Why isn't this game popular like GTA San Andreas or GTA V?

Why isn't this game popular like GTA San Andreas or GTA V?

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Because it's fucking trash, when people's only argument for it being good is "Pleb Filter or Zoomer" then you know it's horrible

>It's fucking tras-

Attached: GTAIV vs V Physics Comparison.webm (994x560, 2.68M)

the reason it's a pleb filter is because only high iq members of society understand the story and driving.

it's the best gta, the fact it makes fags like this seethe is just icing on the cake

It is a barebones tech demo. Also Niko is shit, fuck the middle east.

have you actually played gta 4? the physics are dogshit, driving and running around feels like ass and not at all "realistic" despite that being rockstar's intention

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This is the contrarianism i'm talking about, GTA IV is the equivelent of TP fags

>not popular
Excuse me?

Watch him reply with "Pleb Filter, Zoomer or Seething" to prove our point about GTA IV fags being literal contrarians

some people don't understand the concept of "less is more" and attention to detail. the shooting is hands down the most satisfying combat in the series despite the limited arsenal, and the knife/bat in it are pretty fun too (also picking up small props like bricks/bottles and smashing them into people and car windshields to trigger their alarms without getting a wanted level :^))

the story is essentially just a glorified sopranos knock-off but it's still leaps and bounds ahead of the poorly written clusterfuck that is GTA V

Because America likes niggers more than slavs.

>the story is essentially just a glorified sopranos knock-off but it's still leaps and bounds ahead of the poorly written clusterfuck that is GTA V
no one plays gta for MUH STORY, they just want to do fun missions and side activities. gta 4 has neither.

Look at this zoomer

fucking with drunken ragdoll physics and playing darts/pool still held my attention longer than anything GTA V had to offer on the side

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yeah crashing really needed to look cool in IV because you spend a lot of time doing that

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I enjoyed it more than GTA5. Never really got into San Andreas but loved vice city. I think I enjoy the smaller maps.

Since when was IV a pleb filter?

How do you begin to think that Yugoslavia is the middle east?

People like to pretend like Grand theft auto games always had great controls for some reason.

Since zoomers think 5 is any good.

>gta 5 tards think their opinion on 2008 goty matter


It is. What are you talking about? I'd argue it still holds up today vs all the shit coming out nowadays.

I thought it was GTA V that was a glorified sopranos knock-off? The entire situation between Micheal and his family is lifted straight out of the sopranos, just with much worse writing and is as a result much less believable.

At least you felt like in control of your character in GTA: SA. GTA V has the same issue with controlling the player character as GTA IV however.

Can somebody explain why driving around and exploring the map is much more boring in GTA V than GTA SA? I can not explain why, since GTA V is technically so much more detailed.

Cause mountainous region is like 1/3 of map

t. pleb

GTAIV is dogshit