Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests!
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1564019031746.png (1400x1200, 545K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 6e0a62242becc669860540acb491fce39bec40ec.png (900x886, 716K)

Hey everyone! Summer is upon us, and the Summer Collab is here! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Also if you can please make sure to have your submissions have a transparent background, if you need help on doing so then ask.

Here are all of the entries currently:

The current deadline is July 31st; Can't wait to see what everyone submits and hope this is a cool Summer project for everyone!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.76M)

Requesting Noxus Poppy holding her twintails and asking the viewer if he wants a "ride"

Attached: Poppy_NoxusSkin.jpg (1215x717, 130K)

>massive, soft breasts
Taking May requests

>so impatient for a delivery that he cannot wait for anchor post

Attached: what mariel believes.png (1070x283, 34K)

Requesting Curly Brace cooking burgers on her big, shiny metal ass in the summer heat. Bonus if she's selling them to random beach goers.

Attached: curly brace.png (1150x1944, 470K)

Funny that he cares about how likely he is to have a delivery when he could have drastically raised it by not being a giant fucking faggot.

Can any anons post some good vidya reference drawings to help practice? Maybe we can post our versions

D.W. Griffith?

Attached: 1563854799039.jpg (616x768, 61K)

Holy fucking shit I got OP

Any giantess requests?


Threadly reminder that CSR is better than you

Attached: D9S2jdmX4AEFEZ_.jpg (680x403, 49K)

Requesting Tamamo wearing cute bows or ribbons on her tails

Attached: Tamamo.png (800x600, 300K)

But CSR is a patreon faggot, so he's objectively worse

Requesting Chiaki from Super Danganronpa 2 eating a big burger like picture related.

Attached: ChiakiRequest.png (1830x1315, 1.99M)

Pretty much yeah, he has a nice painterly thing going. What game though? The gold and giant haunch of meat make me think Dragon's Crown

Requesting Mayday (from NSR – No Straight Roads) "strumming the banjo" on a couch. With Mayday’s top lifted and her hand down her skirt/shorts.



Attached: mayday.png (1332x1080, 1.25M)

That's okay, a lot of people are.

Requesting Camilla and Owain fucking. Bonus if the situation is Owain doing his theatrics with a annoyed Camilla.

Attached: Camo.png (1034x637, 668K)

dressed up as a librarian giving the viewer a ticket for an overdue library book, the book and how much is owed can be the artists choosing.

Attached: Histoire_Mk2_Art_Book.png (699x1000, 1018K)

Requesting Justine or Caroline from Persona 5 as a porcelain doll like reference pictures. Draw her being treated as shit by her owner, something like that flash animation about Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden. You can draw her sitting at a corner, sobbing, with one of her little porcelain arms/legs broken/destroyed(her owner did it with a hammer just for fun) and she trying to fix this issue using adhesive tape and superglue. Draw her wearing rags.

Attached: 34534634.jpg (1840x1076, 428K)

No kidding, considering he could make fun of a serious arson attack And that's not counting the fact that he's a huge SJW.

Requesting Baiken from Guilty Gears in a samurai duel against Zero from Katana Zero

Attached: Baiken-Zero.png (1800x1200, 1.75M)

Fucking guy singlehandedly ruined a dozen threads on /i/, especially the OC thread.
Yet he posts here, on a thread that allows anything but OCs.

Requesting Ms. Accord (pic related) from Puyo Puyo Fever lounging on the beach, in a swimsuit and reading a book.
Reference for pose: (give her a straw hat as well please)
I like see a vidya teacher on summer vacation.

Attached: MsAccord.jpg (1440x1080, 75K)

Requesting Sukapon and ROB as cute girl medabots

Attached: Sukapon and ROB req.png (1384x1280, 1.43M)

Requesting Dronya giving Tractie's front cover a kiss.

Attached: Tractie and Dronya.png (6000x1801, 3.1M)

I hate M*riel too but that was actually based as fuck. I made a little joke about the fire and got fucking banned for 3 days on Wednesday.
I already have a disdain for moefags but that sealed the deal for me. Fuck em and fuck their scorched studio.

Requesting Cloud and Esper Terra flying around together

Attached: FinalFantasy .jpg (4257x2449, 578K)

Requesting Jill Stingray holding her favorite Keanu Reeves plushie or nude Keanu dakimakura and a box of Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: jill stingray and her husbando and dream game.png (1418x493, 783K)

God I wanna do this but I know it will look like shit why must my life be suffering

Since when can Cloud fly?

>tfw commissioned him before he got gud

Requesting Airy version of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)

Requesting Doomguy chasing after or hugging Sheath from Namco x Capcom thinking Daisy his pet rabbit was transformed.

Attached: Pet.png (1271x1772, 2.63M)

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing this devilish swimsuit:

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

t. Mariel

Vore isn't allowed here, buddy

Requesting the lala that the aesthetician gave a makeover to, doing the usual anime peace sign

Attached: Reborn Madam.png (623x811, 556K)

I know it's cool to be edgy here or what ever but really think about what you just said

Requesting Sirius themed smug drill-haired Bombergirl

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

on a row boat that is sinking.

Attached: 38.jpg (1679x2382, 545K)

>man, reddit will TOTALLY think I'm cool if I post this and send it to r/Yea Forums

Requesting B Jenet at the beach, ideally in her bikini outfit from Maximum Impact, stroking the dicks of her Lilien Knights harem, like in this reference:

Attached: b jenet and her harem.png (1552x1512, 1.82M)

Should had been a perma

Not trying to be edgy. I was sticking it to those moefags that bully us everyday and shit talk shonen. Fuck em. I'll take any opportunity I don't fucking care. They'd do the same if it happened to us.

/r/ing metalmamemon working a comically large hot dog stand

Attached: file.png (320x320, 68K)

Actually seething
God you people are fucking crybabies considering how you treat others.
Can dish it out but can't take it I suppose.
Whatever, I don't care about it anymore.

Hahaha yes it's so funny that 34 people died let's celebrate a literal incel psycho that killed them for no reason at all!!! Omg I'm so edgy, god is dead, parents and laws totally stink!
Fuck you, it's a tragedy regardless of who it happened to. Learn some empathy.

Requesting Neptune and/or Purple Heart from Neptunia like in the ref, In oversized shirts or any clothes with skirts, in a way that their barely visible dicks can touch like in the image, if drawn together.
Partially visible benises are cuter and hotter.

Attached: 1563294692746.jpg (1562x1196, 590K)

Two wrongs don't make a right.

I'd be happy to see whatever you come up with if you did try! No worries if you choose not to.

Attached: 20th_artbook_031artwork_ver2.jpg (3725x5282, 1.92M)

I'm pretty sure nobody here burned a studio down, you fucking psychopath.

Requesting chihaya crushing my head between her thighs

Attached: __kisaragi_chihaya_idolmaster_million_live_and_etc__65dae46b8304f2cd9c53b640a3c20ee2.jpg (640x800, 145K)

>shonenfag is edgy
Why am I not surprised

Since kingdom hearts

Men got burned too

Requesting EDF classes doing JoJo poses

Attached: EDF_2025_Classes.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Requesting a remake of this picture with male Smash characters wearing mankinis.
(Pick another pairing if you want, it could be others like Simon/Richter, Falcon/Mac, Snake/Richter, Ken/Mac, etc)

If possible make a character about to lose his suit from all the stretching bursting the suspenders.

Attached: E5364383-B094-4673-85AD-AE58AE3ABD2E.jpg (1039x1899, 436K)

Its obviously a falseflag

Requesting Shuichi Saihara in a kinky and girly cosplay costume.
Optional together with Kaede, Maki, Himiko or Tsumugi.

Attached: shuichi.png (539x1703, 570K)

Requesting top pic related with N. Trance as he's driving his kart.

Attached: egg.png (645x687, 563K)

Requesting Azure lane Blanc raising her dress to reveal her main cannon

Attached: 1563590508090.jpg (800x449, 181K)

Requesting Elizabeth from Persona 3 as Hannibal Lecter. Feel free to draw Warden twins as the cops.

Attached: inmate.jpg (2560x1340, 892K)

Requesting fusion.

Attached: Ishileniji.png (2384x2502, 1.62M)

Steve and alex from Minecraft watching the sun set together,and below them is an image of banjo and kazooie doing the same thing on a similar looking mountain but not in minecraft

Requesting Saria as a yandere Great Fairy, holding Link in a jar, lustfully staring at her trapped prey

Attached: Great Fairy Saria.jpg (3322x1334, 677K)

Thank you guys, really appreciate the interest, I just hope that I don't get cucked by Twitter's filters again

Attached: h1y.png (973x813, 267K)

Requesting Dominique wearing the Lili bunnygirl suit, ears too.

Attached: 1561090969908.jpg (639x987, 62K)

Everyone, chill out.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

You probably shouldn't have made fun of a tragedy, you fucking retard.

Fuuuuuck youuuu


Attached: 1530238197388.jpg (1260x900, 294K)

I want to die in those breasts. Thanks a lot!

Keep up the great work senpai. Love your stuff.

Damn she looks mighty fine.

Suspending account is twitters standard procedure to blackmail you into giving them your phone number but you can just bother theor support a bit and tell them to fuck off to get it back without giving the number.
You should not have much issues otherwise, especially since you draw big tiddy.

That's really good! I hope you start making use of that twitter account (or any platform, really) because I'm interested in following your work. I hope I get to see more!

Not him but you should have seen the sticky that Yea Forums had, also lots, TONS of people making fun and saying how it was a good thing

Your more of a faggot then me,you nigger

Shut the fuck up, Maldraw

Meant for

Excellent work, very nice boobs.

this image except with celestia from danganronpa.

Attached: nomoneyinmahfridge.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Berry nice


Requesting this with the Switch Dog.

Attached: 1CCF7FD3-EE16-4DD9-AEF7-66DA17354C27.jpg (563x646, 80K)

Miles better than poopvar

Well it's my birthday today anons so I'm requesting some nice and sexy art of Koyori from Sengoku Blade, please?

Attached: koyori2.jpg (900x1282, 151K)

So what other artists are you going to constantly whine about, maldraw


Attached: file.png (900x1200, 932K)

Looking for drawfags who will draw as simple 4/5-panel comic for bibeogames off their steam wishlist (pic isnt really relevant but I do have these as well; my current collection is about 1000 games).

Not furry, can be or not be lewd depending if you draw lewd, mostly humans and human-liek creatures from Bloodstained

Attached: 1559869538302.png (1152x771, 479K)

I never said that it was a good thing you fucking triggered nigger, I just said that a lot of people was and is still saying the same fucking thing, no reason to overreact because of this spic being like them

This but with fat Byakuya from Danganronpa 2.

Attached: 1510027139682.png (1086x1051, 304K)

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Why is this guy getting so much attention is he an older I'm unaware of?

Requesting Seaport Hime holding her huge breasts with her huge hands

Attached: 1557842452192.jpg (550x733, 243K)


She is huge!!!!!!

Maldraw did nothing wrong

t. poopvar


Yes, he doesn't draw that often but he draws nice content.

That means she has huge tits!!!

>Full nelson on such strange looking creature
God dammit! We never get regular girls getting full nelson.

nice tits
>Thank you guys, really appreciate the interest, I just hope that I don't get cucked by Twitter's filters again
wait what

Okay, so why the fuck are you defending him then? Why do you feel the need to bring up that a lot of people did the same thing like he doesn't deserve to be backhanded like the dumb bitch he is?
Inb4 you say you aren't in an attempt to damage control.

Arfoire wearing a cute flow-y white dress please, or dressed in nothing but a straw hat, gloves, and denim overalls and sweating from hard work.

Attached: Arfoire.jpg (684x1000, 325K)

This isnt videogames

Huge ass, hips, thighs and bush too?

Talos using a sci-fi gun like the red-circled one, exclaiming "target, locked on!"

Attached: talosgun.jpg (1260x1788, 511K)

bushfag I swear to god

Requesting Himawari from Coropata in gym clothes/bloomers jogging.

Attached: refsss.png (1258x444, 689K)

Woops, my bad. Thanks user had two windows open. with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

Riki using a rifle, like Sharla's
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Who is he?

Requesting Miyabi wearing a sundress and sunhat while walking on the beach

Attached: DxZwt_dXgAcvS9D.jpg (1024x768, 207K)

Hey iggy here, just to let you know imma draw some haruka butt soon.

check last thread.

Requesting color for and also requesting Ryza wearing wearing a low-cut witch outfit or the old nyangerie outfit

Attached: 1561308387974.png (933x1093, 656K)

Requesting Bara Snake and Otokonoko Raiden.
Draw them very exaggerated.

Attached: 85546f5d2e8992e500f19e958d801809.jpg (700x1000, 107K)

Mecha Eli-chan eating a golden apple

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

Would it be poking out of the dress like this?

Requesting Sonic screams AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REquesting solid snake ride big boss like a equine

Attached: reference.jpg (634x1024, 297K)

Requesting Mecha Eli-chan eating the Golden Axe from the game Golden Axe.

Someone shop mariel's face in the pool

>heeho is a spic
Every fucking time
Everyone is a spic here

I'm American. But brown because California

Requesting SynerGrace sitting atop a desk, showing off her legs and heels

Attached: 1556589736875.png (2099x4064, 3.33M)

Attached: 1546141532418.jpg (225x225, 8K)

I wonder.


Jevil getting his boy hole destroyed

Requesting Tifa doing a keg stand could either be a solo one or with Yuffie holding her up

Attached: FFVIITifa.png (1556x2104, 3.25M)

What's the ratio like? It does seem very disproportionate.

>I'm totally not a s-s-spic bro
>twitter handle is Desecho Humano
Really nigga?

Jack Frost is Spanglish?

Hacemos dibujos, traemos tus dolares y no hay nada que puedas hacer para evitarlo

Attached: 1459617891645.jpg (891x1113, 93K)

Basado y rojoempastillado, compadre.

Dibujen lolis po conshasumadres

Hacelo vo dop

Draw Popoi.

Popoi willingly gave up its life for the planet and for everyone else, the least you can do is show them reverence for the sacrifice

Attached: RoM_Popoi.png (800x379, 473K)

Pero cual, es la pregunta.

Hat Kid, duh

This is an english site you fucks

Attached: 1484186609883.jpg (389x361, 39K)

¿Eh? ¿Nunca has visto un par de senos antes? ¿¡Y tienes CUÁNTOS años!? ¡R-Rayos! ¡Ajajajaja! ¡B-Bueno, deberíamos arreglar eso entonces! Sólo cierra tús ojos por un segundo, yyyyyyyy...


¡AJAJAJAJAJA! ¡Debería haber visto tú cara! R-Rayos, user! ¡S-S-Sólo son sacos de grasa en mi pecho, sabes! ¿¡Deberas te excitan HACÍ de mucho?! ¡M-Mira esto entonces! ¡Ves cómo brincan de arriba a abajo! ¡Meneo meneo! ¡¿A-Apuesto que tambien las quieres apretar, Señor Pervertido Niño Virgen user?! ¡H-Haz lo que quieras! ¡Ven y honkea estos honkers todo lo que quieras! ¡Toma tu tiempo! ¡Joder, ch-chupalas tambien! Se que en verdad quieres~! ¡Solo ten cuidado; mis pesonez estan bien duros ahora mismo! ¡N-No me imagino porqueeeee... ~! ¡Y-Y-Y-Yo apuesto que quieres ver mi vagina tambien! ¡Pervertido! ¡B-B-Bueno, ya hemos llegado hasta aqui de lejos! ¡No hay de otra! ¡No tengo p-pantaletas puesta como quiera!

¿P-P-P-Pues, que piensas? ¡...Bueno, supongo que esa furiosa ereccion contesta ESA pregunta! ¡JAJAJAJA! ¡T-T-Tu eres un pervertido patetico, user! ¡Y-Y-Y-Yo apuesto que es la primera que ves desde que salistes de tú madre! ¡M-M-Mira que mojada esta, también! Puta chingada madre, está tan jodia mojada! N-Nunca la he visto haci de mojada! ¡Mira lo que me estas haciendo, canto de pervertido! ¡T-Tú si que sabes como poner a una chica bien caliente! Oh, Díos! ¡Cristo amado! ¡Tú tienes qué tomar responsabilidad por esto! ¡D-Después de todo, cuando esta haci de mojada, es mucho mas fácil empujar algo ahí arriba! ¡Y estoy chorriando cómo un filtro aquí! ¡Vas a tener que t-t-taparlo AHORA MISMO!

Reportado papu

I gre up in the valley full of fields so like 75% mexican 24% white and like the two black families in town.

Did I just get Ara Ara'd by a Latin milf?

Attached: 63886037_p2_master1200.jpg (300x300, 83K)

Requesting Chun-Li flexing her legs and the Mentor from E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy giving an approving gesture (thumbs up, okay hand, whatever).

Attached: 918B756F-A3C5-48F8-BB51-698C3624EF28.jpg (701x709, 275K)

But you missed the part where she has a dick.

>Deberas te excitan HACÍ de mucho

Attached: 1437704135781.jpg (1002x769, 136K)


Attached: SEALGUY PLEASE.png (197x248, 57K)

Me llamo pedro Gonzales

No, that’s a Touhou pasta translated


No sé po, una Faptunia?

I'm black

Im a baguette

Pretty much why I cant commission people or pay with videogames
Conversion to dollar hurts as fuck and Steam games got the region lock

Samekichi trying (and failing) to not think about Wadanohara’s adorable bottom settled on his back.

Attached: 1880CA87-3A30-4D2D-AB2A-DD2D3C24685D.jpg (1057x749, 368K)

Requesting feisty Petra getting either facefucked or fucked doggystyle both while getting her hair pulled

Attached: 1563672218042.png (463x795, 816K)

Son dibujamaracos? Posteen blog.

Why this face?

Attached: Goseb90.jpg (400x466, 20K)


Attached: 1444237768581.jpg (480x454, 33K)

Ni madres que! Yo nomas vengo aqui a dibujar, asi es que nomas posten sus solicitudes de lolis y ahi vere si me llaman la atencion.

Show sample faggot

Because I can't post the full pic without getting banned.

oh shit no wonder why the format looks so familiar

Ahora que?

Attached: NiñoSombrero.png (450x400, 41K)

Where are the boobs

Kat o Ana pero thicc

Attached: Katandana.png (331x284, 50K)

Okay user you won me over I'll do it but first give me a canon reason why he would transform into this

Requesting sexy ara ara milf version Kokoro Belmont pinching Soma Cruz's cheeks

Attached: Soma and the youngest living Belmont who would be 40 in his timeline.jpg (942x720, 71K)

Requesting Bea bondage, but only tie her thumbs together and her big toes together, and have her struggle against what appears should be easy to break out of, but is actually impossible.

Attached: bea.png (293x734, 163K)

>Tfw I don’t understand
Fuck, I’m going to have to Fulton some people.

Trade me puto

Canon reason?

You know how they enter the hearts of people to like fix them or whatever? Hear me out here...

Really insecure guy wants to be a girl, so when Joker goes into him to fix him up, he actually gets TF'd into a girl.

Or you know, I just like seeing Joker as a big titty futa.

Esto con Nep

Attached: 41b2ab093446b8d302e3da068d0c0cfe.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Draw a 10-year-old Aigis being treated as shit only for being a robot.
You can draw her sitting at a corner, sobbing, with one of her arms/legs destroyed(her schoolmates did it with a hammer just for fun) and the top of her head covered with used motor oil.

Draw her trying to fix her arms/legs using adhesive tape and superglue. Draw her crying penetrating oil/penetrating fluid.

Attached: 362589.jpg (225x350, 37K)

t. nazifag
Fuck off

Interesting I always like having a reason for this kind of stuff makes it more fun to draw

I like that a lot actually cause like it always starts off with me like "I want to see X like X" or just X is X, but I never figure out why I want that.

Try google user.

Attached: googleit.jpg (578x200, 86K)

Attached: 12d8b87c5258c2bc2579653b4f77bafe8017eb13_hq.jpg (480x704, 66K)

Requesting Justine in the outfit on the right side and without bikini.

Attached: justineuniform.jpg (678x1052, 367K)

EOPs don't get the full experience and I kinda feel sorry for them.

Cringe, fuck off with this

So you want her older?

Requesting fire mario setting a certain building on fire

Attached: fire mario.png (315x397, 106K)

Requesting epic fighting game cover with the title "Traps vs. Lolis". Something like Marvel vs. Capcom, Capcom vs. SNK etc.

Either draw girls in sombreros or else you have to go back.

Attached: 78df5699607bcb2679a0dfc17491cddb.jpg (1705x1991, 378K)

Go back mefo

Dont forget the big fat tits

Requesting Scathach giving Gudao (both from Fate Grand Order, left panel) the Princess Carry like the famous scene in Witch Craft Works on the right.

Attached: Scathach Princess Carry request.png (1821x740, 1.35M)

Hagan fanart de Misilo

Attached: 04f715b284db640202f23bf79ab8db37600b73f3.jpg (700x990, 155K)


Las bubis son cosas de gringos, los culitos reinan el sur.

Queseso, dame link.


Draw a cute Salix!

Attached: Salix.jpg (2636x1092, 911K)

>they didn't know about true chilean flash kino
Poor souls

When will this thread calm down

Requesting mermaids just to piss off AntiMishafag

Attached: 1556661403876.jpg (1168x879, 130K)

This, fucking mods need to kick the spanish fags

What time line are we in?
>bucky fag isnt a faggot
>he draws waifus now
>he may be a character designer for a game

Dub when?

Probably when something gets delivered
It'll take people's minds of this retardation

Requesting my twins wearing those funny outfits.

Attached: oh.png (344x283, 130K)

Stop with your spam nazifaggot

Wow this is real good.

Not even trying anymore huh, dunkie

Quieres tu dibujo o no?

>Make one shitpost about someone's race
>Suddenly everyone takes the chance to speak nonamerican
Just kill the threads already

They look really good in those outfits

Hey, no, fuck off.

Attached: 8f6fa11c68a4044e432018fdf6afa844.jpg (535x927, 293K)

anyone doing commissions?


Google translate is awful though. It’s like a Chinese man trying to speak English in front of you but everything is off and leads to confusion. Example
>Chinese Man: Ching Chong Waki Naki Saki!
>Proper English Translation: Beautiful weather we’re having here!
Google Translate: Weather having beautiful here we’re!

I dunno user. She looks too young as to own an iron cross.

Attached: 1562475143581.jpg (1039x720, 286K)


Ignore him

Requesting Pio holding up a trophy or plaque. That says she's the best potion maker in town and jumping up and down in excitement.
Or maybe just placing it next to a row of trophies that she has won consecutively.
Anything cute with her various outfits is okay too.

Attached: Pio Outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 3.71M)

Pura basura weon

Didn't he use to draw for Yea Forums or Yea Forums. Kinda funny how once you got big, you forget where you started from.

Do I have to be a GOOD artist?

i found peace in drowning

Attached: tewi 8.png (1000x1000, 433K)

Doesnt looks like it if you are still here

Amateur artist here
>Kinda funny how once you got big, you forget where you started from.
No fucking shit as soon as artist get big they leave this shithole. You faggots ALWAYS turn on them 100% of the time for shit they didn't even do.

You people are fucking animals. Irrational and retarded. I would type up 9999 paragraphs about how fucking stupid you people are on a minutely basis but it's a waste of my time.

Hey, have you drawn anymore Asuka and Homura lately?


Requesting nude Pio art

I see you EVERYWHERE on this fucking website. You could actually be fucking good if you stopped fucking around. I saw you 6 months ago and you're literally drawing the same shit while I have significantly improved since then. Like, it's fine if this is the shit you want to do forever, but it very obviously isn't.


Lunatic, be careful man, really.

Can we like, request shit now? Or are we still in the shitpostin' spirit?

I should pull out my old bermuda deck and get those new g units

>while I have significantly improved since then.
lemme see it and i will be convinced

>Random user finds out Speaky is a Mexican
>Random user gets mad
>Speaky finds it funny that he’s getting mad
>All of a fucking sudden everyone starts shitposting in Spanish
I’m betting Speaky told his little circlejerk club to start shitposting this thread.

Attached: 8DCD3A3E-1CA7-4633-B1C5-F35C80445A5B.gif (333x250, 2.74M)

Requesting requests of nude Pio while she's a futa

It won't make any difference

[Dabs in spanish]

Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to ignore any post of this guy A shame he doesn't use a tripcode so i can filter him.

The latter, I'm afraid...

haz la wea que querai

dude i just finished reading the thread


Probably a lot of people speak Spanish there

You should. Write that 9999 paragraphs, link it and tell how shit everyone is until then you're here forever.

You might as well do it anyways. I don't know about the rest, but some of us are just lurking for a appealing request to appear.

requesting a slutty maid excellen

Attached: 1493071394048.jpg (1493x2157, 522K)

Do you even know how many drawfags are spics?

Dunkfag is long gone user. Now it's just fish fetishists.

Attached: DW1S5GN_d.jpg (640x620, 40K)

I'll do it. So post the request. Remember if it your weird gay fetish, I will probably not gonna do it but atleast I try.

i haven't been drawing senrans lately because i made a promise i was gonna play these games first before i could continue drawing them last one i drew was snack

Attached: snack 28.png (800x800, 238K)

I would wait until friday when all the waifufags leave.

>t-they are saying mean things!
Grow a fucking pair

Requesting vidya girls wearing this bikini

Attached: happy_birthday_athena.png (1200x1600, 2.11M)

I know how many aren't.

I've already requested mine. I'm just playing the waiting game.

Do whatever, I fucking give up with this place.

oh ok. well when you do play them you should draw them talking more philosophy.

What do I draw to get into the drawfag discord

Requesting my twins dressed up as border patrol agents and saying: Usted no para aqui pasa usted.

Adios gringo puto


Nos vemos mañana

philosophy is always appreciated

You should draw proof that you actually draw with a social media account, then wait

Kill yourself autist

its not their fault they speak spanish, also i dont know what do you think we do there, they literally just post memes and draw every now and then, many havent even visited the thread in a while( let alone the server)

At least 5 Aigises.

Guess I'll learn spanish now

Requesting Zukyunshi from yokai watch 4 ripping the arrow out of her chest and sharing the pierced heart with the viewer

Attached: zukyunshi reference.png (1286x1544, 1.88M)

Requesting Battleship Water Oni relaxing casually as she watches a movie or reads a book while enjoying some chips/chocolates/ice cream, but a smug and playful Isolated Island Oni is sitting/lying next to her with the clear intent of stealing food from her like a spoiled cat. It would be cute and fun if Isolated Island Oni looks notably smaller.

Anchoring for the user who was interested in drawing them.

Attached: Battleship water oni and Isolated oni.png (1728x1512, 2.08M)

But user I link it and never got a reply back.

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

je ne parle pas français

Your wife being offered to BDF

Don’t, they are extremely annoying

Good enough to draw something that at least recognizable on-model.

It is not a request as i said. Also, no gay fetish as well, as I said

Just keep waiting or relink it.

una pichula

Did Rinafag finally fuck off for good?

Just message speaky

Rule 1: Never stop shilling
Rule 2: Most anons are asleep most of the thread

gonna draw some cinnamon roll

Disney is working on it soon if I recall

No spanish is the only good romance language

Who the hell cares, just do it instead of saying it every single fucking time

Then I too shall be annoying

Attached: 1563919445793.jpg (1010x960, 276K)

Dead By Daylight

REQ: some lewd art of Kate Denson from Dead by Daylight sitting on top of a Jigsaw box, with her jean shorts shucked down around one ankle, masturbating.
(panties they are around one ankle - or see below)
The Pig crouched next to her watching and sniffing Kate's panties through her mask.

- not quite the pose in the lower right. but it gives a good ref.

Attached: kate bate777.jpg (1661x1200, 564K)

Yeah. People posting her twitter and getting to her boyfriend made her stop

Blanc reading a book titled "espanol for dummies:vol 3" with questions marks above her head.

Attached: 046.jpg (1280x1830, 365K)

Even people that speak spanish hates it.
Like me.

Pinche Malinchista

What? English you nigger

Requesting Elizabeth giving Caroline a headlock noogie like the reference. Draw Caroline without her cap.

Attached: 45345.jpg (1068x904, 188K)

Nel puto

i just wanna be able to read don quixote

its kinda cringy honestly, specially just spouting random spanish memes, makes you look like a single digit IQ mongoloid

Like this or you want then bigger?

Attached: BlancsMainWeapons.jpg (1771x1250, 590K)

De La Mancha is fucking shit

I know Spanish and I don’t know what the subhuman means with that post

>one of the most overrated Yea Forums shits ever

God please let this be true. These threads will feel just a little bit better.

>Déjame ayudarte...
Su un poco de mierda honestamente, especialmente sólo escupiendo memes españoles al azar, te hace ver como un mongoloide IQ de un solo dígito.

>traded poyo for maldraw
Well, it was somewhat worth it.

>he didn't understand the futa euphemism

>speaking bean

No I was expecting smaller but that's fine

Is it worth getting in bros

Attached: 1526444867240.png (414x480, 247K)

Hope that fucker is next.

Did you use Google Translate or some shit?

ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ I don't have a lot of time for it, so I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I'm also sorry for not using these kind of cute pictures, I didn't realize a lot of you were watching. Thank you again, and sorry I'm so late and disappointed. :'( No I was expecting smaller but that's fine ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠI don't have a lot of time for it, so I'm sorry for making you wait so long.I'm also sorry for not using these kind of cute pictures, I didn't realize a lot of you were watching.Thank you again, and sorry I'm so late and disappointed. :'(

Man you are dumb, read again the post

Attached: 1400964675560.jpg (225x234, 14K)

Fuck off Mike

Good big bobs

Can you fix my text please?

Attached: 1494659899794.png (500x795, 374K)

Not my fault you're a fucking idiot

unu try harder next time.

Anyone got a good request they want me to do? I try to get in the discord.

Attached: Sharkpado.jpg (550x565, 45K)

looking for a simple request

Attached: 1527979601960.jpg (1200x1069, 162K)

Requesting the Masked Man walking the Ultimate Chimera

Attached: Request.png (800x600, 137K)

Your drawing reminded me of doodle or die.


DDLC Monika wearing a microbikini

Fuck Spanish! Arab is true language! يسقط الكفار!

Eh, fuck you.
>Back to waiting I go...

unm.. lawl.

Attached: 0B9450CE-0DB2-456D-BB33-D40FA5F5449F.jpg (1357x746, 152K)

Fried tempura wakisaggy

Attached: __kaku_seiga_murasa_minamitsu_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_chamaruku__6c91792114913a416b31d7ec2e (820x800, 576K)

this cirno

Attached: cirno.jpg (999x999, 111K)

I traced it

? ?


He said good, not shit nazifag

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:
Armor reference:

Please and thanks!

Ignore this fagget

Shut the fuck up

A sexy pinup of Ilias from Monster Girl Quest.

Attached: image.jpg (600x600, 112K)

It's alright. I was referring to the shark tits though, it was a meme over there a long time ago.

Just post a a blog or something you dummy

Female samekichi in a sundress

Attached: kisspng-wadanohara-and-the-great-blue-sea-art-gender-bende-5b1be32801d990.1805680115285542800076.jpg (260x400, 30K)

Probably not a good request but an edgy 80s neon woomy might be impressive.

Attached: request.jpg (2352x1380, 502K)

Just post your art Twitter and wait dude, the Discord isn’t a big deal as requesters make it out to be.

Not in the mood right now, go back to spam your meme stuff.

I did understand, but since he didn't specify horse dick, and I only draw lolis with horse dicks, I decided to give her a different kind of weapon.

are you for real? i mean if you really are interested just message me @speakyguy or something, dont listen to any dumb guy telling otherwise, you can also post your blog or discord link or whatever

Not the OR but oppai Blanc is best Blanc
That's a good size keep them as such

Attached: blanc tits tapestry.jpg (3058x2203, 3.55M)

Reverse mermaid sachiko

Attached: 1428378641642.jpg (771x985, 207K)

.A smug Airy.

Attached: Airy3.jpg (744x967, 105K)

Hi, I'm new here. Can you explain me what's wrong with that guy? He does the same everythread. Is your friend or something?

No she needed a dick

>Furry rule gets changed
>Still no furry requests
Pleasantly surprised with this thread for once well done.

Connie lifting her skirt just enough to reveal a sliver of panty (they're white)

Attached: Connie.jpg (664x992, 97K)

The rule wasnt changed stop spreading this lie

How about you two fuck off with your off-topic shit

Shimakaze dressed in an admiral uniform

Attached: Shimakaze_Winter_2018_Event_Full.png (340x576, 201K)


Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

hey hes looking for something i can help with, what so bad about giving him the right pointers?


Attached: 1465950324243s.jpg (250x248, 8K)

From thumbail she looks like a futa girl

Attached: gfsdfg1.png (1199x921, 193K)

There is nothing right about Discord.

Hahaha look at that gopher

Shantae as a flamenco dancer

Attached: 6735276187_eebca3e7f9_b-56a21dd33df78cf7727214df.jpg (768x1229, 129K)

This thread only has one thing anchored, so I'll post this.
I lined and colored an old scanned Lucina image.

Attached: Sitcina.png (407x511, 147K)

male or female?

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie, cuddling! or us beating this awful heat somehow! oorrr i just started my pole lessons again so us doin thatz!!

bonus rina ref here

Attached: A9BC7756-663E-449C-80AF-4B45F9B6EB35.jpg (803x997, 89K)

Post the original also if you can.

It's enough that the request spam is repeated every thread. Do you really need to repeat the exact same replies over and over as well?

Not really

Attached: 1434299320612.png (407x511, 238K)

If female pants. If male skirt

Thanks, nice job by the way.

When will her mom teach her some manners?

Attached: __jaguar_and_small_clawed_otter_kemono_friends_drawn_by_konabetate__cbcd1825d7e7ca86bb3366b87c2f8443 (642x743, 70K)

Come on guy. I'm just trying to get in and learn about drawing alright guys. I need something fun and great like titis and tanline and brown.

Attached: Titsrana.jpg (850x779, 75K)

Ayasaki dressed like Mario or a racequeen girl

Attached: ayasaki you.png (1700x720, 1.43M)

Attached: homura and asuka dicuss philosophy 3.png (1000x1000, 236K)

Shut the fuck up el goblino

Is not even from the thread, why anchor it

What's wrong with the draw discord?

>too much offtopic
>Spanish off-topic shitposting
>Speaky shilling his sekrit club Discord
>rinafag and policefag lurking

I want summer to end.

Attached: im on a mission right now.png (690x518, 409K)

You're already annoying.

i'll make sure to draw rina friend



This isn't the Request Thread, it's the Draw Thread.
There doesn't have to be a request posted her to make something.
Hell, drawing isn't even necessary. Some people do clay art.

Im going to downvote it

Can someone do an art trade with me for the 2019 summer collab? I promise it’s not gonna be Riviera-related.

Tanline and brown makes me think of Homura

Attached: Homura beach trays alt.jpg (800x1000, 391K)

It derails the thread. Speaky uses it to shitpost the thread, while requesters complain because they can't get in and spam the drawfags with requests. Honestly, iany mention of the term discord is an excuse to start shitposting about it.

Someone should redo this, but with the Fury being carried by wires

Attached: The_fury.jpg (548x600, 30K)

Requesting this villager in 3/4 perspective, hands and feet hidden, looking at the viewer with poorly tacked on lewdness as an afterthought. 15 dollars!

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

He colored a random picture from the internet that is over 4 years old the fuck you on


Why aren't you trying like you said you would?

>requests are the problem! they are spam!
>but not the shitposting and offtopic discussion, lets have more of that!

requesting racer costume crunch but with knack's head
best reference i could find was a video on reddit, sorry

Attached: KNACK TWO BABY.jpg (740x429, 111K)

As long as it's not porn it's a-okay now for 4channel

Attached: blocks your path.png (354x130, 5K)

Weren't you supposed to be training with gutsybird? He's doing a cool animation and you're doing... this.

>2 threads die within 12 hours
now that's something


That simple really, you cant focus reppressed anger on an user.

I'm sorry user. Did I offend you by pointing out that bushfag's bot-like copy/paste replies to every request in every thread are annoying?
Grow up.

i was working on something, a secret but i stopped because somebody said i gotta study from real life first before i can draw "anime blow up dolls" but i wasn't drawing asagi


Shut the fuck up

nom or someone else?

why would i be working with doremi man the bastard he never wants to collab

Just stop using a trip retard

pwease do!! i accept all fanarts any fanart

Attached: 513ABD31-85EB-4963-8893-596F904E75FD.jpg (750x750, 164K)


Sounds hot

Attached: 1562585688938m.jpg (1024x1018, 108K)

You already put yourself in such an odd position for just saying this. But I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, what exactly are you looking for?

I c

Attached: f8dcb6a2dcdf9b107f697c919577094437da3991.png (565x640, 118K)

Because you told us you were going to.

Oof my dude

Dude, stop being a fuckin stinky bitch. I can't deal! I'm serious dude bro, you've ruined my whole life bro. You need to go fuck yourself. I will take you to the hospital to fix you up. This shit ruined us. Fuck off. If you didn't care for your momma but your a fucking fucking bitch dude I love you. Just fucking piss off bruh

like half of these aren't spics or aren't drawfags

I dont think they are.
Pretty sure he isnt either

Attached: 1563156087824.gif (250x250, 3.11M)

Wait! Really? I seen Mariel drawn stuff before, but Tharjafag too?

i think?
he said drawfags
again he said drawfags

Except they are
Tim too

>Speaky uses it to shitpost the thread, while requesters complain because they can't get in and spam the drawfags with requests.
Wow, you could not be more wrong.

So real talk, how many of you are just acting in a way that you think is how the drawthread acts and doesn't understand why, or thinks they're being funny?

I can understand the thirst for doodled boobs but its not even that any more. Do you think this is the only community you're a part of? Do you think you're a founding member or something and everyone else is the usurper?

Attached: Just my two bells. I really like this picture.png (688x992, 235K)

bdf's black

t. request spammer

Some of these are wrong and you're missing a few

Attached: 1561096114982.jpg (660x880, 111K)

People don't dislike you because of the series, they dislike you because of how you act. Why would anyone want to art trade with you, regardless of what you ask for?

Sorry if it’s bumping, but I’m looking for . What request do you have in mind for me?

Also whoever is requesting SFW lobotomy corporation stuff, keep it up man, glad to see more and more people doing content for such an entertaining game.

I can only do basic stuff like edits, sadly, pic related.

Attached: lobmerc2.png (595x417, 66K)

t. singapore

The only person derailing the thread over the discord is you crying over speaky and over not being allowed in so you can beg for art. Everyone else is ambivalent at worst.

I just come into these threads, leave my request, watch for a day or two then leave without interacting if nobody does it
Although it probably doesn't help my chances when other anons hijack my request

Attached: 1563212186302.png (240x240, 22K)

Drawfags versus Requestfags - The Game

Dumb avatarfag

Attached: 9.png (999x999, 250K)

All requestfags are poor and talentless niggers

Congratulations you all successfully turned this into a shitpost thread. Now can we do it for the next thread as well?


Do you think you're just a little bit lazy in your writing? Or have you actually worked on it a lot over the years and are now at that stage it's been finished? Do you find this a good way to interact? Do you honestly believe this is not the best place to be a member from now on? Do you think this is the kind of community I enjoy? How is it like being a part of what it feels like to have a sense of community? Or as a community, have you never had more than 2 members that you felt really cared for? Do you really expect each thread to be as unique as everyone else? Do you think it doesn't have to go this way. Do you think no people who like doodled boobs will be so stupid as to just leave? Do you know a single one of your peers from your time at school? Do you see a conflict if you were not and you would still still be a part of this community? Or would you join another community and just watch more anime and talk to people? Do you understand that we need a more stable place? Do you remember when you made the post where we said the name of the original poster was 'Ebon'? Can you just tell me that and then you can start your own? It's only a matter of time before you make the same mistake again?


I got the lines for the Witch outfit done in case anyone else was thinking of doing this one, I'll finish it in the morning it's late here.


Attached: C46F9AB0-3B86-45DF-B8DD-A71BFF8FDBE9.png (1663x1871, 1.21M)

Nah I commission stuff all the time. I just put the bad ideas here.

post the wip

>while requesters complain because they can't get in and spam the drawfags with requests
not exactly
it's because it's Yea Forums and because some autists will complain about any organised off-site grouping whether or not it has any actual bearing on the threads

you see the same shit in /vg/ generals and such all the time and those have nothing to do with begging drawings or whatever (which afaik people generally did anonymously anyway)

dumbest shit you guys ever did was to actually confirm the discord group existed

>"o-only one person is derailing the thread about discord, and that's my bogeyman!"

Dilate. We wouldn't have this problem in the first place if faggots like you didn't shut the fuck up about it

>dumbest shit you guys ever did was to actually confirm the discord group existed

Agreed. Discordposting was the evolution of the councilposting

Yeah, which is why you don't belong on Oekaki. Oekaki is for actual artists, you stupid piece of shit.

Your weapons suck

Requesting with Yaia

>every fucking thing I draw must have my OC in it

And this is why no one takes you seriously as an artist

good 9 fairy. thanks.

Who is she?

i will that also

fat face

Shut the fuck up

thank u cutie

Rinafag loli art when

are you video games?

I gotta fix the hands and eyes in the morning, too tired to think about anatomy right now

Attached: Ryza.png (1000x1250, 166K)

requesting buttjob from behind

Attached: 1561255493377.gif (400x400, 1.01M)

Attached: 147039702356.jpg (799x943, 94K)

i can be anything u want

No one. I just draw her for the thread.

I change my name but still go by that name...

Shhhh shhh shhh shhh... no tears, only drawings now.

I want endless art of Buro so much.

gonna finish it regardless i will do my best

you are rumia now

Attached: rumia.gif (450x450, 1.99M)

Get the fuck out, Hayashida

Attached: 1542939487182.png (287x188, 78K)

Don’t worry, I’m not gonna act up. I promise.

Drawings you can't make.

I get the feeling I've stumbled on something profound

And yes, I've gotten lazy in my writing. But today I finished my last paper for the class I needed for my undergrad. I used school as a reason to not work on it/claim I didn't want to write because it was exhausting to write both for fun and for school. No excuses now. I'm no longer afraid of criticism or failure


not him but here's a cirno

Attached: pull up on the frogs.png (587x617, 27K)

Dude, you waifu is gorgeous.

Requesting her tied up to a little living room table and getting deflowered with a screwdriver. Bonus points if you draw her with a hammer's handle into her ass

Yo si te doy bien duro mami

Berry cool Cirno. Much appreciated.

Spamming for years despite no OC rule, being edgy for attention like making fun of the recent fire at kyoani, griefing in games to the point they have info graphs of banning all ips of his region, ban evasion, etc.
So yeah just another one of the more annoying tripfags. Report, Filter, and move on.

No te reduzcas a su nivel compa.

Rumia > Cirno

New thread

no wanto chorizo gracias

Rumia is cute!

Attached: 69617157_p6.jpg (700x524, 159K)

I love empanadas sin pelitos

Ahora si, maten el thread

Would it suck less if she had Big Erect Dick Nipples?

>no respetando a la sagrada doña pelos que existe en cada colonia


Mariel el pelos

Tu debes morir.

Termina con tu ser

Eso dicen todas mi reina

Desaparece, escoria

Well a ching chong nip nack paddywack to you fuckers as well.

>thread is stil not dead


How did this make OP?
It looks awful.

Nigga OP is whoever makes it. We don't vote on this.

Last thread had only 4 deliveries. Two of them were for the collab


you mean, i can make OP myself??

Attached: rabbit 58.png (1000x1000, 338K)

Yes, you should have some pride and not do it if you're a drawfag and just want to shill your art though. Make the OP if you come to Yea Forums and can't find the thread.