Final Fantasy

Who is the best Final Fantasy protagonist, and why is it Ramza?

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this thread deserve more respect, but sadly like the protagonist

Ramza's pretty good, not gonna lie. But have you considered Squall?

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Because he shouts and throws rocks for his signature moves, which is sensible since he canonically never got formal training beyond the rank of squire, and there are realistic consequences for his refusal to budge on his ethics or play the political game.

His ass

Based Delita is better.


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Ramza is pretty much everyone's bitch in FFT.. I guess at least he is good-natured about it..

Tidus is probably the best FF protagonist. Always upbeat no matter how back everything is stacked against him. Doesn't really get all that emo. Skirt chasing the fucking MOMENT he lands in another fucking WORLD.

>doesn't really get emo.
>talks about his daddy issues 50% of the time

user confirmed to not have played FF 10

BASED i love FFV

>flying around the world
>finding new spots to land in
>huh never seen this town before
>go in
>everyone freaks out when they see Bartz
>it's his hometown
heartwarming moment desu

He's the only one that can learn ultima tho.

>"I'm cooooold"
>"I'm tiiiiiireeeed"
>"I'm huuungryyyy"
>"I wanna go hoooooooome"
>"Why can't I be a guardiaaaaaan"
No thank you. I believe you're thinking of Zidane however, who not only skirt chases throughout the entire game, he only has one breakdown moment, just one, and it's impactful and meaningful. Though you sound like a zoomie and probably never played the previous ones. You do know that X is roman numeral for 10 right? There's 9 games before that one.

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We all know who the truly best FF protagonist is...

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Why Serah? Genuine curosity. Thinking on it, I wish she had been the protagonist for XIII as well. She definitely is more enjoyable than Lightning even if she whines some.


When you first see him as a Holy Knight in battle, that was a really cool moment for me playing the game as a kid

He's the protagonist of the only good FF so he wins by default.