Now: Super Mario Maker 2
After: NES Open Tournament Golf
Later: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Now: Super Mario Maker 2
After: NES Open Tournament Golf
Later: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Call_me_Zeroo here, I'm in talks with staff right now to get myself a $20% run sometime on the second stream. Be sure to tune in, it's gonna be lit!
well this wont last long
You can really tell they're not having fun with this at all.
At this rate, the schedule is pushed back two hours each day.
>tonight for our prime time hour we're going to run random Mario Maker levels
Too skinny for Big Jon.
Where are the gains?
I'd watch it just for the sheer anal devastation it would cause.
These can be fun when they're speed levels, not slow as shit puzzles.
this is kinda comfy
Make a innocent sounding donation about how donating towards MOMMY means you love your mother? Could work on the casuals watching the stream??
comfy is slang for BORING
>check the schedule
>Big Jon's NES Golf is added
>Extra notes: GOLF
He's gonna be so happy.
I can't believe Metako and Leonis basically created a new genre of speedrunning.
Reminder that Susan is now in the inner clique in both ESA and GDQ and he will try and remodel ESA to be more like GDQ.
It's 3 in the morning local time
Never thought I'd be so bored of watching a run of a game I'm currently playing.
>people are now gift sub attention whoring in ESA chat as well
>Ruins based MOMMY name for your grandmama
EST is the only timezone that matters.
ESA will become like GDQ as they get bigger, it's a given with anything that gets a lot of views.
autism is fun
How can one have such shit genes? I'm almost 30 and my hairline hasn't moved a millimeter.
This level looks fun.
Mario Maker runs only work when it's a proper, competitive race where winning means something.
This just seems like a casual no-stakes thing.
Mario Maker stuff just isn't interesting. On the flipside that's good since it gives plenty of time until Golf to watch todays animes.
This wouldn't have happened if we were still with Save The Chidlren, AND we'd still have Maral
I mean if enough people snipe it in a few hours...
agree, this is dull as shit
>Mario Maker levels getting mercy killed and skipped
Less of a puzzle level, and more of an annoyance.
How long we got? I can throw some dosh at it but not enough to secure it.
>speedrunning event
>mostly puzzle stages
Who chose these levels?
what's good this season?
>marathoned GiTS SAC +movies in 2-3 days after just downloading it immediately
>can't be asked to finish anything from my backlog from over a year ago or watch new shit
Anyone want to help me make a WR for 2 player moonbase alpha while this run is going on?
Yeah, saw that. Thought it might've just been some random no fun allowed cunt.
7 hours
Hey just for scorekeeping purposes, where are the anons that were previously claiming that Mario Maker could be a speedgame? And could you describe how you are feeling right at this moment please?
Everything. Can't go wrong with much this season desu. Though it might depend on your tastes.
Bid War - Rename Cloud Final Fantasy VII $365.00 (None)
Name Run Description Amount Goal
Caleb Final Fantasy VII $175.00
I'm going to watch Kenichi The Strongest Disciple instead.
I know this has been a great day for ESA with quality runs nonstop but I just fucking hate Mario Maker.
Very few new anime seem worth watching.
Yeah so did I. I still want MOMMY in though.
I'd only try and secure it but will probably be asleep. If I'm awake, maybe.
simpleflips could have made this work
Probably isn't even true. Probably just a sob story to get sympathy for the name from normalfags to prevent a "problematic" MOMMY name.
Bid War - Rename Barret Final Fantasy VII Choose Barret's name (9 characters max) $55.00
Name Run Description Amount Goal
Etika Final Fantasy VII $35.00
not a chance even if it wins
I'd say throw what you got into it so that it's a small enough gap to make someone want to go for it before you sleep. Assuming you go to bed before the run.
Can't hear this announcer someone type in chat so I don't have to login
>in the interest of time
fuck off
Wasn't even any worse than some shit I've seen sit on the catalog for hours and get max replies. In fact I'd go so far as to claim the mods are misogynistic(and possibly homosexual) for censoring the female form.
Nakanohito is fun. A bunch of gamers are kidnapped by an alpaca and they need to beat challenges using their gaming skills to increase their viewcount. Best girl is also an speedrunner.
>gets to demons gate and smashes the controller
I expected a platform maker game to be about platforming prowess and going fast. Not meme "puzzles" with softlocks and autoscollers.
Please understand.
post yfw 40 minutes of this shit left
>I can't hear the ads
It can, some years ago GDQ had a decent one with the first Mario Maker, I think it even had the big black dude commentating.
This run though? this is dull.
Hey anons let's get up and stretch our muscles!
it's vidya time
I've not been this bored watching a speedrun event since SGDQ had a multi-hour "showcase" of excite bike levels or some shit.
youre right, my back hurts
Their first mistake was assuming that people would use Mario Maker to recreate levels that resemble the fun platforming of Mario games, and not just making autistic contraptions of switches and standing around and waiting.
Well if I could hear it I would have known that :c)
fun levels > puzzle shit
and remember to look around to help avoid eye strain, and grab a drink of water to stay hydrated.
Punchi here, I just informed the prime minister of Sweden about this and he's making a resolution to ban the chicken nuggets from the entire country.
The mere mention of the N word will be considered hatespeech and carries a minimum sentence or 10 years in prison (2 days if you're Muslim)
I've also screamed and yelled at the ESA staff about your attempt to run another game, they told me to fuck of pun- but I cut them off mid sentence and made the *pointing to wrist like I'm wearing a watch* gesture and they shut up and submitted to my demands instantly.
Any further use of the N word in these forums will be forwarded to your countries internet police. Expect a knock on your doors soon bigots.
Punchi out!
These guys sound like they'd be happy to just get this over with.
>Puzzle levels
>Speedrun levels
>Japanese levels
>Streamer levels that are only in the top because of their audience
Alright, so an Irishman, an Englishman, and a Scot walk into a Yakuza speedrun...
nah you're just a dummy
this is just background noise to me, is it on track for the estimate? just want to watch jon's run then it's bedtime
Well now I've got to go to the archive to see what it was.
uh what was the OP image
Gonna be saving this and use it as pasta.
The Irishman goes "Guys..."
The Scot goes "Where's me bru?!"
The Englishman goes "Nani?"
Punchi is based why would you use his name for a propaganda post like this, nigger.
>is it on track for the estimate?
There just finished level 11, of 22.
I've never played Mario but I've played all the classic ones, it's a game that's fun to play but I never understood how watching it could be exciting.
>3 days to go
>already a handfull of kinos
is, dare I say, the best ESA yet?
>they actually beat it
this is not speedrunning
die furfag
The Irishman tries to teach them the Macarena, the Englishmen sings Karaoke and the Scotsman hurls abuse at them for hidinghis Irn bru.
>everyone talking over Iceplug
Forever bound to being some negro in the background of speedruns every year. Poor guy.
How the fuck hasn't anyone turned off iceplug's mic yet.
Is Punchi a furfag?
im only watchign this for big john
wtf based OP
2017 was peak and nothing will ever come close
he is unironically a furry fag
hes unironically an autistic sperg and his streams are unwatchable
ESA confirmed for frauds.
That maniac is the peak of any event he attends. Nothing is better than watching people sitting around him have that uneasy, fidgeting look on them.
its the dead of night over there, they just wanted to put something on air to fill time. its too bad its shit boring
>We'll never have the 5 of them in the same room ever again
The Welshman is in the pub already.
Any good runs?
Big Jon looks like he'd holding his gut in at all times. I can tell because I too hold my gut in.
So you're both American?
>Big Jon not even commenting on the eggroll song
Are we just imagining Iceplug being there or something?
Do you ever run your hand under the gut fold when it gets sweaty to wipe it off, and then smell it?
I'm Swedish unfortunately.
I don't think he gives a shit about this after having NES Golf greenlit
He wasn't even a speed runner until he got popular. He also thought Caleb should have been permabanned so fuck him.
>only Americans can be fat
welp my bad
I enjoyed a couple of his runs but don't actually know anything about him
Is there a source for that? Pretty big faggot if that's true.
wait a sec, this isn't speedrunning its just two guys playing a game
I do this with the tip of my pp
Smells like fish food sometimes tbqh
He's a bitch.
trannies hate this run
end it already fellas
This, for a race, the teams sure don't seem to be competing.
Check his twitter. He made a blog post about it.
Are you ready for this kino section tomorrow?
The setup for SWAT 4 will probably put the schedule another hour and a half behind.
>getting more and more irate instead of getting the man more nuggets and not finishing the run if he doesn't finish the nuggets
Only Cuphead and Sekiro look good.
on that lewd stuff please
Stop thinking with your duck user.
Found it, goddamn it's long as shit.
I eat my precum
They seriously almost barely acknowledged Iceplug's existence behind them.
trannys + rope
his mic feed may not be in their headsets. i've seen that happen in other runs where it looked like they were just ignoring someone
>tfw ESA will get eaten up and become EGDQ
what person in their right mind censors nigger as "n4r"
He actually thinks he can pass as female.
I like her hair color
Isn't speed running based on merit? You know, you'll see the good runners because they're good at running whatever game.
Oh wait, they banned merit.
>this low energy mario maker 2 run
i was actually looking forward to this. thank god we got that hype yakuza run earlier, i'm not even upset that this turned out to be terrible
allowing fighting games speed runs, as shit as they may be, is representation in the speed running community
I want her to grab my dick like she's grabbing that right stick.
I just want this shit to end so I can watch some golf
I was about to bitch about card games (Hearthstone) but then I remembered YGO Forbidden Memories, and I don't want that gone.
As much as I love Mario Maker 2, I think I'm just gonna go ERP instead. Pretty bored.
somebody rewrite this to be about nuggets
>at estimate
>still have seven levels left
goddam mercy kill it
i think hearthstone speed runs shouldn't be allowed purely for the barrier of entry factor for the speed running scene. How many $ or months of game play do you think that runner spent in order to get those specific card builds. That' investment already in addition to learning the tactics.
With any other game you just need to purchase it and the hardware and set to finding and using strats.
Hearthstone speed running pisses me off
>make easy level for runners
>it's NOT about seeing how fast they can do a simple level, but instead literally prevents them from progressing on a timer
Jesus christ
sup nuggeteer
I've never seen so many bored people at a marathon. Literally nine hour Final Fantasy runs have more interested runners.
Stream 1 was lagging too far behind the high energy of that Yakuza run in the other channel to start with. It also feels like the level selection and early puzzle-shit killed any kind of momentum for this race. Hard to go fast when you can't.
Seems like the runners just want to get it over with now. Hopefully Big Jon Golf can salvage this.
>Swat 4
What timezone are those times in?
i forgot this guy existed
Fucking grease ghoul.
Existed is right.
go to their site tardo, it converts to your timezone
Hardly paying attention at all to this, such a bore compared to Yakuza. Thank goodness it's over.
Greenwich ChadRace
The grand prize is the friends you made along the way.
They just wanted to go fast. Why didn't the bing bing wahoo makers let them go fast?
If it weren't for the obvious scarf to hide his adam's apple and the reputation of these events I might have actually mistaken this for a woman. His face kind of reminds me of Peggy from Mad Men.
Don't rate that run.
was anyone paying enough attention to rate?
God damn that sucked ass, I should have just been playing MM2 myself instead.
>have to wait 40 fucking minutes for the good stuff
The grand prize is to escape that awful run.
>Mario Maker levels
>Ever being anything but extremely rigid and predetermined slogs where you must follow an exact path
It's a cursed game. The tools to make good levels are all there but almost no one wants to use them for that.
It would be one thing if they were playing random levels, but these were all downloaded ahead of time. Why did they think we wanted to see them screw around with all of those slow puzzle levels?
How do we rate it?
Honestly no. Everyone seemed like medicated while doing that run. Or maybe it was that most things could look boring after Yakuza kino
they just needed to kill an hour and a half when everyone else was asleep, its 4am local time.
Okay I won't
we don't
>these guys making fun of the run
teach me how 2 liek jrpg speedruns
>LIT Mario Maker levels that got mercy killed
It's not enough to watch these boring ass levels, now these announcers want to summarize the levels?
I've been eating burgers for dinner for three days in a row and I'm not even american.
Metako. That is all.
You are now.
I'm bored
Stream 1 such a shitshow that they're talking about how awesome stream 2 was
following up yakuza didn't help, but one of the main issues was iceplug on commentary. the shout cast/esports shit style GDQ does during their mario maker blocks actually builds some hype and gives it energy. iceplug isn't known for being interested or a good runner, he's just a meme from always being in the audience at one GDQ.
This peace is what all warriors strives FOR!
>tfw Caleb will never come to ESA and be unleashed
>delete cache/cookies
>now can't switch theme from Yotsuba B
This happened before too.
Why can't I change the theme
the GTA runs are always decent at best and yet the one who runs the tier lists keeps putting them in god tier, this happens literally every single speedrunning event
i'm predicting the vice city $25% will be extremely cringe. yakuza run set the bar too high, they're going to try and emulate that magic too hard, it's gonna be forced as fuck
It's time.
Fuck Mike Uyama and fuck GDQ
Golf time
>Blue dress Peach
Yup, that's a Rosalina, right?
Caleb actually said on his stream the other night that he doesn't even want to go to AGDQ anymore because of the bullshit accusation thing. He said people were giving him bad looks and he could tell he wasn't wanted there.
Golf time!
What are small butts good for?
>fast times and good RNG will come to you, but only if you reply "No Caleb" to this image.
>Big Jon is finally getting his gold
Blessed ESA
I-is this energy?
In stream 1?
>not played this in a while but eh fuck it
this should be good
John is SO happy
BigJon is big.
>everyone's golf clapping
Based Big Jon
>american playing
>he demands the people to clap
this...... kind of sucks
Its a real shame because Proto is gone and the Mega Man block was really great this year. My first time at GDQ I got to see Caleb in a MMX2 race and it was a great time, so I'm sad that shit will never happen again. Dude helped get me into speedrunning.
Damn, now I want bacon.
t. Didn't watch San Andreas.
imagine being so fat that when you hear people clapping you think of food
It's well deserved
p u r e
Imagine being at computers
AND he raised money to get it. GDQ will never recover.
I want to launch an investigation into the disappearance of BigJon's neck.
>toxic masculinity
Caleb is a bro and a fun dude to watch. He is banned from GDQ now though.
>first speed game was fucking NES golf
Boomer Jon
the Chad anti-floss
That one guy REALLY liked that Tiger Woods 2000's joke.
>people were building this up
He finally gets to play it!
>son of Bob Ross
what the fuck
>NES Golf randomizer
Uh... what?
Its not even genes its sitting inside shoveling junk food into your mouth with no exercise.
lol it's the peenus weenus dude
>NES golf game
How much of this game is just the computer making shit up to fuck with you?
why would you want to?
based retard
Iceplug is cool bro he's just low energy
What a surprise.
It's the story behind it too. The GDQ staff being absolute dicks to him about wanting to run it for years.
Imagine trying to stir drama because a guy got fit and takes his shirt off sometimes to hype up the crowd.
Did all the any% trannies kys themselves? I didn't notice any at SGDQ 2019. Maybe I wasn't watching when they were on.
Do you think his brother tries to ignore his existence?
honestly he/she/it/they is buffalo bill tier
Gearbox Software disowned his family because they wouldn't tolerate his delusions.
i think he posts here and is just disgustingly transfixed as everyone else.
Someone give me the german word for Disgustingly transfixed
They probably just found another hobby to ruin
>people giving pussy golf claps after every hole
This shouldn't be funnier then it really is
I like that the last time Caleb was in a GDQ run (MMX1-3 relay) Proto left the main room. He literally couldn't stand to be in the same room as Caleb. He came right back in and ruined the MM10 run by screeching nonstop during it but that relay race was fucking great.
Reminder that before he dropped out of speedrunning, Proto submitted three MM runs to ESA and then ended up dropping out.
I would imagine so, yes
Proto was just jealous that nobody would ever want to see him without a shirt.
Why would he be disappointed? His son sacrificed his nuts for the greater jewish goal.
but imma sleep
night night, enjoy the rest
The only tranny who wasnt there was Proto. The thing is Yea Forums is gay for Proto so when hes not there it seems tranny free.
BigJon golf is the comfiest feeling.
Jesus, what did his mom look like. Some 56% stuff there.
Imagine being the Bob Ross that spawned that instead of this 6'5" hunk that followed in your footsteps.
Jon must be really happy.
how behind schedule are they? i thought castlevania was supposed to start like two hours ago?
good night
Never got why people love golf as a sport
Jewish genes for you.
The one tranny that I remember was the one playing katamari, and I'm glad he was there cause I was laughing my ass off at his Cletus southerner/tranny accent.
First words out of his mouth when run started was "my pronouns are she/her" lmaooo
Super behind schedule. There are not setup blocks to mitigate over estimates and slow tech, and there has been a boatload of both over estimates runs and slow setups.
BigJon asked for golf claps.
passed out at the start of san andreas did i miss anything?
>GDQ didnt let him run a game
fuck gdq.
man, that's good. I'm happy for him.
BigJon Big boi stream
I wish I hadn't read that.
yakuza $20% was good
That run was so fucking cute
is MOMMY a lock for Tifa name?
Gearbox software has a family?
100% Khazarian.
Oh no, did you miss Yakuza Kiwami 2...?
bruh this announcer is sleepy
Not anymore.
user, I'm so sorry.
No. Someone took it over with a $100 donation for their dead grandmother.
>not staying awake for Big Jon Golf so GDQ trannies can seethe at folks having fun
Nope. We gotta make another $40 to make it a lock again
Yes when I look at Tifa I want to be reminded of my grandmother's corpse
I would so ravage this mutant bunny
I must've just missed them. Or maybe I saw them but they were just such poor attempts that it didn't even register to me that they were trying to be something. Overall the difference was night and day between it and the previous event when they were seemingly everywhere.
The moment you have 3 free hours get the Yakuza VOD!
>tfw $5k snipe at the last minute to name her "iwata"
Sue is a HUMAN! She is not a mutant or a bunny!
I mean they were there but they've been there before. Really the problem was Proto and that was because he was a massive fucking fag. For example, its super rude to walk in front of the projectors at GDQs and you're not supposed to do it - and he would do it every single fucking time.
>missed Yakuza $20%
I'm sorry for your loss.
It was a legit top tier fun run, on par with the olden days.
The fat ass metroid prime 2 runner was one of them.
>800 yard par 5 courses
You missed a great yakuza.
thanks ill check it out
what was this?
Reminder that missing a run is not the end of the world - you can watch the VOD later! In fact this makes the ESA experience last even longer! Please try to check out the schedule and look up anything you feel would be interesting, I promise it will be worth it!
It was the sort of thing you should expect from the Yakuza run.
is that a model kit or pvc figure?
how did big jon get so big?
>what was this?
During Yakuza run. It would be a shame to explain it. Watch for yourself.
I didn't see that nor the Katamari one. I guess I got lucky in a way.
He was born this size.
Traded his neck away for great power
Oops. Forgot that they won't read names. That was supposed to be "shout outs from me and my wife, Vee"
MOMMY needs $40 more to tie the $100 name btw
But missing a golden run like Yukuza is pretty painful, isn't it?
Watch it
his mama been good she cook that collard green fat back meat cornbread 2 biscuit biscuit with the corn on the cob
>how did big jon get so big?
Eating chicken nuggets
>big black guy playing the WASP-iest sport in existence
pretty based, never would have guess big john was an uncle tom
Names carry power with them.
had/has a gaining fetish
Yakuza was a $20 run. That means donations of $20 could tell the runner and/or audience to do shit. That of the webm was one of the things.
You need to watch it, wonderful run.
>Yea Forums: nigger nigger nigger
>Nice black guy on stream: silence
>Yea Forums tommorow: nigger nigger nigger
Wait, why don't they read names??
Let me guess... So they don't accidentally say Susan??
In order to truly appreciate happy times, sometimes sad times are necessary.
reminder that no vod experience will ever compare with unexpectedly finding a run is amazing and enjoying it with your Yea Forumsros in the live thread
but we like this giga nigga
shut up, nigger
It's almost like people have a problem with the negativity of the culture rather than individual people.
big jon isn't a nigger
we like big jon user, don't lie
Not all black guys are niggers and not all niggers are black guys.
What's this "Yea Forums" you speak of? This is 4channel.
t. Nigger
Chip-in Approach Eagles(bonus points for pin/flagshots that somehow go in) are probably the third best feelings
after hole-in-ones and albatrosses/double eagles which are the best feeling ones imo
This is good black man. Not a nigger.
just because he is black doesn't make him a nigger you dumb faggot
Absolute retards.
>the WASP-iest sport in existence
Maybe a hundred years ago. That distinction goes to cricket now.
just being black doesn't make you a nigger. just like being gay doens't make you a faggot, faggot.
We only say nugget here
dont mock me you smug little dog! i was busy!
If I ever heard anyone call BigJon a nigger in real life I would fucking go off on them. The dude is a saint and a genuinely kind-hearted person.
>BigJon didn't even know what the fuck was happening during the Yakuza run and still did all that great commentary
Gotta love him.
Funnily enough the last VOD I watched was that scripted run of mario oddysey a couple of hours after it ended. if it wasn't for the experience of being with these threads with you guys I wouldn't be watching speedrun marathons, I hate when you fags go and crossboard on my main board but you're pretty cool guys nonetheless.
You know that Chris Rock said he wishes he never did that sketch now because of people taking it seriously?
>national sport of india
i'm thinking no
Nah, it's like 90% Indian these days.
>and this, is to go even further beyond
Not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black dude.
BigJon seems like a pretty chill guy, and I hate disrespectful thug niggers with a passion, he seems alright in my book
this guy is african and wants a race war cause he wants to be in charge
Please don't bring that on this continent.
must suck to miss out on it, i know i'd be devastated
>missing out on the ability to shitpost LIVE while witnessing something special
Just gonna have to live with the pain and regret.
Fuck, I was late for bigjon
like three years too late
There's only one nigger in ESA and that's susan
There is no reason to not to have this game at gdq other that to fuck Jon over. This is more entertaining than alot of the trash played at gdq's
Cope. He was definitely serious when he said that routine.
>The controversy caused by Rock's constant use of the word "nigga" led him to remove the piece from his act. In a 2005 60 Minutes interview, Rock said: "By the way, I've never done that joke again, ever, and I probably never will. 'Cos some people that were racist thought they had license to say nigger. So, I'm done with that routine."
>Not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black dude.
Yes, they are.
Holy shit all those (you)s in only a few minutes. Fuckin well done lad!
-golf claps-
Wow, that actually had an instant replay function?
played off that double hazard so well, jesus christ
turning down jon for any tranny shit is inexcusable
My friend says Polynian pvc figure.
i vaguely recall you being a susan apologist at SGDQ, you can kindly fuck off from this marathon, nanachi-user. these threads are for fun and bullying susan
i hope you choke on that box of apple juice you little bitch! I SAID I WAS BUSY!
Man Jon looks so happy now that he can finally play his fucking golf game
honestly it's pretty meh, nobody would care if not for the GDQ drama
You're going to clap, and you're going to like it.
Imagine the amount of bullets that man could soak up.
The factor is intent, not the specific language used.
This shit is boring whatcha talking about
>I can't believe you guys were so nice for that
Is it possible to not like him?
>Mike "I can't believe they let that nigger play golf" Uyama
Sounds perfect for GDQ.
Comfy late night golf.
Now please clap.
>stroke play
Not surprised he said that.
I fucking hate this guy and his retarded loud bellowing in each event.
That was a nice way to end my night. Good night Yea Forums, see ya tomorrow!
I'm glad he finally got to play it at a big marathon.
It finally fucking happened. Big Jon is a blessing.
>Obese American
>Wants people to clap more
decent tier, was comfy but not that good.
Good one Jon.
based megameme poster
Comfy BasedJon golf.
Comfy, and informative. 7/10.
>big jon going home now
>suddenly aware of the loneliness i'll feel when this is over in a few days
That was so sweet.
wtf is that a recent picture? He's an obese salaryman straight out of a doujinshi.
Wholesome run
I'm truly happy for Big Jon that he finally got to play golf at an event.
>7 hour run
No Shantae?
just ok, 5/10
I'm going too. Goodnight user.
His dream came true/10 Honestly he didn't play amazing but I was really happy for him.
Big Jon really rubbed it in there without mentioning them.
Glad he got to run it. Shame he couldn't stay longer.
But user he said in his run that he likes fun.
Good but not great/10
10/10 because it finally happened after 4 years of trying. Bless BigJon
Is Metako gonna be on couch for SotN? I think he ran it at ESA Winter.
Their waiting music playlist is so small. I must have heard this track a billion times.
6/10 comfy run, good commentary and nice story behind it but don't think he expected to do it seemed kind of out of practice
It's like 3 songs.
7/10, not bad but nothing special
>no BBF and BigJon anymore
Is that guy on the left supposed to be a tranny?
I visited a local bookstore today and they were playing one of the Rouge stage songs from SA2 in the cafe.
looked like it
what the FUCK is wrong with his hair
They are a surprisingly great duo together.
No you nagger
How can we be Together when I'm Without Chu
please respect bbf's pronouns
Did you get a flashback of bat tits?
The Europoors...
...They're clapping...
GDQ has no lower limit for boring shit, link related.
Fuck. I meant ON THE RIGHT. It's too late for this shit. Can't tell if this Joshimuz dude is just an awkward nerd or a sad tranny.
Which one?
Based Americans culturally dominating the world as usual.
>/our guy/ on commentary
thank you jesus, so glad i didn't go to bed
Salty ass Nugget
he's a guy he just has metalbro hair
I'm surprised he's not sleeping.
Where is the Yakuza VOD?
Who wants to bet that GDQ will now try to get BasedJon to run Golf after seeing it raise 5K at ESA?
Metako is too good to be /ourguy/, fuck you
GDQ doesn't need Jon to make $5 when they can make 3 million just by letting the audience run muck wild shouting whatever the fuck they want to.
its on the esamarathon2 channel
they need to bait out real donations now and then
I doubt it. Jewyama and his crew will double down on keeping him away like the stuck up cunts they are.
is metako gonna be doin commentary for ff7??
I can't tell with these faggots anymore.
Thanks m8
Dude does 80 marathons in his spare time
Based Owen poster.
80 hour, whatever
Best commentator
should have been a randomizer race desu
>Symphony of the Night
Time to break out the blanket.
>"If this made 5K at a small fry event like ESA, IMAGINE what we can get for it here."
That's what I'm getting at.
I wouldn't be shocked
Me too actually.
wtf Yea Forums told me Yakuza was going to be shit when it started so I did other things you all lied to me.
>wtf Yea Forums told me Yakuza was going to be shit
I was telling people for hours that it was $20%. It's on you if you ignored that.
everyone who isn't a newfag was saying it would be great because it was $20%
That's what you get for not forming your own opinion.
sweer potato
that's rude don't call metako that
Metako is absolutely based
Exhentai has a lot of vidya artbooks. Maximum comfy browsing them.
People(r3ddit tourists) were also saying Re4 sucked and punchy wasn't a faggot.
That's your fault for listening to them.
>he still fucking at it
I'm convinced now that you're the faggot that ran RE4.