You care about your fellow Queer gamers don't you user?
Representation in Gaming
You just made this thread, fuck off.
Sorry but STRAIGHT WHITE MALE GAMERS are the most opressed minority.
Privileged queers need to shut the fuck up.
Lel remember when they were constantly making threads about how gay the new fire emblem was going to be and then it completely blew up on their face. These people are as pathetic and whiny as the people they complain about.
>make thread
>it's shit
>get deleted
>so creatively bankrupt that you literally just repost it again
the absolute state
(((Bisexual))) "people" are the second biggest cancer of the West.
I don't even care about my fellow straight gamers
Gays actually hate bisexuals
Based gays.
t. Queer
Off yourself
I'm gay and I don't give a fuck about representation.
People who's entire personality is "I'm gay" are cancer
>That pic
That is the most wrong thing I have ever read. I don't even believe that they believe it.
people who's entire personality is "i off-topic shitpost and reply to off-topic shitposting" are cancer
For these people anybody you don't like or who doesn't fanatically support every single cause you're into is right-wing
Gays and lesbians are mostly bi because of how promiscuous. Just look up how many more lesbians have teen pregnancies then strait women.
I dont care about characters sexuality i just want fun characters
I can fap to non cannon shit
Most don't. But as always it's the super obnoxious vocal minority that need attention all the time because of their insecurities and they drag everyone down with them.
I've read an article about how gays and lesbians have sex with each other out of curiousity.
>boohoo we need our allies
LGBTs are in the top 5 enemies of straight white males. Helping them would be me literally wasting my time and energy to hurt myself.
Kys fags
pls dont lump me in with these disgusting white people
Pick a side.
>be middle eastern
>west always portrays us as the enemy in media e.g. US vs middle easterns in a war scenario (CoD for example)
>most games don't even have a choice for a tanned person from that region
>literally no one complains
>game doesn't have gays running around everywhere fucking each other in the ass
>gays get all pissy and literally attempt to boycott companies
The worst thing is most gamers will still tell you they dislike middle easterns more than gays in gaming when it comes to this gaming politics shit.
rent free
he's right in a sense. economically they're centrist brand-loving liberals. they don't give a shit about economic justice and as a commie i think i hate them more than Yea Forums does
Remember, of you don't agree with exactly my personal convictions and beliefs you aren't a true ally
Gays hate bisexuals more than straight people do.
I love how these evil repulsive creatures flip flop between belittling and demonizing their lapdog "allies" and demanding they do shit.
They're neolibs, that's firmly center right in terms of economic policy.
>Representation is good for fanservice
>Representation is good to stop racism/sexism/Xphobia
No. That’s untrue. Just because there are ten black superheroes doesn’t mean that cops are going to stop shooting at nigger and immigrant or that they’re going to stop molesting you/never are going to be rapped.
If you want more equality to minorities demand your country’s goverment to make more laws that stop your oppresion. Thinking that racism will stop just because spiderman is now black is retarded. And demanding more minorities in a show when the author doesn’t want it as if it were an important issues is even more retarded. Hollywood isn’t your friend, they only want your money
But socially they want everyone to conform to a pre-determined set of ideals with very harsh legal punishments for anyone who deviates... shit they are right-wing in every aspect aren't they?
Further proof that fags =/= gays.
Fuck this retard, but fuck OP for making the same thread twice.
So tiresome
Fuck I nearly took the bait.
Based as fuck.
They have a good amounts of commies, tho.
Explain to me how these people aren't worse or on the exact same level of as people who want every character to be a sexy anime chick. These people are literally no different yet the faggots think its literally their fucking RIGHT to have gay options in videogames. They represent everything they complain about.
>Definitely a capitalist. Just dont see how socialism could work so not going to waste my time with fantasies. I am an immigrant of a failed socialist state though so I could be biased.
Looks like there's some redpilled guys there and it's always usually foreigners.
>your fellow Queer gamers don't you user?
About as much as I care about my fellow straight gamers.
Hint: I don't give a flying fuck about straight gamers unless they're mildly annoying me at that moment and time, in which case I dislike them
lol based fire emblem, I remember a few weeks ago they were taunting that the game was made for them.
>Hollywood isn’t your friend, they only want your money
Reminder that Joe Biden literally thanked Hollywood for the social programming they made with Will & Grace.
>fair treatment and worthwhile, not token, content in games
Won't happen for a few decades at lest. Homosexual characters will, until the whole nonsensical movement passes over and is finished, remain as token characters specifically BECAUSE you want them in the game. They currently only exist to literally fill a quota. Do you want a good character that's relevant to the game, has a unique appearance, and many other favorable traits, or do you just want a random addition to say "I'm gay"? Homosexual representation will remain token so long as they keep trying to push it. It's a losing game that loses harder the more it's pushed for.
Best result though; literally don't give a fuck about who they want to lay. It's not important.
What exactly do they want people to do? Protest outside a company office? Write angry messages on twitter?
>managerial class yuppies that loathe raising their taxes and favor technocratic solutions rather than any meaningful change in the system are now no longer right-wing
Do you even know what the right is, bruh? Idpol alone doesn't make you left-wing.
>Wah wah wah. Why does the world not revolve around ME!?
There, summed it up for you.
not having 50 gay romance choices in every game= getting shit on?
How about just announcing that you're gay gets you fucking stoned to death.
First world problems.
You know, with all the groupthink and hugboxing that some of these fags do, you'd think they'd come together and make their own game to achieve their desires. I mean, there's clearly enough "man"power to work hard enough and get something done.
It's what I'd do.
>User Banned
Good, take the bait you weebcels.
>In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.
This is why nationalism not only is good but necessary.
I'm starting to think a worldwide caliphate might be a good option, but then I remember that muslims are turbocancer.
>Fuck straight gamers!
How long until they start to demand FE be banned from the site?
They have the media, banks, academia and Silicon Valley on their side.
Pretty much. I see the main battle today being nationalist vs globalists. Funny how corporations and socialist are on team globalist.
Only brainlets vote according to race and religion.
And banned for posting a perfectly reasonable opinion. As much as Yea Forums has its flaws, it will never be as gay as Retardera.
Well socialists and globalists want the same thing, a world full of poor brown dumb people.
We literally need to rise the fuck up!
Gays are like 2% of the population, why should more than 2% of video game characters be gay?
Idiots vote against there own one interest.
The average person is a brainlet. Why do you think some Democrat candidates spoke Spanish in a debate?
Living is pain and choosing to walk the path of more suffering and social angst is not my problem faggots.
Because it's in vogue at the moment, and probably will continue to be. Incels have lost, normie zoomers are in charge of all your favorite franchises now, or will be in the foreseeable future. Suicide is advisable.
>buying dragon quest is now considered red pilled
you can't make this shit up.
If voting for a party is not in your social or economic interests, but for "that of your race's", then it's a vote against your interests.
I find it funny how unsuccessful their campaign against DQ is. They're literally complaining about one guy and expect people to just drop an entire series for it.
wtf I like DQ now
ResetGender is NPC central, you've all got to agree the same talking points otherwise you're removed from the hivemind.
Wrong. I exclusively play japanese games and the japs are based and uncucked
I don’t think they really care about the color of there slaves. Just that they have plenty of them. They are just using color and sex to divide people.
That's right straight white men, step up!
As a straight black man, I'm stepping down, you guys can deal with all the faggots in our stead.
Nationalism is a cancer that steps on the rights of the individual. Voting along racial and ideological lines is rational but doing it in a way that violates the rights of other individuals is irrational and bad and undue suffering isn't good or necessary.
Must be seething after Hero was announced for Smash and is probably the biggest amount of media coverage the DQ series has ever gotten
apparently good ol gay hating boomers are still in IS making FE so im solid
can someone explain this to me. never played dragon quest before (but plan on buying that definitive edition which just came out for the switch when i get my switch).
>still thinks race is color
>If Sunkara’s brand of socialism has a central weakness, it is this: its failure to realize that corporations embrace the modern progressive agenda precisely because so much of it makes workers weaker. Subsidized abortion and contraception, which Sunkara endorses as female empowerment, are loved by corporations because they like it when women put off childbearing until forty. Employees without children are more tractable, willing to work longer hours for lower pay. The borderless, high-immigration world supported by the progressive left serves to keep wages low more than it serves its ostensible purpose of anti-racism. Wall Street was given a scare by Occupy, but it doubled down on wokeness and its reward has been left-wing acclaim, as exemplified by the Vox headline claiming that “Corporations Are Replacing Churches as America’s Conscience.”
Hopefully your pedophile VNs will be banned soon too.
faggot shit it just as bad as politics
Commies are wrong, tho. Woke Capital predates Occupy for a long shot.