Is Majora's Mask the closest a videogame has been to art?

Is Majora's Mask the closest a videogame has been to art?

If not, which game was?

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Attached: Ludwig.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Ape Escape 4

i like majoras mask but dark elements dont make a game "art".

Link's Awakening even within the Zelda series

This is the only video game that has a story on a level that is comparable to great literature.

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What even makes something considered to be art? You have fags painting a canvas red and calling it art, who cares if something is considered to be art

>entire game themed around facing and accepting death
>30 second cutscene of a dog horse finding a sword
i like bloodborne but one shiny cutscene doesnt make up for the fact that its a one trick pony of a game

Majora's Mask could only exist within the video game format, as it uses gameplay mechanics to tell a story.

I hope your dick gets chopped off. Scratch that, I hope it gets sawed off.

Video games are already legally considered creative works of intellectual property, which is essentially “art”.
There is no debate to be had.

This is legally considered a creative work of intellectual property.

Attached: file.png (200x300, 3K)

That too, is considered art. It, in combination with the text of your post, even espouses a philosophical position, potentially putting it in the realm of contemporary high art. You'd have a pretty good case for getting this into some gallery exhibitions.

Your point is...?

The only reason people call this "art" is because the moon sequence is avant-garde for the medium. But yes, that makes it stand out

>game about wearing masks
>man becomes a beast, the very thing he sets out to destroy, and when reunited with his sword, briefly recovers his humanity
i can do it too

dark souls

Attached: damn.gif (200x160, 2.41M)

>What even makes something considered to be art?
I don't think a white wall with two black spots can be conidered art.
I don't think two bricks on the floor is art.
With this reasoning, i can't consider the latest Call of Duty as art.

Open to interpretation.

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>measuring art in terms of its story
story is the value measurement of literature and kinda movies I guess
paintings, music, and video games aren't about stories

I would say a lot of survival horror games (the best examples being Silent Hill and Rule of Rose)