Expedition Edition.
Post builds and talk about the new expansion here.
When's a good level to begin it, btw?
Expedition Edition.
Post builds and talk about the new expansion here.
When's a good level to begin it, btw?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck this anarchic slav shit
>When's a good level to begin it
Level 1 of course
The new expansion, you fuuuck.
Dunno, still didnt get there.
But assuming it's mid game content, between level 10 and level 20
>Able to craft this solely due to the under pie
It's not a huge upgrade but I'll take what I can get.
Next time get a sturdy vest
It's early, I'm working with what I got. Once I get super-steel or some shit I'll try and make a real suit.
Still, better than the one I got.
What level?
Are there any leathers in the expansion on the level of Infused Ancient Rathound?
11 or so. I just opened core city etc but I've just been walking around and exploring. I only went to foundry to get a jackhammer.
anyone have any advice for starting stats for spear throwing build?
Strength at 10, 6 Dex, and 6 Agility because you're not going to fancy footwork your way into cover.
Is this game even possible to beat without using traps/mines/grenades or stealth/lockpick? I wanted to make a hacker/energy weapon dude, but I pretty much needed to spam the fuck out of traps and mines/grenades to get through depot A on hard, and I honestly don't see how I could have done it otherwise.
Explore Core City, there are a lot of oddities to be found, after that, do Foundry questlines
If you're a heavy metalfag, you will need all metal you can get, after you do the Beast quest, you will have access to high quality steel on Foundry metal vendor
Tungsten is love, Tungsten is life
What is super steel?
I'll have to put a point in strength to actually start using the tungsten, which I guess works because I don't actually know what else to put my points into besides perception. This was my starting stat distribution, I put two extra into int for sloughing.
Tools more than anything, unless you go trapfag autismo, traps are nothing but just a support, nothing else.
Same as above, but less general use, less useful if not commited to them, unlike regular bear traps, which are easy to use
Always useful 'nades, you will get a harder time without grenades
>>Being a stealthfag
You will lock yourself out of some decent goodies and oddities, but yeah, it's okay if you have hacking tho
gorsky a shit
>Super steel
An expensive luxury, Tungsteen is the way.
You got 8 strenght, you should be fine just with that
The best trap is 0 trap skill. You can go through the whole game without stealth lockpick, but you fucking need to be good at combat then. And combat revolves around you using everything you can to succeed.
You wanna roflstomp without using your tools? Play easy. You want to play the game? Use your bear traps, your grenades, your stealth and everything else you want to succeed but once you willingly quit all of those, you have 0 reason to whine, bitch and complain since that was something you imposed on yourself lad.
Utterly based, fuck this pipeworker piece of actual scum.
>sneaking around
>suddenly find some other faggot sneaking to
>manage to enter combat mode 1 second before he sees me
>aim 95% sniper shot
>his turn starts
>he kills me
so stealth sniper is the savescum build right?
Dude's new quest is the best.
I never used traps even once
and my first time on normal I only used molotvs.
stealth is 100% optional
just be a big beefy boy with the best armor and you don't need stealth
Tungsten Steel requires 9 str according to the wiki
I'm not complaining about the difficulty. It's not like it's hard to set up traps before a fight. It just feels like cheesing and its a shame the game pretty much forces you to use them. Restricts build variety and replay value imo.
Anything is a savescum build if you don't have plan B. You will miss no matter the weapon.
Are you kidding with me user. In a game like this, you are actively encouraged in every single way to DOMINATE your enemies. Why are you even remotely guilty about mastering the system and being actively rewarded for preemptively making the battlefield to your liking and taste?
Thats like thinking cooking up a good batcha toxnades and planting 20 bear traps for The Beast on hard is cheesing. Nigga, its almost required, implied to be required and smart thinking, and if you are so conditioned to be cookie cutter you think the game nodding at you being smart enough to get shit done is cheesing, then you need to play better vidya homeslice.
Just wanted to quote this post for new players. Go to Foundry as soon as you possibly can and get a jackhammer. You only need TNT for one quest as far as I can remember and it's a heavy expensive scam to carry them around.
Oh guess I'm retarded then
Fair enough get another STR point and you should be just dandy
my plan b on my other builds is "not die in one turn"
what do you think?
>Playing a trapper
>Can just throw down bear traps where Siphoners will spawn for piss easy kills
>Can just throw down bear traps at door entrances
>B e a r
>T r a p s
Fuck me bear traps are the greatest thing ever. How have I never known this?
bros what the fuck am i supposed to do???? i got some numbers written off the objects in the room but have no idea what they match up to and have been drinking
67, 33, 22
79, 55, 11
wrong pic whoops
That's what makes this game great. I've played many games where my base abilities were enough to get through the game. I would stock up on the consumables and never end up using them because its overkill/unnecessary.
Whereas this game will make you use everything in your inventory.
>I put 20 points into pickpocketing instead of hacking like I meant to
>have to redo the first 2 hours and the outposts again after having finally decided what to make
kill me
what am i missing? am i supposed to find a relationship between both sets of numbers?
Aight, fine, real talk, every sentence has 3 numbers within it, just add them all up and each option has a total of a set number. You have the options which tell you 67 33 22 and 79 55 and 11, so make the math, asociate each option with the number and type it out. If a b and c are 67 33 and 22, type in a b c. I cant make this any fucking easier, but hey, congrats now you know shit.
If all you want to do with your build is hack doors and shoot energy weapons, then you can do that on normal difficulty. Just build like you would for a mindless heavy armor assault rifle character but build toward energy weapons instead.
I've never used traps and have been completely fine.
i refuse to check the spoiler but thanks user
i tried making a matrix and doing vector math so far
I'm being way to indecisive, do these feats look okay? I'm mainly thinking about dropping paranoia for grenadier or maybe sprint but having to choose is activating my autism way too hard. Paranoia seems nice for offsetting recklessness' con and for more detection since traps are scary with 3 PER.
Thats fine user, great even. Just wish you can keep being good and not needing it.
Unironicaly overthinking it if you are doing matrixes. If you know Dudes past, Id comend you on the creativity and thematics, but be pragmatic.
do they have a special hole or something?
I just beat Depot A in few tries, no more than 6
Silent Isle, on the other hand, I retried more times that I'm willing to admit
Thats what you get for not using a hammer, or using psychokinesis, or not having HE nades, or not having EMP nades, or not having armor piercing rounds, or not getting gud
does it have to do with one of the sets of numbers having minus signs and the other having commas?
>need to go psi for most quests/dialogue
>six million different psi builds
Ill spoiler it, but it isnt egregious.
Observe where the numbers are and do whats logical. No need for anything above adition
oof meant for
Getting through their armor isn't the problem. Not getting 100-0'd by their flashbangs and tasers are.
How hard is this to get into compared to like FO1/2?
>stays on the fucking ceiling
Make sure to turn around the corner before ending your turn
Keep your distance
>lays a trap
>throws a molotov
>quickly tinkers
>wears good armor
>the entirety of pic related
>Uses any psychokinesis ability
Forgot that one
just get a bulletproof vest and they cant deal any damage
>decide to do Camp Hathor, Foundry, and Rail Crossing before starting the new stuff
>finishing up Rail Crossing
>last quest is Dude's quest
>wait this is different
>wait what
I'm in the Gray Army base atm, got the ppsh, soldier armor and officer armor, did I miss anything else?
fuck why did it have to be an expansion? I don't want to replay the main game just to do the new content with a different build. my single playthough took an entire month.
max out all schools on a tranquility build, or can 1-2 be left lower?
You can technically max all schools, but you'd be lacking on other skills probably
jesus christ this is retardedly simple thanks anons i got engineering physics on the mind
I'm honestly surprised how many people have decided to reroll. I didn't have it in me, I want to see the new content. But I don't see why respecing shouldn't be a thing in this game.
for me its
>open door
>throw grenade
>close door
I am wearing one. It doesn't matter because
Robutt hits user gets hit for 2 mechanical damage
Robutt user gets hit for 4 mechanical damage
Robutt critically hits user for 31 mechanical damage
Either way, it doesn't matter because the F9 gods gave me the strength to make it though.
my reaction excactly
my mind was absolutely fucked
I'm fairly certain you wont get the new content on playthroughs before Expedition, thats why people rerolled
Besies, there is new shit to try, always fun to experiment
user, my character beated GMS with a hammer and leather armor and psychokinesis
If a brainlet can overpower GMS, you can do it easily
I believe in you user
is max payne build with pistols and bullet time viable?
This game seems fun, but the cave tutorial area is extremely unfun and I hope its not a reflection on the rest of the game
>Extremely unfun
Do elaborate
But dont get your hopes up, this game is very punishing and will fuck your shit up if you dont know what are you doing
But if you play in normal difficulty you should be fine
I'm sure it's just a side effect of the dominating health increase. If I were on hard or something then I could probably pop one in a turn. But as it stands it takes 2 grenades and an aimed shot to drop one. And I had around 3 turns to assassinate one, drop combat, and retreat into the vents before more showed up since getting flashed while fighting two or more was pretty much guaranteed death.
If you arent hooked by junkyard the game just isnt for you.
would you guys pick up throwing on a psi user to help out early game? 75 or 30? I will probably be able to craft gas fairly early
chokes seem kinda pointless. they increase the odds of the pellets hitting the intended target instead of other dudes in the cone, but they lower damage, meaning you do roughly the same damage to the intended target but less overall. like, I'd get it if it also increased the effective range but it seems as worthless as the silencer.
Keep the good work, if it is hard for you, imagine how was it for me
Got EMP nades?
oh god oh fuck
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
I have been playing the new content on a character that completed the base game. Unless you are referring to updated base game content or the new feats/builds you can do; but like I said I am willing to forego this.
grenades have a maximum chance of landing just three tiles off target so you dont even have to be super accurate since the aoe is so large. I put mine to ~30 and theyre incredibly strong still.
Expedition content zone?
Wait, what?
How early should you be able to take on the lunatics in warehouse block alpha? Sometimes I'm able to get most of them to fall into my traps and I'll be able to throw a grenade into the exploding barrel, but the last one will still be able to just kill me in a single turn or whatever.
the second part isn't adding up, am i supposed to find a combination that adds up to the number listed?
It's on a note you probably picked up and forgot about
Lunatics are the thoughest gang to face, so you better be well leveled and prepared, I'd skip them and fight them later if i were you
experienced magic fags: Thermodynamacity yes/no? It's hard to tell as a newfag if you'll be alternating elements like that. Perhaps better to go for Hypothermia?
hypothermia sucks
thermodynamicity is sometimes ok
cryogenic induction is godly
Yeah I'm going at it at level 4 and I'm just frustrated that I'm able to kill all but one of them each attempt. I can't really rely on my knife for damage here, but if they get caught in the bear traps I put around the barrel they'll die to a grenade or something.
the second number is 79,55,11 but that combo doesn't match up with whats on the console
Bought this game and I really want to do trapper/thrower build but I have no idea how to build good one. Is my build viable? What should I change?
Hypothermia is useful for boss characters that have fuckton of HP, such as Carnifex and Balor, otherwise is 'heh'
VERY spooky burial ground way up north
so Oddity is the way the dev intended and Classic was added later?
also i've found a combo that subtracts to that but it doesn't work
Pyromania basically makes your pyrokinesis into a super molitov without the area fire.
What kind tho? Grenades or Throwing knifes? Or both really, you can do both
Also trap is terminal autism, but viable.
Start in Normal difficulty, also invest in melee (knifes), also invest in Mechanics, tailoring, chemistry and biology
I suggest putting 15-20 points on persuation so you can get free shit at the start of the game
what are you throwing? Grenades do not scale with damage from throwing so 75 is enough. Knives and shit? Yeah, you need more.
welp, I'm not beating whatever that zone is
what im looking at
that's not the second number. check your key items.
Classic first, but Oddity exp is the staple exp system of Underrail, encourages exploration and stuff
I was thinking about both, knives and nades
finally did a psi run for the expansion, and surprise, surprise it s broken as fuck.
so much stronger than my guns and traps guy
am i looking in the right place?
Yeah you should do fine, choose your feats, go dive in the wiki, come back for advice if needed
But if you play on normal, you should be fine no matter what
oh, you should probably click around the room. I forgot where I found it but I have a note with the number combination on it which you don't seem to have.
Settled on something like this. TM is mostly for buffs but it's effective level is still decent, same with TC.
Force User is just for early game and for the force field benefit, pyro early for CC, Locus into beefing the TM effects, then crafting feat into leftover googies.
Anything glaringly wrong with it? I fucked up my hammer guy 4 hours in so I got to restart; still on my first run.
helps if there's an image, huh?
Hol up
Are you going full wizard on your first run?
What difficulty?
Normal. I just finished a Hard run on Kingmaker and while I like a little spice, I don't want to bang my dick against the wall in frustration this time.
Plus, the description of lower HP and less money doesn't sound great to me as a first play.
You can ditch Constitution and go for 6 agility and Sprint, which is always useful
Besides playing as glass cannon is F U N
switch out psychostatic electricity for something else
won't do you any good as tranquil psi
Was thinking that. Will probably take Clothier earlier. I guess by the time I get there I'll have a better idea of what the last feat to take will be.
Yeah, dump clothier too. No good to you either.
considering buying this game
is the expansion worth it?
I played a bit of classic fallout and found it pretty fun so i think i'll enjoy this
pack rathound worth it?
Yeah it is, if you dont mind a challenge that is
Neural overclocking and psychostatis electricity aren't good for tranquil psi. Get power management. Your shield is what keeps you at 100% HP most of the time.
Dump CON, you aren't supposed to take damage.
If you have 10 Strenght and devour Rathound sticks for only and sole protein in take, not really
Otherwise if you want to be a jew yes, specially in Dominating
But it's nothing more than a comodity really
Hella useful if you are a low STR crossbow/traps user
so not really for a PSI guy, then. I already see I can't really sell off all the loot anyways because of the merchant requests and resets
what the fuck are these psionic rape cats?
They're laser cats.
i had to kill them ;_;
Yeah, it's fine if you dont want to get it
And because of this, I will drop you a hint
Most of the loot you find from enemies are great, but in poor conditions, inmediadly selling them will yield but a few coins
What you must do is go to your cave, craft repair kits from useless items, such as knifes, sledgehammers, rathound/low leather gear and repair the goodies you encounter, the price they are worth depends on the durability/condition of item
Repair and you will make fuckloads of dosh
It's okay, it's all Dude's fault for not treating them better.
t. dogfag
I don't think critical power works with fragmented chaos at all.
>not liking both
you'll never get licked by a pussy while a bitch snuggles you
how do you feel about the all the mandatory dog murdering going on in depot A?
what the FUCK is going on with the dude's questline
it's kino though
t. catfag
don't worry about it, man.
Stupid fuck here. How the hell do I become self sufficient in this game for income at the start?
>Went gun boi
>Shoot rathounds up until the guy with 2 as pets and a crossbow.
>Start fight
>Kill one rat on my turn but he hits me for 50 twice and the other rat finishes me off
I check my shit and I'm almost out of ammo and my gun has pretty much no durability left. Trying catching hoppers and selling them, but no one wants to buy them. Try selling hopper meat, no one wants it. Took the sub-machine gun from the the Watch quest, sells for 200ish credits. Have some rat hides, they might sell for a bit now have like 600 and the buys me barely anything.
I'm guessing I should restart as melee? Also, oddity or classic?
Psi helps a lot saving you money early game
Take Persuation and jew free stuff at the start of the game (you might want to restart)
Ah, the miracles of crafting.
Check and see if the armory has any grenades for sale. Even better, molotovs. They'll trivialize that fight. The rathounds will run in fear while burning and the guy will also take damage from fire. If you can, chuck the molotov in and shut the door. If you can pick up grenades with it, they'll do tons of damage as well.
I am curious about something, though. I picked up Expedition and went gun/time mage build with the intent of trying out the new discipline and using shotguns but I have yet to get one. How are shotguns in the game so far? Overpowered? Underpowered? Should I drop the guns and go for a different build?
Yeah, I'm going to do that. Sprint seems more useful vs 25 more psi when GULPing. Will also probably be easier to get to cover with sprint vs getting to tank 1 extra hit and then die.
that was one of the hardest fights in the game for me. I had to abuse the fuck out of traps to kill them all.
this should be a law, sex robots are the best
I once crafted a shock Sledgehammer that did 150-200 damage + 75 splash shock damage
It really pained me to ditch my dear Quake, but it was good. I also notice Quake did not had durability meter, meaning it never go broke.
Shotguns benefit greatly from the time stuff as temporal contraction can allow you to burst and reload in the same turn along with giving you the mobility needed to rush a target. Burst fire is actually not as damaging on single targets as you might think due to lower precision but works very well when three enemies line up in front of you in a choke point.
>tfw you craft a cloaking device that completely renders any stealth skill irrevant
aww yeah
Do enemies ever reset? I killed four or five guys near a dog fighting ring but realized there are still five more guys so I fucked off
Yes, dear friend?
How are you?
I'm doing alright, thanks for asking! Drinking some water, wandering around Yea Forums looking for anything interesting, thinking about making a quesadilla or two as a snack since I ate so light earlier. May even load up Frostpunk since I've been meaning to play that. How are you, friend?
Playing Underrail, staying up late since I'm on vacations, doing fine so far, and when I get bored I can always play with my doggos.
Doin' fine I say
i'm lost in some random military base where everyone is speaking proto-croatian trying to find mineral oil
Glad to hear it! Hopefully you won't get bored too often though, if Underrail's your main luxury on vacation.
Nah, I got many other games to play, specially online with buddies, I just returned from the grave to play the expansions.
Besides I can get to do stuff at home during this free weekend, like waking up late kek
the authentic Expeditionâ„¢ experience
it actually reminds me of my trip to croatia
What's a good sniper/crossbow build for a newbie?
You can always figure it yourself on Normal
Both crossbow and sniper rifles are reigned by Gun skill, so it shouldnt be so hard
yo whats wrong with that dog
Is this guide still good ?
just bought this game
oddity or classic experience?
oddity always
you still get xp for quests and killing stuff its just presented differently
how can i make a non shit build? shotguns and spears seem interesting but im very brainlet
Assault rifle/metal armor build is the most brainlet, newbie friendly build you can get
Good to know the two work well together, thanks for the info.
Can shields and spear guard protect against bullets or are spear builds swiss cheese?
here, go nuts with it
God damn I hate this room.
Expeditions is amazing bros. How do they do it?
slav magic
seconding this
I like how this game portraits how's living on a massive shithole ghetto
It's actually quite accurate
>FINALLY managed to buy the expansion (there was some credit card fuckery)
>it's 5gb
>double the size of the game
How big is this expansion whao
Yeah new graphics and music
Menu music is fucking sweet if you ask me
What psi schools are the best?
All different schools got their ups and down, but previous to Expedition, Though Control was probably the most relevant, but this new TM seem to be broken so far.
I can explain which school is better used for what
Pretty much. Only thing I would strongly object to is going Oddity. I personally hated it.
As for stats the advice still holds true. Although I think some of it is poorly worded. "Does not go well with stealth/hit and run builds due to armor penalty." I think they meant to say Heavy armor does not go well with melee stealth assassin builds not strength.
The graphics are great, what they'd use to get them to look so close to that kino fallout 90's cg?
How about for a first time psiker? I got about 3 hours in with my first pistol build, i'm thinking about TM and Thought control or Psychokinesis
Does anyone know how I get the faceless at foundry to talk to me? I want to do them first so I can help out Buzzer without murdering the faceless in the shop
With pleasure.
I did a full wizard build (Psychokinesis, Though Control and Metathermics) prior to Expedition, but my main guy is a Psychokinesis guy.
Psychokinetic is basically causing physical damage with your mind, also lighting too. Deals huge mechanical and electrical damage, good overall spells. Synchronizes well with Strenght characters, unlike other schools.
Though control manipulates and attack other people's mind, you can mindfuck enemies, either damaging them or make them frightened and run in panic, stun them, or enrage them so they attack everyone on sight, causing lots of infighting
Metathermic is fire and ice, simply as that, can throw iceballs that deal cold damage, slow and weakens enemies, or cast fiery fireballs that deals fuckhuge amount of damage in a huge radious, among other things.
Temporal Manipulation I havent used yet, ask others, however people say it's currently broken and OP right now.
If you want further information about any school, either ask or consult the wiki
>Throw a poisoned throwing knife at the bandit leader at the bottom of the GMS compound
>Drop caltrops then run back to the security room
>Lock the door then reactivate the turret
Find the whereabouts of the Cube, complete any of the 3 Core City factions and then return to Foundry's faceless, you will get rewarded for it
concentrated soul
I feel like there’s something funny I can do with the Jackknife since the ap cost is so low but I’m not sure what.
Pick your nose with it
for a tranq psi build picking up Metathermics spells, do I even need grenades? I was going to chuck 30 or so in throw, but right now I'm tapped out raising my main skills so won't be able to until level 6+
EMP grenades and flashbangs are still important everything else you can cover with psi abilities
Alrighty, so I'll get that 30 in there at some point.
Oh and big tip, you can set off mines with pyrokinesis
fuck i wanna play more but need to sleep
i did the dude questline and now need to wander all the way back to rail crossing
>they still haven't fixed the slow ass movement speed
>game has speedup option
Is there any guaranteed early shotgun outside of making one yourself? I haven't seen any enemies equipped with them just yet. Granted, I'm still doing the hopper quests so I'm not terribly far in to begin with. Just wondering when the first chance to get one comes around.
If you started with 20 effective persuasion you get one right away
What? I checked and it's for combat only.
they did fix it actually
check the controls, there are hotkeys for speeding up the game out of combat.
Best new weapons from the expansion?
retarded mongoloid
Literally an OP tactic IRL.
You cannot be this retarded
Signatures are against the rules, buddy
>go from hammer guy to psi guy
>can't pick up shit
my autism doesn't like this
The first shotgun enemy I found was an ironhead over near foundry, so i'm pretty sure you're stuck crafting. you're probably better off using an AR or an SMG until you get to junkyard because affording both the shotgun and the ammo for it can be tight
or you can do what said and feel cheated
Thinking of taking a break from my main character to try out psionics. How many schools do people typically focus on in a build?
You can be both user
Just like I am right now
just started and annoyed at fighting all these rathounds, how the fuck do you avoid combat in this game? an npc said to throw flares to make them scram but that does jack shit
One if you gonna specialize on it
>Helping Buzzer would defeat the purpose
>Can't get to the cube right now because I don't think I can do Free Maura
So basically I need to get the bloody PDA, which I don't think I can do because that fight is fucking hard as balls
You can wreck the Faceless' shit at Rail Crossing but make friends with them in DC so long as you tell that one team where the cube is and patch up the only good faceless dude.
stealth can help with avoiding trash, but you picked the wrong game if you don't want combat
You dont need to Free Maura, just complete any Core City faction, you will know where is the Cube, then forcefully or sneakily make your way to Buzzaer, with enough persuation you can get the Mind reader to release Buzzer and not kill him
Is there a way to disable security cameras in controlled zones without turning everyone hostile?
early game is tough, especially for guns. I dipped into a bit of melee for a sledgehammer to pass bullshit like that. Shops reset every 90 minutes and will buy some of your shit then. Do NOT dip into psi, permanent health debuff is a lot worse than losing like 20 skillpoints to melee when you finally breeze through the early game.
By killing the dude that's in the control room (usually)
I often found it more economic to use consumables to win fights even when I didn't need to. As for the hermit guy the first time I reached him I beat him by planting three bear traps and luring them into it. The second time I just opened the door, threw molotov in, then closed the door and that was it.
Thanks for the info. As soon as I saw the option, I regretted not pumping up some Persuasion. I'll go for SMG or AR in the meantime as suggested and pick up a shotgun when I can, then.
how do i see how much xp i have and how much until next level?
Literally that green bar above your HUD
how the fuck am i supposed to power the generators without lockpicking?
What generators? Are you on the tutorial parts of the game?
Are spears any good?
so I don't get XP for completing quests? I returned the watch to the old dude and got nothing.. I'm playing on Oddity. I thought that was finding oddities and doing quests.
the opening mission where you power the generator and then turn on the stations.. 2 of them are behind locked doors
Tranquility or Psychosis? They both sound good
oddity gives xp for quests
some quests don't give oddity XP, others will give quite a few
$1.48 PER SALE
What's a good weapon to go alongside psi attacks?
How many bear traps is too many?
Never too many
You only need to do 3. You can get inside one of the locked ones through a path through one of the other stations. If you want the bonus money not sure about the other one.
This one.
Tranquility: cast incomparably more, but rarely crit. Better with tanky builds with last stand
Psychosis: crit for huge damage but have gimped psi utility because of the cranked up costs. Better with hypermode glass cannons to boost the crit chance.
Full spec into the Time Manipulation is more suited for tranquility builds since their main damage ability cannot crit.
Methathermics is more suited for psychosis builds.
Is playing this blind just not a thing? Like people seem to have everything planned out and shit.
>You need to know about Cornell and his Acid Hunters. You can learn about them from Buzzer in Rail Crossing if you saved him from the Faceless, from Hugo in Foundry if you helped the Faceless group near Foundry, or from the Bloody Mobile Computer found in an Ironhead camp along the rails connecting Core City and Foundry.
You have to do this in a very weird order to actually avoid killing that faceless, and really, I don't actually gain much of anything from it since I can still be on good terms with them when I hit DC.
Unrelated but god how the fuck am I going to kill Balor with a shotgun build?
Playing blind is good, but you may or msy not hit a wall and have to retry
Play normal and go semi blind, ask for advice if needed
What you got in mind?
You dont use a Shotgun
Hammer vs Hammer
Anyone tried this on Linux?
i beat underrail last year and i'm coming back and trying it on hard for the dlc but not sure if i should get persuasion or mercantile
Anybody got a good magic build? I'd like to play as a wizard if possible
105 effective mercantile got me super soldier drugs user. Im not even kidding, you can buy some serious shit with it and persuasions generaly for pussies who cant or dont wanna fight desu.
Mercantile was unironically buffed from the worst persuasion stat into the best.
Oh also, it can SERIOUSLY CUT YOUR JET SKI PRICE. Im talking like 10k for the later skis, shits good.
10 int 10 will 6 agi
Boost all schools, dont take damage, dont play retarded, use shields
Heavy armor / shotgun build, any other feats I should bother with? I haven't been using auto-fire shotguns and perfect scattering / pellet mayhem don't seem super worth it. Maybe get conditioning, expertise or opportunist+suppressive fire?
KNEEEECAAAAP AND AIIIMED SHOOOT DONT FUKKEN WORK ON SHOTIIIIIES user. Unless you use a AR to take use of em, you are wasting perks.
Without any tweaks the game will freeze/crash during area transitions and when you save the game. Use proton 3.16-9 and follow these instructions: steamcommunity.com
Kneecap totally works with shotguns. I also have an AR I use on occasion.
Conditioning, Juggernauth, Sprint, Armor Slopping, Nimble, etc
t. Hammer metal armor
thankyou anons, after i beat depot a i will become a mega jew
>Burrower poison does 5-7 damage per turn
>Enemies, even as early as junkyard have 180-400 health
What sort of retarded balancing is that? No wonder nobody uses poisons, what the fucking shit. Burrowers, the things which are infinitely harder than the shit I'm currently fighting, give a weak ass poison effect, for what purpose though? The regular bleed damage from a normal run of the mill bear trap is 10 damage per turn, why go through all the effort of adding a poison, skilling up biology and what not for an extra 5 damage added on to that?
It's for crossbow bolts, mostly. Burrower poison stacks up to 5.
>he doesnt know about cave ear caltrops into hypertoxicity burrowers
>he doesnt know he can stack that shit up to 5 and that hypertox doubles it
>he doesnt do stealthy assasinations by litering the map and seeing people tick for 70 fkn dmg
burrowers become piss easy mid game, the poisons you'll want to look out for are crawler, night stalker, and so on. they give big stuns.
First two quests suck balls, GMP compound and onward are much better but game doesn't really start until Depot A.
>maxed specialized Yell
>all organic enemy offensive stats around you are reduced by 175
God damn I hate knife enemies
>One crippling strike immediately fucks me out of doing more than one attack a turn with my shotgun
>Always have sprint so I can't psuedo-kite them with kneecap shot
>Crippling strike beneath the fucking strength requirement for my guns and then I can't possibly win
The doctor in the arena is giving me a lot of fucking hell right now
Am i right in thinking that Metathermics are pretty underwhelming for a Tranquility build?
so they still didnt add cyberware for the player character huh?
Spoonfeed me high int energy/chem pistols build, please.
Adrenaline can nullify one stack of crippling strike for 3 turns, it gives 2 STR for the duration. There's also a new version that gives 4 STR for 2 turns, so 2 stacks.
Just wait with the kneecap until they use sprint.
Who needs cyberware when you can become a walking temporal anomaly with god knows how long lifespan.
i do because psi is for bitches
You get that for not being ironcladed under 4 layers of metal
Psi is literally running this entire setting user
its for
I haven't had the chance to craft some real ass armor yet! But I'll fucking go to foundry and deal with the mine if it gets me my METALS.
I will save you time
Bring 2 dog crates and capture 2 borers
Kill all borers you find until you find the 4 borer oddities
When you find a piece of raw tichronium metal, keep 1 to yourself
You will have to bring thise back to SGS for the questline
And remenber, Tungsten is love, Tungsten is life
thinking of rolling up a sword character for the DLC. Riot gear or metal armor?
Riot gear so you can play like a Roman LEGIONARY
fuck yeah, that's what I was thinkin'
in addition was probably gonna dip into throwing and traps, not sure if I can squeeze psionics in or if that'll shaft the build
>mfw I almost got filtered at the GMS compound
it's been a while since I played this
Your build is probably trash. Good luck with Depot A
Oh man just wait to get to Silent Isle
I never got into fallout but I got into this game.
finna boutta net a nigga and slice 'em to ribbons
Dont worry, pretend the natives are german barbarians
My build is fine, it's just that I forgot that I could destroy the cameras lvl 2. I was also only carrying a single shitty 5mm that got worn out by the time I got to lvl 3 (I dun goof'd and didn't craft a shotty before leaving SGS), thankfully what I found on site helped me.
You can do it user
I believe in you
spasiba bratan, onwards to Depot A now
Abuse the shit the outta of molotovs and burrower poision molotovs
Holy fuck gas grenades are OP
Literally no downside for tossing one in the beginning of battle, especially if you're a psyker.
worry not fellow stalker, this is my second playthrough
Burrower poision caltrops*
Fuck I need to sleep, good luck
See you tomorow assuming anybody will make another thread
>tfw trapping the entrance of a room then throwing brap grenades inside
How soon does crafted jtems become better than store-bought/looted items? Is it instantly?
As soon as you can enhance them with optional components.
The depends on the item in question, but usually as said. Which tends to be after GMS when you go to Junkyard, sometimes before.
Has anyone finished Expedition yet? I'm stuck at the Abyss Zero Station in L2 and I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing. I found the subsphere but nothing is happening.
>beat all arena opponents
>become ultimate giga champion
>random encounter thug in some alley
>tougher than most arena opponents
>kills me no problem
I really hate stat inflation, what's the point of levels when everything just gets tougher too
At that point you're not fighting simple thugs but the most dangerous motherfuckers in Underrail.
>not understanding that Zone bred motherfuckers are the toughest fuckers to ever breathe
>not understanding you can beat a fucker 1v1 but that if you get caught you still aint still
>not understanding that this is the fucking Southern Rail and you really aint ever been the tighest shit to waltz offa SGS
You may be the mc, but you aint no protag, you feel me bre?
nah it's shitty game balance and bullet sponge enemies just because it's further into story
completely ruined my immersion
>and you really aint ever been the tighest shit to waltz offa SGS
By the level 30 you're literally the most powerful being in southern underrail aside from Godmen.
Shit, with new perks and stuff you can reach Eidein tier psi pool.
3 - 10 (lvl to 13) - 3 - 3 - 10 (lvl to atleast 11) - 8 (lvl to 10, but preferably leave at 8 and level perception instead because it scales slightly better than high technicalities + you get accuracy as well)
13 dex (14 with eel's) to fire laser pistol 5 times per turn or fire smart amplified plasma pistol twice with point shot
11 perception minimum for scrutinous
8-10 intelligence for damage boost from high technicalities & big brain role playing memes
take literally every crit chance/bonus related feat, the two chem pistol feats, the two energy pistol feats, quick tinkering and grenadier
What is the best experience gaining? Oddity or normal?
Oddity is way more unique and satisfying since it rewards exploration and not a strict murder hoboing.
Now you can. Before you really werent that amazing desu.
Oddity. No context. Classic is if you need a clutch and want to pretend you're not playing on Easy, when in fact you are.
I meant contest of course. Fuck phones.
>cant speed the game up when over-encumbered
This is a funny touch, if you wanna make a haul you gotta suffer the speed
is fancy footwork worth the feat?
what are you playing
it's borderline broken with knives and fists
Not them but I'm going fancy footwork using flurry with swords, was working pretty good (before I restarted because I wanted to change stats).
Anybody got a glass cannon psyker build?
It builds itself dude how braindead are you
yeah was planning on swords, thanks dude
I'll try it out
>cave hoppers drop a 2 exp oddity
what the fuck
im playing without one problem in 100+ hours
really or am i being trolled into spending the next few hours killing cave hoppers for no reason
psi is baby tier. I just made a spear and shield build for the expansion and its been fun so far, gonna hate the endgame probably tho. 10 STR, 6 DEX, 6 AGI, 6 CON, 3 PER, 3 WIL, 6 INT. Im gonna pump all the points into STR and just take all the spear and shield feats, with a couple crafting ones for the riot gear
Takes 10 minutes if you're unlucky.
You'd think that, but just yesterday I've been killing hoppers for 20-something minutes for a leather drop. On max speed.
Invest in stealth next time :^)
Bros I'm retarded
Here's my build, so tell me should I go Psychosis or Tranqulity?
Herpa derp. But nice one.
>random enocunter thug
>tougher than Carnifex
hemopsychosis sounds op as fuck but since you're rocking a whopping 3 con just go tranq
I’m tired of dying any time something hits me with a CC. Do I really need 10 CON and that feat to stop stuns?
No, there are other options.
>locus of control
>killing/disabling/breaking the LoS with enemies capable of disabling you
There's a drug that does it I think
should I maximize DT or DR? Does riot armor only give the percent boost to DT? Never run a character with armor before
That’s literally what I was looking for, how have I never seen it once yet? Maybe I just glossed over it because it looks like every other drug.
I'm starting to play this for the first time, what's a good beginner's build?
because you have to craft it
I would focus on DR on riot armor. The DT increase is not big enough to make DT stacking effective and you are getting the same increase for DR anyways.
There's no "every other drug", almost all of them are god tier
Tranquility requires you to have high CON for Last Stand, otherwise it won't reliably work against a huge crowd of enemies. Psychosis glass cannon will suit you better.
Ackchyually you can ge exactly one bullhead at the Black Sea.
Pretty sure most new player friendly is going assault rifles + heavy armour and gunning shit down as tank. If you look around you'll likely find proper builds for it if you want.
its part of the random loot table
same with aegis/focus stim/etc
its possible to randomly find it on an enemy but if you want to rely on it you need 80 effective biology and to grind the fuck out of those drill worms in the foundry
*snort* *pushes up glasses* *adjusts pens in pocket* UH ACKSHULLY SUCK MY BULLCOCK NERDBOY
don't a few scientist guys drop them rarely too? or like an event guy
2 against 1
But won't psychosis fuck me up because I need so many psy points to actualy use my powers for a nimble 15% crit chance?
I mean a guranteed one.
Bullhead is a VERY rare drop. As in, I maybe found it once is several playthroughs. Even focus stims are more common.
psychosis takes a while to get going but once you're level 12 or so you start ending fights with one spell
I'm playing tranquility with a melee + psi 3 con build
Last Stand is just one option for tranquility. With that INT he'll craft god tier energy shields, the best drugs. He'll have Force Field, Stasis, Locus of Control, Projection, Disruption, Decrement, Increment, Shield. He won't need CON and Last Stand at all.
4 turns long Last Stand with 6 turn long cooldown together with Hemopsychosis is better than all those options though.
>With that INT he'll craft god tier energy shields
INT isn't a bottleneck for shield strength, the quality of components is. All INT does is make you capable of crafting them earlier, IF you have enough luck to get all components earlier. 5-7 really is sufficent.
It's also not possible until level 22.
It's not a bottleneck, but he only posted his stats. I'm assuming from his INT that he is heavily into crafting.
Even 2 turns long last stand with hemopsychosis is an absolute bullshit and it's possible at any level post-13.
>350 posts
>69 IP's
based shills
go play ATOM or kenshi then nigger
imagine complaining about videogames discussion on Yea Forums
Thanks for bumping the thread fucko
Ignore the /pol/ shitter until he has no choice but to return to his board. Do thank him for the bump tho.
>imagine thinking you can have actual discussion with less than 5 posts per poster
Thread tourists leaving a single shitpost before fucking off is not discussion, friend.
Tries to play it so many times, game is not that good and unless you look up the autistic builds that make the game really easy the difficulty spikes destroy you
He knows this. You're just giving him the attention he wants.
Hold on... If there were 69 IPs when you posted, and the count didn't increase, then that means you've already participated in the thread!
I'm playing blind on hard. The only things I looked up is how stats work and how certain poorly worded feats work. Restarted once, early, after I understood how the crafting works. Doing fine.
>Even 2 turns long last stand with hemopsychosis is an absolute bullshit
You lose the tranquility bonus after the first hemo cast. Why not just use psychosis? That's the one your health doesn't make or break.
>You lose the tranquility bonus after the first hemo cast
Not with last stand.
man the black sea is really, really fucking good lads
the art direction/music/dungeons/general quality of everything is just a huge step up
how did they do it
Yes with Last Stand. It doesn't freeze your health at max.
>how did they do it
By delaying it over 2 years, duh. Also new artist that took care of sprites, so the first one had time to work on enviroments more.
By having more experience after making a game.
desu I thought Expedition would be the next duke nukem forever, it got delayed so much I lost all hope
even when styg announced the release date last month I still thought it was horse shit
it's like I'm in a fever dream, I still can't believe it's finished
I've been leaking shit from the alpha for almost a year, man.
>Forward grip reduces shotgun AP cost
Why did I not check this earlier
Redpill me on riot armor vs tactical vests for psi.
Does everything come down to extra melee protection (which is probably way more importal) vs extra gun protection (which can be easily mitigated with shields anyway)?
riot armour psi doesnt let you wield the op psi weapon cause it's two handed so tac vest
The op psi weapon is a spear and you can wield spears one handed with iron grip.
Iron grip means wasting an additional feat and having 11 fucking STR.
I don't think psi beetle carapaces give you any psi reduction in riot gear.
The cooldown reducing psi is so fucking good.
The fact it works even for hypos is straight insane.
Learn how to remove enemy dodge.
How do you feel about Conditioning, anons?
bear traps + throwing net + taser spam is the true underrail experience, machetes sound kino
Only on pump actions tho.
I love it.
>you can spear throw twice in the same turn
>you can impale twice in the same turn
>you can throw a grenade every turn for two turns
>the Aimed Shot spam possible with Shooting Spree.
it's just one of those things he added to be shit tier when you use it and god tier when enemies use it. like crossbows.
More like blunderrail.
how many points into traps do you realistically need? beat the game before but haven't ever tried them, not even caltrops
>>you can impale twice in the same turn
how tf
Enough to meet the requirements of the traps you wanna use.
Any new psi armour in DLC?
what's the highest reqs? what're some must have feats for traps?
0 if you just want to use bear traps
55 if you want to use crawler bear traps
25 for quick tinkering if you have the dex to get it
more (100+) if you want to spot/disarm/recover all the traps in the game
there's a weapon that increases psi if that counts for anything
>what's the highest reqs?
95 for Mk V HE mines.
>what're some must have feats for traps?
Quick tinkering if you wanna spam them in combat, deadly snares if you are a crossbowman.
pretty sure the highest is 95 to lay down a top tier HE mine
drops in much higher quality than psi beetle carapaces
thanks bois, probably gonna dip in slightly this run
>Adds 70% armor penalty.
Rip my stealth psi build idea then.
Back to CON shenanigans.
CONgo niggers WW@
psi fist monk
i fucking love me some grenades tho
just finished depot A with my heavy armor assault rifle build but I'm beginning to get cold feet and may want to restart as a heavy armor sledge build thats even tankier, what do I do?
get 5 STR later so you can use shields
Yeah but with Psycho-temporal Contraction and adrenaline shot you can attack three times per turn for six turns
>being a quitter
You are better than this.
What shields?
Riot gear is only 4 STR and not really recommended for psykers
Is this anything like NEO Scavenger?
I loved that game, is it any similar to that one? Will I like it if I liked that one as well?
so is lockpicking/hacking something that you absolutely HAVE to have to unlock rare shit and access nice stuff? because fuck me I'm running into so many locked containers and doors that it's bullshit
No it's more like fallout if fallout was actually good
>What shields?
pic related
>Riot gear is only 4 STR and not really recommended for psykers
it's all about options my dude, it might not be the best but it doesn't hurt to have it at hand anytime you're getting your anus reamed by some shit
you should have enough skill points to take them regardless of build, there's a few things you can do to boost them like lockpick and haxxor mk II and mk IIIs, jack knife, and huxkey from a certain questline from a certain someone in junkyard
the only similarity those two games share are the guy responsible for the soundtrack. I personally liked both but i wouldn't recommend one on the basis of liking the other.
Nah, entirely different games. Both really good tho. One of the artists played NEO and loved it.
Fair enough. I just remember seeing someone recommend this for a game ''similar'' to NEO Scavenger if you wanted to try out something new and I thought it looked cool enough to give it a try, I might get it this weekened either way to try it out.
>so is lockpicking/hacking something that you absolutely HAVE to have to unlock rare shit and access nice stuff?
No, not really. A secret here and there, a few oddities, alternative routes, some useful checks. Not mandatory in the slightest. You will miss shit regardless of what you play.
This. Easily one of the most important feats in that build
Where do I get blueprints for shields? Thinking of psi beetle shield+psi beetle armor+SPURDER SPARDER SPIRIT SPEAR for maximum psyker memes.
Are shields a separate entity from riot armor now?
>Where do I get blueprints for shields?
Only need the riot armor blueprint.
Disregard that, I am a retard. I wish I could do that shit though.
>Are shields a separate entity from riot armor now?
nope, it still takes the shield plate slot in crafting
But does it decrease psi cost?
Did I fuck up going the Sprint route on a Tranq Psi user? I wonder if I should have gone 9 con and Last Stand. Going first all the time though is really really nice and sprint has been more useful than I would've thought on a magic man.
You need stealth to get that huxkey. Doing the first part is literally impossible without stealth.
You can just use gear for that
I thought it worked out if you had persuasion too, you can always come back later right?
what's the minimum stealth required to do it?
stealth overcoat, balaclava and stealth shoes should be enough to plant the bug
intimidate, or persuasion?
>What is persuasion
Something like 40-50, you can always wait until later and get some tabi.
intimidate yell chad
Persuasion gives you more dialogue choices but intimidation has a feat that potentially lowers enemy's offensive skills by like 175 points at max which is utterly hilarious.
so is there hope in killing the plasma turrets in depot A (DOMINATING) as a melee build or should i just stock up on EMP grenades before i go in and dash by them
i have a shock knife and took exposed weakness early just in case but i have no idea if that'll be enough to A.) kill them before i run out of batteries or B.) overcome the damage threshold with a low level knife even with EW
Give me some build critique anons.
What should i spend another 10 specialization points into? Future Orientation is a given as it removes all negatives of the perk and makes temporal buffs even better.
>plasma turrets in depot A
really? dominating is fucking wild
not gonna spoil where but there's industrial bots super early too
11 is the absolute minimum to do it. Any lower and you are instant detected.
i'm guessing GMS
is it worth taking pyromaniac and cryogenic induction? Cyro seems worth it but for AOE it looks like thermodynamic destabilization is the winner. Not sure how much value I would get out of cyro
If you have hacking there's an easier way. The room next to that one has a locked door you can hack open in stealth while no guards have LOS on you. Inside that room there's a vent.
nah i dont think that'd be possible to beat with most builds
i'll just say a little after depot A
>increased will
lol, completely unnecessary at that point
>Doing the first part is literally impossible without stealth.
Persuasion lets you bullshit that embassy paper pusher dude to leave you alone for a moment, no need for stealth
Take increased will earlier. It's better than advanced psi empathy.
I wouldn't call that easier. Getting the timing right for unlocking that door and stealthing past the deputy are about the same.
There ain't many options for psi veteran feats. It's still like universal +25 to the skill.
School boosters are ass given that they drain your psi pool.
But that's 15% to all psi costs we're talking about. Not like that extra health is useful at that point given that with all those crafting stats you're swimming in powerful shields and morphine.
You can get other psi feats, man. +25 skill increase is fucking nothing at that point.
What is Hemopsychosis?
An awful skill for any Tranquility based caster.
>energy pistols
>but no energy rifles
just like my system shock 2
>Tranquility based caster.
There's your problem.
Too advanced. The one the Faceless Commander has is literally grafted to his arm.
>unga bunga me inject trance unga unga me cast cryo orb
the state of psychosis babs
There's no problem, they are strong as fuck and arguably more enjoyable to play rather than being a glorified crit machine.
Just persuade the deputy to leave for 30 seconds you big murderhobo babies
i wish i could graft a laser gun to my arm...
Lol, have fun only being useful when at full health and always doped up.
You baka-ass nigga. It's perfect match for tranquility. No good for psychosis.
That's literally not a problem given the amount of defensive and healing options you have in the game.
Last Stand doesn't fixate your HP at max if you're talking about it.
It has zero synergy with tranquility. Zero.
how is it the environment sprites are so goddamn good but the icon sprites are fucking shit?
how does this look? Was also considering 10 int 6 agil version with sprint instead of Fast Meta, replacing Hemo and Last Stand with Pyro and something else
Temporal Distortion can't crit and graciously dabs on psychosis niggers against any group of enemies.
Hell if you wish you can drop memethermics on Tranquility completely and still wreck everything.
Don't waste your specialization points on reducing psychosis' psi cost, there are times that already negate that plenty enough. You can increase the duration of psychostatic electricity by one at the steal of a single specialization point and reduce the cool downs of psionic mania and premidiation. Thermodynamicity is also a really awful feat that only really works on tranquility psi builds. Also, if you're going future orientation, max out its special points.
>thermodynamic destabiliazation
>psionic mania'd pyrokinesis
lol, have fun waiting forever and getting fucked when continuum ripple doesn't proc
>Thermodynamicity is also a really awful feat that only really works on tranquility psi builds
I'd argue it doesn't work anywhere.
Continuum ripple procs are so gracious by default it's never a problem.
Psychosis is fucking awful for utility and by far the most boring way to play psi in this game.
It's another game where i let my character level up like 4 levels without upgrading stats, then i save and reload trillion times leveling those 4lvls. Then i get bored of it and let the game be, come back to it half a year later and start anew because i don't remember anything from the last save.
What do i do, i can't help it, i do this shit in almost every rpg where i have an option to postpone leveling up.
Eh, you can chain a pyrokinesis blast with cyro orb. The status effects cancel each other out, though.
>noticed a good kevlar plate in the vendor inventory
>return only for it to disappear
Fuck RNG
lol, imagine believing this. Tranquil psi will never know the difficulties of having to balance your health, limited psi points, and items. It's far too boring for psi, anyway. If you got shit loads of psi points and psi regeneration, maybe it'd be better than psychosis but it's just too basic and eh.
>Tranquil psi will never know the difficulties of having to balance your health, limited psi points, and items.
It's psychosis builds who have a crippling psi cost increase that forces you to play as a braindead blaster who misses out on all the real fun of psi system. Especially in first half of the game.
Managing health is a non-problem for someone who stuns and disables entire battlefield in a turn.
>It's psychosis builds who have a crippling psi cost increase that forces you to play as a braindead blaster who misses out on all the real fun of psi system. Especially in first half of the game.
do tell what the real subjective fun is, my dude
>Managing health is a non-problem for someone who stuns and disables entire battlefield in a turn.
lol, only really possible through locus of control
>do tell what the real subjective fun is, my dude
I know. There's simpletons who just love pew pewing things to death. I know. It's sad.
>only really possible through locus of control
See, that's the beauty of tranquility psi: you're not limited to casting one-two things per turn.
Hypothermia would be so much better if it had a 50% to freeze for a turn on max stack.
unironically, i was NOT hooked by junkyard. only in depot i realized the game being good is actually true
That would mesh really well with cyrogenic induction so you wouldn't have to cast psi-eating cyrostatis all the goddamn time.
>I know. There's simpletons who just love pew pewing things to death. I know. It's sad.
God, you're pathetic.
>See, that's the beauty of tranquility psi: you're not limited to casting one-two things per turn.
Except for when you finally get hit. Even one point of damage is enough. Tranquility ain't shit. I know you're going to say shields but by the end of your first turn, the enemies surrounding you have already thrown enough grenades and burst fired it to pieces.
They are just as immobile, low initiative and vulnerable to EMP as normal turrets, it's not too bad.
>Except for when you finally get hit
When you finally get hit you have like 4 options to mitigate the damage for low to zero AP cost and continue fighting on full bonus, and those are just options for immediate healing.
bros which 3 psi trees would you pick? Temporal manipulation is absolutely epick for bosses and huge crowds. Psichokinesis only good for electricity and force punch idk about the rest maybe force field could be useful sometimes but that's pushing it since you can't throw shit over it. But idk with my abilities i only used just some of them to get through most of shit ... i havent tried metatermics yet but i don't like ice or heat help me out someone before i waste more time pick 3 fields for me icluding temporal manipulation(using all psi trees is useless imo and i wanna craft)
Into the trash.
is there an easy way back to rail crossing after doing the dude quest? i'm in no condition to take out 4 death stalkers to walk back
>doesn't even understand what the ability does
Every other psi school is better than metathermics.
btw i also find tranqulity kinda useless ... every time you meet enemies they are first to attack so you lost the bonus... why use it then.
so if I wanted to go psychosis, would I be better off going high initiative or stealth or high con with last stand to decimate the field before I die?
The specialization for last stand lets you increase it to 4 turns it looks like and it's cooldown down to 6 turns.
>expecting merchants to save shit for you
They have other clients that have money, get fucked window shooper.
Unless you completely cancel the damage out you're going to lose your AP mitigation
Psychosis is fine having shit initiation. Tranquility is the one that needs initiative and alpha strike.
>Unless you completely cancel the damage out
Which is exactly what you can do.
>doesn't understand what DoT mean
When I want shit dead, I want it dead now, not x turns later.
>he still doesn't understand the TD mechanics
How? Explain. You can only reduce it with items, not cancel out completely to zero unless your defenses are that high.
At least try tranquility once, and do it seriously, because it doesn't seem like you grasp how it plays.
>he still does't understand what DoT is
bro build i thought up with flashbang temporal manipulation and maybe get some othe nonstackable stuns. Just flashbang huge crowd stack up temporal distortion with adrenaline and premeditation it then spreads around and kills everyone ... but you need some other aoe ability to help you out maybe
Plan your first 15 levels in advance and stick to it
Last Stand completely cancels out all the damage you've suffered prior to your turn.
Temporary Rewind is similiar.
High-tier healing items are the same.
You have tons of options for immediate Tranquility trigger.
It was literally my first psi build. I know how it fucking plays.
Temporary Rewind only works if you weren't hit more than once, healing items have a cooldown and are best reserved for when you're fucked up rather than making tranquility useful, and Last Stand is a waste of a feat that could be going to something else if you weren't tranquil psi.