Other urls found in this thread:
*reloads sword*
Heh nothing personnel kie
What's his endgame?
His existence basically guarantees the story is going to shit again soon.
Cool boss fights. Same as the player.
Stormblood was shit because mhiggers, Zenos saved it
>Finds a sword he has no idea how to use sticking out of the ground.
>Likes it so much he gets three and a golf bag to go with them.
>Out fights people who actually know how to use the sword.
What a fucking Mega Chad.
The dream is for Natsuko to write him out by having him job due to overconfidence. But not all of the coming MSQ is going to be written by her.
stormblood was only redeemed with gosetsu being based and the four lords questline being good.
the rest is trash, especially zenos, who's basically just a mary sue
Love how Lyse defeated Zenos and liberated Ala Mhigo
Shut up Elidijobber
>thread gets deleted for a reason
>makes new one
Is the XIV playerbase full of retards? You have a perfectly usable general in /vg/.
>implying Yoshida isn't giving Natsuko complete control over the story after how well ShB was received
Oda's going back to the lore shed where he does his best work.
I just wanted to talk about Zenos bro. This isn't a general. Generals are cancer anyway and /vg/ should be deleted
>Stuck in the lore shed listening to gobbie rap all day
>You have a perfectly usable general in /vg/.
lol no it isn't
>delete /vg/
>all those genuinely garbage threads that actually belong in /trash/ flood Yea Forums instead
I mean, it wouldn't too far a devolution of the current board, but it'd still be fucking horrendous.
>tfw the wol becomes his royal sex slave
Then you just delete generals and permaban everyone in them until they stop. Generals are antithetical to Yea Forums and all those stupid psycho trannies should move their ERP to discord.
Based and truthpilled. Anti-Zenos fags just don't understand transcendent joy and only care about ephemeral pleasures.
How can Zenos be so fucking powerful? What kinda wheaties were they feeding that kid growing up
>My WoL is the tallest possible Highlander.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the Legion barracks is two blocks down.
why the susano blade tough?
He didn't have that until his dungeon fight, it was really just
Nah man, even before that shit he had that Contracentivity shit going on, fucking iron man
Stormblood was only good for one thing and that's the SAM quest and Musosai.
He's a natural chad because he's Emet-Selch's great grandson, and then he spent his childhood training with the greatest swordmaster in all of Garlemald's territories.
because the susano blade is fucking awesome
Susano also lives for a good fight
>He's a natural chad because he's Emet-Selch's great grandson
I doubt this affects much. Varis probably didn't train as much as him but the gap between them is enormous and Varis is Emet's direct son. Zenos is just a freak of nature, a complete fluke.
The Ame-no-Habakiri was a Kojin sword too so maybe he decided they have good taste.
>direct son
Meant grandson, but you get the idea.
>all these dubfags
english zenos sounds like ass anons, get some taste
Brainlets overrate the WoL because he's technically their self-insert and tons of liberties are taken to keep trials and raid content interesting. Canonically Regula van Hydrus was able to duel us evenly multiple times and he wasn't the prodigy Zenos was, just an experienced everyman.
>he's been repeating his posts verbatim for years now
>we still won't stop talking about FF14
Literally insane behavior from you
You get some fucking taste, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>Trying to start another dubwar
>Especially this early into the thread
Noose yourself
Even Grynewaht was able to fight us multiple times without eating shit.
Doesn't the blessing of light only power up the WoL to stand evenly with the gods they face?
>survive the sword
because it's not personal, he's just having fun with you. just guys being dudes
>Orbonne, Thunder God
>Alliance A has been struggling in first few bosses
>First pull, half of A is dead, including tank when add phase starts
>Second pull, one of the toddlers from A wanders over to C with stack marker, and stacks with them, killing the entirety of C
>Third pull, the entirety of A is dead before the first duskblade
>Vote abandon
I just wanted a materia VIII
Agreed. I love the lives for battle archetypes and the man just chews his scenes like a goddamn champ. Like goddamn just listen to him in Naturally strong, strong will, and well trained + science enhanced body, and thats before becoming Resonant.
The good news is, he has to die soon because the next expansion is absolutely headed for Garlemald: The perfect expansion for the FF7 tie-in content. And there's only room for one katana wielding homo.
Nael was already the Sephiroth expy.
Based things about Stormblood
>Doma and the Domans like Hien, Gosetsu, and Yugiri
>Azim Steppe with the Xaela and Namazu
>Omega questline with Cid and Nero
>Four Lords with Koroban and Tataru
>Ivalice Questline
Unbased things about Stormblood
>Mhiggers(Except for Arenvald and Raubahn)
Stormblood was a pretty great expansion all things considered
>he has to die soon
How when the final boss is clearly going to be Zenos-Zodiark?
Do you want a pat on the back for listening to Japanese VA? Congrats user, you're superior.
I guess you got your (You) though.
Blessing of Light gives some amount of divine protection, but aside from blocking the Ultima spell in Praetorium and then powering us up to even be able to damage Ultima Weapon, it hasn't done much. Midgardsormr assumed it was carrying us but we still smashed shit during Heavensward while it was blocked.
I knew Garlemald would be cold and uniform, but I expected the buildings to be taller desu
Opinion disregarded, he was the only thing that made the .1-.3 story bearable.
We've already had Sephiroth, zoomie.
Zenos won't even make it to 5.2
Fordola is the only good SB-original mhigger.
I'm mad she and Arenvald got written off to irrelevancy with the Brass Blades.
As long as smash threads and Mario maker threads are allowed here, then so is XIV. Same goes for CTR. It's disgusting how biased jannies are for their precious Nintendo
Do you really think they're just gonna drop Zenos into old areas in Eorzea? He's definitely going to be saved for the next expansion at the very least. 5.1-.55 will either be about getting the scions back to the source or some other first hijinks, but it ain't gonna be in Eorzea.
Yeah that sounds about right, I don't know where enhanced senses would apply though.
Forgot to attach the image.
The Echo may or may not give WoL some enhanced senses. Krile's Echo and Fordola's because it's a copy of Krile's gives her mild mind reading powers and makes her more sensitive to the movement of aether in the environment.
Hardly. XIV is now so blatant they just rip final summons out of FF games and make them boss limit breaks. They'd also never pass up the chance for shameless Sephiroth plugging.
Zenos will probably use Supernova after he fuses with Hydaelyn, but Sephiroth himself isn't going to show up. Nael and Zenos together already covered everything he might possibly do.
i hate bunnies
Literally AoE markers
Will this be Zenos' new look now that he's emperor? Was this clever meta foreshadowing?
It looks snazzy so hopefully.
I hope so. Garlean power armor is so silly looking.
Will he even be emperor? It's not like he cares about garlemald or any of the emperor's duties. He only killed the emperor to stop black rose, doubt he has any interest in the throne.
That's definitely the implication with Fordola, but implications aren't good enough for a lot of lore autists so you're opening a huge can of worms if you claim it's a fact.
I like the Viis NPCs. I hate Viera players.
I NEED to mating press Uimet into the dirt.
user, we've already fought CoD, ExDeath, Kefka, and it looks like Gabranth in the near future. Plus the remake is on the horizon. They're gonna find some way to work their poster child villain into this.
Asahi would have been marginally more interesting if he'd kept up his facade of friendliness for longer than literally the same patch he was introduced in
He was already sketchy as fuck with the children that *conveniently* got attacked by Red Kojin way out of their usual range so he could show what a good guy he is and help you protect them, but no, they had to have him say right to your face that he's an evil bitch at the end of the patch instead of keeping him at least slightly ambiguous until the big reveal of his history with Zenos and whatnot.
I thought it was actually refreshing that nobody trusted him and then he just dropped the act and threatened you right after he was introduced.
he only killed the Emperor.. to kill the Emperor.
don't put any sort of other reasonings into it, Zeno is beyond such shit.
His evil bitch side was what made him entertaining. He wasn't nuanced or interesting enough to deserve a more delayed reveal, but his crazy side made him entertaining when he was on screen which is what he was good for.
He killed Varis explicitly to stop him from ordering Black Rose. He said it while his sword was still stuck in Varis's bladder.
His motivations begin and end there.
>Zenos literally explains IN THAT SCENE that he's killing the emperor because his "cowardly weapons were interfering with his hunt"
>nah he only killed him to kill him lol
Is this the power of Zenos haters?
Stop skipping cutscenes.
But we need a Rufus/Shinra expy
It might be a military base, there where no civilians in the cutscene
Cutscene skippers should really just shut the fuck up.
He's the only entertaining thing happening in The Source right now
>It might be a military base
Maybe, because there was a shitton of guards patrolling in a group. But at the same time I'm pretty sure Garlemald holds a very strict curfew.
Male viera never happening.
No female Hrothgar hurts me more.
>yfw they actually happen
>They have Zyzz type bodies
>All emotes are chill dudebro
>Imagine the face of people that wanted sissy bunnies
Good, they should remain spoopy ghost hunters in the forest.
I don't need Kirito Uchiha ruining their image as apex predators with his stripper boy glamour.
this one's for you zyzz
>yfw they never happen
>imagine the face of the people that actually believe they'll happen slowly realizing they'll never happen
This is why subfags can't enjoy in peace because of fags like you starting shit.
I'm a subfag but I have to admit that some of the english voices sound good. I actually like english Emet-Selch more than the japanese one
>koryu was just a big kirin
Four lords was trash and none of the fights stood out from any other extreme fight