Why aren't you buying this beautiful girl's game? Are you gay? It's full of sexy girls.
Why aren't you buying this beautiful girl's game? Are you gay? It's full of sexy girls
>still being a pokefag in 2019
I am buying it, but also I am gay (pejoratively)
because the game only has waifus. The game has no soul anymore but then again im getting the game regardless
I like paying for things that are actually good. Like Nestlé water.
Add diaper girls and maybe after that
I still find the Sun/Moon girls to be the sexiest, but you fucking know I'm going to get Sword and violently jerk off every second Bea is on screen
Im bi and not buying it
Ill watch a playthrough and fap to porn of it
I have never bought a porkyman game and I never will
Get fucked OP
No they're really not. Not to mention the artist seems to have that one syndrome that the one piece author has. He makes the same fucking faces for all the fucking girls with hair changes
I see no reason to buy a switch
There aren't enough games that I'm interested in to make it worth it
You have to be retarded if you still buy Pokemon games.
I'm going to fap my dick off to the porn though.
Rather play this
not buying this shedinja of my favourite franchise, i am jacking off to the girls though
Waterfags always have to shit up every Pokémon creature discussion holy shit
Not my fault fire and grass fags are too pussy to show up.
>being gay in 2019
user, that's not enough to whore yourself out for attention, anymore. You need to have straight-up identity disorders, now.
>the new lass design
Why are there so many semen demons in this gen?
im also jacking off to the boys
because if I wanted to jack off to pokegirls it'd be better online anyway
I really like that one picture of her feet
Sonia is alright but the protag is uglier than Chicken-chan and Lillie, and both Bea and Nessa don't do a whole lot for me compared to Mallow and Lusamine. I'll stick to the mobile garbage coming out if I want cute girls, it'll probably even have alt outfits for trainers that aren't the protags too, maybe even yukatas or summer ones.
Lilliefags have such shit taste
Which is like just one battle.
Actually I'm a Mallowfag, I just don't think that the SnS protag looks that good and not much else about the game draws me in.
Because I haven't been interested in Pokemon in ten years, and even then most of my interested vanished 16 years ago. The porn's great, I'll keep beating my dick to that if it makes you feel better.
There's no sexy girls.
is it just me but the metal part of binder clips smell fucking weird
just you bro I'm smelling some right now and they don't smell at all
you're part of the problem.
is lesbian foot domination a feature of the new game or was I lied to?
Then buy this piece of shit pokefags but the series will be worse and worse if you continuing this ignorancy.
I don't buy merchandise advertisements
Why would I buy it when Masters will serve all my fapping needs?
Refusing to buy it is the best thing you can do for the franchise. Sadly, retards will buy it and Gamefreak won't learn their lesson.
But I am buying it. I want to support the character designers for giving us a new Goddess-tier waifu in Nessa.