>dig up and hack PS3
>look for games to put on it
>Already have a PC, so not interested in multiplats nor ports that are on the PS4
Jesus Christ, does this thing have ANYTHING other than Metal Gear Solid, Nier, and Armored Core 4A?
Dig up and hack PS3
Other urls found in this thread:
List of exclusives I enjoyed:
The Last of Us
Little Big Planet
God of War
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale
Demon's Souls
God of War III
God of War Ascension
LittleBigPlanet 2
inFamous 2
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
The Last of Us
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
MotorStorm: Apocalypse
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Heavenly Sword
3D Dot Game Heroes
ModNation Racers
Beyond: Two Souls
Twisted Metal
Katamari Forever
Demon's Souls and that's about it, the PS3 was a mistake.
ratchet and clunk
What an awful lost of unappealing games. I didn’t like DeS but it’s the only standout
drakengard 3 :)
Why do people like Killzone 2 so much, I played it and it was so generic and boring.
Also why the fuck would you play an old racing simulator? Just pick up a new one for cheap.
Yes but I'm not going to tell you any of them.
Alright, I guess I'll just keep digging through 100 pages of shovelware until something looks good.
No, you'll just keep whinging on Yea Forums.
Why would I lie about this? It takes me no investment at all to download and install something and it's not like people have stock put into gen 7 console wars anymore.
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
Chainsaw Lollipop
Sengoku Basara
Shadows of the Damned
I mean if you don't have an xbawks there is a bunch of stuff to play not on pc.
on PS4
Just play 2
on PS4
on PS4
on PS4
on PS4
on PS4
Good but not worth the console for
Good movie, meh game
Dead game
Dead game
Great but little reason to play over the new CTR, Sega All Stars and Mario Kart 8 since it's dead
on PS4
Dead game
PS3's only worthwhile games: Demon's Souls, LBP2, inFamous 2, Heavenly Sword, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Katamari Forever
Six games. Six fucking games. $100 per game to get your money's worth out of the console. What the fuck Sony
you could have at least quoted the games nobody is going to bother reading that you fucktard
Hey, I'm not the one begging for games and then doubling back saying you can look them up.
I'd rather ask for suggestions rather than go through page by page for a hundred pages, yes.
Good, then don't ask the question in such a loaded fashion.
That's nowhere near a loaded fashion and you're delusional if you think otherwise. It's asking what else is there other than the ones listed in the OP that aren't also on PC or PS4.
Jesus Christ, does this post have ANYTHING other than denial, coping, and damage control?
drakengard 3
>Oh yeah, there are PS3 games
>not gonna tell you what they are though, I'll also get super defensive about it
Yeah, I'm the one in denial and damage controlling.
Hey, I'm not gonna deny I'm being defensive. If you wanted games so badly do better next time. You're just not gonna get any from me, and I've done a ton of research into the platform, have curated my own personal collection of bout 1.2TB of games. Lots of obscure games nobody mentioned in this thread yet, all great too. Shame that you had to be such a faggot.
>There's tons of games I swear, but I won't tell you any
Yeah, OK.
Exactly. Work on your faggotry next time.
>"no games"
>posts games
>"what do you mean games? I just said no games!"
>someone said mean things about my console, so I'll lie about it.
Who's really the faggot here?
Why did you go to all that trouble if you didn’t even have anything you wanted to play?
I don’t think RDR or Vanquish came out on PC, so maybe download those if you’re interested.
The instigator who doesn't like being instigated.
If you’re a Nier fan you might also like Drakengard 3. Also Sly 4 if you’re a sly fan.
Also, there are dozens of HD ports of ps2 games if you missed any of those.
Hack first, look at what's out there later. It takes no effort to do any of this once someone sets up a guide.
>alright, I guess I'll just keep digging through 100 pages of shovelware until something looks good
That's instigating to you? Yes, the OP is a bit of a jab, but compared to what else could be said that shit's tame.
I don't care, when you're humbled you act humble, not like a faggot.
That’s kinda retarded dude. Even if it’s easy, why would you go to the trouble of “digging up” a PS3 and hacking it when you don’t have any specific games that you want to play.
Anyway if you had a decent PC that eliminates a lot of the library, but I think there are still some gems that have been mentioned ITT that are worth playing. Just depends on your preferences.
Because it could have been and was done in under an hour?