describe your gaming crew Yea Forums
Describe your gaming crew Yea Forums
just me
the one man band
Ted is a fucking cuck who ruined brain scratch
that is all
Here we are.
Imagine if these guys get a better style of clothes, change their hair style, work out just a little bit, and stop posing with your nuts bunched up like that, and girls will actually talk to you,
Who is the autist with the Leon haircut?
name one that wasn't ruined by someone's girlfriend
One disappeared into nothingness, i wonder if he still alive, another one committed suicide, another fell to depression and just went full hikikomori.
Only I remain,stumbling but i keep going, yet growing up broke them all.
I miss them so much Yea Forums.
I m
>one plays MTG and Persona games
>another one plays MTG
>another one plays MTG and WoW
>another one buys indie WRPGS
>then there's me, the one who plays JRPGS
A bunch of adults with real lives who barely have time to game when they aren't working or feeling bad for staying single at 30+ years old
>hurr girls girls girls durr
sorry you failed at that and suck dude's dick user.
Wano's looking great
Me and my bro grew up in different schools;
my age crew were obnoxious about games and had no interest in anything retro. Most played COD, Halo, Dark Souls and the like that was popular at the time, since they were all rich snobby shits that alienated you if you didn't play the same ad they did, and I couldn't really get into them. I couldn't make any game friends no matter how hard I tried and I still have none.
My brother on the other hand has nearly 10 friends that he hangs out with and talks about games, everytime they voice chat. Theyre going to fucking comic con together and have been buds all through high school. They all keep saying modern stuff is all shit and hardly bring up CoD in conversation and talk about game development, art music and the like despite no backgroun (My bro learns about it from me but he likes it just as much anyway) They go out for drinks, parties and hangouts too and have a great sense of humour. They all prefer retro games no matter how old and they're all in their early 20s who grew up in a kind of shit school but at least they're all genuine friendships.
I have none of it.
I'm all alone and have hardly any friends of my own that share my hobbies, and his buds are cool enough to let me hang out with them every now and then at least.
But still, fuck my high school.
And fml.
Never thought Lewis would actually edge out Johnny as the most attractive of the faggot brigade, but here we are.
I want friends to play games with but why do they always have to look like this?
It was a 8 man crew. Been playing with my bros in Payday 2, L4D2 and some other games for like 4-5 years. In the end someone started a huge shitstorm, big enough to split us all. 3 of them went ape anime shit and started playing trash fighting games, 1 turned into hikka, another dude stopped talking to everyone, other 2 stop playing vidya at all. I'm all alone guys. Again.
It's just my wife mostly. We just shit post on runescape about made up religions.
>poorfag neet
>dude who only plays single player games
>dude who only plays local
Great personality wise, just wish we could actually PLAY MORE GAMES
bunch of tasteless faggots that usually occupy their time playing survival crafting garbage like rust, conan exiles. Or Dota/underlords.
They dont like to play games with me because i'm a "game ruiner", so they all join this discord server that i'm apart of but are in a hidden channel that i can't see and play games together which i can see via steam and discord. When i message them if i can play i get no response and after there done the one i messaged will talk to be for a bit and the cycle repeats
Kys underage fag
me too
you need to get out of that """friendship""" right now
>one only plays dota
>one only plays shitty fps games
>one has a girlfriend
>one is in the process of acquiring a girlfriend
It's not looking good. I can already feel the loneliness creeping upon me.
its not benificial to end friendships as an adult as its almost impossible to find new friends if you arent in school or uni
I play with myself.
Elite pro-gamers that dominate the virtual real estate
I've got an autistic faggot I play MMO's with who is a brain dead retard and will get sidetracked by absolutely everything and will claim he has every disabilty under then sun, like the time he claimed he was actually 100% for real colorblind and couldn't tell what the color red was at all, and then like a month later he was able to identify the color red perfectly fine no matter what shade it was.
And then I've got my irl best friend who I play everything else with, from shooters to CRPG's, to Monster Hunter, etc, and I enjoy playing games with.
>Won't play games with you
>Won't let you chat with them
Trust me, it can only be beneficial to lose faggots like that, do you even know them IRL? Regardless, you sound like a massive pussy. I would've fucked off a long time ago.
That's not a friendship and youre a fucking cuck loser every second you continue to call those people your friends
here we are me in the back with the blue hair
Lewis. And yes, he did actually just walk into the barber shop with his copy of RE4 and say "I want this hair".
Im not the same person, just pointing out that its not beneficial to end friendships as an adult because you wont find any more
t. i've already been down that road and lonliness is worse than dealing with assholes
I never thought you could be a cuck and still not be in a relationship.
>lonliness is worse than dealing with assholes
objectively wrong
Do you have friends user? because if you do then your opinion on lonliness isnt very valid
I left them all behind.
Right now i play with 2 people i never met IRL and have a good friend IRL. That's all i need, interactions tire me.
How do you "ruin" games for them user?
yes but that doesn't mean I haven't had a time period where I had no friends. I quit hanging out with assholes to be completely alone
And how long did this period last because it never sets in straight away it just slowly gets progressively worse
>plays LoL, has a gf and works in a gaming lounge
>works all day, paints/repairs cars in his house with his family, into racing games
>me, neet with back problems and a switch
We've been bros since 8th grade and we haven't lost touch one bit. Life is good.
>Autistic 31 year old man, broad interests, enjoys RPGs and survival games, pretty shit at shootan but has fun playing them. Only thing I really dislike is people treating me like shit, I'll get spiteful as fuck and go on revenge quests if someone treats me poorly.
>23 year old zoomer fuck, smokes weed and loves competitive pvp, will begrudgingly do autistic stuff if it means he can do pvp later, also has a hidden love for MMO raiding. Chill normally, turns into a cunt when he gets high.
>30 year old man who lives with his parents and fucking hates libtards. Powerfully autistic about survival games, RPG leveling and anything about base building. Hates pvp and will do anything in his power to avoid it; to lieing to us, intentionally feeding or baiting the shit out of our team to make things end faster.
what is it with nerds and wearing really fucking ugly shoes
>be me 6years old
>begin school
>make 1 friend who doesnt game
>be 7
>make 2 friends who game
>make seceral friends who doesnt game
>friends who doesnt game are bad boys and retards
>friends who doesnt game lose interest in me
>stay friends for rest of elementary with gamers
>be 10
>3 more joins (5 of us)
>be 13
>4 more (9 of us)
>get 3 girlfriends in the course of 3 years
>learn girls are bitches who doesnt last
>single and promise myself to stay single until i have a good job
>be 16 (high school)
>make 8 more gamer friends over 3 years (13 of us)
>now im 23
>life is going great
>surrounded by good people with fellow interests
>we're all a huge group of gamers that still stick together going out partying, drinking, watching movies
>girls around me are also showing interest in me now
I could've chosen the wrong people several times.
Always pick the bros that are as socially inept as you. They are the ones that last.
Like 5 of us and we usually play online together often. We met irl like once a month and get really fucking drunk.
pretty sure the middle one has a girlfriend
Aren't all these guys 30+? Why does Lewis still look like some awkward edgy teenager?
Comfortable I guess. Probably cheap too.
>one is a /pol/ sperg at 5'2 is always trying to fit in with his "manly" peers. the man is skin and bones
>one said fuck this state and started moving and working all over the country. no joke his next destination is apparently Antarctica. i have no idea how he's even being considered.
>one acted like a queen bee and was trying to turn everyone against each other. that blew up in his face, he started becoming an xbox cuck and disappeared. Haven't seen or heard from him for 6 years.
>one stayed in home town with his parents. he makes pizzas and only plays destiny. haven't hung out with him since one of the marvel movies of 2017.
I was the one who got a girlfriend. So generally I'd prefer to hangout with her over queen bee man and the group. The guy who's apparently going to Antarctica is fun as hell to hang around though. He'd always go on hikes with me and pizza virgin. If he came back for a week I'd hangout with him.
Your grammar fucking sucks and i can't believe you let yourself get humilliated like this for the sake of "having friends". I'm actually getting angry on your behalf.
haha faggot ass frogposter I bet you donate to streamers as well.
I would not play games or even talk to you either lmao.
cheap and mommy buys them
Seconding the cheap argument. I got a pair of normie Adidas sneakers for my birthday and sure they're comfortable, but boy aren't they stupid expensive
#1 rude motherfucker I met in Highschool. Loved with him after highschool for a few years.
Plays bioshock, smt, persona games etc
#2 met from #1 and I hanging out. Was married until his (now ex-)wife raped me. We smoke pot, and play smash together a lot
Plays a lot of rogue likes and zelda games
#3 smart dude, makes the most well thought out plays in games.
Plays a lot of competitive games and grindan games
#4 me, lonely dude who questions everything around myself. Or doesn’t say anything for a few hours and people forget I’m there
I play a lot of smash and FF games
The crew hasn’t hung out in a while, but we always look back on the tome we spent together well
If the dude on the left and the dude in the back cleaned themselves up a bit, they would be pulling bitches easily.
bitches are for bitches
homies are for life
A pretty chill hispanic dude, a black guy who's super forgetful but very energetic and another black guy who's terrified of being alone.
Together, we act like huge fucking weebs and play fighting games.
1. is me, fucking weirdo who spends most of his time fucking with others online, gets myself into shit but always out on top, play mainly rpgs and nintendo shit
2. is a fat jew, guy's good at tech and a bleeding heart, trust him with my life
3 is an asian guy, loves fire emblem and persona, most normie of the group
4 is a brazilian chick that sometimes decides to show up, mostly plays dead by daylight or some stuff, funny as fuck
5 is a black guy in a wheelchair with schizophrenia, hacked my 3ds wants to be a game dev, loves NU-pokemon to still for some reason
The left guy most definitely has to cut his hair too, he looks like a lesbian
1. Troubles- Master Assassin and professional thief. Never turn your back on him.
2. Dirk - Iron jaw and fastest hands on the planet. He will fuck you up.
3. Hordor - Super human strength. His while vocabulary consists of one word, "Hordor".
4. Tina the Telepath - Moves objects just by thinking about it
5. Skeptical Sue - It is believed she can see into the souls of men and discern motives.
6. William - Philosopher, poet, warrior....also gay.
7. Radical Larry - This guy is al buisness all the time. Vibrates through walls, can burrow underground.
those are some based and epic looking gamers.
Get a cat. Cats like to bother you while your playing at the most crucial moments.
>Together, we act like huge fucking weebs and play fighting games.
Your group sounds comfy as fuck user. Grats.
>tfw you're a sophisticated gentleman who wears classic made-in-America Red Wing™ boots that drive all the girls wild
feels good bros, I have nothing but pity for the autism shoe crowd
based and cringe at the same time
why are your legs covered in blackheads take a fuckin shower my man
>That friend who is the living personification of PEE CEE MUSTARD RAYS who throws a shit fit like a fucking child if shit isn't 120 FPS 8K resolution maximum graphics and refuses to play anything on console, which makes multiplayer night hard
>That friend who takes competition way too seriously and we can't play anything AGAINST each other, only coop, because even if it's a Game Grumps Nickelodeon GUTS situation where none of us in our lives have ever touched the game or even heard of it, and one of us wins, we cheated somehow
>That friend who can't just play a game for the first time and be surprised, he always has to look up wikis and tell us all what build we're all doing and throws a fit if we don't follow his autistic min-maxing, was absolutely speechless at the idea of me only using Pokemon I liked and not following stupid ass bullshit like personality and traits of wild Pokemon
>That friend who is hopelessly stupid at every single game we play because he won't read text boxes and fucks up everything we play because he won't pay attention to fucking anything
>Myself, a dumb retard who would rather be off in the corner fucking around and trying to look up a skirt or make smiley faces with bullet holes while my friends are all getting slaughtered, would rather just play single player games by myself while we all talked in a group chat or something
We're pretty much an 80's comedy of gamers
Me black guy, constantly smoking weed due to depression. Loves fighting games usually plays as a light technical character
Large Irish american man isn't the oldest but is the father of the group. Always plays tank or the buffest dude in the game.
Hairy guy, usually sniper fellow stoner moved states to live with first guy. Is funny as hell
Girl, wants to be animator, is a weeabo, usually goes with scout type characters.
known these guys for over a decade, we named ourselves after a fish. They're probably my best friends. fucking love them
They're all consolefags, the basic bitch loot collector/story game types. Multiplayer with those guys consists of apex legends and indie pixel shit is the highlight of couch co-op.
It wasn't this way when we were younger, they became casual faggots.
>chill failed normie /fit/ manlet with above average skill and dry personality
>VERY skilled programmer nerd but absolute dogshit at video games, cheats in every multiplayer game he can lay hands on, spends thousands of dollars on cheating software monthly and when he's bored writes them himself. rages and whines a lot due to being unable to be above average even with cheats on, and claim that everyone that is better than him is a cheater. plays multiplayer games exclusively and watches a lot of anime
>ultimate casual beer-addicted redneck that "ironically" likes gachimuchi and shitty tv dramas
>no life neet in recovery that used to spend 20 hours a day playing wow and making money off it, "le epic twitch memester kappa dansgame elegiggle" despite being above 25 years of age, subscribed to forsen and several twitch whores, trying hard to become a normie but fails miserably, used to be decent at games but became casual
>really cool dude that works on some factory, was married several times with above average skill, he's a rare guest but always a welcome one
>the Yea Forums embodiment, below average IQ, anger management problems. sometimes get on really, really annoying and long rants about irrelevant things. terminally addicted to wow and is a complete and utter blizzdrone, the only person in the group that hates anime with passion. looks like a complete beta despite having a really manly fucking voice
>me, an autistic neet
>Was married until his (now ex-)wife raped me.
Sounds like the faggot is someone else
I know what you're saying, interests line up elsewhere but our tastes in gaming changed a lot over the years.
The sassy bastard, a comedian that cracks the shit out of us, and the silent and smuggest fucker you'll ever see.
I love em'.
>he watches spergier TRG
Gideon, 29
>doesnt play vidya on his own anymore
>still clings to the past
>will vidya with the crew if at least 3 will be active
>enjoys RTS like cossacks and chink mobas like HON
Shaquille, 30
>has not stopped playing mobas since he was a teenager
>soul crushing job
>will play moba with the boys any chance he gets
Sebastian, 30
>crippled by an aneurysm, lost 30% of brain function
>somehow, is still able to play shitty gacha games
>has not skipped a daily quest in all 5 F2P games he plays
>ascended to wizardhood earlier this year
Franz, 29
>his mom wont let us hang out at his place anymore because of the incident
>most successful of the group, owns his own car and is married
>recently started playing vidya with the crew again, possible mid-life crisis
Eliwood, 30
>creepiest of the group
>literally lives in a shantytown
>absolute beast in fighting games, 90% execution rate of KOFXIIII Leona's touch of death combo
>possibly in the closet but no proof so far
Berkowitz, 31
>works in finance
>recently broke up with normie gf (who was a bitch)
>currently in a bad mood
>has never stopped attempting to persuade us to play Yu Gi Oh for 20 years
Nuts bunched up. lol
Depressed artist. Depressed fat canadian man. Schizophrenic black guy.
Haha. Do you have a picture?
Johnny is so fucking based but he hangs around with a bunch of beta autists
I pushed myself away from all of them.
It hurts, it hurts when I feel lonely, but it hurts even more when I think about going back online.
>once sheltered mormon guy who loves grand strategy and rts. Plays Chaos, picks edgiest/evil option available in a game
>degenerate. Spams porn and doujin links in group chat. Loves total war and atelier games. Plays Orks
>also a degenerate. Bad at video games. Plays Tyranids
>/k/ but also loves yuri. Loves anime games and Yakuza. Plays sisters of battle
>/k/'s girlfriend. Also a degenerate. Likes h-games. Plays his sisters of battle
>ultra hipster. Worships Drakengard and Prey. Likes to play the least powerful character/faction no matter what he plays. Collects armies to paint but rarely plays
>angry butcher. Has pretty normalfag vidya taste. Great painter. Even better cook. Plays guard.
>guy who runs a let's play channel with a couple friends. Impressive video game and zaku collection. Plays Tau
>chill and reserved guy. Seems to be good at any game he plays. A+ shittalk. Loves mecha/80's anime. Plays guard too
We just get together Saturday nights, cook, drink, play warhammer/video games or watch anime. Wouldn't trade these faggots for the world
CRICKEY, MATE! Based australia shitposting boots.
i can't understand what it is about black sneakers that a waiter might wear and hiking shoes that seems to be so appealing to perma-incels.
lonliness is better than being surrounded by happiness and comraderie that you cant feel. trust me. ive fucking been there and it still hurts