You will never enjoy a video game like when you were a kid

Face it, it's time to grow up. You spend hours playing countless games but none of them will make you feel like you did back then. These games don't offer you anything except hollow achievements.

It's time to put down the games and start doing something that matters. You can go outside or you can sit inside on your computers and do something that matters. Which will it be?

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Why can't you balance both you fucking brainlet?

>Quoting south park

Have sex

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No I won't, thats why I roleplay now

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>I stopped enjoying something so that means everyone has

Kill yourself OP.

>sneedsons fans actually believe this

>sit inside on your computers and do something that matters

like, having fun playing vidya?

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>It's time to put down the games and start doing something that matters.

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How do i do that?

that's why i have shifted to playing more online games now, anything competitive never gets old to me since there is always someone better/more skilled to play against

Weed helps with that feeling you're upset about not having anymore.

what's that one game that takes you back, fellas?

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>mfw vidya

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How many times will you make this thread OP?

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>You will never enjoy a video game like when you were a kid
i had that when demons souls and dark souls came out

Unreal Tournament '04

>Face it, it's time to grow up.
*posts an image of lisa simpson on an anime image board*
>It's time to put down the games and start doing something that matters.
like posting simpsons images on the asshole of the internet

You can.
You just need to stop sulking here and wanting to get your opinions on a game validated on social media.

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Lmao after playing games as an adult all that happened was that I came to realize I was awful at video games when I was under 18, and things just clicked and I have improved significantly at them through my 20s. Before I had never challenged myself, many games I enjoyed were hot garbage like 3d sonic because I didnt know any better.

Now in my late 20s I play games that are great, games that take skill, and constantly challenge myself to improve whenever possible. I am better at more games than anyone I know IRL, and these are other people who also spend their free time playing different kinds of games like I do. That being said I still know I am far from the best at any game and know there are plenty of people especially here who will always be better than me.

I lead a fulfilling life with a wonderful spouse, great friends, and plenty of time spent playing games together. Maybe all this is true if you are some depressed neet who plays games to escape their life, but you are probably just projecting, OP.

I’m playing RE 4 and I having a lot of fun.
I also enjoyed the DMC franchise, DR 1 and 2, MK 11 and nu-GoW a lot. Don’t trust OP, just find good games

I still enjoy games like I did when I was a kid, maybe even more. Git gud.

you're right now. I see. GABEN. SItting doing nothing on TF2 and getting free HATS is how doing anything matters.

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The Witcher 3 definitely brought back a child like feeling to playing video games. It was a shame the game didn't have more mystery and less way point markers.

EDG is pretty fun

>playing video games, a fun activity that brings happiness, is a hollow achievement
>however preaching to people that call you a retard on anonymous image boards is a worthwhile endeavour
You are a special kind of retard, aren't you?

Most likely baited to hell, but fuck it, I'll bite.
>do something that matters
My happiness matters to me. Video games make me happy, even make me feel shit that's the opposite of happy. Sure, some vidya you played as a kid might not feel as fun when you get older, but that's why you try newer games and genres, things you haven't played before. I don't need to be worth billions to be happy and fulfilled with my life.
I've gotten over sulking and feeling sorry for myself, and vidya never contributed to those feelings in the first place. Usually, it helped me feel better.
Maybe you should grow up and stop being a fag, OP. That'd be a real development.

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But it's fun!

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Have Feed & Seed

No, games objectively have just been lower quality despite the technological advancements. Only indie games and off the top of my head post 2011 AAA games, Witcher 3 have caught that "I want to play this for over 100 hours" vibe old single player games used to give.


It's true you can't put as much time into vidya as you could as a child while juggling adult responsibilities at the same time unless you take up degenerate career options, but it's completely possible to be a decent human being and still be fairly invested in games

Does this look unsure to you?

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Formerly child-like whimsy

based and sneedpilled (formerly cringe and chuckpilled)

You could say the same about any hobby.