Here is your definitive edition, bro
Here is your definitive edition, bro
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......and it's beautiful!
It’s cause there’s more shit in it is why they’re calling it the definitive edition, and it’s not even that bad calm down.
reminder that the op of these threads is a literal bot
Is that comparing PS4 to Switch? If so you can't expect Switch version to look as good, seeing as it's a much weaker machine
Good thing visuals don't impact game play, the part that matters. Mobility greatly outranks visuals.
whats even worse is when you're used to the 60fps on pc version, plus you can edit the grass draw distance to max
im not really sure if i can handle the switch version now even though it has "extras"
>Good thing visuals don't impact game play
actual brainlet
Seethe and cope Sonygro, seethe and cope.
*enjoys it*
if you're going graphics only then the ps4 version has no reason to exist then
pick one and only one
Wow, no wonder candy crush is so hot
>direct screenshot vs youtube screencap
>comparing ps4 pro direct capture vs compressed 720p youtube footage
>being this obsessed with graphics and trying to downplay the tons of new exclusive content
meme grass
>you can only marry and mate-press martina on the switch
>Yeah so what if you get exclusive content? We have more grass!
Still going strong, eh?
You're acting like as if Western sales of any DQ even matter and want to deter people from buying this game, but know what? DQ games barely make a million in the West anyway so you're better off going to Japanese boards to do this shit and not Yea Forums.
I'm just exited to see if Japanese sales are the same or more than the PS4 version.
well the 2D version will be great for speedrunning
honestly though, the grass up top looked like shti
Here is your definitive edition, bro
"Any sufficiently advanced autism is indistinguishable from robots"- Brian Gaysex Jr.
mmm more posts than IPs
This thread's gonna be good. Love me some seething OP.
Popcorn time!
Don't get me wrong, the Switch version is superior to Ps4, but you're an actual idiot if you think it's a ton of content. It's some QoL changes, 3Ds content, japanese content and some new mounts. Literally sub DLC tier, I wouldn't even pay $20 for it if it were aviable as DLC on Ps4.
t. idort
I see a lot of switchlets using that 8-bit form with how ugly those graphics are
Thanks famm. Have fun not playing any of the extra content. I dont have a picture, but just imagine me posting a picture of a snoyboi sneething and coping.
it's good for me at least, as I don't already own the game so I can jump in with this release
It doens't look too much different in the thumbnail
Everyone who didn't play the game already should just play it on the Switch, but for the people who already played it a year ago there's absolutely 0 reason to buy it.
Thanks homie. I'll be sure to enjoy it. ;)
Thanks. I'm really looking forward to it.
I mean, its on the same platform as fucking SwSh, which makes even downgraded DQ11 look great
My sister played it through on PS4 already, but she and her boyfriend were planning on saving up for a Switch sometime. I figure if she ever felt like replaying it in the future (and she gets like, a Switch Lite, probably) I can lend her a copy of this and she'd get unexpected surprises as a result.
Yeah, PC running at 4k with the highres textures obliterates the PS4 version
I'm considering buying the Switch version just for the 2D mode
What kind of fucking maniac replays an 80 hour long heavily text based game for some QoL changes and insignificant shit like new mounts?
Anytime. Literally ANY fucking time someone says that the PS4 version is superior because "muh graphics" just slam the list of new features in the definitive edition in their face.
There is. Portability.
That plus I can stare at Erik while laying in bed comfortably while I let my imagination run wild and not have shit midi music running.
PC is the best version obviously. But when you played it on the PS4 the Switch version might be worth getting.
I'm not saying she would, it'd just be a future replayability choice. She only finished it a few months ago so I don't expect that to be any time soon. Calm down.
>Added [???]
omg hype
JRPG fans?
I only play JRPGs and I replay them regularly because that's fun for me.
>the list coming to free for the PS4 version at later date?
cope nincel, you lose :)
In the case of DQXI, he's not wrong. You'd have to be a retard to pick the PS4 version over the Switch one.
>an entire different version of the game
>can visit the other DQ game worlds
>more story for every character
And that's not even getting into the little stuff like battle speedup, etc. Its actually pretty great.
>There is. Portability.
Portability is worthless. Nobody sane replays an 80 hour story based game for portability. Are you actually this deranged or just pretending?
You seem upset.
you seem to be seething
>3DS content
>Some new side quests
I'm not paying $60 and replaying a 80 hour long game for that.
Bottom: Soul
Top: Soulless
you should probably know what you're talking about before making yourself look like a complete idiot though, all the new content detailed here
Look guys, I know we like to poke fun at the Switchfags day after day, but am I the only one who feels genuinely bad for these people? They have to settle not only for worse graphics, shittier sound quality, and atrocious input lag, but also all our mockery and general condescension on a daily basis. Can't we just have a little sympathy for these poor souls and offer them warm, comforting hugs as consolation?
>shittier sound quality
>atrocious input lag
Good job on proving me right you absolute retard.
This. Dragon Quest was made for Nintendo. The PS4 version of DQXI is incomplete because Snoyboys love incomplete games which is why the FFVII Remake is getting so much hype.
You do realize most "Switchfags" on Yea Forums actually own a PS4 and/or PC as well? Like nobody here is an exclusive Nintendo console player, although I believe most Sonyfags here actually only own a PS4.
cope snoyboy
Wow, you're telling me a Switch is less graphically powerful than a PC?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So like every thread ever? Or do you think people only posts once and no one ever has a discussion?
Thanks, I already played the original on PS4 so I'm excited to see what's new in this version!
who the fuck? Her name is jade you weeb this was established almost an entire year ago.
He's a wojakposter, just ignore him. He doesn't have a brain.
I just want to see what the transition from sprite to 3D model will be like...