>Shantae is a spirit
>Shovel Knight is an assist trophy
>Frisk is a...
Shantae is a spirit
Frisk the Cat
Echo fighter
>under tall
Must sting for Toby that his idol can't even remember the name of his game
I ain't no jive ass nigga honey.
Hey, good for Toby.
Undyne is better for Smash than Frisk or Sans change my mind.
based itoi
can someone please explain to me why he did this?
I'm guessing the post was google translated from japanese and google translate fucked up translating the katakana. That or it's just engrish.
It's just how Google translates the way Undertale is written in Japanese. Original post is written in Japanese. You can tell just by looking at the image because of the "VERIFIED" next to the twitter name. Chrome extension picks up the text if you were to scroll over the check mark as well.
Bummer, I thought he was just being a mad man.
I don't see how that would happen
アンダーテール (andātēru) = Undertale
アンダートール (andātōru) = Undertall
Te =/= To
Yeah but Google still fucks that up.
>not ā
Tally ho! Been a while since I've seen a fellow Fritzposter
Damn I'm jelaous af of him, getting to meet Itoi.
Why does Toby bother with hiding his face when its already been shown?
Maybe he started feeling insecure? When you start becoming more well known to people, you sometimes start feeling more insecure about parts of yourself you were once perfectly fine with.
Thats not him,toby doesnt have a beard and is fuckable
Because he wants the emphasis of the picture to be on his work and the people he meets, not what he looks like, like some teenage girl taking a selfie with things she “did”.
Why is he hiding his face?
Because he is class act that gets recognized by his work not his face
see: old critkal, MATN and vinny
Does Itoi even still work at Nintendo? doesn't he write books now or something?
holy fucking based
>old critkal
Never have I lost so much respect in someone before when I revisited Critikal's YT page for the first time in years only to find out that he does facecam shit now
He never really "worked at nintendo", that was kind of just a side gig
He was always a writer
>Reimu is...
Japanese approximations of English words that end with -all typically use ōru (オール), like with ball or tall. Dragon Ball is doragon bōru as an example.
He doesnt want people to recognize his cam boy years as a gay cumslut
I should know he is one though,i destroyed his boyhole
Why the heck are Toby's nails so long?
I love how Toby puts himself on equal footing with these guys, when he's really just a hack that repackaged earthbound. But that's cool, at least he feigns humility...
okay seriously, why did he write under tall? the correct name is right there in the picture. is itoi secretly a massive asshole or something?
Bro,you just posted porn