Friend recommends me a game

>Friend recommends me a game.
>It has an anime artstyle.

I know letting an artstyle/art direction stop you from playing a game is stupid but is it normal to be turned off by an art style? Like how some people here won't even touch '''pixel shit'''.

My friend wants me to get into Fire Emblem but the artstyle and designs for the characters make me wanna puke.

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Yeah I hate anime shit as well but FE is a pretty fun strategy series.
If you want a less anime (and straight up better) alternative then play Advance Wars.

This is an anime website
Get out

That actually was one of the reason he recommended me FE since I was enjoying Advance Wars 2.

Like i'm sure the game is fine but when ever I see any of the recent Fire Emblem stuff I just get that wash of 'generic anime bs' feel to it.

Try going to Yea Forums and spout that nonsense there.

If you want an anime website go to 2channel, weeb.

Then just emulate the older games and give them a try.

Which fire emblem?
If he's suggesting anything after Radiant Dawn, I'd say don't bother.

>{*["('generic anime bs')"]*}
I hope you die in a fire.

Feel like FE going full on anime trope and shitty dialogue was the problem.
Not to mention kind of diluting by adding unnecessary features. Did we really need additional weapons added to the triangle or would it have been better to try something different.
Not to mention the general balance being pretty subpar most of the time. Hell in awakening the game can be soloed by a few officers.
TBF I didn't play alot of the series to begin with. Only like 5 games completed and the rest kind of dabbled in. I'll probably get around to beating the gamecube titles eventually and then move on to wii. Plus there's tons of fan hacks I really would like to try.

You can like anime but generally dislike games with the tropes in them. I love anime but honestly most anime style art directions are cancer to the eyes.

Does anyone have the cap of Hiro completely contradicting this guy's statement?

Why the fuck are you faggots so hung up about "anime style" shit?

>EVER following the word of the false prophet

Any ones I should give a shot?

It was one of the new ones, I think it was Fates? But again I will have to double check.

Like its not even that I hate anime. I'm indifferent to it, I've watched a few good ones. But you know that general feeling you get when you watch/play something which focuses on a Japan audiance first? I guess Its just a culture difference I guess but its very common in some games seeing as Japan is a big game creator hotspot.

Mostly because alot of them look exactly the same. Same V shaped face. Same thin armed legged women. Same buff or default body men. Same boring hair style. Its like how cartoons have that same cookie cutter style too.

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He's the owner of the website, when you pay for the servers you can claim otherwise, weeb.

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OP is a faggot, let’s talk about OFF instead.
Why in the beginning they said (You) were controlling The Batter but in the end they blame him instead of (You)? Is because he was using you?
Also what the hell was the message of the game?

They should make a Yea Forums but without anime shit. We should call it Norchan

>Doesn't like anime
Were you bullied in school, retarded, or perhaps both?

>B-but it for weebs
Yes, and? Was life a contest about who has the best hobbies?

>I-it's addicting!!!
No it's not, except if you're underage and incapable of watching in moderation.

Who forced you to watch a whole season every day, you fucking peat-gavel.

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If it was Fates, don't bother, you'll probably end up hating the series without giving the good games a honest shot. Fates is a really bad starting point.
The anime tropes in the newer games are pretty bad.
If you liked Advance Wars, I'd emulate some of the GBA Fire Emblems.

Because it’s always the same shit, at least Gainax, MHA and OP tried to distance themselves from that style

Trying too hard.

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>K-on gif
Shit taste, watch a real good moe anime like Nichijou

end your fucking self

>he don't have a Yea Forums golden membership
The absolute state of this board I swear to fucking god.

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>Were you bullied in school
I didn't watch anime, so no.

Anyone who unironically says this while also saying they played a game longer than 2k collective hours is a hypocrite

Quit getting upset that I didn't like your waifu game.

Mortis Ghost said The Batter needed someone to help guide his journey. So that by the time you got to the end. You saw yourself as The Batter until the Judge calls you both out for your actions. There has been a new translation which clears this up.

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>Commies thinking they have some ownership of the site

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This post is funny.

I will pin it to my fridge.

>Were you bullied in school, retarded, or perhaps both?
Just because you take criticisms against anime as a personal attack doesn't mean you need to start projecting, buddy.

>My friend wants me to get into Fire Emblem but the artstyle and designs for the characters make me wanna puke.
Nigga I thought you were talking about Neptunia games or Senran Kagura. Get the fuck outta here

I was turned off by 2deep4u indie shit but I still enjoyed OFF. Get over yourself and just fucking try it.

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Will give some of the GBA ones a good look and slot them between my work shifts. Thanks for the advice.

>Doesn't like that i've complained about disliking generic anime stuff
>Picture is generic anime stuff.

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>Buy an anime website
>Somehow it’s not an anime website

you're gonna pin a gif to your fridge?

He owns it, he declares its function.

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>I own my body
>I declare its function
So it was a tranny all along.

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Oh Nep is totally in the 'puke' style. At least Senran seems to be blunt with 'yo this is just softcore junk' and isn't actually being shoved in my face by people so i'm alright with it. FE keeps being pushed in my face by friends so I do get urked by it more often.

I said post, not picture you dingus.

If you decide to play Binding Blade (Roy's game) be aware that its a bit rough around the edges.
Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones both improve on the framework that Binding Sword lays down.

So do you... not own your body?

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so it's the same reason Yea Forumsmblr has. you guys don't even watch it but are all experts.

>No U
Quality posting senpai, keep it up.

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Seen one 'slice of life' anime. Seen them all.

>Oh but this one has [insert quirky gimmick here].

I am so sick of trying to get into an anime and having it be set in a generic fantasy world, or generic highschool. Even the ones which are good have those tropes and it gets fucking boring.

Xenoblade Chronicles is my second favorite game of all time, but I never touched X or 2 because of the potato faces in X, and the more generic than SAO faces in 2 plus clashing artstyles that has some better faces.
I've also stayed away from Octopath because that weird 3D pixelated artstyle that looks like a pixel art paper diorama with advanced lighting and shading just seems so unappealing to me, almost moreso than the shit in Xenoblade X and 2.

So yeah, I think its normal.

Anime artstyle is a redflag for pandering and/or being overly narrative driven/lack of decent gameplay so i don't blame you.
This isn't the case for most anime games but there's certainly a pattern here

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of course not, she(he) is my slave.

That doesn't even correlate to my point.
He is the owner of a property in a capitalist society.
He determines its function.
He has declared that though there are anime boards, it is not an anime website.
It is not an anime website. That was my entire point. Call me a tranny all you like.

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I'm guilty of that myself, 2D spirtes with 3D backgrounds feel like mobile/xboxindies style of games.

Like its easy for me to go 'haha anime art style is for weebs' but it sucks because there is going to be some really great games, heck even good animes which I'll not be intrested in until someone else tells me that their good due to their art style.

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>I can't refute your point, so I'm just gonna post furfag and use the kawaii anime word.

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Why don't you stop listening to your faggy friends and find an anime that's seems interesting on your own?
I don't read that much manga myself these days, but if I were to recommend you something, I'd recommend Dr. Stone, art by a really good illustrator, and an unique setting that's neither generic fantasy nor generic high school setting. Also, Kimetsu no Yaiba is pretty fun battle shonen, I only just started that one on monday but seems good so far.

>being this new
Summer truly is a beautiful thing.

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>Stop listening to your faggy friends
But thats how you keep a friendship going you dunce. Besides they've showed me some good ones. I was more talking about my own searching and seeing the top trending being boring slice of life or some boring fantansy thing.

I'll look into Dr Stone.

>I still can't refute your point, so I'm going to stick to ad hominem.
I'm just going to take that as concession. Enjoy posting on your Anonymous Image Board about Video Games and not anime.

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I think it's normal
I can't think of a good example but it's definitely normal

This is kind of true.
Literally the only way to truly find anime/manga you will like is to find and consume them on your own volition. You gotta just grind through it.
The vast majority of the "anime community", so to speak, are no-taste children, 3rd worlders who cant tell what good characters or plots are even if they were taught, or some mixture of both. They usually also have zero self-awareness in terms of what they recommend and to whom they are recommending it to.
There's quite a bit if quality stuff out there, but it doesn't get mainstream attention because its not simple cookie-cutter shit, or for some other base reason.
I still enjoy some trashy stuff myself of course, I just don't go around recommending it to people in general unless I know what they're tastes are like.

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>game is anime artstyle
>cover art features 5 or so anime teens posing with the title in some edgy font right above them
Every. Single. Time. Its all exactly the same fucking shit except the characters might have different colored whacky hair or something compared to another.

to be fair pixel shit is a redflag for low effort