Admit it, the opening title screen always makes you cry when you hear it
Admit it, the opening title screen always makes you cry when you hear it
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yeah if you're a faggot
Sometimes my eyes well up when I see it. It's just a reminder of how great things used to be, and how fucking shitty the world is now.
Always remember what smartphones and social media took from you.
Zoomers will never understand the joy of experiencing the greatest game of all time as a child
i prefer the twilight princess opening
My nephew said this game made his head hurt. Zoomers will never get it
This is proof that Zoomers are born 2000-present, since I was born in the late 90s and this was one of my favorite games as a child.
I would come home from 4th grade and play this first thing.
Fair opinion, everyone loved TP when it came out
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess all have kino title screens, which is why I'm still mad about pic related.
I used to fucking hate this title screen as a kid because instead of the epic and iconic Zelda theme you would expect, you get some boring slow ass doo doo dooooo cowboy music
I grew to like it I guess, but I still think it's a bit of a lame opener for a game like this, compared to what could have been.
>born in the late 90s
>not a zoomer
Based retard.
The guy just said that Zoomers didn't experience OoT as a child, but I did experience it as a child and it was (and still is) one of my favorite games, so that proves that Zoomers are 2000-present.
user I agree with you with the exception that I never grew to like it. I will never not be mad at that title screen.
Not cry, but I definately reminisce and get emotional.
Fuck me, i wish I played it earlier
one of my first memories
Well duh. GenZ literally consists of 00s kids.
Yeah but some idiots think that Gen Z begins in 1997, and some even bigger idiots think it begins in 1995.
1995-1999 is a buffer zone; half are boomers, half are Zoomers, and the fact that I grew up with OoT and a bunch of other boomer stuff proves that it's not only Zoomers.
Ocarina fags are the fucking worse, I thought you all died off already?
I'm a Zoomer and I just feel depressed when people act like Breath of The Wild is so great, I just don't get it. I first played OOT when I was 6 and it blew my mind. None of that magic is captured in BOTW. You just wander around like a retard and "lol physics, post on Twitter".
atleast he isnt 40 browsing Yea Forums
To be fair I think I only saw this title screen once during my first playthrough since the Switch just goes to sleep.
No, because I'm not a faggot.
If we're talking nostalgic openings, though, here's mine.
>unironically believing ocarina of time is the greatest game of all time
I played ocarina as a kid too but even I admit BOTW is better. In terms of presentation OOT is far more iconic but BOTW is a better game.
Case in point Zoomers
Racing boomer ITT here. You Ocarina fags are pretty annoying. Your game's good, great even, but if anybody says it's anything less than the best game ever made, you sperg out.
>Everything I don't like are zoomers
Please user, if you can't admit Ocarina's gameplay hasn't aged well then you're just coping. Parts of the game are legitimately dull and all of the bosses are derivative of one another.
Instead of this grand adventure the main goal aside from divine beasts is to wander endlessly to find seeds and shrines with most of the story tied to optional "memories". I don't like open world games at all though, so maybe it's not for me. I like when games are segmented into multiple areas instead of one big map, like with OOT, or even MM.
It doesn't make me cry per say, It makes me cower in fear while hoping I don't get struck by a horizontal moving tornado though.
To be fair we only sperg out to piss off other Zeldafags
> Vague buzzwords copied straight from EgoRaptor
Because there has never been criticism about it, just autistic buzzword spam & vague one sentences that don't explain shit
TP is a fucking fantastic game. People unfairly measure it by its hype against the impact and reception it would have from being like OoT, instead of what it would offer as a game. The latter, it hits almost every mark. If ingame progression wasn't guided so much by story, it would be number 1 3D Zelda beyond any doubt.
>Because there has never been criticism about it, just autistic buzzword spam & vague one sentences that don't explain shit
>Criticisms about the games aren't valid because a retard e-celeb also thinks them
Egoraptor's a retard and he's shit at games, sure. But calling "parts of the game are dull and the bosses are derivative of one another" buzzwords just because you feel like it is why you retards are obnoxious.
You're happy Ego shat on your game, because it's your get out of criticism free card.
I will post in every OoT thread that this game desperately needs a child/adult option for New Game, like Tanker/Plant. I would play the game infinite times if I could skip all the child timeline shit.
I've criticized it legitimately ad naseum, and I bought the Collector's Edition on launch day and played through it probably 10 times by now. It's a good game, but you're a faggot.
>wolf sections
>good game
Pick one
My only gripe with TP is that the game felt too short and the waifufags other than that I loved it especially the horseback combat and that you could ride those giant boars, the fishing anywhere was great too especially the actual fishing at the fishing pond
It was pretty cool to randomly throw my line into water where those skeletal fish were and actually end up catching one
The sledding was really fucking cool too
You complain about a Zelda game having ten minutes of a collectathon at a time but I'd bet money you fucking love Banjo Kazooie.
>Egoraptor is the only who thinks this game is overrated
>30 minute video criticizing a game isn't going to mention glaring problems that are objectively based
Cope harder, Ocarina isn't even the best Zelda, let alone best game of all time. I don't enjoy games that sets it's own pace instead of letting the player set their own and letting them discover as they play. I couldn't get over the fact the vast majority of the Adult part of the game was the exact same as the child part, other than you're able to go to dungeons you couldn't go to before.
A Link to the Past was better.
The stealth missions in Zelda (OOT and MM in particular) are shitty but that doesn't mean something like Metal Gear is shitty too.
i love the quiet, early morning feel
Me too
There's just something about the morning light that makes you feel like there's even morning dew on that low quality textured grass
Was anyone else too autistic as a child to get very far in the game so you ended up taking it to an older friends house so he could progress for you while you watched?
No actually my aunt and I were both hyped about this game when it came out that we both ordered the golden cart, I ended up beating it while she was stuck on the Water Temple and again on Ganon's Tower so I was the one that helped her through it
I don't cry at it, and Majora's Mask was more special to me, but for some reason this opening gives me feelings of nostalgia like nothing else, it just gives me comfy feelings, like I'm a kid again playing it on an early summer morning with some light shining through the window of my dark room.
It's only the opening and it's music though, nothing else in the game really give me that feeling.
Fucking kill yourself normie
This is something the 3DS remake completely butchered. WTF was up with that odd green tint?
That's fucking retarded
It took me a while to beat the game as a kid, mainly because I didn't pay attention to the text or talk to the NPCs.
I can smell the s o y
That's probably you, go take a shower