I took a calculated Risk of Rain, but man, am I bad at making threads.
I took a calculated Risk of Rain, but man, am I bad at making threads
Other urls found in this thread:
You can't get two different white items from a Shrine of Order.
Commando buff fucking when.
Too bad. She's mine.
there is no thread on /vg/
there hasn't been an actual thread in days
I posted a thread last night to host.
>thread without host
Doomed to die unless we start some other discussion.
Complaints of guillotine being boring are pretty common. How would you make it more interesting?
I'd make it so killing an enemy deals damage to elites in a certain radius for x% of their current hp.
You got a link to download your sacrifice mod?
That's the whole setup, as it is now. There are other things in there like a chest remover, bigger bazaar, etc. If you want to get rid of these things, and only want sacrifice, just delete everything in the Bepinex>plugins folder except "betterenemiesdropitems."
When do you plan on hosting next? Last night was fun.
Few minutes since I've got time.
Sooner than I was expecting. Nice.
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
>Bigger Bazaar
>Permanent Mountain Shrine stack of 1
>Anyone can join at any time
>Beginning at stage 16, enemies will inherit items as a hell run to our deaths
She's done
Her buttcape is posable too
Looks wonderful, user. I'm a little jealous.
Thank you!
Still open.
*laser beam noises for some reason*
Quite beautiful, user. Pose her with the RoR1 staff, her shy in the background.
Technical difficulties. Simply rejoin and you'll have your equipment.
I think it broke.
broke for me too
first game had soul but 2nd is soulless
dont know how anyone can still play it after like a day, boring trash
Simply rejoin.
what color are her panties?
oh right, youd just prefer another waifufaggot thread? another smash thread? another have sex thread? another thinly veiled political or non vidya thread?
kill yourself, fuck off, and dilate
she doesn't wear any
I'll be taking more pics with her and the other figs soon. I'm out at the bar or I'd do it now. To tide you over, have Arti McFly because that popped into my head and I couldn't resist
cute midriff
what do the insides of artificer's boots smell like
so cool! fun watching you put her together over this time. who's next?
Huntress fucks beetle guards
The first bite of one of those minty gum cubes.
You're the kind of people Yea Forums needs, user.
I'm looking for parts for bandit and enforcer, so one of them probably. Rex is in planning phases too, I like to mix RoR1 and 2 characters
In some dumb way this is pretty touching. Thanks bud
post more tummy
did the screen go black for anyone else
What are good items and strategies for REX?
Get in boys
is it ok to join if I'm super shit
Get in.
>tfw too hot to play video games