The eternal debate.
The eternal debate
never was a debate
we all know which is better
cotm > hk > rotn
Hollow Knight bored me, but it seemed alright.
Bloodstained is so ugly I refuse to play it.
Hollow Knight wins.
I like Hollow Knight more, but both are very fun
They are both good games. Quit being a faggot about this.
When you look at hollow knight, rotns price point is disgusting. 25 more bucks for less content and lower quality. Fuck iga and anyone who thinks he’s worth a shit
caring about a pointless debate only made by shitposters in a attempt to make both fan bases hate each other is fucking retarded op
I just want more nice hollow knight threads
They've got to get the board fighting against something, good thing they're so heavy handed about it.
I feel it is the work of that one poster that switches up which two fanbases to throw at each others throats each month. So he settled for Hollow Knight and Bloodstained this time.
it's pretty evident its either one person or one small group; The shitposts always use the same template and they try to brute force an opinion into whatever threads they're trying to shit up that week with the same 12 posts. It seems like they have troubling samefagging in actual popular threads though.
It's literally one faggot who spams this shit all day.
Hollow Knight looks a million times better at a literal hundredth of the budget. Iga should be ashamed.
That's certainly a unique opinion you have there.
>Bloodstained looks like dogshi-
This is like fighting over apples and pears. Shut up and eat them both.
>This has been said too many times, so you can no longer say it
Who cares how unique it is? It's not unique precisely because it's the obvious truth.
One is a cheap but enjoyable grindfest
The other is a well designed masterpiece
it does
>I refuse to play it.
right there
how is there a debate?
hollow knight is amateurish, filled with tons of filler and backer mandated game design decisions
Bloodstained is a tight and superbly paced game made by people who knew what they were doing
the same autistic fuck screaming shitstained ritual of the shit in 3..2..1..
I go for the castlevania style of Bloodstained one hundred times over
HK got me for not more than a couple of hours. Combat got really boring. But IGA made a huge selection of weapons, magic, combos etc. I'm sold.
one is a bootleg value brand castlevania with shit visuals and no identity other than pandering to igafags,
the other is hollow knight
literally what's the debate?
>bug with a stick
>Map Design
>Lasting Appeal
>reddit image
This confirms once and for all that all bloodstainedfags are redditors.
haven't played bloodstained yet but I'm gonna go with that one because HK is pretty boring
my selection of old as fuck reaction faces from Yea Forums is now a reddit thing?
are you a summerfag?
Hollow Knight without question. If I wanted to play a metroidvania with abysmal looking art direction I'd play Valdis Story instead.
Which incidentally is a pretty good game, and more enjoyable overall than shitstain.
>eternal debate.
What i saw is people happy they got a nice follow up for one of the best castlevania games from the same director, and then a bunch of whiny pussues come screeching that "MY BUG GAME IS BETTER REEEEE"
You all are a fucking disgrace
I was instantly turned away from Bloodstained because of the waifu pandering.
>dude look we have sexy grils come play our game
Yeah nah. I'm not some horny child that needs porn.
Bloodstained has more variety with enemies and abilities and Hollow Knight has better everything else
>second of "I didn't even play the game"
Apparently neither did the people who regularly discuss the game, since every BS thread is just people making porn of the waifus.
One is rated higher metacritic so what's the debate?
Then please point me those thread where people just make porn of the waifus. Because the ones i saw were about what do, how to progress, how to medal bosses, what should improve, when dlc, show your map, where is the Aegis, etc
>he thinks this looks good
lmao artlet
That's gonna be a big fat 'based and redpilled' from me.
Your entire argument was 'DON'T BE MEAN TO DEVELOPER AHHHHH'
Better take that cock out of your mouth before you choke on it.
I think it was a joke using a cherry picked image Jim. But not that you are capable of perceiving that.
>female main protagonist
happy basedjak wearing a pussy hat.jpg
I would take looking at dogshit over this.
You know, I don't remember the part of Bloodstained where you're eating burgers and fucking the main character. This is the height of "gameplay discussion" according to you. Everything else that wasn't porn was shitposting.
Same. Bloodstained's Castlevania vibe was a big part of me even being interested. I can't get into the simple childlike art style of Hollow Knight. It looks too much like an indie game.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Now that the dust has settled, though... what about the sequel?
>It looks too much like the thing it is
Was the entire thread about solely about porn?
Eating is a mechanic in the game (I guess you don't know) so yes, people will make jokes about it.
Since when shitposting memes and jokes about a game is a sign that people didn't play it?
Anything else?
Both have over 120ms of input lag on the Switch, so they are basically unplayable.
If HK looks like an indie game then what the fuck is that ? A shitty highschool project?
There's no "debate", just a shitty attempt at forced rivalry by shitposters. The two games are different enough to make comparisons meaningless.
For what it's worth, I quit Hollow Knight around the 20 hour mark and felt no need to continue, but didn't stop playing Bloodstained until I had platinumed it. Don't take this as endorsement of BS over HK though, the games are drastically different and I simply liked what BS offered more.
>was the entire thread about porn
No, the rest was shitposting. I can't trust a fandom seriously when their idea of game discussion is talking about licking their waifu's armpits, so I just discard any game as bad if it has someone constantly sexualized in it. Can't be too careful.
Ok then, I believe is a big loss from your part though. Clipping your experiences over fandom in the specific site known as the cesspool of the internet.
>nothing has topped Enviromental Station Alpha
really makes you think
>If HK looks like an indie game then what the fuck is that ?
Screenshot from the outdated beta that somebody saved for shitposting purposes. The game doesn't actually look like that.
>Clipping your experiences over fandom in the specific site known as the cesspool of the internet.
The only reason Yea Forums is considered a cesspool is because you can't just circlejerk as a namefag and shutdown discussion because you have 6000+ karma points, nor can you ban people for wrongthink. The sites that hate Yea Forums are usually heavily moderated hugboxes where the slightest bout of dissent is shot on sight.
And that's why I base alot of things on Yea Forums, like the quality of a game. Only here do you get the full picture of what a game is truly like. You don't get a sanitized version presented by a company's official forums or some r*ddit circlejerk, but you see the fandom and the game at its worst.
Sounds like you're a stupid fucking faggot then. Have fun! Enjoy men's assholes or whatever you guys do!
Forcing yourself not to like something or avoid it because the fanbase is shit will make you a bored individual.
Because news flash. Every fanbase is fucking shit. Best to ignore them and make your own decision.
Would you play a more realistic hollow knight?
its a japanese game with anime-like characters. Obviously would cater some disgusting species.
The other is a bug game with absolute zero possible sexualization. Its very clear here what would happen.
Again, I believe you are being too finicky about it
If you base alot of things on Yea Forums then why didn't you base your opinion on it?
You know. Don't conform. Come up with your own actually opinion instead of avoiding something because you saw a few dickweeds that like it act like dumbasses.
Here's what that room ACTUALLY looks like in the game.
That still looks real ugly lol
i love how you have three niggas here being all polite and shit
then this motherfucker comes
fucking lol
I've honestly given the game many chances to impress me, but when the fandom's best venues of discussion barely even revolve around the gameplay, what am I supposed to think? It's just like splatoon or Xenoblade. You can sing for me the praises of the game, but at the end of the day the threads will be people obsessing over sniffing Pyra's farts, or wanting squid cunny. So I don't know what you'd expect to happen.
>The other is a bug game with absolute zero possible sexualization.
Shame about all that porn though.
Hollow Knight has no input lag on switch, retard.
So? Do you expect us to give a shit? We're not here to impress you, you insecure little faggot.
If you desire to stop your life over what other have to say about something. Then, heavens help you user
>when the fandoms
Then stop talk or interacting with the fandom you dumbass.
You can like and play games and never assimilate into the fandom.
I like Souls games but the fandom is trash. Do you think I now hate and avoid Souls games because of that? No. That would be fucking stupid.
That's only marginally less ugly, it still looks bad
>Hollow Knight bored me, but it seemed alright.
>Bloodstained is so ugly I refuse to play it.
You are literally me except I went back to hollow knight about a year after I first tried it and I was able to enjoy it a lot more just soaking in the aesthetics and not trying to get anywhere. It's a game much better suited for leaning back mentally and letting the pacing and world carry you.
i don't expect you to care or impress me. In the same way, don't expect blind praise for your game when all it incites is shitposting and porn. You can either have your cake, or eat it. Not both.
The fandom is always a good indication of a game's quality. Souls lowered in quality as the sequels came out, and the fandom reflected it. I could simply ignore the fandom, but then people get pissy if I don't like the game itself and then list why.
Hollow Knight is too long and is boring as shit with no diverse gameplay to it.
Now I'm going to ask, what did everyone use to get through Bloodstained? I went through most of the game with Bunnymorphis but later murdered everything with the homing gun.
It absolutely does, I originally played it on Switch, later PC and the difference is night and day. Literally every game on Switch has noticeable input lag, at least when docked.
It's not though. It never is.
Pizza is a good food but I bet you hate it because Hilter ate a pizza and liked it. That's how you sound. You can't associate yourself with something just because someone you don't like seems to like it. That's immature thinking.
Everything you like and stand for has a large group of individuals you despise backing it just as hard as you.
Learn to forget about them because the fans' don't indicate quality. Because the fans didn't make the product or game.
Bloodstained is a nice successor to Castlevania
Hollow Knight is worthy to be at the top of the pantheon of Metroidvanias alongside SotN and Super Metoid.
One is very good, one is beyong great.
>the fandom
What about the fandom? Are you the fandom? Did the fandom make the game? are you forced interact with the fandom?
None of the shit you are whining about matters as all.
If you like the game. You like it. If you hate it. You hate it. What the fandom has to say has not bearing on any that
Ah, so that's it. I only play handheld.
>food analogy
what an abhorrent post
Bloodstained is good but flawed. Hollow Knight is more polished but mediocre overall.
>Hollow Knight is boring as shi-
>Hollow Knight is worthy to be at the top of the pantheon of Metroidvanias alongside SotN and Super Metoid.
lolno. It belongs with Mirror of Fate and Other M.
BS's graphics are just not visually appealing and the game looks awkward as fuck in action
Extreme exemples are often use to make a clear contrast of ones point.
>abhorrent post
So? You sound like a fucking child thinking you can't enjoy something because someone you hate likes it.
Might as well stop living because there will always be someone you hate liking something you like.
How does it feel to have such shit taste in videogames ?
A literal piece of dogshit looks better than you pic user.
Why does everything have to be compared as if they have any similarities beyond being a Metroidvania? Bloodstained is good if you like the gameplay and music from previous IGA games and Hollow Knight is good for exploration and has unique artstyle.
Not everything has to be forced competition
You'll need to ask the HKfags that question.
I'm not the guy you were talking to. I was just repulsed by you using the two most obnoxious internet discourse cliches in one sentence.
>I only play handheld
Yeah, I think it's to do either with the HDMI connection, or the bluetooth chip in switches, handheld is typically fine but docked has input lag on everything.
Yeah, one that I find really dumb and it will probably increase by the end of August:
>You either like DMC V or Astral chain but not both
Like nigger what the fuck is your problem? I liked one and plan on getting the other how are they mutually exclusive?
They fucked up the shading and lightmapping, everything in that scene has a different level of brightness, like it's stitched together from different levels.
Fight fire with fire my man.
Using shitty food analogy with Hitler to fight irrational hatred of a whining child.
>how not to love?
>Hollow Knight
>beyond great, top of the pantheon of Metroidvanias alongside SotN and Super Metroid
I don't understand the people who say things like this. I mean it's good, but never once did I feel like I was playing a true masterpiece when I played it. Just a pretty good indie game. It has so many things that are just annoying dragging it down (like having to repeatedly find the map bug), you have literally one weapon in the entire game etc.
That is called fanboyism
Yeah, fuck me for thinking this game is really goddamn great, right ?
You mean "The Forced "Debate"".
yeah, fuck you
does bloodstained have framerate issues on all platforms?
This sort of nonsense started when it got a Switch release, now people are overhyping the fuck out of it except when it's a 8/10 depending on your tastes. Notice how they keep comparing it to SotN when that game was already surpassed by AoS or PoR.
The true kino is La-Mulana as it surpassed every metroidvania but it's too much for brainlets to handle to shitpost with it.
Not for me. Only in Valefor when he pushes the chips
not on pc
Just finished Bloodstained. Overall I prefer HK but both are good games.
Night of revenge
>This sort of nonsense started when it got a Switch release
People were posting this stuff and complaining about people posting this stuff long before there was a switch release.
>never release
I'm just saying; even when I ignore a fandom and say I don't like a game (lik Donkey Kong Tropical Cheese or Splatoon) people freak out and say you didn't "get the full experience" aka the dumb memes and porn and shitposting.
Both are great but HK is way more polished and balanced.
I'll wait for a proper comparison after the DLCs and patches drop.
simple 2D background art vs complex high detailed 3D backgrounds
Ori is better than both desu desu
Then don't? Maybe don't tell people your opinion.
Or maybe. Disregard them. Because they don't matter. Their opinion doesn't matter to what you thought of the game.
In other words. Enjoy and hate the thing you do and disregard everyone else's opinions because the don't matter.
Also don't be a faggot and jump into discussion about games you hate just to tell everyone like some sort of shitbird.
>brown shit looks better than black shit
still shit user
No, fuck you
This IS a discussion board, so inevitably our viewpoints will cross. Trying to foster a hugbox will do nothing but turn the place into r*ddit 2.0.
SOTN looked better.
You're bitching about idiots liking things you like so you then hate them.
You're bitching that fanbases are being idiots.
Now your bitching about my advise about just ignoring them.
You bitch about discussion happening and not liking it but bitch at me about telling you to not participate if you hate it.
The mental gymnastics on you is amazing.
Nobody is fostering a hugbox. but if you just come into a thread to be a faggot we will treat you like one.
ROTN has better RPG elements, but is much shorter and not as good.
Hollow Knight is great in basically every other aspect, great world and enemy variety.