FUCK YOU Yea Forums I love this game. X-2 is a breath of fresh air and objectively has the best combat system in the entire series. Plus the fanservice is top notch.

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>objectively has the best combat system in the entire series.

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X-2 > LR but LR combat is fantastic too I'm not gonna lie

ah a fellow LRChad

i agree with that other user. LR is fun but X-2 is better

LR combat is the best. Followed by X-2 and XIII/XIII-2.

god why is lightning so cute

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Gameplay-wise, FFX-2 is amazing.
Story-wise, FFX-2 is steaming shit.

I can get Type 0 for $8. Is it worth playing?

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>Good combat

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Did I stutter?

Convince me to play this. I have it on PS2 and also on PS3 and the Switch, latter 2 I got with the FFX bundle. I remember the girl power thing being a huge turn off. Also combat was not the same as FFX. Never gave it a chance and people talk shit about it.

At that price, YES.

You probably shouldn't, it will only ruin the great ending of FFX and what little good you can find in the game isn't worth the playthrough to reach. If you absolutely insist though, the main thing to tell you is you absolutely will not get 100% (and therefore the true ending) without either multiple playthroughs or following a guide to the letter.

What about the gameplay? I read the job system is like FFV and also people like the combat. A game can have a shit story of the gameplay is good (ex: MGS2)

Auto Battle makes the combat braindead. It's awful. They finally got it right with Lightning Returns

>Shit story

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I wanted to mention auto battle but I assumed you weren't a complete dumbass retard that wouldn't do that.

I was wrong. Try playing it manually.

So I should just ignore auto battle even though its the biggest draw to the combat system? Yeah ignoring it doesn't mean it's not shit

It was pretty bad but I will say it aged well and better than the MGS1 story which I used to think was good.

Both are better then people give them credit for in gameplay, but honestly LR is a bit annoying on PC since they removed the ability to rename Schemata unless you use third-party software, that is just a minor feature but it was something fun, also should had more non-shield shields available earlier because fuck they look bad since they just hover anyway.

X-2 has its biggest issue be the % thing if you ask me since it is actually pretty counterintuitive to what should be the games strength of being able to do what you want in it. International/Remastered did kinda put a edge off that since a lot of the "Vital" missable stuff (including Mascot, that required 100% complertion) can be gotten from the creature creature, so there you just get Cucked out of ending and probably the Crimson Sphere Boss if you just play it by ear (which is the best way to play).

I did do 100% back in the day on PS2, and i love playing it, but i'd be damned if i EVER 100% it again.

The main deal with the XIII/XIII-2 system is getting the realization the Paradigm Shifts are the "real" battle menu and you should spam em since you get a "free" ATB recharge by charging about every 2 full charges in one Paradigm, that incidentally means thay you might actually have two identical configurations just to abuse the shift without needing to change. Hardly the best system they had though, especially since they don't explain the hidden benefits of shifting and the first one has the "POSE" for the first one each battle that costs time (you recoup the "time loss" in about 3 shifts though) and it is definitly a disappointment when you remember that it was nowhere near what they showed when Bullshotting back when XIII was revealed.

That said, something i really liked with LR is that it basically is more true to the conceptual "trailer" battle system then XIII was.

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It should have been Yuna, Rikku and Lulu being whores across Spira.

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I'd fuck her

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It’s a cringefest bro, but the battle system was lit.

It's battle system still can't be beaten.

Its pretty alright but just remember that its still a handheld game at its core.

Considering you have to play the game instead of letting the game handle it for you, yes it does.

Sure, it should have never been included at all but thats a different story.

I played the remaster on ps4. It’s got reaallly bad motion blur.

Other than that it was a fun game.

You really think Lulu is going to let them do that. Payne was the right choice. A little strike but wild enough to whore with Yuna.

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Lulu could have easily been a whore if it wasn't for that retard she got knocked up by

Literally just forced myself to finally play x-2 couple weeks ago, combat/dressphere is pretty fucking rad, but everything else is fucking ass, put it down in chapter 5 after I realised I had missed some pissy little thing stopping me from getting 100% on first playthrough

You didn't miss nothing at for that 100%. Just a two minute scene of Teedus and Yuna talking and Yuna pushes him off a cliff

You'd think for all the porn spam on this forum they'd love a total fanservice game

I've already seen what 100% gives you before going in to it

x-2 is pretty much the perfect ATB style system. you can time attacks to consistently combo damage for boosted power, switch classes in battle for even more boosts to damage. the story, characters, and everything else (minus one good cutscene) is trash.

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I wonder who could be behind this post.....

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>I remember the girl power thing being a huge turn off.
That's just journalist propaganda. It's an undertone at most and only in like 1 or 2 cutscenes.