Anybody up for a Silent Hill thread
Anybody up for a Silent Hill thread
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Yes I am
SH1=SH2=S4=SH3>Origins>SM>anything else
Should I dump wallpapers?
I love Silent Hill 1-3 but I really did not enjoy 4. I have heard that some consider it their favorite. Can someone explain why? It just seemed worse to me in every aspect compared to other SH games.
SH2 > 1 > 3 > 4
What was Dahlia's problem?
You have to play 4 as it's own unique thing. Don't play it with the previous 3 in mind or you're gonna be disappointed. The most tedious thing about 4 is all the backtracking and the second visit to Apartment World.
Same problem all religious zealots have.
>you will never save Lisa
you should dump that shit taste, downpour is GOAT
First is still the best.
'nuff said.
Yeah I could use more Silent Hill wallpapers.
Is Alchemilla worth playing even though it has no enemies?
shoo shoo, Tomm
No, maybe tomorrow.
I’ve been seeing this image for years but is there a source for those quotes?
I would say it is, I had a really good time with it. fair warning that the ending is pretty weak though.
Ufo endings are canon
Following McGlynn's response to the justified fan outrage was nauseating. If you want to go down that rabbit hole I'd say start there.
Finished 1 last month, and currently seven hours into 2. Anyone have the most recent infograph?
Is this what you're talking about?
this be gud
Neat, will watch now
At what point did you realize it was the best one?
This is darker than any SH
It’s not. 1&2 are both better even though I love all 3
Homecoming was hated because it was the only game that played well
it also had the most coherent story
I didn’t think homecoming was bad, I actually enjoyed it. It was all over the place lore wise but it had a great soundtrack and good graphics at release
Why can’t konami just rerelease these games using the pc version with mods on all platforms
Yes, though I think there's a 2019 version I've been trying to find. Thank you for that one, anyhow.
I think it was influenced by the movie but maybe I am remembering the timeline wrong
Not unplayable in the slightest, but still the worst in the series by far (excluding BoM).
The blatant copying of that shitty movie that HC did was indefensible though.
There’s a timeline out there with all of the original creators gearing up to release a new silent hill game with a mind blowing custom engine and graphics
4 is alright but taking damage from just being near ghosts and half the game being a repeat of the first half and a giant escort mission are mind boggling
Alas it's the same timeline that Konami heads aren't crack-snorting pachinko-loving yakuza
It was influenced by the movie 100%, unlike most SH fans I don’t think that’s a bad thing considering the first movie is decent. Pyramid head being in homecoming was dumb but one thing I really did like was the other world transition that they lifted from the movie. Seeing all the paint peel off of the walls and shit decaying in real time was cool
>the only game that played well
it's ok, only when you fought 1v1, it's rare situation.
>it also had the most coherent story
How previous games have less coherent story than fucking homecoming where most of ending doesn't make a fucking sense?
>considering the first movie is decent
Even by campy american horror standards it's pretty bad
This video is legit garbage. As bad as Twin Perfect is, GrateDebate goes the complete opposite way and tries to absolve Tomm of everything as if he wasn't the fucking main producer of the series at the time. They also go out of their way to paint Guy Cihi as a bad guy by cutting parts of his statement.
For video game movie adaptations it was absolutely watchable and decent
Finally got all four copies. What am I in for anons?
Swap Origins and SH:SMs place and you're good
It's by far the best videogame adaptation. I'm still amazed that those hollywood suits OK'd the director's wish to use Yamaoka's soundtrack for the film.
In a genre where the unreachable golden highlight is the mortal kombat movie, "watchable" literally means "my eyes can see the movie."
So by that standard I'd say yeah you're right.
GOAT atmosphere in any video game, GOAT soundtrack in any video game, Tank controls with bad but serviceable combat and psychological warfare
yeah I think some people forget that the first Silent Hill had a pretty straight forward story once you got down to it and for a major motion picture adaptation they did as good a job as you could hope taking it to the screen
I've always struggled with that order
In that case i'm spoilering the rest of the wallpapers. Go play them instead of wasting away here, user.
Why is Twin Perfect so hated anyway?
4 is kinda like a breath of fresh air. Team Silent realized that the first 3 games where a bit too similar to each other and wanted to spice things up by doing some changes. Change was the core idea they had for 4 and that lead them to be more creative. The problem was that this game was made by only half of team silent since the other half was busy making 3, it also got less resources and time overall (notice how each SH came 2 years apart each other except 4 which came a year after 3). Overall I just love the premise of being locked in your room, a plot with a serial killer hauntings, ghosts, etc. To me it all felt creepier and creative. Also Henry is best boi, Eileen best grill and we got the burping noises and a protagonist whose relatable for being an awkward shut-in autist. I just love this game, considering the trouble it had during it's making it's kind of a miracle that what we got was that good, but I would kill for a UFO ending thou
Looking at this list, nah.
There are way worse ones though.
So what was the true meaning of this?
I want to play them but the component cable, which is the last piece, comes in tomorrow
>tfw there are anons that haven’t played these games and are about to experience them for the first time
I envy you
There was a hole there, it's gone now.
>Team Silent realized
>being this naive
Their videos were posted often here as an some sort of definitive answer to all questions surrounding the series and its production. So people who were annoyed by that are louder than people who don't care.
>trying to paint Guy as bad.
They also aren't saints and routinely misrepresented stuff to fit their narrative. A lot of stuff they blamed on Tomm was truly the fault of a larger Konami issue which they never addressed. (Tomm was still a fucking idiot who never understood what madr the series good in the first place and tried to force his "the town is a psychologyst" view into the canon of the series though).
TP also had the whole drama where that piece of shit Rosseter fucked Fungo over (even though TRSHE was Fungo's ideia in the first place)
That's true horror right there
Let's be honest, 4 was a slapdash cash grab and it's just not a very good game.
don't look
I'm legit glad the series died. I'm only sad it didn't happen sooner. SH1-4 are masterpieces. Let a great series stay dead. It left it's mark in gaming history.
Replace 4 with Origins, Homecoming, and Downpour and you're absolutely correct. Very insightful of you.
I keep getting hard when playing silent hill 2.
was having a hard time concentrating thanks to the bondage monsters,and the double legged ones, then those nurses showed up.
Thanks for the explanations. Rosseter always seemed like an untrustable fellow.
Hot take, but true.
Those are all trash too, I agree on that much. But 4 was shite and I'd kick your ass if I ever found you irl
Why? It’s not like the original 4 games would ever be erased from existence
Reflects how James has begun his journey towards epiphany
No, you'd probably kiss me or something you nancyboy homo
Are you implying that this is all, yet again, Konami's fault
sh2 is LORE: the game
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
This probably could have redeemed post-4 SH
>his journey towards epiphany
I always viewed it as more sexual. The hole, Mary, not there anymore. There was heavy sexual repression that takes a physical form for James, I thought this was one of them.
This may not have an answer, how did Abstract Daddy look like for Angela?
Nah I'd snap your neck in a single motion like Steven Segal then put on my sunglasses like neo and drive away in my Camaro.
necking? ew ur gay
Theoretically, how much do you think it would it cost for somebody like Sony to buy the ip? I only say Sony because they have a history with Silent Hill and the original creator works there
I partially agree with the idea, but can you just imagine would could be done with current graphical fidelity and processing power? It is interesting to think what a complete Team Silent could accomplish.
Yo link bro, mednafen gives me an error while trying to run your SH1 iso. I don't remember exactly but it was something about it having an exploitable backdoor which someone can use to infiltrate my pc or something. I really hope you're not playing dirty
well, yeah, Konami had a role in it, but i also amazed by your believe what Team Silent was some specific group of people who knew what they were doing, especially at the times of 4, when out of named people only Yamaoka was still around.
Some people theorize Abstract Daddy may have simply looked like Angela's dad to her (she screams "no daddy! Please don't!" right beforr the boss fight starts) but there's not much that evidence for that, she may have seen it the same as James and it made her remember her father
SH3 > SH1 > SH2
This is what I say every time I come across these threads. They were genuine technical wizards with the shit they were pulling off on the ps2 so could you imagine what they could have done in the modern era?
I don't think Konami would sell it. They make too much money off of the IP. Plus, Sony wouldn't even need to buy it in my opinion. Silent Hill has been dead for a while. I just want a spiritual successor from Kojima now.
Here's the most recent SH PC Guide + DL links :
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial + bare essentials pack:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
All the info & links you'll ever need:
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
Play the games in release order, and don't play on Easy mode.
Multiple playthroughs per game is very recommended.
Lower the in-game Brightness, crank up volume.
Turning OFF flashlight helps a ton!
Not saying you’re wrong but I’m genuinely curious as to how Konami still makes a lot of money off of silent hill. Silent Hill themed pachinko and light gun arcade games?
Why was Vincent so pants-on head retarded?
>oh it's heather let me turn my back on this crazy ass bitch and tell her to kill her what could possibly go wrong?
and why was douglas such a punk-ass bitch?
>well i got a broken leg i guess i better sit back and let this young woman fight all these hell demons for me
and how did he even break his leg in the first place? did he trip and fall while trying to shoot the evil cunt?
3 was really good but the plot kinda fell apart at the end
Is that a fallacy in thinking that the team would always be such wizards with the new tech that was coming out post-ps2? Maybe that's just something I tell myself out of loss.
3 wasn’t nearly as good as 1 or 2. I have no idea why some people put it as the best
I just want Kojima to make a horror game desu. MGS and Death Stranding aren't horror games. I feel like that's something he should look into after DS
Probably because 3 looks way better than 1 or 2, and people are put off by the departure from normalcy that 4 was.
I remember the sheer dread and terror I had at age 11 watching my older brother play silent hill 1 the first time. The necessary game over in the intro and the existential dread of running around the town looking for a way out and only finding cliffs into the void fucked me up bigly
Oh I do know that TS was never a consistent team, even from 1 to 2 a lot of people came and went, some worked on all games (Yamaoka) but obviously not all of them (Ito was from 1 to 3, Sato 1-2, Suguru Murakoshi was in 2 I think and then directed 4). But this doesn't change the fact the they were Team Silent, even if some people changed between games, the core of the Team is still there and you can notice it just by playing any TS SH vs any non-TS SH (not saying that non-TS is inherently bad or anything, just that you can tell it was made by a whole 'nother team and not just the same old team with a few changes and trying to be different)
>and how did he even break his leg in the first place?
Claudia used basic close combat techniques to break his leg.
>oh it's heather let me turn my back on this crazy ass bitch and tell her to kill her what could possibly go wrong?
He thought she's pacifist and don't kill people, cause of her daddy issues.
>she may have seen it the same as James
Maybe, but I think that was James interpretation of Abstract Daddy. Which begs the question how a part of Angela's intersected with James's SH.
I remember renting the game from Blockbuster, not knowing anything about it. Holy shit, was I taken aback and fucking scared.
I remember getting incredibly hyped about SH 2, reading all the mags that had anything on it. When it dropped, it more than lived up to the hype.
Sh1 had a huge impact on me as well as a kid. Especially that game over intro. The sound of Harry yelling in pain is still drilled into my head
What people fail to realize that TS were not witches when it comes to crafting tech. They excelled at ARTISTRY, being some extreme detail-maniacs, and workaholics to boot. They simply did not stop at "good enuff".
>tfw i got sh2,gran turismo 3 and mgs2 all on the same day
>He thought she's pacifist and don't kill people, cause of her daddy issues.
but she killed harry just hours before.
i hope santa will bring you something for being such a good boy.
She specifically sad she didn't kill Harry.
>the core of the Team
What core? Who are those people? Some Top Men, who were extremely talented and loyal to Konami, of all people?
I'm not sure exactly how all companies profit from their IPs but I know they protect them super hard. I assume Konami still makes money from the music and merch sales. Royalties from the movie sales also? And of course pachinko.
I really don’t want to see a modern day silent hill with OTS shit. The lynch-tier camera angles is half of the atmosphere
>Some Top Men
>Which begs the question how a part of Angela's intersected with James's SH.
This happens throughout the game.
Laura's drawings.
Football stuff where you meet Eddie.
The pizza.
Eddie's locker room boss fight.
Duality stuff where you meet Angela. Outside there is a nice white door and right next to it is a boarded up damaged door. There is also a teddy bear on the floor that is stitched up down the middle. And then in the room with Angela is a giant mirror.
You also see the fleshy phallic pistons in the boss battle with the abstract daddy which is from Angela's 'other world'.
Also this scene.
I actually find Angela very interesting and if I had any talent I would make a fan game taken from her journey through the town.
Nice screen, still looks damn good. Did you follow the pc guide?
Shit, you're right. I've forgotten so much of the stuff you've written. I need to re-play SH 2.
>I actually find Angela very interesting and if I had any talent I would make a fan game taken from her journey through the town.
That would be grand if someone did that.
Nope, merely saved all these from past SH threads.
I want to follow the guide soon though, now that my ps2 is gone.
What happened to your ps2 user
>trusting Fungo
bit late to the party, but is there a specific reason why every single image of yours is spoiler tagged?
Left it on the east coast when I moved.
My bad, with "core" I wasn't referring to particular people, but more of the essence of the team as a whole. Again, people came and went but you can tell that this 4 games were made by the same team, even thou each game had different resources/ circumstances (SH1= Konami gathers the 15 least performing employees to make a RE clone but gives them a lot of creative freedom since they have no confidence in them. SH2= Since SH1 was a succes they gave the team even more creative freedom and resources. SH3= SH2 apparently didn't do that well in Japan due to it being so disconnected from SH1, the fans want to know more about the cult and all of that so Konami pressured the team to make the story about that. SH4= the team was split in half so they could simultaneously work on 3 ans 4, it also seemed to have less budget than the previous game but since they were going back to 1 with 3 they could now allow themselves to make something different with 4)
It builds tension..just like the games
There's an user in this thread who has the games but hasn't played them so it doesn't sit well with me to spoiler games in the series to those who are excited to play them. I'm sorry if it's annoying.
Thank you.
Oh fuck, I'm spent
I'll post a few.
This got me angry even though it’s not real. Congrats
>more of the essence of the team as a whole
What are you even talking about? Did you ever work in team yourself?
I feel like every time people mentioning team silent they idealise them for no reason.
> you can tell that this 4 games were made by the same team
How exactly? They're very different.
Start using real emulators, broski.
>I actually find Angela very interesting
why? She's tragic character, but she's nothing like James, cause she's weak and doesn't even bother to protect herself.
>f I had any talent I would make a fan game taken from her journey through the town.
that would be a waste of time and your talent.
>Silent Hill 4k collection
It does its job well
>she's nothing like James, cause she's weak and doesn't even bother to protect herself.
user, I...
did you even play the game? She fucking killed her entire family.
>that would be a waste of time and your talent.
clearly you have missed more than a few details.
>cause she's weak and doesn't even bother to protect herself.
I mean she killed her dad in self defense after years of abuse. I think it would be interesting to see how Silent Hill manifests for someone who is a victim. We kind of have that in SH1 but there's a lot of influence from the cult.
>that would be a waste of time and your talent.
Joke's on you, I don't have any talent :^)
it could be worse...
>best atmosphere
>kino use of camera angles
>best story
>best characters
>overall the spookiest/creepiest (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR WHOARRRYUUU)
>best music
>Saratoga Mountains
Silent Hill in NYS capital region confirmed
>Me lvl 50
god fucking dammit this got me laughing
>She fucking killed her entire family.
Only dad, rest is head canon. Anyway
>did you even play the game?
Did you? In game she doesn't want to fight, she doesn't even consider that, she wants to find her mom, maybe to kill her or maybe to be killed by her. She's going to kill herself for the whole game.
>how Silent Hill manifests for someone who is a victim.
Angela doesn't think she's victim, she think she's Seductress
Go play any non-TS game and from the start it already feels very different. Dude idk of course I didn't work in TS but I played the games they made, even if each of the 4 games is different they all have things in common besides the name. They had rrally good symobolism, music, character models and animations, great monster design and all of them have really emotional characthers and stories that stick with you long after you played the game and that you could relate to. I can't write you an essay about TS but I can tell you that those 4 games had a unique feeling that tied them together, at least for me. I'm sorry if this wasn't the answer you were looking for.
>Only dad, rest is head canon
She is looking for the rest of her family members. She's delighted to find her "mother" at the end. It does not take an Einstein to put one on one.
>Did you?
over 40 times by now, on multiple platforms.
>In game she doesn't want to fight
>she wants to kill her family and die
that's a weird definition of "no fighting".
>she think she's Seductress
now THAT is a random hot take I'd love to hear an explanation to.
Just post nightmare waifus. No one cares about the horror part, especially not zoomer-Yea Forums
some pretty interesting stuff
>that's a weird definition of "no fighting"
She wasn't willing to do any fighting with Abstract daddy and if not for james she would die there. During her last scene with James she literally asks him if he's going to help by being with her for her whole life.
>She is looking for the rest of her family members. She's delighted to find her "mother" at the end. It does not take an Einstein to put one on one.
You're making such assumption from literally fucking nothing? even people who thought what every character is just james' constructs had better case.
>now THAT is a random hot take I'd love to hear an explanation to.
well, that and her scene where she's saying how even her mom told her what she deserved it
james wouldn't touch maria like that, he loves Mary
Rosseter is the redhead faggot?
ffuck buddy.. toss devil may cry and ico in there, and you have seriously heavy-weights earliers
why can't the original first be re-created from scratch? would it end being that different/unrecognizable?
serious question
>She wasn't willing to do any fighting with Abstract daddy
>During her last scene with James she literally asks him if he's going to help by being with her for her whole life.
A honest question: are you a single?
Because clearly, you don't understand the most stereotypical female psyche.
>You're making such assumption from literally fucking nothing?
Other than the fact that her daddy potentially raped and mistreated her, and rest of her family were OK with it, even saying she deserved it?
The fact that she literally starts from a graveyard, not finding her brother and mother from "HERE"?
>even people who thought what every character is just james' constructs had better case.
The thing is, even if the characters are not some "constructs", they all still represent or echo one of the Jimbo's "sides". Ways he could go with his own situation. Hell, it even brings up his hypocrisy later on, and how indeed similar to them James is.
Any fun horror games released recently besides Lost in Vivo/Evil Within?
I'll take anything so long as it has combat and no forced stealth bullshit
upload your god damn playthrough Figure
I have Silent Hill 2 on PS2. I always wanted to finish it but I’m too brainlet for puzzle and survival games. Story was kinda interesting
Maybe I could sell it in the future for 100 dollars or something like that
I especially think that the latter was directly inspired by PT.
this guy knows
>The fact that she literally starts from a graveyard, not finding her brother and mother from "HERE"?
she sad only her father and brother were "here", strange thing to miss for someone who had more than 40 playthroughs. And anyway, there is no proof she killed her brother or mother.
>Because clearly, you don't understand the most stereotypical female psyche
What that has to do with anything? My point is she gave up and doesn't want to live anymore.
>I always wanted to finish it but I’m too brainlet for puzzle and survival games.
How can someone not be able to finish a literal babby-mode game like SH2? Some 10yo girls have beaten it on their own.
>Maybe I could sell it in the future for 100 dollars or something like that
You're assuming it will even work at that point. Disc-rot is a real threat.
It has some good visuals but I think people mostly like Heather
SH3 is way scarier and challenging than SH2, which alone makes it a superior survival-horror game.
>Angela doesn't think she's victim, she think she's Seductress
This is interesting to me. It doesn't change the fact that she is a victim but that is an interesting aspect. Victims of abuse often think that they deserved it somehow.
Well, Eddie thought he's victim and town gave him gun and dummies to shoot. And pizza.
Oh look that piece of shit vídeo that is just a hitpiece on everybody else while trying to paint Tom as a saint, fuck this faggots
That's true too. SH2 lacked enemy variety and challenge, but I thought most enemies in 3 were more annoying than challenging.
Victimhood can manifest in different ways.
Some build up up rage and desire justice, usually in form of pure revenge.
Some however dwell in it, sink deeper, and think that they deserve it and anything that follows. It's a typical female phenomenon, hence why you see lots of women going back to their wife-beater guys, over and over again.
Given their record, I would rather if the IP remains dead.
I like silent hill 2 the best, although sh3 feels a lot better to play, in comparison sh2 feels a little janky.
SH3 is so weird. Heather is my favorite protagonist and the Gameplay is better but exploration really suffers. You can't examine stuff often because it doesn't pause the game. And I hate the enemies that crawl along the ground and just trip you.
So basically the argument is that Vincent is so fucking retarded he felt that because Claudia ordered a demon to kill Harry instead of doing it herself that it was completely safe to turn his back on her while telling Heather to kill her.
Please post cute heathers. Literally no good place for cute heathers.
>tfw used to work on a 2D fan-demake of SH3 some 15 years ago
>now can't find any of the files
feels bad man.
had lots of chibi-Heather sprites cooked up
When is Silent Hill coming back?
Mortal Kombat says hi.
I even liked Annihilation, though a few parts were still silly/bad, but overall it was enjoyable to watch
she got the shit beat out of her as a kid by her father any time she got out of line so she was raised to be strictly religious and judgmental
but even she was more accepting of outsiders than her dad
and she allowed herself to wallow in self-hate and pity over her completely justifiable action and was ultimately lost to her desire for punishment (ascending up the stairs and never being seen again) whereas the entirety of Silent Hill 2 was James struggling with his guilt and need for punishment and ultimately overcoming it (unless you're retarded and think the in water ending is better). she was weak.
guys i'm at the church section of sh3, what am I suppose to respond the woman in the confessional booth?
Her father raised her to be part of the cult. According to Vincent he did this in the purely abusive way (Which coming from a sleazeball like Vincent must have been pretty bad)
Whoops I got her mixed up with the woman from 3. My bad.
>How can someone not be able to finish a literal babby-mode game like SH2?
Because as I said before, I am a brainlet. I had to use a guide many times to finish REmake.
Also I’m bad at exploration games
SH3 = SH1 > SH2 > SH4 > shit dump > SH:SM > SH:D > SH:0 > SH:H
Also an interesting watch:
Why/how is Heather such a QT?
I respect that you're willing to admit that and don't blame the games for your failings.
It doesn't matter on your 1st playthrough, just say whatever you feel like