them onto shelves. Over the next 5-10 years we'll see AI-assisted productivity greatly increase the productivity of asset generation as the computer can fill in more and more boilerplate. Then team sizes can be reduced back to where they were 10-20 years ago without sacrificing fidelity, scale or dev time.
Apparently that image is a fake, pic related is what 747 seating looked like in the 70s. Though clearly it's still better than it is nowadays.
>Nobody believes it
Many unironically do. It's enough to keep the masses from reacting.
Why do you think the bad guys in all american movies need to have a real obvious
>I'm a bad guy
neon sign attached to their biography.
how are you meant to shave your legs, i tried and they're too hairy, the hair just clogs up the razor and nothing happens
Cant go ten seconds without ripping us off, can they?
>a fucking plank to hold your back for hours
this isn't a seat, it's literally a weapon that will leave life long sequels to its users after a few use
This. The goyim are cattle
imagine sitting on this shit 8 hours flight, what the fuck were they thinking?
>The pendulum will swing back around
There is literally no reason to believe this. Exponential growth is just how everything works now. It will only get worse.
Literally the only hope is for the governments to try limit how much companies can fuck over consumers. But that's communism apparently so retards on Yea Forums will insist we're better off being fucked over.
Calm down Bob Lazar
Developer content provider services like uplay or Origin will eventually require you to pay a monthly fee to access your libraries.
that shit is bad even after 30 minutes.
>internet complains about kuoani building not being fireproofed
>let's equipe planes with lines of seats like these it's the FUTUUUUUUUUUUUURE
cognitive dissonance is reaching critical state
those seats are european, whiteoid
wtf bros... I watch a lot of right wing vlogers and skeptics youtube channels and they always make capitalism sound like it's flawless and anyone who criticizes it is a faggot SJW commie... but this thread...
did they lie to me bros?
Airplanes don't have a wooden spiral staircase chimney right in the middle of their construction though.
Time to take the national-socialismpill user.
>(((right wing vlogers)))
>make (((capitalism))) sound good
Right now games with niche appeal CAN'T be made, because even 30 year old boomers avoid indie garbage like the plague and demonstrate a desire for graphical fidelity and at least some ambition in scope and scale in their purchases outside of $1 Humble Bundles. The ONLY way to meet the market's minimum standards is have lots of people spend lots of time. When dev tools eventually catch up and cut down on time, niche games other than soulless indie trash devoid of ambition can be viable again.
Did they not have seatbelts back then?
Name literally one
Every fucking nigger with even an ounce of braincells to rub together has been saying that trying to make short term profits will always fuck the end goal
That's what I said
The risk of getting hurt due to turbulence while sitting down is like zero
The risk of getting hurt if you stand up is significant
People always have a choice. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head and making you buy a ticket. Believe me, I wish air travel was still like . I still want to believe that there is a certain nobility to air travel. It legitimately pains me to see air travel going from an exciting part of somebody's adventure to being a glorified bus ride. But like I said, statistics show that most air travelers book their flights based on price and routes above all other factors. We are being seriously challenged by low cost carriers eating up market share left and right because people are fine being treated like cattle if it means a cheap ticket. Again, our basic economy fare was an answer to that.
Passangers can make a difference, despite what you think. Case in point, last year our basic economy passangers were only entitled to one personal item rather than a personal item as well as a carry on. People complained so loud and it caused so many issues for us (illiterate peasants wouldn't read the terms even though we had it in big, bold, red letters right there when you bought the fare and then got in arguments with the gate agents when agents told them they needed to check their carry one) that we went back on that policy and allow them to have the same carry ons as everyone else. Again, if people actually put their foot down, you wouldn't see airlines pulling shit like those insectoid seats.
they did, but you don't have to wear them mid flight. just like today.
Are you stupid?
Games with Niche appeal have been driving the majority of Patron
electric propeller planes
will be slower than now but completely viable, whenever in doubt just marry old tech with new and there's your answer
Are you braindead? The point is a simple one: often people will choose the cheap option because that's all they can afford. They can't PROTEST by buying more expensive tickets, retard.
And your answer to this is "well then they shouldn't buy any"? And that will lead to what, exactly? The airlines will have no customers?
If I decide not to buy an airline ticket because I think their lowest fare offering is shit, someone else buys it. So what exactly have I achieved? The airline definitely noticed me putting my foot down, didn't they?
Wind powered planes = Infinite power
>don't like it? don't buy it!
>someone else buys it instead
Wow, great, this problem will be solved in no time. Your idiotic post sums up exactly why everything is fucked. It's like the loot box situation. It's not enough to say "just don't buy them" because it's a system that fucks everyone over if you choose to engage with it or not.
>once we run out of oil
blame greedy REAL babyboomers for that shit
when /pol/ finds out about this thread all you resetera trannies are in a lot of fucking trouble
The NatSocs failed to address the fundamental problem of scarcity just like every other socialist government. Also like every other socialist government, the ones that complained found themselves stuck at the bottom of the barrel of society or shot. Hyperinflation, followed by price controls, followed by total central control of the economy and forcing people to toil as the ministers dictate? Check, check, and check from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to USSR to Venezuela, Cuba and Best Korea today.
The fundamental problem is scarcity. Flying planes requires a ton of effort to get off the ground and land safely, repeatedly. You can't just mark down prices without sacrificing anything or finding ways to improve per-flight productivity.
>that's all they can afford
Bullshit. It's a cheap option for people who don't care. Just today I was selling someone a basic economy ticket that came out to $700 as opposed to $850. There is a difference, but if $150 is going to make or break whatever your travel plans are you are too poor to be traveling.