Yfw you like immersive single player games

>yfw you like immersive single player games

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Other urls found in this thread:


whats wrong with dogs

stupid fish
go back to your bowl

They're dogs.

Is the dog gonna do this forever? Does it ever get bored?

Me RPing in a single player game

For an hour or so

dogs are so dum lol

>mfw you get too immersed in a game

Attached: trauma center.webm (320x568, 2.58M)

Something... Wants to get out...

what happens in an hour? does it just drop from exhaustion? When will it want to do it again?

They're basically just based as fuck. Definitely take some work though, don't get one if you don't have time for your bro.

smarter than you pussy

Attached: 1531894697069.jpg (713x558, 129K)

We had a dachshund and put a ramp in our backyard so it wouldn't have to jump up and down the steps. He learned to get his ball and roll it down the ramp and chase after it. He would do this until he was exhausted.

How much time are we talking?
Might get divorced soon so this would be a welcomed addition

>that thumbnail
For a moment I though she was peeing on dog's head.




A better question is whats wrong with people who own dogs that don't give them the attention they need
A dog isn't a cat
You can't just feed it and let it entertain itself while you ignore it

who would do that, just piss on their dog like that?

That's a big frog.

I'm still playing RDR2

i know this feel

Attached: 1546205829675.webm (288x426, 1002K)

Depends on the breed. I have a border collie. Hour of non stop chasing him around in back yard then a 30 minute walk. Get inside and the little guy wants to play fetch still full of energy. Its like having a little kid around that cant talk back and will never grow tired of you.

It's clearly a goose with severe autism, user.

D-did that dog just suck itself off?

>yfw you still like to play fun party stuff with your brother and your dad

Attached: ww5655.gif (320x179, 3.71M)

My dog I grew up having died 3 years ago on this day so I'm feeling pretty glum.

Can you please post more cute small dogs, I know its not much but it will brighten up my day.

That video is like 11 years old, the dog is probably dead now.

...I. I'm sure he's trying to scratch an itch, h-haha

wiener dogs are just retarded, loud pieces of shit
only women like them

what do dogs dream about

there was one of a dog outright jacking off too but I never ran into it again, starting to think I dreamt the fucking thing


Attached: sleeping giant.webm (750x422, 452K)

>He would do this until he was exhausted
why am i in tears
this is a completely realistic scenario too
i love dogs. my parents have a lab with too much energy and he needs something like that or in OP's gif

Attached: catch me if you can!.webm (640x358, 889K)

running and hunting and playing with their owner
shit like that

mine probably dreams about looking out the window and growling like a retard at anything that goes by (or sometimes absolutely nothing) since he's obsessed with that

Attached: 1557409378429.jpg (1024x1024, 175K)

Thanks, friend.

Are Dachshunds good dogs? My parents are looking into getting a new dog sometime this fall to keep them company and want something similar, yet different.
We've always had Min Pins and they don't want anything that sheds or is too big to carry.

Attached: IMAG0007.jpg (3024x4032, 2.66M)

No problem.
I have no personal experience with Dachshunds myself so I'm afraid I can't help you there.
If I were you I would just look into what small breeds shed the least, it seems like there's quite a couple.
Basenji's look pretty cool though.
Wish you all the luck on getting a dog just as great as your last one.

I shared these with my friend and he said he doesn't get them. How do I respond?

Attached: IMAG0030.jpg (3024x4032, 3.27M)

Dogs twitch in their sleep when dreaming and it's cute, is the point.

he doesn't get them because he's not a dog

Your friend may be incapable of feeling emotion. Have fun with the sociopath.

>Saying dogs are dumb
>When gif shows a dog operating a ball launching machine by itself.

Shooba dooba doo

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blessed thread

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>lol pet the doggo! it me!
fuck petfags

>Missing start boost and shortcuts on time trials.

Attached: only the dead.jpg (500x490, 48K)


They're too good for this world.

Attached: Im a real girl.webm (362x640, 1.15M)

Cringe and bluepilled.

your friend is a fucking faggot


Attached: you just knoww.jpg (1920x1080, 891K)

how wet do you think she is

Dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom and this is not Video Games.

Attached: Google_Lovecraft_Cat_Name.jpg (326x420, 52K)

how does it balance so well

something's wrong with my dog

Attached: 1551232351067.jpg (4160x3120, 1.7M)

Because that's a goat, dummy.

That's not natural for a dog to do dude, all of those dogs are tortured and punished until they only walk on two legs. Fuck that webm and fuck the owner of that dog.

Pretty sure chinks hit their dogs until they walk on 2 legs, there was one leaked video where they have a dog similar to the one in the webm being against a wall getting hit with a slipper and being screamed at

Couldn't it have just been trained without torture?

Look it up

Probably because it lacks legs.

What and how the fuck

>be immersed completely in a game
>screen, mouse, keyboard all melt away
>I am one with my universe
>Intrusive thought pops up
>"...hey don't forget you're going to die all this is pointless, are you even having fun do you even have emotions, you fraud?"
>remember that I'm not allowed to enjoy anything completely

Attached: i don't like the look of this future.jpg (1145x648, 133K)

Holy shit, so THAT'S why they're called Toadline?

Attached: Animon.png (1000x1000, 365K)

he scream

My dogs do that sometimes.

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Dogs are loyal and helpful as fuck, they are not niggers.

Cats on the other hand...

she looks like she only lets pitbulls fuck her

Attached: yasssqueen.jpg (1200x1146, 96K)

getting a dog is literally just attaching a time bomb to yourself that will make you extremely sad in a decade. why would you adopt an animal that lives 10 years on average and then go OOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO HOW SAD I'M IN HYSTERICS MY DOG DIED HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL??? when it fucking dies on schedule

I would describe this webm as something Lynchian.

this is mgtow actually believe

They were bred for hunting so they tend to be more intelligent and chill than most other small dogs. I think they have a easily trainable demeanor but can be a bit too overconfident. They don't have little-dog syndrome so much as they literally think and react as if they were larger than they are.

If your parents enjoy being outdoors and some digging in the yard isn't an issue, then that covers most of your bases. They aren't prolific diggers but considering they were trained to dig out things while hunting, some get the itch or try to escape that way if poorly trained.

That's why you get a female, So it eventually has pups and you keep one.

your friend is a normal human witha functioning brain. Dogfags are scummy retards no one likes


Oh noes, I suddenly discovered that life has a countdown from the very beginning.

And that's exactly what makes your life experiences interesting and valuable from the start, the contrast... You dumb fuck.

>being weak enough to be overpowered by a fucking poodle

*it aint me intensifies *

>tfw my dog is getting older and I worry about this constantly now

I can't fathom life without him and I don't know how I'm going to get through it when it does happen.

where are her ears? Are they pulled back into the ponytail?


how dis nigga get her pants off tho? he aint got no thumbs nigga

My dog is a heavy dreamer it looks like a seizure sometimes. My favorite is when she growls and growls

>Posts Lovecraft
>The catfag that died from Toxoplasma from cats.
Never let a cat lick your face or you'll be chemically mind controlled by it by an incurable bacterial disease.


Attached: danke, doctor.jpg (1200x600, 59K)

Be happy the chinks don't boil their dogs alive for shitty dish water tier soup broth.

that dog is smarter than most of the people here, it's playing that game correctly with no help.

>Chinese watermark

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>despite only being 1.56% of the total dog population...

Attached: racist dog attack statistics.jpg (636x332, 55K)

>People and animals will eventually die so it's not worth investing in a relationship with them because the temporary happiness is outdone by the eventual sadness
If you say so, Squall.

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Recently out of nowhere, my sister began ranting about how awful it is to train service dogs. Like, apparently you have to starve them otherwise they won't work. Is that true or no?

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Where do huskies fit into this? Every husky in my area is aggro as fuck.

He doesn't worry about it at all. He will never be afraid of getting older. Don't worry about him, he knows how to be happy far more than any of us do faggot

Attached: shit fox.gif (156x267, 62K)

That's a smart way to convince it to not flip the trash.

Attached: shoveldog.gif (254x178, 1.91M)

Jesus fucking christ i hate chinks.

Dont you fuckkng dare.

Chinks arent people, you think they give a fuck about doing things the humane way?
Case in point.

Attached: this isnt videogames.jpg (1258x926, 346K)

Huskies probably have a pretty hard time surviving in New Zeeland

This is posted so often that sometimes I end up clicking on the actual shoveldog pick. Feels bad, man.

what's wrong with this

I'm happy that dogs genuinely love humans metro.co.uk/2016/01/31/your-dog-loves-you-five-times-more-than-your-cat-science-has-proven-it-5653746/

My question is how did this happen in the earlier years of their social evolution with us humans? Dogs are probably the only animal that genuinely love another mammal that are vastly different in terms of biology and physiology. It's fascinating.

they are very aggressive and territorial dogs
they can't kill as easily as pitbulls, though

Stuffed dog did nothing wrong.

God damn what the fuck this dog is evolving to walk on 2 legs solely so he can jack off

being born is literally attaching a timebomb to yourself
only genuine retards let themselves be conceived

>actual shoveldog
Blue board, tho.

Attached: shoveldog2.gif (292x191, 1.74M)

but he flipped the trash

We had three dogs at once growing up. We would replace them when they eventually died, but fuck man, when our last "childhood dog" died it was like the end of an era.

what are you 13? fuckin faggot everything dies get used to it ya useless pussy

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He had no choice, the hand of fate was against him.

i can tell you are armenian just from this post

>Put a child in the same situation
>Mental scarring that will traumatize it for the rest of its life
All is fine here.

Attached: shoveldog.gif (245x172, 1016K)

The same could be said of all relationships...

>child sees that criminals are put in jail
>woow dude, he scareed nao

lol i love how the dog tried to turn away but he made it watch
yeah i think he learned his lesson

Fast doggos make my knees and shins hurt just by looking at them.

Attached: laughing bitches.jpg (540x405, 52K)

Exactly how they trained him to do.

dachshunds are based

You have no reading comprehension.

My parents Corgi did similar things.
Pretty sure he had dreams of running because he did have twitching legs that moved like he was running, no brain problems or anything so it was not convulsions or such.

Attached: 1563887777579.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

thanks, it had to be real anyway because I distinctly remember being banned for posting it on Yea Forums

I love seeing this happy feller!

Why do pitbulls look like they always have the downs?

He smilin’ :)

dreaming dog

Attached: 1361344247659.gif (320x240, 1.45M)

I'm talking out my ass but we used their instincts.
They were already animals that were wired to function well in units. We simply made it so WE were that unit.
I mean, it's a dog.

wolves were smart enough to realize this big hairless thing is very kind and feeds them, and then it also realizes that by working with the big hairless thing they can maximize the amount of food they get to eat. Plus shelter, companionship, and all the other perks of cohabitation. The rest is history.

unironically BLACKED

Good, now I can delete the post and hopefully not get banned for 3 days.

uh...dogs aren't children. Dogs are disposable.

I can imagine trying to teach a toddler not to touch the stove by holding a doll up to it and setting the thing on fire before shaking it wildly in front of him while screaming like you're about to be raped.

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I saw my dog running while laying on its side

chinks are bugpeople

Really makes you think when you think about how humans evolved to pioneer space with no outside help from any other species yet wolves evolved to a trillion different dog breeds with the help of humans but the best they can do is sit on command and catch a tennis ball so if that isn't a proof that god exists I don't know what is.

You just know

It freaks me out every time my cat starts yowling and meowing in his sleep.

l o n g b o i s

Grandma slapped my hand with a spatula when I reached for a hot stove. I hated for the next 15 years because of it.

they evolved into beings that humans thought were usefull, catching the tennisball is like catching a bird you shot down

My cat does this sometimes. Her paws twitch as well and she makes a weird noise.

oh wow
kids knows cause and effect
he scarred now

reminds me of this shit

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What is the world coming to?

Attached: weird dog.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

so what you're saying is she should have let the stove burn you so you hated it instead?


i wanna doggystyle this girl so hard

Did you know pitties are actually nanny dogs? They love kids and will protect them no matter what. If anyone is ever unfortunately attacked by a pit, it's 100% their fault, they intimidating the pit in some way or mistreated them. Pits are smart and will remember if you hurt them. They can also sense if you're a bad person so if they attack someone seemingly "for no reason", regardless of age, they're a bad person. It's like they can sense evil.

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god evolved us to conquer space, perhaps so we can meet up beyond the event horizon

Not him, but I burnt my finger on a baseboard heater.
I was afraid to go near it after, but I didn't hate it.

>The ass-burgers poster

>reading about toxoplasmosis
>just now hearing about it
I really REALLY fucking want to put my cat up for adoption now. Right fucking now.

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This is good parenting advice. I'll do this with my son when he wants to play the next generation equivalent version of Fortnite.

My boy

Attached: 2019-01-16 07.45.28.jpg (938x846, 437K)

I have a 3/4ths dachshund, 1/4th chihuahua. He's almost too smart, took me almost 3 months to potty train him. That said, he's a really relaxed dog, rarely barks and he's pretty affectionate with everybody except for when random workers are in my apartment. He barely sheds too.

I'd say go for it.

Attached: IMG_3930.jpg (3024x4032, 3.08M)

>it's a /pol/ turns a Yea Forums dog thread into a race realism thread to """"""subtly"""""" drop epic red pills on a mongolian basket weaving forum
every time with you nigs

LMAO what a faggot

It's actually better to let the kids get hurt by their own stupidity at a logical extent. It will literally burn the stupidity out of them.

It's too late mate, you've already got brain worms.
Just enjoy your soulless piss machine.

I like different animal species getting along together.

Attached: sneaking over to bae's.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Sure the training wasn't pretty but you have to admit that the chinks get results.

I played with matches in the sink
got burned
but I knew I would get burned, since I was playing with it at the sink
don't know what I was doing

That's very unnerving for some reason. Is this the same girl who could trot like a horse?

>tfw cats are not actually domesticated and simply mooch off of you for food
>tfw dogs have some impossible to re-create trait of hyper-sociability that makes them the perfect companion
>tfw cats are literal mind-altering parasites
>tfw dogs are genetically designed to love you

Attached: a bit closer to heaven.jpg (427x300, 21K)

what a handsome boi

How are children not?

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Attached: pitbull poster.jpg (640x640, 89K)

Embrace the brain worms and spread the love.

For a lot of kids, a pet can provide early lessons about care for life, health, and death. Whether it's their own, a grandparents, or whatever. You're probably just an incel zoomer that was raised on memes though, so I have no idea why I'm trying to explain such a thing to you.

imagine the vanilla pawholding sex aftermath and cuddling holy shit

Attached: pittie nation.jpg (1290x208, 53K)

Terrible idea.

Attached: Event Horizon Sam Neill.jpg (960x396, 89K)

You can only hope these two got adopted together

>mfw my dog passed away in 2014
i miss her Yea Forumsros

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>when he wants to play the next generation equivalent version of Fortnite
Too late at this point, just burn him instead.

Fucking moar

It's harmless (unless you get aids), it just changes your brain to make you like cats more

>not forcing playermodels
Blue team are a bunch of homo bitches!

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I once had a dog that would try adopting other baby animals, she'd act like they were puppies. She had kittens, rabbits, and a raccoon.

/an/ crossposters are the best posters on Yea Forums
Prove me wrong

Attached: 1512693290175.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Dogs have it too

sorry for your loss, user

Well, they live in it's intestines, and lay eggs in it's shit, so, don't start eating your cat's shit or rubbing it all over your face and you'll be fine.

It was just a dog

Some dogs, like cocker spaniels, can be predisposed to have sleeping seizures fyi
Eventually they'll go apeshit when they wake up out of one

>grandma hits the kids hand when he reaches for the stove
>kid learns not to touch the stove
>kid touches the hot stove
>kid learns not to touch hot things

Only if the dogs have been eating rats, cats, rabbits; rodents in general. regularly that were already carrying toxoplasma, even then toxoplasma doesn't stay alive as well as it can inside of a cat's intestines.

Well shit. Guess I'm screwed.

Never forget the joy she gave you.

you forgot the part where the kid touched the stove, burned his hand, traded all nerve endings on his hand for a lesson he would've learned anyway later on in life

Bro give me back my dog

Attached: Snapchat-1134812427.jpg (720x1280, 193K)

You can always get your cat tested for it.

One of the main ways people contract it is when those little shits do this.

Attached: CatAssInFace.jpg (1200x630, 69K)

>Jack ass of a kid keeps his hand on the stove long enough to get 2nd degree burns

That kid is a literal retard if that does happen. Survival of the fittest is in effect.

Attached: Zoey.jpg (1255x706, 236K)

>tfw dog is deaf and probably doesn't have long

All you need to do is yell at it louder, it will stimulate its cell regenerating hormones.

Bro chill It's just the entrepreneur gene

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She died about 5 years back, but she was a great dog.

Attached: Jessi hanging herself.png (1024x768, 1.41M)

it doesn't work like that

if you don't get a Labrador, you are likely a NPC

same here, he'll be 16 next month
he's still pretty energetic, really afraid his health will suddenly go to shit without any warning



Time for the poodle noodle!


what the fuck...

Attached: 1CAAC2CF-8A2D-4E0F-BE5B-46583C90AAB0.jpg (481x501, 42K)

>if you don't do the most common, normalfag thing you're an NPC

Uh-oh, looks like this NPCs logic processors are malfunctioning.

I have 4 cats for years and nothing bad happened to me. Though I always wash my hands after playing with them or after touching their fur

Attached: 1430217264141.png (691x597, 16K)

I thought Labs were dumb

>and nothing bad happened to me
That's the psychosis talking.

Well where the fuck else are you supposed to do science?

Dogs aren't smart enough to get bored

>npcs react overly emotional after it's revealed as to what they truly are

I thought that was a little girl at first. How it mobed was unnerving.

Reminder to never trust the borzoi menace

top tier creature

After your dog dies it's time to impregnate a woman.

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why does it look like the dog is going over 30 mph for 10 seconds of this webm?

My dog barks in his sleep. Except he can't fully bark so he just makes these muffled closed-mouth barks that sound like he's going "woo woo woo woo"

Border collies are fast as fuck

cats are better than dogs, cats dont bite, cats dont want attention, cats are good. we dont ask for much, dogs sucks

>Not gently waking them up from a bad dream
Go fuck yourselves.

Because you're not far off
>The Border Collie is a speedy and agile herder with a top speed between 20-30mph, a speed they can maintain as they quickly twist and turn to keep livestock in line

because those fuckers can actually reach speeds like those for a short time

So sad that dogs commit suicide.

>woo woo woo

Attached: Zack Ryder.jpg (274x390, 16K)

border collies should be banned, no dog should be going 35~mph down a hill and getting away with

how can you be so sure the dream is bad?

She had a ruff life, but it is a doggy dog world.

Attached: schlop.jpg (588x391, 61K)

Attached: heroic.png (500x786, 146K)

>a bad dream
What are you, the fucking dream gatekeeper?

Greyhounds are even faster

>smartest dog AND top5 fastest

wtf? that's cheating

at least they aren't the cutest looking and i bet they aren't as friendly as labs/retrievers

Can we delete chicks from this game next update

All humans are disposable too, And there's more of them on this planet than dogs.

Why am I finding this so disturbing?

Attached: giphy.gif (450x338, 479K)

Because it is. Fuck chinks

Yeah! Girls are gay.

I remember my dog had a shitty bad dream that most likely had to do with me as she woke up she gave me a "you shat in my dog bowl" look for the rest of the morning.



Attached: 1561947807467.jpg (600x600, 40K)

They dream almost exclusively about nursing. You can hear them suckling in their sleep.

Watch SBSTV instead. No shitbull shilling.

Cat's can't have sex with dogs user.

shes letting it and pretending to try and get away

I hope you get a cat. Please never own a dog.

That's just what the law says.

Because they do.

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tfw prefer duos

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You just know

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>dad called
>our old 15 year old yellow lab, my first pet, is going to be put down at the end of the week
>she has no control of her bladder or bowels
>barely eating, turned down fucking steak
>wobbles when she walks
>is starting to refuse to take her meds
Why does life suck so hard, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1522038617726 2.jpg (300x399, 22K)

>that pure joy at being able to walk normally again
my poor heart

Sucks. Mine didn't even tell me in advance they were doing it. They told me they thought it might upset me so they had him put down and then told me after. Never forgivent them.

Attached: bearman.webm (458x600, 2.98M)

1. Is it one of those otherkin?
2. Is there porn?

>Cats don't bite
They bite, scratch, pee and shit INSIDE the house and don't give anything back. Not even cuddles.

If we start comparing pets to children, all you'll end up with is determining that owning pets shouldn't be allowed.
For example do you think selective breeding of kids for profit should be legal?

What a bitch

>cats dont bite
Get a load of this retard.

Stop projecting you rotted brain bed wetter


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Genetically ruined slave race conditioned to be entirely subservient to humans.
Given a few more millennia, niggers would have turned into this.